The Myths of the Zodiac- Scorpio

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The Myths of the Zodiac- Scorpio

Post by swetha » Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:25 pm

As for Scorpio, the fundamental story is that Artemis had brought out the scorpion to kill Orion while on the island of Ceos. Eratosthenes mentions that Orion had used unbecoming force against her, while Hyginus says that Orion was killed because he had boasted his hunting prowess to Artemis of Latona, bragging that he could kill any creature on earth.

In all likelihood, there is a grain of truth to both stories. For Artemis, the Goddess of the Moon, is a hunter herself. But while she hunts, her divinity protects all animals as well. Had Orion killed all the wild animals on Ceos, we would have to assume that Artemis would not be amused. Such wanton destruction is not allowed to any man and, for that matter, to most gods as well.

Thus, Artemis sent a scorpion to kill Orion, and they fought. The contest was a lively one that caught the attention of Zeus, and placed them both in the heavens to serve as a reminder for men to curb their hubris, or the very least to show their strength and power. The standard explanation is that when Orion is in the sky, the scorpion is below the horizon, that is, beneath the earth. As the scorpion rises, Orion goes beneath the earth to his death.

But as with many of these ancient stories, there is an erotic one as well involving the great Orion. Eos, the goddess of the dawn, is a slut, as well she should be as she reinvigorates the erotic longing of all each day. She is found in bed with all kinds of men and gods. Rosy-fingered she rises every morning to announce the arrival of her brother Helios, the sun. Some say that Eos took a liking to Orion, which annoyed Artemis. She then shot him to death.

Then there is the story that Orion had pursued one or all of the Pleiades and Artemis sent the scorpion to kill him for his attempting to violate these women. Of course, as we know, the Pleiades are not virgins, so it is not clear as to why she might want to protect these women.

Ares or Mars, the god of war, is associated with this constellation, because of the star Antares, which is believed to be from the Greek anti Ares, similar to or rival to Ares. Moreover, this star is red, so that since the most ancient of times until just recently, Mars is considered the ruler of Scorpio. Now, however, the new planet Pluto, the god of the underworld, is given the honor.

By Kalev Pehme

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Post by azriel66679 » Tue May 16, 2006 1:26 am

i must say swetha,i really admire u and your knowledge of the can i get better educated about my sign the scorpio,any sugested readings?

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The Myths of the Zodiac- Scorpio

Post by yusufpainter » Wed Sep 12, 2007 4:55 am

so much for a tiny scorpion humbled

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