New at Tarot...PLEASE HELP with interpretation

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New at Tarot...PLEASE HELP with interpretation

Post by YellowFlamingo333 » Mon Jun 27, 2011 8:45 pm

Hello there!
I am a newbie at reading tarot cards and my main purpose is to become more in-tune with my Higher Self. So it's for Spiritual growth purposes only:) I just started working with the Rider-Waite deck.

Ok here goes! I was shuffling the deck and asking for guidence. You see, I have recently applied for a new job, the ultimate Dream Job! I was called in for a second interview this past wknd and now I am waiting to hear back. I am a bit anxious so wanted to go to the cards for guidence on this situation. So I started shuffling my deck 6 cards came flying out in this order.

The Lovers
The Moon
Six of Pentacles
Knight of Cups
Page of Cups
Ten of Pentacles

So my question is, since they all fell out at the same time in that order (The Lovers on top and Ten of Pentacles at the bottom) how do I read them? Left to right? Is there a past, present and future? Or should I read the spread as just an overall answer or guidence to my question? Please help :)

Thank you sooo very much for your help! Xo

P.s. I know this might be pushing it but is there a way of being able predict days, wks etc with the tarot?

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Post by Payewacker » Tue Jun 28, 2011 6:32 am

Hi there,

Well, there's no specific spread and no direct question. If you had a spread in mind, maybe you should place them in that spread, exactly as they fell. Or you may want to see it as a general description of this situation.

As you are reading for yourself, you should be very carefull not to be biased and see what you want to see, rather than the factual matter at hand. My suggestion is that you read the cards purely on the theoretical and not with your "feelings or mind". Pick up on the prominent and perhaps overlapping string, and build your answer step-by-step!

The Lovers and cup cards point to relationship. The Moon maybe a dream or pie in the sky? The knights points to movement and cups in this case perhaps a shift, but maybe an improvement on a relationship. The Page-bringer of good news and ten of pentacles points to wealth. That means financial stability, health and happiness.

Perhaps this helps?

Blessed be.

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Post by cedars » Tue Jun 28, 2011 5:41 pm

Payweacker!!!! How the devil are you? I dont wish to hijack this thread from its purpose, but so good to see you!!!

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