Confused, in need of guidance.

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Confused, in need of guidance.

Post by Stephy5 » Tue Jan 08, 2008 11:22 pm

I am seventeen years young. For a long time i have believed in a connection between myself and the spirit world, since about the ageof 8 or 9.

I could sit for hours and hours into the early morning talking to my dad about the paranormal and differing opinions - myself and him both believe to have 'seen' things. From a very early age he would tell me stories of events that'd happened to him - spirit visions, people fortelling his short-term future, and my grandma; who is also a great believer in the spirit world, having being able to contact through meditation.

I strongly feel that the presence of loved ones who have passed are more than often around when i am emotionally confused, or experiencing troubles. The first time i felt this was at the age of 13, where i was quite upset about finding something out that i didn't know how to handle. I was staying at my dads at the time as my parents are seperated; when i went up to my room, - it was quite late as me and my dad had been talking - when i felt the presence of an older female... However, i wasn't alarmed, i felt a sence of calm and love.
Later, talking to my dad i was to find he believed this to be my Great Granny, who passed long before I was born. He said she had helped him through equally troubled times, 'showing him the way forward', almost.

Another event happened when i moved house. A few months in, I started waking up every morning at 3.06 am. And each time i saw a mixed-race man in the middle of my room. For four nights he turned a different way. Then disappeared. I was also going through a tough time at this stage too. I didn't know who this man was, so it scared the hell out of me. But after the fourth night i felt much better than i ever had.

These are but to name a few things that have happened in my short span of life so far.
I apologise for the lenghth of this!

I'd just like anyone to offer me any understanding of these feelings and events.
I'd like to eventually be able to meet my Gatekeeper, but i don't think i'm quite ready as the thought worries me - what if it wasn't him or her, just a random spirit? Would i come to any harm? How would they react to me? What would be discussed between us?
Anyone with any guidance or answers i'd love to hear from.

Stephy. x

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jan 09, 2008 4:00 pm

Read some of the notes that have been posted in this course - it all fits together - but Guides is a good start as is meditation (the tool for attunement).  Attunement is not offers some reliable exercises to make it a firm partnership/connection with the guides that love and care about you.  (The best test of spirit entities is....the message needs to be for my own best good....not a challenge, not a test, just love).

Yes, you are quite young.  But spirituality knows no boundaries.  Keep it spiritual in your approach.

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Post by Stephy5 » Fri Jan 11, 2008 12:34 am

Thankyou spiritalk, you seem ever so knowledgeable. Some people don't give me the time of day when i talk about things, they just think i'm silly and walk away. But i know i'm not. I believe.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:52 pm

You are sincere and that is the most important quality for now.  Getting a good base in psychic abilities as well as keeping it spiritual is important to the unfolding of all your talents and skills.

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