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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Jun 25, 2010 9:07 am

Aegeus wrote: Cancer can be cured with nutrition. Patients often leave hospitals more malnourished then they went in.
You know my view on your opinion here.....but again..let me try to give you some other thoughts:

Nutrition, Diet & the Healing of Cancer (1)

Adelle Davis used to say that she never saw anyone get cancer who drank a quart of milk daily, as she did. She stopped saying that when she died of
cancer in 1974, leaving behind her a trail of ten million books and a
following that was large, devoted, and misinformed.
 Stephen Barrett, M.D., in Quackwatch on nutritional & dietary oversimplifications

More from Stephen Barrett on Adelle Davis: ”Adelle Davis (1904-1974) was the first ‘health authority’ among modern food faddists who had any formal professional background. She was trained in dietetics and nutrition at the University of California at Berkeley, and got an M.S. degree in biochemistry from the University of Southern California in 1938. Despite this training, she promoted hundreds of nutritional tidbits and theories that were unfounded. At the 1969 White House Conference on Food and Nutrition, the panel on deception and misinformation agreed that Davis was probably the most damaging source of false nutrition information in the nation. Most of her ideas were harmless unless carried to extremes, but some were very dangerous. For example, she recommended magnesium as a treatment for epilepsy, potassium chloride for certain patients with kidney disease, and megadoses of vitamins A and D for other conditions... Davis's most popular book was Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit. George Mann, M.D., Sc.D., of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine undertook the fatiguing task of documenting the book's errors and found an average of one mistake per page...Gordon Schectman, a researcher at Columbia University's Institute of Human Nutrition, compared 201 statements in Chapter 5 with the publications cited to back them up. He concluded that only thirty (27%) of these statements were supported by the references and that 112 (56%) were either contradicted or not related. Little Eliza Young ... during her first year of life ... was given ‘generous amounts’ of vitamin A as recommended in Let's Have Healthy Children. As a result, according to the suit filed in 1971 against Davis and her publisher, Eliza's growth was permanently stunted. The estate of Adelle Davis settled in 1976 for $150,000. Two-month-old Ryan Pitzer was even less fortunate. According to the suit filed by his parents, Ryan was killed in 1978 by the administration of potassium chloride for colic as suggested in the same book. The suit was settled out of court for a total of $160,000-$25,000 from the publisher, $75,000 from Davis's estate, and $60,000 from the potassium product's manufacturer. After the suit was filed, the book was recalled from bookstores, but it was reissued after changes were made by a physician allied with the health-food industry.”

After this introductory caveat meant to illustrate that there may be more nonsense or (sometimes dangerous) half-truths spread in the field of nutrition than in (m)any other field(s) of human exploration, here is a collection of more scientifically sound findings on nutrition and health. Diet after all does seem to play an absolutely pivotal role in both health maintenance and recovery. Often dietary improvements and physical and environmental detoxification alone will heal a person of serious and less serious disease, sometimes (much) more will be needed for healing cancer and other illness...

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Post by Aegeus » Fri Jun 25, 2010 12:26 pm

I suggest watching food matters. It has some compelling testimonies from experts in their respective fields.

Then what about all the black listed medical journals which have documented success stories in treat a range of conditions with nutrients alone?

Still only ten people have died from vitamins in the past 25 years, and that's 10 assumed to be due to vitamins not verified.

"There is also a lot of evidence based info on the winders of vitamins availableDo you know that more then 90% of all death occur in bed?

Maybe best to ban the use of bed altogether, then we might save billions! .

I'm sure you're kidding. Bed is where people go when they are sick, and sick is what people are when they die most of the time. I guess pharmaceuticals are what sick people take. I guess this is the analogy you are making.

You know the leading cause of death for old people is dehydration. Makes you reconsider what growing old means.

The modern diet is low in nutrients thanks to monoculture and much other bad land management. You could correlate this to the rise in many illnesses. Poorly managed land = nutrient deficiency , fertilizer only replaces a few of the main nutrients = nutrient deficient plants with weakened immune systems which get sick so pesticides are used = equals nutrient deficient food = nutrient deficient people with weak immune systems so pharmaceuticals are used.

Ultimately a result of bad land management. plants get pesticides to compensate for their resulting weakness and people get pharmaceuticals. This is worse then putting a band aid on the problem, it's feeding it chemicals.

When people and plants have adequate nutrients the bodies immune system and regenerative capabilities are phenomenal.

If you want to hear it from an expert then I suggest reading deepak chopra's book qQuantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind/Body Medicine.  He was worked as a health care professional but has deep spiritual insight as well.

Humanity has become a cancer on the planet. What you might call progress I call malignant growth as it has been unbalanced disturbing the environment and growing distance and disregard for nature. We have been selling our resources in worship of the all mighty dollar.

Again up comes the issue of subjective vs objective reality. There's a lot of grey area between subjective an objective reality but there is a lot of defined things as well. For instance If I drop a glass it will break and this is no different for you. Many other things fit this category.

It's said that all illness is caused by toxicity and deficiency. This would be hard to dispute.

Of course we play a role in the problems in the world and our lives by the way we live and the choices we make.  This is why it is so important that we make informed decisions. That is get info from multiple sources to get a rounded picture, and don't take what the media or anyone one says at face value but look deeper to the drives and motives to the reason for putting a certain spin on the info.

There is a lot of misinformation out there. Each of us has a powerful effect on reality so we have a responsibility to keep informed so as to exert our influence aware and deliberate, not programmed and reactive. This means not simply accepting widely held views or info from officials.

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Jun 25, 2010 12:44 pm

Aegeus wrote: It's said that all illness is caused by toxicity and deficiency. This would be hard to dispute.
Of course the above is an important issue in develop any negative effect in any is our genes....and life style....lack of exercise and so on.

I am not disputing anything of this....I am not disputing that a healthy food can improve your life...I am not disputing that Healthy food can  prolong your life.

I am DISPUTING your claim that Healthy Food can cure serious illnesses  alone...that we can avoid medicines....this is crap....and in fact Quack!

I have shown you earlier that other who proclaim the same thing, and who have "killed" hundred's of peoples with this belief, has been jailed for is proved beyond any doubt, that what they predict is false, and only give false hope to those who are in a difficult situation.

I have said it to you before;

Approach a well known University and tell them that you can prove that you have the cure for illnesses, including cancer, then I am sure they allow you to be a part of an investigating group that can prove this statement........but maybe they already have proved that such statements are wrong...maybe you then get the advice to study outside your seems to me that you are a clever guy.....but I think you only look at thing from one side of the coin.....maybe it can be smart to turn it around and see the other side too.

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Post by Aegeus » Fri Jun 25, 2010 1:21 pm

Again what about all the black listed medical journal? There is a lot of experienced documentation by professionals which is written off by health care at large in the states.

by the way I am considering studying yoga and naturopathy so I can become more grounded in this kind of knowledge.

I see your point. In absence or something better pharmaceuticals can serve as a crutch.

Astrologers has pointed out to me that I could focus on one thing and loose sight of the bigger picture. Here's one way that comes out.

Yes there could be more research and info on natural remedies, prevention and care. But realize that there are multitudes already just the same as there as many alternatives to oil for transport but the industry fights to protect the status quo. It's the same with health care. The alternatives exist but the industry fights to protect the status quo.

The technology exists for more efficient pollution free sources of power. People who proved it in the past have had mysterious deaths and had their labs raided, and prototypes destroyed. So called alternative health care has existed for thousands of years, but propaganda writes it off as airy fairy hocus pocus. Still it is slowly making its way into the mainstream.

The new world order is attempting to clamp down on vitamins. They are too good for too many things.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:11 pm

Deepak Chopra likes to sell his books so he gives them fancy titles like:  Timless mind, Ageless body - the seniors loved it!  

He is not considered a medical doctor with that kind of practice.  He is a spiritual guru, of which the book stores are full these days.  

It might be considered that under medical training doctors get little about nutrition and/or diet.  It is just not a part of what they are trained in.

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Post by Rhutobello » Fri Jun 25, 2010 2:46 pm

Aegeus wrote:
The new world order is attempting to clamp down on vitamins. They are too good for too many things.
To be honest...I use quiet a sum each year in vitamins and minerals.

I have the belief that it helps me...I have the belief that our food don't have enough of it today...the way we make our food.

BUT from using that, and to believe I am safe is a long shot for me.

I know there is a lot more then our food and exercise that count in our life.

We stress, we have pollution, we have a lot of add-on in our food, in order to keep it longer..we have a steady developing of new food sources, where we manipulate genes in order to get a good harvest and so on.

Life is a complex thing, just like my bed you can't pick one thing and say that this is the cause of everything need a more balanced view the that.

Your earlier sign was against government...your sign now is against pills and doctors. To me you sound like an angry young man, with very little knowledge outside your interest...if I am wrong...well then it is even worse. ... poisoning/

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Post by Aegeus » Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:00 am

Granted there could be lots of valid reasons to be carful with vitamins but a lot of info on the dangers of vitamins is propaganda from pharmaceutical companies.

And by the way pharmaceutical companies pay hundreds of thousands of dollars for each doctor to go to school, then these doctors get kickbacks for the prescriptions they prescribe. Something like 70 or 80 % of doctors education is paid for by pharmaceutical companies. It's about 700 or so grand for all the training a doctor receives in their schooling.

Now why should we give any credit to what they say when this is the case?

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:40 am

Well...its life....

If you read the article about Adelle Davis...then you should also have spotted this line;

After the suit was filed, the book was recalled from bookstores, but it was reissued after changes were made by a physician allied with the health-food industry.

It shows that money speaks, whatever party you will support, and that again show that it is important to form own opinions that in the end is somewhere between each extremity.

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Post by Aegeus » Mon Jul 05, 2010 10:54 am

I read a good quote the other day. "virtue stands in the middle" Which basically refers finding middle ground and balance.

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Post by Aegeus » Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:16 am

Probably should just start a discussion about it but no matter.

Here's the link for the article which stimulated my following theory ... min_D.html

So It's widely accepted and understood that too much of one vitamin without the minerals and nutrients that the body requires to process the vitamin can cause the body to have a toxic reaction.

The most common case of this is probably salt. The body needs minerals to clear salt from it's system and to use the salt. SO if you get refined(adulterated) salt, then you may react to it as a toxin. The fact is salt is not toxic, but without the required minerals to process the salt it might as well be a toxin.

The article specifically talks about vitamin D, and the bodies need for magnesium to process it. If people lacking the required magnesium are thinking that their symptoms are a result of vitamin d toxicity when in fact it is a lack of magnesium, then how many other cases are there of thinking a vitamin is toxic, when the symptom triggering such thinking is actually a product of a deficiency of another vitamin, and the cause of this is taking vitamins in unnatural concentrations and balances.

By understanding these interactions more then we can refine the use of food, as nutrition and in severe cases of vitamin and nutrient administering.

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Post by Rhutobello » Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:30 am

It more prove that we must be more careful with what we eat, that be food, vitamins, or medicines.

We must not blindly believe what is said, we must seek knowledge.

Vitamins many times need minerals in order to get the right effect for the body.
On the other hand, vitamins that in one situation can do you good, can be "dangerous" in another situation where you use other things.

The fact that something have a benefit in small dosages, might have the opposite effect if we increase the dosage.

We know for sure that obese is dangerous for us, still more and more people get into this state.
We know that "exercise" is good for both body and mind, still we sit more on our behind watching TV

We love easy solutions, and by promoting one product group as more healthy the another, and it takes no effort to do it....many will have a tendency to overdo it...because they want a more speedy result.

So I agree that Vitamins and minerals can be healthy for us, but only as a supplement, where a healthy lifestyle is the major thought.

If not, the same thing might just be another addon to an unhealthy life, with its own damages.

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Post by Aegeus » Thu Jul 15, 2010 8:45 am

A healthy life style is the ultimate prevention of bad health. There is no way around that.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jul 15, 2010 6:43 pm

Perhaps it is in the definition of what is a healthy lifestyle.  Once again, one size does not fit all.  There are the tall, the short, the big the small in life and all need their own pattern.  It is certainly an individual choice in what is a healthy lifestyle for self.

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Post by Aegeus » Thu Jul 15, 2010 10:06 pm

It's not so much a matter of choice in what is healthy for you as it is a matter of knowing your self and making wise choices int hat knowing.

The point I was making is there is a lot of disinformation and cleaver tactics used to back it up in favor of pharmaceuticals and against natural remedies. I just found another example of this disinformation.

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Post by swetha » Fri Dec 10, 2010 6:59 am

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