Whole Chart for Dragon-Dog?

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Whole Chart for Dragon-Dog?

Post by Rosemisaghian » Fri Jul 16, 2010 9:53 pm

I have noticed several posts about dragon- dog relationships.

http://mysticboard.org/ch ... nship.html
http://mysticboard.org/ch ... hp?t=59800
http://mysticboard.org/ch ... hp?t=53323

It gets more complex then I have the knowledge or time at present to traverse successfully. Could someone point me in the right direction in creating a full chart for my family, marriage and self?
Or if someone is interested in addressing the dragon-dog topic yet again I am a Female Earth Dragon- 1988 and my husband is a Water Dog 1982. There was actually a post on this exact combination. But it did not go into how the information was derived, and I want it to be specific for me. We also have a son born on June 30, 2009- Male Water OX and I am wondering how we all combine and what we might encounter. Also we are thinking of having a second child and I don't want to make the situation worse!

So I have four questions questions.
1- How can I make a whole chart for myself and my family utilizing and receiving all of the essential information from Chinese astrology?
2- What information can be told about the dragon-dog combination above?
3- How do the three signs mentioned interact?
4- What would be the best sign to have as our next child?

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Post by npb » Sun Jul 18, 2010 9:36 am


Here are a little of my knowledge,
1. You should have a Wan-Nian-Li Calender to set up a traditional chinese eight characters chart ...this chart contains The year-month-day-hour of your birth
2. Dragon and Dog, if we look at tradional formula, then this combination is not a good combination,  this one is a clash.
3. dragon-dog-ox , if we look at tradional formula, then its should not be a good combination again
4. contact your local master

Dont be offended with my answers, because what i learned about chinese zodiacs is very complicated and cant be described with 1 sign only, i also dont want to misslead people like popular zodiac books. I give an example, why i called cant be describe by a single year sign.

Your son, 30 June 2009, convert into chinese calender

Day   Month  Year
fire    Metal   Earth
Horse Horse  Ox

His self element is Fire, his chart belongs to Aggressive Chart Style, therefore his character should be highly competitive, opportunistic, and lack of emotional control that can offend others easily.

after that you set up his Luck Pillars, this one contains destiny in 10 years cycle, and see the connection in his luck pillars and his basic chart, from there we can derive what will happen.

Good luck

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