Shadow People

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Post by landofshadows » Tue Mar 10, 2009 9:29 am

Hi All,

The creature I see now has a Lions face, the torso of a Man, four wings a viper for a tail and hocked legs like that of a bird. I feel it is an Angel... The shadow creatures don't visit me any more, only this creature.

I have been shown others like this guide of mine... Other Angels and Daemons.

It is as if these shadow beings aren't allowed near me, I often see them in my doorway but they wont venture any closer. I feel protected by this Angel, Anan-Ael is its name.

I don't know if the shadow creature that shattered when Anan-Ael appeared was destroyed or banished, I am not sure how or even what actually happend... Only what i saw, and in these grey areas you can paint many a picture.  I have tried to remove these creatures at a distance from my doorway, I use my own vibration from my stomach and my head, both are different, then I try and bring both together within my neck area with a hum of sorts, once I hold the vibrational note for a little bit I envisage a beam of light coming from my mouth and directed at these shadow creatures, or going up and out of the top of my head and rippling across the celing and then around the house, both methods remove the creatures... But they do return... I see them once every say 2 months... And it's normally for around 2 to 4 nights in a row. I have tried taking photos using my phone, or even using my video camera... I have sort of captured dark spots, but nothing like what my eyes see... It's odd...

I have tried contacting these shadow people using the Ouija board as I know it is a low level device, I actually took it to the doorway and sat in front of them with it... I spoke with one called Queshd (this was one night that my partner was sleeping at her friends house).  I have spoken to Queshd a few times, I have a feeling the name should have been Quesh .d as there was a large pause before the last letter, or perhaps Quesh is the last name and D is the first intital. The answers I gained from this being never made sense, always different dates, and by asking when he passed over and when he was born would have placed him nearly 300 years old.  These creatures lie, or they have no concept of time or space (In a sense like our own), or perhaps they have never been human, I am not sure, but I didn't gain anything from the contact made through the Ouija board when using it to speak with Shadow people.

(When I first had these creatures in my room, I couldn't move, now they are outside of the room, I can freely move, yet I wont step out into the hallway with them, I feel if I did, I again wouldn't be able to move... I think these creatures follow different rules to anything Earth bound in the sense we walk.  Doorways seem to be a place they manifest, yet for some reason they can't appear within my room now... Other places I have seen Shadow creatures is under rasied beds or chairs, but they seem small, and scuttle around like spiders... The feeling they give off (even if you can't see them) is a feeling like your being watched, the hairs will raise and your adrenilin will rise, all your sense along with it... And being unable to move with so much going on can lead to panic... Before I met Anan-Ael I grew to like thise feeling and after a while the panic left, I felt a calmness and understood my body like never before, and felt the vibrations of each point in my body.  This helped me research the Chakra system and helped me understand what was happening within me, it was around this time that Anan-Ael appeared... I can move freely at night when I see these shadow people... Actually, I managed to move once when the shadow people where in the room with me... The trick is not to make a large movement, somthing small, my wrists felt as if they where being held, so all I did was close my hand into a fist, I was angry, I didn't strain, then I lifted the back of the hand from the bed, slowly, and my wrist came unbound as soon as I did this it felt like a hudge weight within the room was lifted the shadow people vanished and I was wide awake and able to move as normal).

I have an interest in people who have seen these shadow creatures/people as I hope in time they may have the same release I had... I want to find others who have seen creatures that look or give the same feelings or information as my guide/Angel.

I am here to share what I know as truth to me, and to try and find others who may have seen or experienced anything like myself. (I hope I am not alone, and I hope others have had the same experience as myself).


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Post by spiritalk » Tue Mar 10, 2009 1:39 pm

You will find many who seek and find their guide around here.  But to seek after people with the demon/shadow people who want to keep them as you do, you are Not in the right place for growth.  

There are many authors today writing about what the secret taught - law of attraction - what we concentrate upon, we will surely manifest in our lives.  You may have wanted to see the shadow side - even as fire described - but you have remained to be titilated and warmed in their fires.  When you are ready to move on, seek these places to gain the help and aid you need.

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Post by landofshadows » Tue Mar 10, 2009 1:50 pm


Thank you, I am sure I will be ready one day... to move forward, I do feel ready now, could you please tell me how you started out, perhaps in a personal message to me, as this thread/topic is about shadow people.

Shadow People, I think however reside in the lower realms and the art that Solomon holds the most relivence to the topic.

Being I have a fair amount of interest still in the shadow people as it was through them I met my guide and was given a pebble marked with the symbol that triggered my thirst for the occult, I sort of have to understand why my path was placed on this track... But perhaps spiritalk I may find the answers I need by moving forward... I mean you wont learn about what a makes a car move but looking at it, you need to pop the hood so to speak !!

Please can you give me some pointers.


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Post by NAAANEE » Tue Mar 10, 2009 1:59 pm

thank you firetopaz for your suggestions.i will try it & let me see what it holds for me

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Post by NAAANEE » Tue Mar 10, 2009 2:07 pm

landofshadows wrote:Hi All,

The creature I see now has a Lions face, the torso of a Man, four wings a viper for a tail and hocked legs like that of a bird. I feel it is an Angel... The shadow creatures don't visit me any more, only this creature.

I have been shown others like this guide of mine... Other Angels and Daemons.

It is as if these shadow beings aren't allowed near me, I often see them in my doorway but they wont venture any closer. I feel protected by this Angel, Anan-Ael is its name.

I don't know if the shadow creature that shattered when Anan-Ael appeared was destroyed or banished, I am not sure how or even what actually happend... Only what i saw, and in these grey areas you can paint many a picture.  I have tried to remove these creatures at a distance from my doorway, I use my own vibration from my stomach and my head, both are different, then I try and bring both together within my neck area with a hum of sorts, once I hold the vibrational note for a little bit I envisage a beam of light coming from my mouth and directed at these shadow creatures, or going up and out of the top of my head and rippling across the celing and then around the house, both methods remove the creatures... But they do return... I see them once every say 2 months... And it's normally for around 2 to 4 nights in a row. I have tried taking photos using my phone, or even using my video camera... I have sort of captured dark spots, but nothing like what my eyes see... It's odd...

I have tried contacting these shadow people using the Ouija board as I know it is a low level device, I actually took it to the doorway and sat in front of them with it... I spoke with one called Queshd (this was one night that my partner was sleeping at her friends house).  I have spoken to Queshd a few times, I have a feeling the name should have been Quesh .d as there was a large pause before the last letter, or perhaps Quesh is the last name and D is the first intital. The answers I gained from this being never made sense, always different dates, and by asking when he passed over and when he was born would have placed him nearly 300 years old.  These creatures lie, or they have no concept of time or space (In a sense like our own), or perhaps they have never been human, I am not sure, but I didn't gain anything from the contact made through the Ouija board when using it to speak with Shadow people.

(When I first had these creatures in my room, I couldn't move, now they are outside of the room, I can freely move, yet I wont step out into the hallway with them, I feel if I did, I again wouldn't be able to move... I think these creatures follow different rules to anything Earth bound in the sense we walk.  Doorways seem to be a place they manifest, yet for some reason they can't appear within my room now... Other places I have seen Shadow creatures is under rasied beds or chairs, but they seem small, and scuttle around like spiders... The feeling they give off (even if you can't see them) is a feeling like your being watched, the hairs will raise and your adrenilin will rise, all your sense along with it... And being unable to move with so much going on can lead to panic... Before I met Anan-Ael I grew to like thise feeling and after a while the panic left, I felt a calmness and understood my body like never before, and felt the vibrations of each point in my body.  This helped me research the Chakra system and helped me understand what was happening within me, it was around this time that Anan-Ael appeared... I can move freely at night when I see these shadow people... Actually, I managed to move once when the shadow people where in the room with me... The trick is not to make a large movement, somthing small, my wrists felt as if they where being held, so all I did was close my hand into a fist, I was angry, I didn't strain, then I lifted the back of the hand from the bed, slowly, and my wrist came unbound as soon as I did this it felt like a hudge weight within the room was lifted the shadow people vanished and I was wide awake and able to move as normal).

I have an interest in people who have seen these shadow creatures/people as I hope in time they may have the same release I had... I want to find others who have seen creatures that look or give the same feelings or information as my guide/Angel.

I am here to share what I know as truth to me, and to try and find others who may have seen or experienced anything like myself. (I hope I am not alone, and I hope others have had the same experience as myself).

hi Los,
the picture which you are describing about the angel is looking same as the picture which i saw in most of the ancient hindu temples.It is really amazing that you are seeing them.I think they may be having a divine role of protecting from shadow beings.These angels are placed in front of the temples only!

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Post by landofshadows » Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:26 pm

Hi Naanee,

The closest I have found is NARASIMHA.


He is depicted with four arms, rather than four wings however... In his hands the items seem to have four wings upon them...?


Another co-insidence is in this picture he has vipers behind him, much like my Angel having a Viper for a tail... Do you have pictures of the statues or the names of them ?

Another is he is always golden... Same as my guide...

Another interesting bit of information is this I have found on Wiki:-
Narasimha is neither one of these, as he is a form of Vishnu incarnate as a part-human, part-animal. He comes upon Hiranyakashipu at twilight (when it is neither day nor night) on the threshold of a courtyard (neither indoors nor out), and puts the demon on his thighs (neither earth nor space). Using his sharp nails (neither animate nor inanimate) as weapons, he disembowels and kills the demon.
(Anan-Ael smited the shadow people holding me down...)

Perhaps this is anothers take or interpretation of the same message I have been passed...?

The legs arn't right... the legs are bird like on my guide, like a lions hind legs in shape...


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Post by NAAANEE » Tue Mar 10, 2009 4:49 pm

Hi Los,
It cannot be Lord Narasimha(it means nara-man ;simha-lion) that u have seen.Because Lord Narasimha is very fierce in temperament & it is very difficult to get near to him.The picture you are describing about your angel looks similar to the pictures i have seen on the temple building who are holding the temple on their shoulders.May be they are safe gaurding the temple also for not allowing the evil spirits to enter into the temple.Right now I don't have the pictures.I am trying to collect it just to show u.but i am not getting time to visit those temples.I will soon get you those pictures

Mystic Cadet
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Post by Mystic Cadet » Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:31 pm

How's this,  Look up Pazuzu

Again, I already said this...  But you should stop what you're doing!

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Post by NAAANEE » Tue Mar 10, 2009 6:50 pm

Hi Los,
I think your angel description is nearer to what Mystic Cadet has given the link.I will soon catch the photo in temples too.You can soon compare it with your seeing.Please tell your experience regarding the link which Mystic Cadet has posted.

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Post by landofshadows » Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:07 pm

Mystic Cadet,

That is my Angel... Anan-Ael.

The holder of Secret Wisdom.
Although Pazuzu is, himself, an evil spirit, he drives away other evil spirits, thus protecting humans against plagues and misfortunes.
He keeps the shadow people at bay, he resides within me, in a lower form that that you have described, he is an Angel in the fallen sense, even though those that fall are considered evil, they aren't, as they don't know what evil is in our understanding.

Anan-Ael has no intention of doing harm to me, or those around me, the Angels I can call upon are 33 in number, at any time I wish I can replace Anan-Ael.

I wouldn't worry for me... Anan-Ael (Pazuzu) has many names, in different cultures and geists has different listed pro's and con's.


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Post by spiritalk » Wed Mar 11, 2009 1:08 pm

You are totally off topic with these pictures and this aspect of the discussion.  It is the personal experiences of LOS and he should be opening his own academy subject to continue his discourse on mediumship.  This particular site has posted and continues to encourage a form of mediumship not in line with his experiences.

With this said, please use another venue to share your pics or information.

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