judging mounts

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judging mounts

Post by lylakpetals » Thu Aug 28, 2008 1:47 pm

I finally made it to the mount's section of Benham's book, and I need some clarification.  If you see mounts with these qualities?  Which one is dominant?  Which one is subdominant?  Which one is highly developed/developed/defective?

All of my mounts are flat, and they all have pink and white color on them but here are the signs on each mount:
square, cross, 2 rings of solomon, trident, single vertical line, diagonal lines coming from heart and girdle of venus, apex in center of mount, jupiter finger longer than apollo finger, firm resistence

3 lines from girdle of venus, 2 vertical lines (fate line), triangle, apex really high, square on heart line under Saturn, 2 diagonal lines from Apollo finger, firm resistence

a lot of diagonal lines and grilles, 3 short vertical lines (jack of all trades), and one strong sun sign, apex set really high and close to Saturn, soft resistence, but has a callous at top left of mount

mercury finger thinner than the other fingers, apex set in center but leaning toward outside edge of hand, lots of vertical lines, and affection lines, firm resistence

can't tell where the apex is.  soft resistence, 2 long vertical lines on outside edge, lots of short horizontal lines on outside edge, 2 squares on mount, one triangle on mount, intuition line around mount

firm resistence, can't find the apex, mount is not very broad

Upper mars is soft with 3 triangles, plain of mars is firm and hollow with one triangle, and lower mars is firm, They're all flat, I don't know where the apex is.

Which one is my dominant type?  I think i'm jupiterian because the finger is long, but the really high apex on saturn and appollo give me those qualities as well.  Apollo leans toward Saturn and brightens it up a lot, but I still have Saturn's seriousness, and desire to study, but I have Apollo's ability to learn quickly, but I also have health defects from Apollo like heart problems.  I don't think I have many Mercurian, Venus, or martian qualities.  I think my Lunarian qualities are mostly unactive.

Am I correct?[/u]

Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Fri Aug 29, 2008 10:07 am

Dear Lylakpetals,

To determine which Mount is prominent and which is the secondary Mount follow these rules: Look at the fingers and the one that stands straight and is prominent and long is sure to be the prominent mount. If you a vertical line on the Mount then it is almost sure about the prominence of that mount. Besides this if the triradia is at the Centre then it is trebly confirmed that Mount is Prominent.

Since Mount of Venus, Moon and Mars do not have fingers one has to see the area covered by these mounts and the vertical lines and other positive indication. Again the qualities of a person indicates which mount should be prominent. If you have a heart problem then definitely your Apollo Mount should be prominent. Your height must be short just like it is described in the Chapter in Benham's Book. Also check up other aspects. Off course your secondary mount is also important to determine your nature. Again the balance mounts also count for they will also chip in with their qualities. We take into consideration the first two mounts normally for they decide our main nature.

We all our mixture of all 7 mounts but the first two are the most prominent.

Pravin Kumar

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Post by lylakpetals » Fri Aug 29, 2008 3:26 pm


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Post by lylakpetals » Fri Aug 29, 2008 7:45 pm

another question about judging dominant mounts, and subdominant mounts...

on my left hand, my apollo finger is longer than index finger, and on my right hand, the index finger is longer than apollo finger.  When i was younger, I used to act more like an apollo person, but when I got older, I relied more on ambition and studied more, instead of just relying on instinct and social beauty.  People say the left hand is genetic, so if i have a buncch of bad lines on my apollo mount on right hand, does that mean I have some of the apollo defects that I was born with, but I'm changing them for the better as I get older?

Also.. is it better for the apex to be high in the palm, or centered?

Pravin Kumar
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Sat Aug 30, 2008 2:15 pm

Dear Lylakpetals,

Apex of the Mount should always be at Centre for maximum effect. What are those bunch of bad lines on Apollo Mount?

Pravin Kumar

Posts: 113
Joined: Thu Jul 17, 2008 4:01 am

Post by lylakpetals » Sat Aug 30, 2008 3:28 pm

i have a long wavy x under apollo, toward the right of the mount, and i have grilles, and 3 islands going vertically and diagonally.

Pravin Kumar
Posts: 7094
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Palmistry Questions

Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Mar 25, 2009 2:10 pm

Dear Lylakpetals,

Just post your palm prints so that I can have a look at it.

Pravin Kumar.

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