Chinese horoscope 2010: Rat

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Chinese horoscope 2010: Rat

Post by alee » Sat Dec 26, 2009 12:06 pm

Rat Born in: 1924 1936 1948 1960 1972 1984 1996 2008

The Rat is charming and humourous, honest and meticulous. Although they can give good advice, they cannot necessarily decide for themselves. May be power hungry, petty or greedy, Bright, sociable and highly ambitious. A true opportunist to reach the target. Passionate and good to her lover. Yet likes to gamble and spend lavishly.

The charm of the Rat personality is as universally known and loved as the Walt Disney character, Mickey Mouse. He could be forthright and honest but in such a disarming manner that you find yourself at a disadvantage.

Remarkably easy to get along with, hard working and thrifty, he will be generous only to those he is inordinately fond of, so if you get an expensive gift from him, you should certainly rate yourself high in his esteem. However, in spite of his penny-pinching ways, he will never be found wanting for admirers as he emits such fantastic appeal.

The Rat likes: bargains, Negotiation, Winning, Trust and Gambling.

The Rat dislike: Boredom, Timetable, Poverty, Loneliness and Reprimands.

Compatible Animals: Dragon, Monkey, Ox

Your Luck In Year 2010

Overall Forecast

Even though your life chart consists of a mix of evil and good stars, there’s a very lucky star present to transform danger into safety safely. However, you would still have to be strong when facing the unpleasant happenings that may splinter out of your current gloomy luck. The Rat will do well by embrancing more changes; the more changes the better in the situation faced. For instance, shifting of house, switching of career, and traveling overseas. All these actions bode well for you.

It’s not going to be a smooth sailing journey for you in terms of business / career advancement. Even with lucky stars in your life chart, you have to persevere, and eye the right time to step into the market. Do not be hasty in any decisions. Take heed to upgrade your skills and boost your knowledge / experience to ready yourself for your goals.

Health is not that good this year. Fatigue sets in because of heavy workload. Caution against illness by taking tonics and vitamins. Control your emotions, and try to make peace with everyone, including your loved ones. It’s not easy to acquaint with each other and to be lovers, so do not let go of this precious relationship that readily.

Maintain your usual working attribute and remain your sense of responsibility. You must check all details in drafting a contract. DO not undertake new investment this year.

The hidden affair may turn out become a scandal, precaution is needed. Thus, your relationship will be in tension in the consequence of this, you must do your part to save it.

The luck is stable, source of income may be increased, based on the steady foundation; the overall luck is high tide. Luck of pickings is good, may slightly attempt in wager activities.

Regarding your health, you must be cautious to the urinal system and gut’s problem. Have a hygienic diet. Some unexpected incident on road may happen to harm you, if wise, do not go overseas.

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