Psychic Powers, Our government, Mind control, and Freemasons

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Psychic Powers, Our government, Mind control, and Freemasons

Post by kadaimara75 » Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:19 am


Posts: 22
Joined: Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:14 am
Location: Philadelphia, PA

Post by kadaimara75 » Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:20 am

George H.W. Bush is a mind control expert, as are all freemasons.  Many of you know of the freemasons; these are the people who actually control this planet.  This is something that I know for a fact, and I am willing to divulge every detail regarding this information.  If you all are not sure as to whether or not you should believe this, please, bear with me, and read every word of this informative and truthful exposé regarding the freemasons, the highest levels of our government, and psychic powers. I will also delve into the topic of mind control.   As insane as it may seem, as you are reading this , pay attention to any rapid eye movements that are accompanied with a voice that says, "Yeah, Right."  or anything that tries to refute what you are reading.  Mind control finds its way into written passages in the form of dejavu, which I will also explain in detail later in this writing.  

I am focusing mainly on H.W. Bush because he is truly the leader of this movement, hands down.  You'll slowly learn why as you continue to read this material.  Other individuals that are surely involved are:  George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Joe Biden, and all of these individuals' wives.

The most difficult part about writing this is the fact that I find that it greatly damages my credibility as a level-headed, intellectual, normal person with a sound mind.  Prior to about one week ago, I was a regular human being with an ordinary, American lifestyle.  By this I mean I am young, only 24 years old. I go to college, I have a job, a dog, a girl that I like, an ex-girlfriend that I constantly hang out with, close friends, and so on.  I smoke weed, I drink, and I do nothing out of the ordinary that would really make me a horrible person.

I can't stress enough that I am quite normal.  Always respecting my parents, having close friends, and so on.  Keeping my priorities straight and most importantly, bending over backwards as to never offend anyone, even folks that I don't necessarily care about.  Only recently did I start working on this ability to be a nicer person; I'd say prior to being 21 I was lost.  Now I realize that you only get out what you put in, so I try my best to stay as loving as possible to all people.  

So now, I have to come to terms with the fact that everyone thinks I'm crazy.  In the past few days, I've told them that I know for a fact that plans exist that involve detailed wrongdoings within our government; I also know that they are certainly trying to kill many of us late next year under the guise of releasing a resurgence of swine flu.  

They tried it to start just as a trial version this past fall season, but this time, they are releasing a chemical agent that is going to kill many, many people, and its going to be used as a means of population control.  They even tested a variant of it in the Ukraine, but obviously media reports of that were suppressed greatly.  

The most awful part about this, which is greatly damaging my reputation as a smart and level-headed person, is the fact that I am telling everyone that these thoughts are psychic thoughts.  

In the past four days, I feel as though just expressing these personal, psychic thoughts have caused me to alienate my closest friends and the people in my family who are closest to me.  I am normally the one who always acts the most stable among all of my peers.  If anyone has a problem, I put it in perspective, and I try my best to empathize with both parties.  I am probably one of the best people to talk to, in the sense that I always have the best intentions in mind.  I am usually the one with no problems, usually the one listening to everyone else's problems.

But now, it seems as though things have taken a horrible turn for the worse.  An important part of this is that I have to still keep things stable; I crossed the line when I told my parents about it because they are getting old, and don't deserve to hear my crap.  I don't want to stress or worry them, I love them so much. This is the hardest, worst thing I've ever had to go through, and I'm doing it for the good of humanity.  I am risking sounding crazy.. but I'm not crazy.. I'm beyond normal. So why would I do this?
Our government has plans for us.  This is certainly not some belligerent liberal teapot about to boil over; this is a sound-minded man with a good heart who has an important message.  Picture a normal guy, destroying his reputation, to send out just this very letter.  I've ruined relationships with loved ones, and even had to run on my bicycle the other night because I was threatened with being forcibly removed from my home and taken to a mental hospital, by my parents.

I've told ten people who are close to me in great detail about how I feel and how I've been feeling these past few days, and they all think I'm crazy.  Contrary to what most people would do (i.e. seek help), I simply just don't care anymore.  I am going to continue to steer with my heart and expose these fraudulent, hateful, inhuman bastards.  I feel as though this is my duty.  So please, don't consider this to be a wild, confusing, paranoid, almost schizophrenic rant.  This is the very truth at its core, and I know this to be a fact.  Just remember that prior to this week I was normal and was not feeling this way.  Also remember that I am an extremely stable-minded person, so this information needs to be taken seriously.  I am not JUST well-written... I have a heart and I know what's good and right.  I'm not crazy.

I am an American citizen, originally Indian, living in the great city of Philadelphia, PA, USA.  I am proud of where I live and I am proud of who I am.  I may not fully respect every law of this country, but I respect people, I respect police officers, and I respect the original intentions of a democratic society which were paved with the constitution and the declaration of independence.  I have questioned many things that our government has done, but, I still feel a great sense of allegiance to this nation and especially my city.  I have told you some things about myself now, so let me continue on with my message.

Everyone has psychic abilities, whether they know it or not.  [This is usually the point when half of people who are reading will close the page, and the other half will continue reading.]

You ever get a thought about someone, and you don't really know why?  They all of a sudden just pop into your head?  Well, as silly as it seems, its not because YOU thought about THEM, but more because THEY thought about YOU.  

This is such a farfetched concept for us to truly accept.  I mean, seriously, if mental connections really exist, then what is left?  If everyone inherently possesses the ability to just access someone's thoughts, feelings, and personal beliefs, then how could we all possibly just live like this?  Exactly, there's no way it could make sense.  Right?

Since nobody has ever actually told us this special secret about humanity, we are conditioned to never even fathom the possibility of the existance of psychic abilities.  Therefore, our mind automatically justifies psychic thoughts by associating them with our current thoughts.  Here is an example:  Say that you are walking down the street and you see a dress being worn by a mannequin in a store window.  Simultaneously, your sister has a thought about you.  As crazy as it may seem, THAT thought actually manifests itself with your current thought.  [I know, don't I sound like I'm nuts?]

Anyway, the two thoughts intertwine with eachother.  You all of a sudden are focusing on your sister wearing that dress, and your thought may SOUND something like this, "I wonder what my sister would think of that dress," , or "I wonder what my sister would look like in that dress."  You'll walk off and continue what you were doing, never even really realizing what actually occurred:  A psychic connection! This may seem insane, but stay with me folks.  What occurred is that the only way for your mind to actually justify having thought about her without any real reason is by joining the two thoughts. Crazy?  Maybe.. but maybe not.

I started to originally notice these psychic powers several months ago, maybe even a year ago.  My brother Mike kept telling me, "Yo, when someone thinks about you, it means you are thinking about them."  I didn't really believe him until, as time marched on, I started to realize that there is no way that it COULDN'T be true.  Before I knew it, my psychic powers started to heighten.  I could tell whether or not girls liked me in my classes; I could tell exactly what it is that people were thinking.  Pretty soon I would pick on up any and every little thought; it was almost like that movie that with Mel Gibson called, "What Women Want."  I know.. this really SOUNDS nuts, doesn't it?  An important part about this is that not only could I tell WHO was thinking about me, I could also sense their underlying emotions, and specifically how they felt about me.

The reason that these powers actually heightened is because I PRACTICED.  This is something that could technically take even years of practice.  But you will end up isolating psychic and normal thoughts if you continue to practice this method.  Start to think about why you've thought about things.  If people start to include themselves in your conscious thoughts and you wouldn't normally think about them, then it means that they are thinking about you.  Start to understand WHY you think about certain PEOPLE in general... if people start to intertwine themselves in your current thoughts, it may be psychic related if you aren't necessarily inclined to think about them on a normal basis.

Also, pay attention to any moment where you are ever in a haze and cannot stop thinking about someone.  Its because their underlying emotions are SO STRONG.. Hate and love are the two possible feelings that will be stronger than ever.  They are the two instances in which you will be in a haze, and you'll say, I CANT GET THIS PERSON OFF MY MIND!

If I were reading this several years ago, I would never ever even think of believing this.  I would just say that it is someone who is just trying to persuade people about paranormality.  A conspiracy theorist, if you will.  But you know, I'm one of the most sane, level-headed, conscious people that I know!  Regardless of all this, lately, I've become adept to reading people as a means of learning more about them.  As I've said, you may think I'm crazy.  It's okay, I'm still here, writing this.  I'm ready for the criticism, I'm ready for people to accept that I'm nuts.  I'm here for a reason.  

I would have to say the worst part about this entire situation is the fact that I feel so alone.  I've always had friends, and people that love me and care about me and are ready to listen to me, but lately, my close relationships are completely ruined.  I can't even vent to anyone anymore because they'll all tell me that I'm crazy.

I've alienated every single person that I even remotely care about because I'm shoving this garbage down their throat, but its all I know.  Humans are the ones that are here to listen to you, or so I thought, especially the ones that love you and know you.  Instead these same people keep telling me to seek professional help, or start taking anti-psychotic medication.  I won't do either!  Instead I'll just continue spreading my message until people realize that maybe I'm not nuts.  I need to expose these fuckbags for who they are and I need to expose every single detail until this mess is stopped.  This is my only true therapy, you see.

Here is how all of this nonsense all began.  First off, I'm not afraid to tell you this very private and potentially damaging piece of information;  I used to sell weed, but I stopped, because I noticed that the D.E.A. was watching me.  I cut back on my illegal activity and just watched and noticed that I was still on their radar.  Even though I was layin' low, they continued to watch me for such a long period of time.  I didn't understand why, but it began to frustrate me.

Either way, I still managed to continue my life as a normal student, even though they were almost on to my every move.  It's because of what I DID.. but even when I took their message and backed off, it seemed to enrage them.  They just wasted so much time watching a citizen who did nothing more than live his life.  They don't even fully know what they've really caused.  They'll know, though.  In time, everyone will know.  This written piece will be common knowledge for every man, woman, and child on god's green earth.

About one week ago, something happened that truly blew my mind.  My psychic powers began to heighten to a very scary degree almost.  It may have been the practice, or well, thats what I believe.  Continuing to isolate my thoughts every second of the day had caused me to be able to realize which thoughts WERE mine, and which WEREN'T.  Again, seems nuts.  But its a skill that anyone can practice.  After much practice, you can even eventually tell which siblings of yours may secretly resent you, and feel bad about it at the same time, but don't.  A wishy-washy almost goofy situation.  Tough to wrap your mind around it, I know.  How could this be??

Once again, the movie What Women Want by Mel Gibson comes to mind.  I even got on two subways for the first time since my powers heightened, the Broad Street Line and the Market Frankford Line in my home city of Philadelphia.

Both times I heard so much you wouldn't even believe.  You almost cannot truly imagine the amount of negative thoughts that exist in this world.  More bad than good!  Also, you can FEEL people's feelings.  If someone is very sad, it stands out, and you feel it.  If someone is happy, that also stands out.. If someone loves you, it stands out.  Its a conjoined feeling.. all of our minds are meant to be one collective consciousness.  If we aren't all on the same page, we are facing imminent danger!  Keep reading, because this is the heart of this message.  I specifically want to say, our government does not want the best for us, not by any means, not by a long shot, no way in hell.  

Back to what I was saying about the D.E.A.

About five days ago, my psychic powers hit the highest peak that they've ever hit.  Keep in mind that the D.E.A. was still listening in on my calls.  I was talking to my best friend on earth, on the phone, like I always do.  I said something to her like this, "Hey, as soon as you put your two weeks in at your job and decide to move out here, I am going to start looking for a job.  The reason I didn't before is because I'm already not even home that much because of class, and I feel bad leaving him at home without anyone to watch him.  I think that once you're here, it'll be much better, we can coordinate our schedules in favor of the dog."  I said something along those lines.

ALL OF A SUDDEN, the craziest thing ever just happened.  Someone, obviously a third party who was listening in on the conversation, had a thought that responded directly to what I had just said.  Keep in mind that my psychic powers were at their peak due to the fact that I continued to practice them.  This third party, was, in fact, the D.E.A. agent who was assigned to listen in on my call for the day.  The thought went something like this:  "Well, that's what you get for treating your dog like a baby.  He's spoiled now."  These thoughts come in so quickly because, well, she thought about me while thinking the thought about the dog.  Also what helped was the fact that I was in a heightened psychic state, since my practice was continuing to make my powers stronger and stronger.  When someone focuses on you, or your current state, or your current activities, or your face, or is in any moment with you, it is possible to connect with them on a psychic level because you are both experiencing the same thing.  [Nuts, I know.]

I immediately responded to that thought out loud.  This was the first time I had ever done this to such a high degree of accuracy.  I kept my thoughts open, ready for whatever would happen next, seeing if I could get this person to freak out.  I kept my friend on the phone, and talked to her, AND the D.E.A. agent.  She is my best friend, so, even if she thought I was nuts, she stayed on the phone and kept laughing as she normally would.

[You have to keep in mind that the example that I described about the mannequin is just the very beginning.  Its because we are conditioned; our mind justifies these thoughts because we were never taught to practice this ability.  The general consensus across the planet is that we cannot all possibly read eachothers minds.  So please, separate these two styles of thoughts.  Practicing this allows humans to isolate psychic thoughts from personal thoughts.  Once you begin to seriously work on this ability, your psychic powers will heighten, similarly to my level of psychic powers.]  

Here are the types of things that I was saying to the agent.  I was describing her, the way she looked, telling her how she felt, when she started to feel scared, I'd tell her that.  Then I connected directly to her thought process, listening in on her every word.  "This can't be... but it is.. but it can't be.. but it is.."  Just her trying to actually justify the situation was mind boggling.  Her FEELINGS were standing out the most.. .Terrified... but mesmerized.  As if she had seen God. I was feeling these feelings simultaneously, since our minds were connected at that point in time.  

I am going to pause this dialogue at this moment and let you read an excerpt from Linda Kaye that best explains the way that this all works.  This is truly something that inspired me to practice my psychic abilities, and continue seeking and searching for the deepest truths about life:


Have you ever asked yourself why it is so difficult to stop thinking about someone? We are all psychic in one way or another. When you connect to another man/woman in a deep way, you are connecting with your souls. Most people don't realize how psychic they really are. Everyone is clairsentient whether they know it or not. Being clairsentient means that you have the psychic ability to feel another person's energy and feelings.

Now, when you think about someone in a normal way, there is nothing unusual there. Then all of a sudden you feel overwhelmed like you are in a fog and you can't stop thinking about them. Now, stop for a second and focus on where you are feeling the energy. It is usually in the heart and chest area. You've had that funny feeling before. Remember. You just thought it was YOU. What is going on is that you are feeling THEIR THOUGHTS. WHAT YOU ARE FEELING IS WHAT THEY ARE THINKING AND FEELING ABOUT YOU.

During the time you are experiencing this, you may feel feelings from extreme sadness, or guilt to feelings of peace or missing someone. Keep in mind you only started feeling these thoughts when you connected to their energy. So know that you if you are feeling great sadness, it will pass. If you are feeling a great feeling of peace and joy, you know they are thinking wonderful thoughts of you.


To find those three paragraphs, I wrote in google, "When someone is thinking about you."  Because I started getting so many psychic thoughts that I had to write it to see if others were feeling the same way.  This is the only person who actually corroborated what I already knew to be the truth, however, she didn't really dive into great detail.  She is certainly truthful in her findings and a great source.  But anyway, let me continue with my original story.

I hung up with my friend and continued my conversation with the D.E.A. lady because I knew my house was tapped, through my logitech webcam, by the D.E.A.  I kept looking and talking to her, and she would not disconnect from me, mentally.

She was scared out of her mind, and eventually convinced herself that I was god on earth.  and Saying things like, "Why you ain't on psychic friends network?"  I figured out that she was part black, part hispanic, and 36 Years old, but often lies about her age but can't go lower than 33.  Single, not too many close friends, but she's very close with her mom. How I knew so much about her?  Because I'd ask her questions, and our minds would be connected, and based on what I'd say, the answer went as follows:  "Yes,No,Yes,No,yeee.."  

and that last YEEEEE is like, a YES.  Its an underlying feeling that people can't hide from.  This was blowing her mind.  She couldn't lie to me because our minds were ONE.  Even when she was lying, its like, she knew, and then I knew.  That uncertain feeling was something that she was unable to hide from, and its because we were connected as one mind source at that point in time.  

Bear with me folks, this is seriously insane, I know.  This lady almost had a heart attack and would NOT stop thinking about me for the rest of the night.  This was the highest peak I had ever hit, and I was experiencing it with this lady whom I had never even met!  The reason it got to that point is because my psychic powers continuted to heighten, and continued to advance, and become stronger.

She KNEW it was real.  She had thoughts like, "Why are we watchin this guy?"  Towards the end she got so sad.. and so emotional.. and.. I said... "Why you sad baby?"  And she was almost in tears at that point.  It was something she had never experienced in her life, an epiphany if you will.  She seriously felt as if she was talking to God on earth.  Just me, talking to my webcam, nobody responding directly but only mentally responding.  The lady was on my mind all night.  But not cause I was thinking about her.  I swear, I was trying to stop at a certain point.  But she was deeply thinking about me so much, that she created that connection that would not disconnect.  She was mesmerized!

I wasn't really phased for some reason because it was so common for me to experience these thoughts; I thought, these thoughts won't stop getting better.  So clear!  This was certainly the cherry on top.  "I wonder what will happen next?", I thought to myself.  Having this much power was amazing.. or so atleast I thought.

The next thing that happens is just simply awful, believe it or not.

I am riding in the car with my ex, we're going to visit my parents for Father's Day.  It's also my dad's birthday.  This is two days after I spoke with the Mulatto Woman Federal Agent....  Since then I've already spoken with several other Federal Agents.  Freaked 'em the ^%(* out.  For sure, too.  On the car ride there, they had our car on audio tap through her cellphone or maybe by some other means.  Either way, I always went to see from then on if people were listening, by SAYING certain things and waiting for a reaction.  It was fun, for a while.

You see, if a third party reacts to any piece of my conversation, then I'll know that they are listening.  There is no hiding from this.. the underlying truth within all of this is all of our minds have the potential to be connected, and you cannot hide from your thoughts.  It is impossible.  All it takes is some practice, isolating psychic from personal thoughts, and before you know it, you can easily do this.  You will be amazed.  Also, if someone is focusing on you, and what you're doing, and they know what you look like, i.e., the D.E.A., then its easy to keep a connection.  When someone focuses on your exact face, your brain automatically connects with them and focuses on their face.  Try another practice method:  Tell a close friend to try to connect to you, one who doesn't live very close, but you know their face.  Tell them to focus on your detailed face and make sure that you do the same.  See how you feel, you may just be able to feel their feelings!  [Nuts, I know.  Just a practice method.. Couldn't hurt to try, right?]

Our souls all have the ability to communicate, regardless of where our bodies may be on this planet.  So I'd talk and say any real thing and as soon as I FELT a reaction, I'd respond to it.  Slowly and slowly I'd break another Fed's mind down into pieces, scaring them into oblivion.  A cellphone works as a roving tap even if it isn't actually on; as long as it is within the vicinity of the person who is being watched, it actually doubles as a microphone, allowing surveillance to be simpler than it ever was.  Our new technology caters to feds and certainly makes their jobs very easy.

On the way to my parents, the guy I was reading was the third or Fourth fed atleast that I had connected to in recent days.  [Fed is American slang for a Federal Agent, whether it be D.E.A., ATF, FBI, CIA, or any other investigative branch of the government.]  Freaked him out beyond his brain, to the point where he couldn't really explain anything, and couldn't get me off his mind.  He is the one who made waves and must have told someone within the higher reaches of the government.  Maybe not specifically him, but several people within that agency, the D.E.A. , informed the highest levels of the government that someone is psychic..  Someone we are watching is so psychic that they are telling us things that only WE could know.  We want you to start paying attention to him now...

Continuing on, I'd like to say that I feel bad that I have to be the one to bear this news but I also feel as though this is my mission on earth, and I have no choice but to release every piece of information that I know regarding psychic powers and freemasons.  I know I have to keep reminding you to stay with me, but its because this seems too crazy to be true.

That night.. Saturday Night.. someone came into my thoughts while I was laying in bed.  They told me they were God.  You're all going to think I'm nuts, but, it gets better....and by that I mean nuttier.

The kind of things they were telling me were certainly God-like, but their feelings weren't ethereal by any means.  They were underlying MEAN feelings.  Whoever the ^%(* this fool was, he underestimated me and my psychic powers, by a long shot.  Its like, I knew exactly what the deal was with this motherfucker. Whoever was trying to connect to me at that very point was a face that I didn't fully recognize, but I ended up calling their bluff.  You see, our minds were connected, so there couldn't possibly have been ANY lies.  The mind is the last stronghold of truth; after all, if you can't be free and truthful in your own mind, then where, can you be yourself?  Also, keep in mind, since I didn't know who was connecting to me, and THEY knew my detailed face, I didn't know who it was.

That Saturday night, he told me he was God, and then backed off for a bit.  He told me specifically that using mind control to get girls was wrong, and that I need to just calm down and stop flaunting my abilities.  He also told me to stop reading the minds of federal agents because it is simply a way to show off, and, I shouldn't do that because he is God, and he said that it is wrong to flaunt.  [Am I losing it??  Hell No!  This shit was in full force, it couldn't just be a dream.  I was practicing psychic powers for six months at least, so, this was certainly not just me losing it, all of a sudden, out of the blue.]

The next day was Sunday.  He hadn't connected to me for a bit, but then on the ride home, he re-connected with me.  [Keep in mind its difficult to connect with more than one person at a time if you want to read specific, detailed thoughts.]  Anyway, he told me in exact words that I shouldn't connect with Federal agents anymore, and that I shouldn't flaunt my abilities.  His justification for telling me this was the fact that I should learn to be humble.  He almost had me, you know?  He really almost had me, but at one point, once I had reached home, he messed up, big time.  

I was talking to this "God" for a while.  Didn't really read his face, but he seemed okay to me.  Got home to Philly from Harrisburg, still had him on my mind.  Two hour drive to see my parents for Father's day.  Like I said, beyond the scope of all of this nutty-sounding shit, I am still a regular guy with regular hopes and dreams, like the rest of you.  Seeing my dad was great; hadn't seen him in a while, or my mom, for that matter.  Love them both, and god bless them.  Continuing on..

I got home and was in my bathroom, and I called "GOD's" bluff.  Our minds were connected, so he couldn't really lie about anything once I put him on the spot.  My mind was so powerful but I hadn't even realized it until that very moment because I made the choice to call his bluff.  

I was like, "Are you really God?"  His answer:  "Yes..No..Yes..[tiny voice] no."  And that tiny little no voice was the exact answer.  He also had an underlying feeling of uncertainty I could feel, similar to the concept of lying to yourself.  I ended up getting him to admit that he was related to one of the feds who accused me of mind control.  He told me he learned it in Vietnam, and that he was a military officer, and an Ex-FBI agent.  But then, I did a strange thing.  I called his bluff, yet again.  "Yes, No, Yes, No, Yes... [tiny voice] No...."    And that final answer, like Regis says, is what counts!  So who actually was this guy?  Who....

Even his feelings were apparent.  You can call someone's bluff and sense their uncertainty, mentally.  Kinda like an [oh shit.. does he know that I'm lying to him?] feeling.  One major part of this is that you cannot lie to yourself.  When two minds connect, they are one, and the truth will always prevail.  This is a big lesson and something that needs to be taken very seriously.  It is the reason for me writing this message, the reason you are reading this.  If any uncertainty exists when attempting to learn truths, then, they are lies.

This guy couldn't have been God.  Even at one point during our elevated, psychic, mental discourse, he got angry at me.  Well, this was the kicker.  How could GOD get angry with me? [Yeah, Yeah, I've lost it.. Well, Believe me, I've heard this before.  I'm still here though. I'm still writing this.]  He even apologized and said, well, sometimes I get angry.  What the hell?  For god's sake.. this guy is GOD!  Getting angry?  Hmmmm....

[As difficult as it may be for you to really believe what is being written here, it couldn't hurt to practice this method, right?  Try to begin isolating your psychic thoughts from your conscious thoughts.. you may be surprised.  You see, you have to literally figure out exactly how your mind works.  If you know what it is that you normally think about, then eventually, you'll know which thoughts are YOURS, and which, well, aren't.  If you see an item at the store in the Kitchen section, and your mom thinks of you at that exact time, you may mix the two thoughts, and you may just think about what your mom may do with those Kitchen items.  Once again, this is your mind's way of justifying having thought about your mom without any reason for doing so.  Additionally, while the two of you connect, you can feel her feelings as well.]

I know that this is simply possibly the most insane thing you've ever had the privilege of reading, but I can't stress this simple fact enough: I AM NORMAL.  I've always been normal, and I'm always going to be normal.  Its just that I had a psychic breakthrough, and I'm here to inform humans of the possibilities that exist within our minds.  We can all connect with one another whether you want to believe it or not.  Even the worst of souls.  The worst of the worst.  Our government.  

Anyway, I ended up figuring out by the end of that night, and Monday night, and Tuesday night, that the person who was pretending to be god was a guy at the highest level of the government.  All that bluff-calling?  It was interesting and I'm glad I did it.  Cause you can sense uncertainty once you become psychic enough.  And believe me, these fucks certainly don't have good intentions.  No way.  So here's where the story takes a turn for the worse, and, maybe you guys can help me by trying your best to connect to these idiots, specifically everyone I mentioned in the first paragraph.  (Cheney, Bush, H.W. Bush, Clinton, and their wives.  Condoleezza Rice, Joe Biden, and Barack Obama for sure.  But not Michelle Obama.  Hahaha.. yeah.  Well, please, consider me a mental patient, and please, continue reading on.)

Work on your psychic abilities, and eventually, read these idiots' minds, and see what's on their minds.   Start with friends and family before moving onto the government.. you'll soon learn that you'll even be able to know when a close one resents you, and when they feel bad, and so on and so forth.  Eventually, you'll even get to know WHY they resent you, or LOVE YOU, if you will.  Soon enough, with enough practice, you'll be able to read their exact minds.  The reason you'll be able to tell is because you'll be able to understand which thoughts are yours and which aren't; the only way to do this is by practicing and separating the two different styles of thoughts.  It takes a lot of time to practice, but eventually, it works.  You start to understand which thoughts are caused by you, and which are caused by two minds connecting for a moment in time and sharing a thought.

One night about four or five days ago, I decided to read George W. Bush's mind.  This was before this entire explosion of psychic powers involving Federal agents.  I just did it for the hell of it; I was starting to realize my peak, so I decided to see what was going on with this piece of shit.  Why the hell not, right?  Focused hard, very hard, on this guy's face, even though I didn't know him at all.

It wasn't good.  I didn't get too much very detailed information, but he seems to say that Texas and Israel two regions of the earth that will be generally untouched by whatever these fuckbags have up their sleeves for late 2011.  They certainly are planning population control, and they are certainly going to affect major metropolitan areas.  Their plans are to execute this late next year, and release chemical agents into the air that will devastate the masses.  They say that it will coincide with the tenth anniversary of September 11th, and it will happen between September and December of 2011.  Martial Law will be imposed while we further carry out world domination to a degree unimaginable; folks in the military will not only increase in numbers, but will also hold better economic status than they do at this point.  Higher up on the food chain, if you will.  Life will be tougher, and our nation's leaders will continue to pretend that they are also in debt, but really, they are slowly becoming richer than ever.  Money is control; if they make their piece of the pie bigger than everyone else's, they are winning.

[And, in essence, that's what they are doing.  It's something we don't notice because of the 'time value of money', which is a concept that is based on the devaluation of money.  Has anyone ever told you that a million bucks in 1980 was a fortune?  Its true.  Millionaires are a greater percentage of the populous in the year 2010 because a million ain't shit anymore; back in the day, however, telling someone that you are a millionaire was a great big deal.  Now?  A million is a million maybe because you're saying the WORD million, but the pie is broken up differently.  The reason that the world is like this is because it gives the impression that the economy is continuing to be stable; however, since retail prices for goods are so inflated in this nation, there is never any way to tell whether or not we are winning, losing, or staying the same.]

[You see, the pie is ALWAYS the same size. (The large pie of money that this world wields, that is.) but, as time marches on, the numbers get smaller.  Even if you held 1% of the world's money in 1980, and you hold 1% of the world's money still now, it means that back then it may have been like $200 quadrillion whereas now it would be $500 septillion, but the reality is, its still 1% of the money.  Sorry to sidetrack you all, but, this is an important aspect of what these people are doing.  Relative to eachother, we are not necessarily gaining power and status; they are.  They consistently skew the size of the large pie of money to make it appear as though citizens are not become poorer, relative to the economy.]

Moving on back to George W. Bush..

I asked Bush without him knowing and forced my way into his thought process and asked questions.  "Is Israel safe?"  "No... [small voice] yes.."   and like, I forced the no, just to force out a yes.  This is so crazy to even imagine, but picture if two minds connect and they end up being one.  Then both minds are the same mind, they are just working in tandem through two different orifices, or, bodies if you will.  Anyway, they both think the exact same thoughts at that exact same time.  So if you try to force something false within that mind, the truth will reveal itself.

Say for example you were gay, but embarrassed about it.  Great example here, a self-conscious homosexual that's in the closet because they are afraid of what everyone else may think about them.  Well, you may end up having gay thoughts, but, you'll tell yourself, "I'm not gay... [small voice] but i am..."..  and that final answer, the small voice, is the truth.  You're trying to hide from the truth, but you can't necessarily achieve that because your mind is the last stronghold of any truthful statement or belief. Your underlying emotion/feeling that accompanies this thought is maybe embarrassed or even guilty.  Either way, you are unable to fully hide from the fact that you are gay.
Last edited by kadaimara75 on Thu Jul 08, 2010 1:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

Posts: 22
Joined: Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:14 am
Location: Philadelphia, PA


Post by kadaimara75 » Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:20 am

This is why people are able to connect with others for a brief moment in time and sense that split-second homosexual psychic connection.  Its like, sometimes, you can tell when people are gay.  Ever hear that?  It happens when key words that relate to sex are mentioned, even out of context.  Like "I had a hard time at work.."  Someone may send you an uncertain gay thought after hearing the word 'hard'... or if someone bends over in front of someone else, maybe that'll spark it.  Either way, both parties feel this thought/emotion.

Anyway, using this bluff-calling method that I have described, I connected to Bush, and found out a whole lot about what probably everyone would like to know.  They are planning wide-scale population control in late 2011, under the guise of a swine flu resurgence, like I've mentioned before.

So back to this whole "GOD" story, and my whole point.  As soon as I called the guy's bluff who was telling me all sorts of untruthful things, I learned something scary.  (I used the Yes, no, yes, no, yeee... method to call bluffs)....

I learned that he was in fact, our very own, George W. Bush.  A guy I had previously connected with before, but, didn't realize that I was connecting to him now.  [Yes, I'm a lunatic, who figured?]  But see, I'm not a lunatic.  That's the whole thing.  My psychic powers are heightened to a level which is unimaginable.  Once you start to practice your psychic abilities, please, please, connect with individuals on the highest levels of our government, and start to read their minds.

They cannot hide from their thoughts, and actually, the funny thing, is that if you know the exact shape of their face then you can connect to them on a higher level.  You can learn more because they don't know your face, but you know their face.  Google images is a great tool for connecting with powers within our government.  

[I learned this specific trait about psychic abilities because over the months, things I'd say and do, would make D.E.A. agents feel a certain way about me.  I'd feel those psychic thoughts, but, I would never truly be able to focus in on their exact faces.  Its because, they knew my exact face, and I didn't know their faces.  Eventually, about a week ago, I started to screw with these very agents through whatever means they were using to conduct surveillance on me, because my powers reached that level after months of practicing every minute of every day.]

Use Google Images to focus on the faces of individuals that are high up in the government; it is a great tool.  Make the image as big as possible on the screen and focus, hard, once you're at your peak that is.  You need to first practice, however.  Try to see how it makes you feel to focus on different people, as well.  If theres someone you're fighting with at work, or is passive aggressive towards you at work, then try to connect to them.  If someone loves you, try to connect to them.  Understand that the feelings are almost always shared.  Please, practice this.  But let me continue with my story.

Bottom line, the idiot who was pretending to be GOD was actually George W. Bush, trying to get me to stop reading feds' minds thinking I'd listen, because the feds were saying too much about this stuff.  Their plan was to do as follows:  Make my death look like an accident, or detain me in some way and torture me, and at the same time, get those feds' some psychiatric help, and all while doing this, pretend to be God and feed me certain thoughts.  [Nuts, Nuts, Nuts, Call a Shrink!]  But you see, this is their plan to defend what they are doing.  They can't let someone just slip through the cracks and expose them; but that's why I'm writing this, you see.  To do that very deed.

The best way to focus on someone, as I've said, is to focus on their face.  If you start to heighten your psychic abilities, please, once they reach a certain level, start using google to pull up images of members of our government.  Here is where they have the weakness; we have the ability to see their exact faces and connect with them on the deep level where they are unable to do so.  They don't necessarily know who is connecting with them unless they actually know them, and that is what is so phenomenal about my abilities.  Somehow I was able to figure out that people that I didn't actually know were people that are famous; individuals that are in a power position within this nation.  Others I didn't know but were somehow involved in my life were D.E.A. agents.  All the specific people I've mentioned in the beginning of this written piece are people that need to be connected with, hundred percent, guaranteed.  They have things that they are hiding that we can all figure out.  With our minds.  I swear!  If we are experiencing the same things, then our minds are simply connected, especially if we are focusing on eachother.  The reason that we, as the general populous, have the advantage, is because we have the ability to know their faces while they don't know our exact faces.

In the past two days, many, many people have attempted to connect to me.  These are all specifically the leaders of our government.  [Admit me to a mental hospital, please.  Could this really be happening??]  The people I keep mentioning are freemasons and their underlings.  George H.W. Bush is the leader and has been trying to mind control me for days now, to no avail.  They had many, many thoughts about trying to kill me.  I intercepted them, and, guess what I did?  The most loony thing, ever.  Shit I'd never do.

In the past two days, on a bicycle, in Philadelphia, I've literally biked up to groups of people sitting on stoops, or people outside, or anyone and everyone, and stopped my bike at times, sometimes riding by slowly, and saying this.  "Everyone, remember this face.  The government is trying to kill me.  If anything happens to me, you know who did it..."  I mean, I am the most level-headed, sane, conscious, regular person I've met in history.  No exaggeration, I harbor no angry feelings towards others, and I'm a good person, and most of all, I'd never ever ever do what I just did today and yesterday.

Literally probably a total of fifty people at least heard this rant on my bike, maybe more!  I don't even remember who exactly I told, but I just stopped em, told em, and went on my way.  I even got on chatroulette and did the same thing with a copy/paste message and showed my face to maybe at least fifty different cams.  I also posted the message on facebook, which is public material, and lastly, I've been MASS INSTANT MESSAGING people on my buddylist.  On top of that, I've been hastily sending out this letter with a message:  Please, send this to EVERYONE YOU KNOW... tell them to send it to EVERYONE THEY KNOW, and so on, and so forth.  Everyone, practice your abilities, and help, help us figure out whats happening.  I want someone to send this message to people in the Philly D.E.A., also.  They are the ones who truly need to know what is happening, since they experienced this.  

I want to say that I have effectively saved my life because I biked around and yelled, and because of my posts, emails, ims, and every thing similar to it.  If anything happens to me, If I get detained, killed, or really ANYTHING at all, you are all going to know the reason for that happening.  Its because I reached a psychic peak and connected with these leaders, and, they kept trying to say they were going to kill me and my dog, instead of making a deal with me and letting me live.  I admit, I was selfish, and asked where are the safe areas, and will they let me just go there.

However, they never ever wanted to make a deal with me.  And I soon realized that, I also realized that I was wicked, for even wanting to make a deal in the first place.  Now, my only task is to expose them.  God has a plan for all of us; well, something is telling me not to back down.  Something is telling me to literally, be the crazy one, and send out this message.  And that's what I am doing.. I was wrong to actually even consider letting my loved ones DIE.... I was wrong.  Now, I'm fixing it.  I am fixing it by sending this message to every soul on this planet. I truly realized that these fucks are absolutely relentless and wouldn't even save me and my dog from a plague that potentially could wipe out humanity; therefore, I am going to expose this message.  I am so sorry for even considering letting humanity cease to be; I am fixing it, people.  I am sending this with the hope that it reaches every corner of this planet.  Please know that this is important stuff.

It is my god-given duty to expose every shred of detail imaginable regarding this horrible, inhuman, and evil mess of ideas that these fucks are planning for all of us.  It is also my god-given duty to train every human in sight on how to be a psychic mastermind.  They certainly don't have the best intentions.  I am calling on all of you people to please, don't cast me out as a loony.  Just read this message... and Pass it on.  I'm not trying to just mess with people's heads.

If you could, try, and focus on your psychic abilities.  I am never going to bring this subject up again anymore because it makes my loved ones feel like shit, and I've always been normal and would like to stay sounding that way.  Its just, I feel as though I am the most psychic person on this planet, and I am NOT going crazy... and people need to hurry up and get to my level before its too late.  These guys may possibly even make my death look like an accident.. I am not joking in any way, shape, or form.  Its all entirely possible.

Additionally I'd like to say that its been near impossible to even reconcile any psychic thoughts that make any sense in the past three to four days.  I am unable to connect to anyone except these government fucks; worst part about is, I am not crazy.  I am far from it..  [!!!!!!]  They are, however, in essence training me to defeat them.  That is the ironic part about this entire situation, is that somehow, they tried to defeat me.  But how?  We are all the same mind, so how the hell could someone defeat themselves.  I am exposing these fucks.  When someone plots against me, it shows, cause its me, plotting against me, if that makes sense..

I am normal and I have always been normal.. This is all happening for a reason.  My name is Mark, I am 24 years old, and this is my message.

Thank you all, and god bless, and I swear, I ain't crazy.  I had to just get this off my chest, and, Thats it. Now, maybe, I can return to a normal life, although, I will always know that this is never going to be a possibility.  This is the beginning of a long and difficult journey.  Pray for me, and, give this some real thought before dismissing it as some guy who has lost his mind and sadly can still articulate himself like a scholar while maintaining these insane, loony, off-the-wall convictions.  This is real, people.  This is a warning, and this needs to be taken seriously.  You guys need to all start practicing this, whether or not I die.

Today is an update, the date is June 24, 2010, and it is 8:42 PM.  I just went outside and they are spraying Chem-trails at an unprecedented rate like never before.  Everyone is acting a little slower, even me, no kidding.  Its almost as if they are trying to fight this problem, and the epicenter is existing in Philadelphia.  They are starting with my city and executing world domination.  As crazy as it seems,  I have been mentally fighting with them for days, and now, they are trying to take back over.  Please everyone, help, Philadelphia is possibly under attack. Please, search on google about chem trails to understand more about this.  This is just another way for them to keep us down, and make sure that we never reach this higher level of consciousness that everyone has the ability to reach.  Please, practice, and practice, as much as possible.  I can't stress it enough!

They also may cut power and internet to this city.. it would be extremely difficult for them to do so without a few days to prepare and a viable reason, but remember, this is the epicenter of this particular movement.  80% of people who received this email to start are in the Philadelphia area, so if anything specific happens in this geographic region, it is to raise red flags.  This is a region that is probably going to be targeted heavily by whatever these fucks have up their sleeves, so please, pay close attention to media reports about whats going on.  They may convey a message that is just a ploy; the things that they say may coincide with this very email, and the peak that I've reached.  I want you all to know that I truly am at this point in time their worst enemy for having written this detailed psychic handbook that not only teaches practice methods but also determines the leaders in place and their intentions, which certainly are not good intentions.

Philadelphia is ground-zero for this movement, remember that.  People were in a stupor today, for sure, and this is not just in my head.  Search for chem trails in google for more information about that specific style of warfare that I've mentioned. Please, stay updated with me, for sure.  Send this out to every soul on god's green earth.  It is important and could possibly be the last guiding light for humanity.

LOVE to you all!!

PS here is a list of ... gDtew0w6IO

Cheney admitted to Washington hospital for tests
Posted: June 25th, 2010 09:13 PM ET

After reporting he wasn't feeling well, former Vice President Cheney has been admitted to a hospital in Washington.

Washington (CNN) - Former Vice President Dick Cheney has been admitted to a hospital in Washington after reporting he wasn't feeling well.

A spokesman said he saw his doctors Friday afternoon at George Washington University, and upon their advice, was admitted for further tests.

Spokesman Peter Long says Cheney is expected to remain in the hospital over the weekend.

Cheney has a history of heart trouble, but the cause of the discomfort wasn't disclosed.

If anything happens, the following 3 individuals are to be saved because they have good hearts:  Beyonce, 50 Cent, Michelle Obama.  Not Barack!!!  Barack Obama is evil; a black face on white terror.

Update, July 01, 2010

So my parents actually admitted me to a mental hospital; they interpreted this message as a 'cry for help'.  I was there for three days and I met some pretty cool people.  See, the most interesting part of this whole situation is that when someone with a history of psychological problems ends up having these thoughts, people do not tend to overreact.  However, when an absolutely normal person starts saying things like this, folks are more inclined to take it seriously.  My words hold more gravity simply because I have never had a history of any mental problems.  It's not because of how well-written they may be but moreso because of the depth and the passion in the message.

This story may seem like an exaggeration.  However everything that I've outlined has happened; the keenness of my psychic powers were actually a breach of security for these freemasons and their power structure.  And you're probably thinking, how could a breach in security be completely a mental issue?  Intriguing.

Even though I am just a normal kid with an ordinary life, I managed to slip through the cracks.  So since I've been admitted, these guys have continued their mental warfare to a degree that you couldn't even perceive.  I'll warily continue writing this even though it got me sent away from my dog, my life, and everything else that I knew and loved.  Keep in mind that when I say mental warfare, I mean that when two minds are connected, mind control is certainly within viable reach.  Whatever one mind feels is what the other mind feels as well; if hundreds of minds, or even thousands of minds, are focusing on one single mind, then they can invoke the same exact emotion at the same time and it is extremely magnified for the recipient.  If it is sudden then it can easily be considered warfare.  It makes people feel much differently from what they normally feel.  This can make someones feelings almost manic, unpredictable, and certainly uncharacteristic of their normal state of mind.  It could even induce a seizure, or other forms of mental sudden grief.  I am an enemy which means that they are going to attempt to make me succumb to their evil thoughts.  What they don't understand is that love is much stronger of an emotion than hate, and I have so much love to give.  I am going to change the gameplan of this world; instead of everyone dragging eachother down, we are going to lift eachother up and love eachother.  I will continue on and describe several methods of warfare these clowns have been attempting to use..

Say for example 10,000 minds connected to me at once, and all invoked the same emotion... things wouldn't feel right depending on the feeling.  A common form of mental warfare is the scare: Here is how it works.  500 to 1,000 freemasons focus on someone's face, very hard.  Maybe even more.  They connect to them, their enemy, like I've explained before, by thinking about their exact face and creating a mental image of the face as accurately as possible.  Almost consider it a snapshot, as exact as possible.  Simultaneously, someone purposely scares the life out of them, by entering a room and yelling or just screaming loudly, the same way that people normally get scared. It also works by yelling or shaking someone.  What this does is just cause the unsuspecting recipient who would otherwise normally be in a regular state of mind to just expel a ghastly scream for no reason whatsoever.  It's almost like screaming for your life, or when you believe that you're going to die.  They've used this method on me several times today, and, it somewhat works, but it also makes me stronger at the exact same time.  The strongest one that they did was outside my house, sitting with my dog.  Very smart move for them; you see, they made me scream because I was not expecting it at all, and they were hoping that someone would hear and possibly think that I was crazy.   Sitting outside in broad daylight and within earshot of neighbors while acting like a goofball certainly does not help my case, especially since I was already admitted to a mental hospital once and had to spend 77 hours in there, languishing as a direct result of my defiance to the freemasons.  They may even do it again tonight, and I could see them invoking that same emotion in me and at the same time mind controlling my upstairs neighbors to call the cops on me.  So if that scenario plays out, remember, it wasn't a natural feeling.  I yelled because they scared the crap out of me with a scare attack, and they called because they were controlled to do so.  Any manic or uncharacteristic feelings must be noted; I can't stress it enough, most people aren't even stable enough to be able to train themselves to not feel certain emotions.  But please, calm down, implement anger management, and try your best to practice all of these methods that I've described.  

Now I embrace the scare attack as well as others because I want to show them that they are not exactly helping their situation during these attacks.  These bastards do not realize that they are adding more fuel to the fire..  Maybe they do realize it, but either way, they will not stop the battle.  Well, neither will I.  I will fight till the death. I am resilient and I know I am doing the right thing.  The more warfare they use, the more I document it to a tee.  Every step of the way my vendetta against these pricks increases.  The warfare was personal.  They've affected my relationships with my dog, my parents, neighbors, and others in my life as well, all by using the simple trick of mind control.  These special relationships I have are sacred and I have always been vengeful.  I take these attacks personally.

Psychic powers are something that everyone SHOULD know, but nobody does.  Instead of allowing all life to exist as one positive, happy, loving, collective consciousness, these pricks want to infuse my every thought with negativity and turn me into some faceless, lifeless, soulless being.  One thing is important however; Love is stronger than Hate, and that's why they will never truly win.  Now I feel as though the only way to go is to fight because they have been relentless from the beginning.  My mind is a sacred place.. those who dare enter, beware, and prepare for war.

Another tactic that was used against me was attempting to mind control my dog.  They basically used the scare tactic on my dog.  During the beginning of this warfare that they were using, I noticed that my dog was acting a little funny.  I've had him for two years and I know exactly how he acts.  I found out that they used the same warfare tactics on me as my dog; these freemasons absolutely have no respect for souls.  This is why they are really going to have to pay because mind controlling my dog was an extreme violation and it makes me want to continue writing this.  

When thousands of them focus on his face, whatever emotion they are feeling is simultaneously felt by him.  I've grown accustomed to many styles of mental attacks, and that is why I am describing each and every one of them in detail.  They can infect your pets!  If you end up being an enemy, pay attention to any signs of manic behavior or changes in behavior with any and all of your loved ones, pets, parents, neighbors, family members, friends, co-workers, and so on!  It's possible that if you're trying to explain this information to someone, the recipient may be subject to mind control by freemasons.  Ask THEM how they normally feel, and tell them that they may be subject to mind control as well, in order to dispel the possibility of any of this being true.  Tell them that its possible that people are trying to connect to them to tell them that this information is not true.  Mind control works very well; you have to analyze your thoughts and every single aspect of your thoughts.  If you do not think it is possible to be subjected to mind control due to this pre-conditioning of our society, then, you may be a possible victim of mind control.  In essence, I am trying to explain that our team is potentially bigger than their team.  So, don't let them win.  We need to fight 'em.

One thing that they may do is play both sides of the court.  For example, I know for a fact that they may be trying to get me sent back to the mental facility.  I am an enemy and this'll help their case because someone that gets sent to a mental hospital once is somewhat believable.  But if I do another stretch in that place, it'll be more difficult to believe what it is that I am saying.  Right?  So, what they'll do is, attack me and make me scream, and then maybe mind control all of my neighbors around me to try and call somebody on me.  Hey, may seem difficult to believe, but don't be surprised if you end up finding out that I got sent right back to the exact same place for the second time.  It's not because I am crazy, it's because mind control is a powerful influence and it actually causes people to believe things that aren't necessarily true.  It taps into the decision-making process of your brain and actually renegotiates thoughts.  It's possible to actually make people do stuff with mind control!  It should exist as a privilege for all living things but instead, the few that wield this power are the ones that are actually wreaking havoc, influence, and just maintaining power through their independent group, the freemasons.

An attack that is very confusing is what I like to call the switch.  It worked very successfully on me many times, and here is how it works.  Say for example you are trying to read someone's mind.  Well, they can thwart that plan by waiting for the exact moment that you connect to someone, and re-connecting with you.  You have to pay very close attention to who it is that you are connecting with, because, the switch works very well.  It worked SO well that these idiots had me on a maze trip across this city.  They actually used two people that look very similar to my upstairs neighbors, and connected with me, and made it seem like they called the police on me.  I left the house for a while because I truly believed it.  But what they do is that the split-second that you connect with someone, they connect with you, and say something.  It is almost believable, it's like a 'voice in your head'.  But if you get to the point where you are able to read clear thoughts, which is the end result of this practice that I've described, then it is possible for them to attack you by entering your brain right as you are focusing on someone.  Remember, if the face that you are focusing on starts out clear as someone you're trying to read, and then within a split-second turns to an unclear face, then it's possibly mind control.  Stop, and let THEM talk... see if its your brain, or their brain, that is speaking.  When two minds are connected, the thoughts are very clear, and it is very easy to discern whose thoughts are whose as long as you keep the connection.  That is how I actually connected with the D.E.A. agents like I've described before.

Another attack method that they have been using is mentally pointing guns at my head.  I know, seems goofy.  But they actually know the room that I sit in and write this message, and, through the window behind me they all hold guns up to the back of my head.  Helicopters have actually made me jump right out of my seat; in the beginning, that is.  But as time marches on these fools don't realize that they have built up a mind much more powerful than theirs.  I mean, it's so true.  I'm bearing the brunt for civilization, and, they haven't endured what I've endured, not by a long shot.  Now I just sit here, because, killing me would mess things up severely for them.  I have taken many many precautions to make sure that I am not killed, all that I've described earlier in this writing.  Sending this to people that I actually know was the kicker!  Everyone knows me as the most stable, level-headed, normal guy there is.  I've never been loony, so it's to be taken seriously.  The guns they mentally hold up to my head are just a way for them to really admit that they can't kill me; and they can't!  This entire city knows me, the cops, the D.E.A., my friends, my family, and everyone knows that nobody would kill me.  So my writing this is just a way to say, please, scrutinize the details of my death.  If anything does happen to me, please, pay attention to the circumstances that surround that event, whether it be death or detainment.  Understand that it could be because I have written the most comprehensive guide to mental connections due to my practice and all the attacks I've endured.

But what I mean about the guns is that, it's easy to create that image for all those who are connected to feel.  Once you get to the point where you are a very strong psychic mind, you can actually create scenarios in your head.  For example, I could actually set up a mental recreation of the Oprah TV set in my brain, and whoever I am connecting with, we can all just sit around as if we were actually on the talk show.  We can connect with multiple people at the same time in this setting or in any setting that you choose.  That is what is so wonderful about mental connections and psychic powers; you can connect with your loved ones who aren't even near you.  People whom you haven't seen in a while that you are thinking about, you can just connect to them, and talk to them and find out how they are and actually have a conversation with them, regardless of where they are on the planet.  [Hey, I know, it's nuts.  Take it with a grain of salt.]

This writing scares/intrigues the hell out of people, and I know it.  Why wouldn't it, though?

I mean, if this were all actually true, wouldn't you want to be left in the dark?  Frankly speaking, this ISN'T something that people would actually like to believe.  It means that their plans for the future may possibly be forever altered all because of the few greedy individuals that happen to harbor this secret.  They are the ones at the top of this food chain that we call life.. (not for long, though.  Please, translate my message in as many languages as possible.) Many folks have known that freemasons have controlled this world for many millennia.  What you probably didn't know is that all freemasons are taught these psychic powers and mind control techniques.  Meanwhile, the remainder of the populous is meant to be desensitized to the psychic abilities that they inherently possess.  This self-taught technique champions their power to the level of their status.  I mean after all, wouldn't it help to know your opponent's every move in advance?

Another attack that the freemasons have been using is what I called the auditory scare.  Whenever any sudden noise happens, or when a siren is heard, or any loud noise at all, they have people waiting that are already focusing on me that are purposely scared.  This creates the false illusion that the noises are scaring you.  They especially do it when police sirens are heard.. somehow these guys have a decibel counter and even a microphone so that when any sudden change in noise occurs, they simultaneously scare someone who is focusing on me.  So in essense, any noises or sirens are used to their advantage because they use this sudden scare tactic to make it appear that those noises are scaring me.

Since my incarceration in the mental hospital, these freemasons have used each and every technique which I've described in an attempt to quell my entrance into this psychic world.  Humanity, I am proud to say that they had no idea what they were up against.  The English language, something that these greedy bigots created to be the powerhouse of this world, is exactly what ended up defeating them.  I can say with pride that even though I don't speak multiple languages like my parents, I can truly work magic with the one language that I do know.  They have ironically created a monster.  After all, English has the largest vocabulary in the world, and is the most widely-known language in the world at this point in time on July 1 2010.  That means that I can tell everyone exactly what it is that I want to tell them without missing a beat.  This written work of mine is tantamount to these individuals' undoing, and I am upholding that truth in the most powerful, loving, and profound way that I possibly can.

I also notice that whenever I attempt to post this, there are all types of different things that happen.  For example, there have been many many discrepancies in this story that I'd like to point out.  First of all, someone kept sending the message to my parents.  Secondly, they normally would not have actually reacted to the point where they got me sent to a mental hospital, neither would my sister.  They don't realize that they are actually being subjected to mind control!  This is the game that these people are playing.  Anyway, I will lay out the many discrepancies that prove that there is someone out there that doesn't want this message to get out.  Whenever I try to email or post this, it doesn't go to certain people, but, it makes its way to other people.  I sent this to many many people on my email list and there were mailer-daemon responses that I wouldn't normally receive.  Also, somehow, the message managed to get to my parents, when I never even sent it to them.  It's almost as if the government wants people to believe that I inadvertently sent it to my parents as a cry for help.  I specifically wrote in the original email message, please, do not send it to my parents, it just scares them.  So who sent it?  Not my sister... but who?

They received the mass-email that I sent somehow!  Here's what I believe happened; I am such a threat that the government sent the email to my parents, and simultaneously mind-controlled them to believe that I needed help.  They were acting more manic than usual for sure; crying, going nuts, and honestly it's just because I wrote this.  This could have been processed seriously with a sound mind.. but with a mind that being attacked with mind control techniques?  No, certainly not.  They automatically determined that based on writing this it means that I need help, which, isn't something my parents would do without normally speaking to me first.  It's almost as if they were being influenced by someone.. well, they were.  Many, many minds were connecting to them to tell them to send me off.  They were very manic and almost bi-polar during the time that I was experiencing all of this.  Very uncharacteristic feelings for my parents.  My sister also backed them up and was very manic in doing so.  If they were to read this, they'd just say, "ITS BECAUSE WE WERE WORRIED.."  but they know me.  And normally they wouldn't freak out to the level that they did; it's all because of mind control.  

When I first began writing this, my computer which I've owned for four years, gave an unusual error.  One I had never seen.  Notepad Illegal operation and Dr Watson Post Mortem Debugger Illegal operation.  It hasn't happened since.. but I took a screenshot immediately and saved it, and I am posting that on here as well.  I am not saying that it is a coincidence, I am saying that they were trying to thwart me from expounding the ideas that I had written down so far.  It makes sense because at that point in time, I spent an hour writing five paragraphs of this story, and I hadn't pressed the save button once.

Fact or fiction, take this story how you will.  I may or may not believe this information, I want to stress, that this is just a story that I wrote.  I am not saying this because I am afraid of people sending me away, I am saying this because I believe that this is just a story and nothing more, so, please, let that be duly noted.  I wrote this originally as a story and I am continuing to write it as just a story, so, if anyone takes it the wrong way, please, think again.  I am a fully sane person that just enjoys writing, so, leave me be.

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Post by Aegeus » Sat Jul 03, 2010 4:12 am

Maybe you've tuned into their thoughts to attempt evil acts, but there are energies which balance this out or keep it in check. Many things have been stopped already and will continue to be.

Don't buy into fear. Fear is the the problem and it's fertile grounds in which ti grows. Have faith that divine forces will have their influence.

The last swine flu epidemic was mitigated. Nuclear dangers have been averted by divine forces which would have them selves been effected..

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Recent Update!

Post by kadaimara75 » Sat Jul 03, 2010 4:15 am

Here is my most recent update.  Each day I learn and grow more, not only through these attacks, but also because I am young.  My mind is still fresh, still growing, so I am actually exponentially becoming stronger.  I can feel it.  Here is some clarification on some of these issues, or further more detailed explanation if you will.

First of all, homosexuality has been suppressed and demonized from day one, and there is a reason for that, one that you all may or may not know.  It's because of the homosexual split-second psychic connection that I briefly described earlier during this literature.  You see, if homosexuality were absolutely accepted as normal behavior across our world of six plus billion people, then people would start to ask questions about that split-second connection.  You see, that gay feeling that both parties feel is accompanied by two things.  First off, if you are the one who triggered this feeling, you already know it.  A certain word taken out of context [i.e. a HARD time at work, or a STIFF back], an accidental glance at a private area, or even looking at the way someone is standing in a room, if it looks 'gay', then that can trigger a feeling.  Even someone nodding their head quickly or drinking out of a beer bottle can invoke this type of a feeling because it makes a person think about oral sex.  The point is that the one who triggers this feeling knows it.

If you are the recipient, you will also feel a 'gay' feeling.  This will be accompanied by a deep breath, and your eyes suddenly shifting to a different direction.  You will notice it and if you're informed about this particular information regarding sexual psychic connections then you can possibly even deduce what actually was the cause of that sexual psychic connection actually being triggered.  

Sadly we are so conditioned in our society that homosexuality is on the wrong side of the equation at this point in time; by this I mean to say that the majority of humans do not accept this behavior.  This means that when this weird psychic homosexual connection occurs we have to juggle balls in our brains trying to figure out if it should or shouldn't have actually happened.  Well, it's normal behavior, and I hope I've enlightened you in some way to believe so.  Anyone who bashes gays and still experiences these split-second connections needs to bash themselves in return for not willing to properly justify this absolutely human behavior which is misaligned in the face of societal pressure.

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Post by kadaimara75 » Sat Jul 03, 2010 6:09 am

One example of mind control may be this; since situations create that 'deja vu' feeling, its because, others are experiencing the exact same thing that you are. When you reach your psychic peak, even reading a document that someone else may have read might trigger a split-second feeling where someone at that exact moment in time had experienced exactly what you are experiencing. So, pay attention to stuff like this; when you read the part about them mind controlling my dog, you have to keep in mind, the freemasons read every word of it. So, what they would do in order to battle me is invoke a certain feeling of dejavu during that exact passage. They may send a thought like, "Well this guy is probably a schizophrenic who abused his dog.." This further discredits my story, so, it's exactly what they'd say. Keep in mind its absolutely not true.. the most aggressive thing I've done to my dog is kiss him. It's just that, thoughts are like air.. they are everywhere. When a collective group of mind controllers is ready for an attack, they'll think of something very deeply during a certain time. Dejavu, like, "Did this happen before?" It's because it happened for someone ELSE, and you feel that familiarity because in essence, you ARE them. This is such a difficult concept to understand but it needs to be embraced. If the familiarity is very magnified, it may be in order to invoke a certain emotion out of someone. I know in my heart that they mind controlled my parents in order to call a mental hospital, guaranteed.

So the dejavu/eyes changing direction feeling is just an indicator of whether or not someone is thinking about you, mind controlling you, or really any psychic indication at all. Remember, a great way to tell whether or not you are being mind controlled is to pay attention specifically to your eyes. It's also a great way to discern a psychic feeling, or, a community feeling, from your own thoughts. The whole 'voices in your head' thing? Exactly. Minds can be accessed! Pay attention specifically to which voice is YOURS and which ISN'T. if you're being mind controlled, i.e. schizophrenic, then voices do exist. If you aren't, then, you are free to access your own thoughts without anyone talking back. I can't stress enough, keep your values in check, and think of what you'd NORMALLY do if you think you may be subject to mind control. Anyone who has read this needs to pay attention to this; thoughts can be expounded into this vast general air that holds them so you need to pay specific attention to your eyes in order to pick up on psychic thoughts. Also, voices in your head, that talk back. Even if they don't talk back, it is difficult to fully stay quiet so listen to a faint voice or even try to feel an underlying feeling. I can't stress enough, keep your feelings and values in check. They have the upper hand right now because we don't know all this and we are at a disadvantage because they can alter our thought process and renegotiate our own thoughts.

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Post by Ramesses » Sat Jul 03, 2010 6:53 am

I read your posts. I will say that your writing has a considerable amount of redundancy. I think it could have been about half that size, and that would result in more people reading your whole post.

You want every one to believe what you say, that much is clear. I have considered all of what you said. However, you don't seem to be considering the possibility that you may be wrong. Maybe everything you have said is true.... How do you know that? Everything which you have described happened only in your own mind. You have definitely made your case for the mind being a powerful tool. So then you must also accept that it is powerful enough to make all of this up. The mind can make people see things; so it can also make you feel/hear things.

I agree with you that being gay is okay.

P.S. What is with all the updates? They are all from the same day.

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Post by Aegeus » Sat Jul 03, 2010 7:33 am

your waking up, which mean your wold gets turned upside down and your life shattered. It's a big step on the path but it's and important one.

You may want to try a different approach, and be sensitive to what people are ready for. Try not to get to caught up in any one idea as then among other things you risk missing the bigger picture.

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To ramesses

Post by kadaimara75 » Sat Jul 03, 2010 6:10 pm

I speak my mind.. for karma's sake, don't refute my findings.  Don't be the one that makes people say, "OH this guy is bsing.."  Another thing I noticed is that schizophrenia is simply government mind control.  For some reason, schizophrenia thrives in low income communities, which can only mean one thing; ever hear the term 'the rich get richer?'  The more problems these low income neighborhoods have, the easier it will be justified to carry our this world domination, new world order, whatever you wanna call it.

What if all this WERE true.. would you want to be the joker just sitting on here trying to tell people it isn't?  Give me the benefit of the doubt.. and stop trying to SOUND like you're intelligent, we'll still respect you regardless.  :)

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Post by Ramesses » Sat Jul 03, 2010 9:15 pm

"Grandiose delusion: An individual exaggerates his or her sense of self-importance and is convinced that he or she has special powers, talents, or abilities. Sometimes, the individual may actually believe that he or she is a famous person (for example, a rock star or Christ). More commonly, a person with this delusion believes he or she has accomplished some great achievement for which they have not received sufficient recognition"

That is a simple definition.

"What if all this WERE true.. would you want to be the joker just sitting on here trying to tell people it isn't?  Give me the benefit of the doubt.."
Your logic is flawed. What you are doing is actually called "a logical fallacy" in the academic world. For information on this specific fallacy please check out: ... ences.html

The very first one describes what you are doing.

"and stop trying to SOUND like you're intelligent, we'll still respect you regardless. "

This is a personal attack which is yet another logical fallacy. (Red herring anyone?)

Actually, as I look at your most recent post I find that it contains many logical fallacies....

"I speak my mind.. for karma's sake, don't refute my findings."  This is another consequences fallacy.
"Don't be the one that makes people say, "OH this guy is bsing..""
"Another thing I noticed is that schizophrenia is simply government mind control.  For some reason, schizophrenia thrives in low income communities, which can only mean one thing; ever hear the term 'the rich get richer?' "
This last fallacy I listed is actually slightly different from the rest so I will talk about it in more detail. Poor people make up the majority of the world and this country specifically. So the rich represent a much smaller portion of the pie. So any condition that is genetic will occur more in poor people. Why? Because it happens in every one, but there just happen to be more poor people to fall victim.

I have shown how your entire last post was a chain of logical fallacies. I think this also disproves a previous statement from you.
"I am not JUST well-written... "

People who are well-written do not need to announce that fact.

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Post by nighthawk » Sat Jul 03, 2010 10:23 pm

oh my...... I am sorry, all I can do is laugh.... I have many family members and friends in the masons, and I can assure you, they do not control anything, though many in the past helped form this country's foundation. lol
I have also worked for the government and quite frankly, that has killed any thought I may have ever had about them controling anything or covering up anything either. The government couldn't consipire it's way out a paper bag with a map and a flashlight. lol
Go ahead and add that the Jews or the Illuminati don't run the world's economy either.
The only one controling your life is you. Be careful what you read, and what wild ideas you take in. It's very easy to be fooled and led by the nose by the people that actually Are trying to control you-- the fearmongers.

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keep in mind

Post by kadaimara75 » Sat Jul 03, 2010 11:25 pm

Keep in mind that everyone is subject to mind control.  You have to pay specific attention to which voice in your head is yours, and which, well, isn't.  Keep your values in check at all times, and, remember, don't discount this information as garbage because it's possible that you are being mind controlled to do so.  Pay attention to your eyes shifting directionally and dejavu types of feelings while reading this material.  Good luck!  :)

Schizophrenia is prevalent in low income communities and Seizures are actually attacks.. You see, seizures are actually higher in percentage in low income communities as well.  Epilepsy is more common among lower income neighborhoods because it just breeds a culture that has significantly lower standards than normal.  Nobody can actually explain the relationship between low income areas and seizures, specifically why its more prevalent in low income neighborhoods.  But, it's safe to say that it's the government's way of ATTACKING unsuspecting individuals.  Research this.. epilepsy occurs less in the middle and upper classes for sure!  Schizophrenia, too!  It's their way of subduing the masses from believing any of this.

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Post by Crow » Sun Jul 04, 2010 1:15 am

Muse- Uprising popped into mind. :)  I am a little confused about it all.  In my heart I hold no ill will towards the Masons. As a waitress they were my best and polite customers.  And when it came to my son needing special therapy due to his Autism. It is a Masonic Lodge that funds the treatment for speech therapy for the children where I live.  Right now he is on a waiting list, it takes 6 months to 1 year. That is how popular this treatment facility is. This is also where he recieved Behavior Therapy, but it had nothing to do with the Masonic Lodge.  I follow my heart.  And to me they have been nothing but kind, respectful people.  So many paint them out to be monsters.  I've read many books by Fritz Springmeir.  The way he describes the methods of mind control, the programer, etc.  Interesting and will change your outlook on things.  Did mine.  Becareful for those who might trigger.  Some really hard stuff in those books to read as an empath.  I think they group them together. Just like a Wiccan is called a Satanist.  As to the Schizophrenia, I have Bi -Polar 1 with Psychosis.  And I am poor. lol.  But I think it runs in the family.  There is a rise in Bi-Polar and that concerns me.  Enough ranting. Thank you for your information.  I enjoyed the read, and will ponder it tonight.  I like stuff like that.  Sticks with you.

Safe Journey

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phone calls

Post by kadaimara75 » Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:09 am

Ever notice that the split-second you're about to get a call from someone, they pop into your head for no reason whatsoever? Well, the reason that this happens is because of everything that I've described up until this point. Their brain creates a mental snapshot of you, which results in your brain creating the mental snapshot of them. You start to think of them and then all of a sudden, you receive the call. I know that this has happened to you because it is something that is unexplainable that happens to everyone! Why is it that the person who is calling you all of a sudden pops into your head? Because of the psychic powers that we all inherently posess. What you have to keep in mind is that the more accurate your photo memory is, or, the more precise the mental image of the person of focus, the better this connection will appear in your brain. Just remember that you have to make the snapshot of the face of the person as accurate as possible, and try to hold the image there in your brain in order to access their feelings or thoughts. Try to feel the feeling that is felt simultaneously while you are doing this practice method; if you are calm and the split-second that you focus on someone else's face you feel a certain feeling of happiness or sadness, it is the feeling that THEY are feeling. Eventually you will be able to access people's clear thought processes and thought patterns. This does take time and practice but eventually you will learn.. Keep in mind that the main focus is the freemasons at the top of the chain, specifically Al Gore, George H.W. Bush, Mitt Romney, Barack Obama, Dick Cheney, and George W. Bush, and many many others.

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freemasons vs masons

Post by kadaimara75 » Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:10 am

Freemasons and Masons are totally different!!!!!!  Keep in mind!  Masons may not necessarily know mind control; all freemasons, however, do.  They also control the banks and skew the money system to make it appear as if the economy is stable when in reality they are amassing a fortune and POWER as a result.  They are the ones that wish to carry out world domination and the new world order, specifically Al Gore and George H.W. Bush.


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