Psychic Powers, Our government, Mind control, and Freemasons

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More information

Post by kadaimara75 » Sun Jul 04, 2010 2:58 am

If my death were to occur due to radiation poisoning or ANY type of brain cancer, it's because Al Gore (basically enemy #2) supports this style of warfare.  There is a way to concentrate radiation from space in order to have it affect a certain target; this is something that they have used on Ron Paul and have attempted to use on me, however, it does not work one bit.  Also, John F. Kennedy's death was caused by freemasons for sure!  He was a target because he was going to divulge this information to his own mother; instead of allowing that to happen [ because JFK's mom was a good person, too good they said ] they just killed him.  They read his mind and found out that he was going to do this and then they killed him in public.

This is why there are so many conspiracy theories surrounding his death.  Martin Luther King was also someone who had somehow succumbed to being a target of the freemasons and this was all because he was going to unite the world through his psychic consciousness.

I got an MRI done regarding this exact problem because I was so paranoid as to whether or not cellphones hurt your ear; I think I felt a tiny buzzing on my right side every single time that I went to use a cellphone, but, its also possible that this was all in my head.  [yeah, what an ironic analogy]..  Well, its possible that an article that I read made me paranoid as to whether or not cellphones cause radiation poisoning.  I actually went and got an MRI done just to be safe because I was so worried; my dad has been a radiologist for thirty years and said that there was nothing amiss but also suggested that I get a test done by a neurologist called an "EKG" just to be safe.  The MRI being inconclusive was good enough evidence for me, so I decided not to go for any further tests.  I also seldom use cellphones now, and haven't complained about this pain once.  It's possible that the pains were actually all in my head and I wasn't actually feeling the ear/head brain pains.  So, if for some reason I do start to even feel any of these pains, it is certainly because they are attempting to concentrate radiation to a certain specific point, directly into my brain in order to induce brain cancer or even slow my brain down.  

[Remember, you can all deny or affirm this.  This can be interpreted as fact or fiction.  Try some of these practice methods and decide for yourself if it's true or just talk!]

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Post by kadaimara75 » Mon Jul 05, 2010 8:24 pm

What they've been doing, actually, is building a superpower.  Each and every thing that they do, I am onto it.  It is fun for me because it actually stimulates my mind and helps me grow.  Now, their attacks are barely even affecting me.  It's almost as if I'm waiting for the big one, except its never ever going to happen.  I can finally collect my thoughts and think like a normal human being now, which is great because it means that I can go to class, hang out with friends, and do all the things that I normally do without having to worry about any of these bogus motherfuckers.  The worst part about it is that clogging my mind is actually in a way disrupting their own agenda.  You see, not many folks know about this mind control.  The ones that actually do know about it are working on different tasks.  For example, it's possible that almost every world leader or many many different people are being influenced to do things that they normally wouldn't do.  Almost each and every political decision is influenced by mind control; marijuana would have been legalized many many years ago if it had not been for several different tasks involving mind control.

Al Gore is specifically target enemy #1 by the way; he is someone that needs to be focused on.  I know for a fact that my fellow citizens of this Earth are NOT going to be happy when they find out what the original plans were for us; and the people who are involved are people that you wouldn't even imagine, like Mitt Romney, Jimmy Carter, Al Gore, Colin Powell, Joe Biden, The entire Bush family, Barack Obama, Newt Gingrich, Bill Clinton, Hilary Clinton, John Kerry, Tipper Gore, every single individual in the Bilderberg group, and so on.  

Another method of "warfare" that these freemasons have been attempting to use is what I like to call the stop/start method.  Each person picks a partner and, flashes back and forth between the target and their partner.  The reason that they use this style of attack is because they are attempting to make their target panic.  I like to call this the 'induced scare' or 'induced uncertainty'.. see here's how they'd try to catch me in a lie.  For example, for the past three days, these fucks have been trying to catch me in a series of lies; all it's really done in essence is made me a better liar.  Now I can actually lie to everyone; the only reason that they are unable at this point to discern between a lie and a truth is because there are so many people focused on me at a time.  They induce an uncertain feeling like a, "Do they know it's a lie? " feeling, right as they are trying to ask a question or put me on the spot.  You see, the mind is powerful.  The more that it endures, the more it grows and learns and is able to defeat every single mind game in sight.  Anyway, the way that they attack me is by having as many people focus on me at the same time as possible.

How many?  Possibly even in the hundreds or thousands.. I don't even know.  But they are deep focused on me, and, it doesn't phase me anymore.  I've just trained myself to make my mind the strongest mind, and it's been slowly becoming stronger and stronger.  Just remember, if they ever do decide to use these methods on you, don't be overwhelmed.  It may SEEM like a lot at first, but in reality, you are training yourself to be a stronger and better person.  You are also effectively preventing yourself from suffering any form of epilepsy for the rest of your life; as a matter of fact, this will be the new warfare we use against those who were trying to suppress this information from us.  Make sure you find out who is good and who is bad because, as time marches on, those who do not feel the same thing that the group feels will stand out.  

The silencer is another great method that these freemasons have been attempting to use.  The reason that I keep using the word attempting is because they originally worked, to a degree, in the sense that I wasn't exactly sure what they were doing.  However slowly but surely I could not only discern the differences between the styles of attacks but now I can describe them in great detail.  I also noticed that my mind is effectively the most powerful mind in sight; what these freemasons failed to understand is that one smart mind is far more powerful than even thousands of collective minds because the one mind is undergoing so much that in essence it is learning and growing more than any of those other minds ever could.  They are building a powerful mind and then attempting to defeat it; the only reason that they are unable to do so at this point is because I have not only protected my mind by learning and growing, I have protected my life by going nuts.  My city bike rides, facebook posts, and overall loony behavior has made this possibility a dream.  Nobody can kill me anymore because every detail of my death will be scrutinized; the cops, D.E.A., every citizen of this city, all my friends, family, anyone and everyone that's read this material, and so on and so forth, are ALL on my side.  Some are not sure as to whether or not to believe it, but, believe me, if I die they will most certainly give me the benefit of the doubt.  Even if I die from a radiation style attack, this will be scrutinized.  Any form of my death will actually give even further credence to everything that I am stating in this tell-all exposé.  Normal people don't just go nuts, ya hear??

Another weird but funny method that these individuals use is the one side method.  They'll all focus on a specific image in the lower left portion of their brain, or, the upper-right portion of their brain.  Picture like, everyone making a photographic image of the exact same thing.  Well, it would be very magnified for the intended recipient of the attack.  So everyone focuses on a white screen with a devil in the upper right.  Almost like a devil picture frame hanging.  These used to work.. but now, they don't.  They are failing to realize that I've reached a peak to the point where the only thing I'll ever really do in response to their attacks is.. well.. WRITE ABOUT IT.  I'm going to detail every single thing that these idiots have done in order to ensure that this never, ever, EVER happens to any good citizen of this world ever again.  This is mindlessness; somehow I feel as though GOD is on my side, because every little thing that these bastards do actually builds me up.  Now I can not only withstand their attacks but I also know that I am holding them back from achieving exactly what it is that they'd like to achieve.  In the meantime, while all these games end up taking up so much of their time and efforts, they'll lose track of what their original intentions in regard to mind control actually were.  All while this is occurring, people will begin to practice and they'll save me.  The end result should be to invoke seizures in the similar fashion that they do.  Coordinated attacks such as like, "We'll all think of.. Al Gore.. in a hateful way.. at 8:52:46 AM..  Straight-up send this hateful bitch into heart-attack/seizure oblivion at that very second."  And so on.  Just remember that each and every one of these individuals are complicit in this attack against humanity; they want to kill many of us and they want to keep many of us down.  They want power and they want it at the cost of the quality of our lives; the things that make us happy?  Well, to these people, they don't matter.  They are only worried about themselves and their kids and their own power.  They enjoy the fact that many of us are going to possibly lose our lives if we don't stop them; just remember, these guys do not have good intentions.  I cannot stress that enough.  They are inhuman in the sense that they want to battle their own species; and for what?  To uphold the tradition of power?  And that's it.  It's mindlessness like I've described and I am going to be sure to expose them in every way that I possibly can.

Also, keep in mind that moderators on these message boards are also very subject to mind control.  The fact that I've even posted this is enough for the members of the freemasons to attempt to mind control people into not believing it.  Pay attention to split-second rapid eye movements; these are psychic connections!  Even if they don't know your face if you experience the same exact thing that they experience, i.e., reading the same passage as they have in the past, then its possible that you can be a target of this mind control.  Anything that makes you skeptical about this material that is accompanied by an eye movement which is rapid and simultaneous with the thought is possibly mind control.  For example, if your eyes move one way and someone expresses that this material is redundant, then, it may just be someone attempting to make you believe that.  The government likes to put thoughts in people's heads through situational dejavu, so, reading this may actually emit feelings that are very unlike yours.  I can't stress it enough, practice these methods.  Also, a great way to read someone's mind is to attempt to hold the image of their exact face in your brain and keep your mind silent.  This is the very essence and truth of mind control; after some practice you will actually be able to access people's thought processes.  Yes, you can make someone be schizophrenic if you wish.

Remember, every single member of the Bilderberg group is definitely involved in this mess.  Each and every member in the Bilderberg group's faces needs to be analyzed and picture perfect snapshots need to be taken of these individuals in order to take them out.  The attacks that they have been using are the same attacks that I've been withstanding, documenting, and preparing to use against them.  They don't realize that they are creating a monster that can not only corroborate every single piece of information that holds this power structure together but can also make waves across the internet.  Pretty soon I'm going to blanket Rittenhouse Square with this information in order to make sure that everyone starts focusing on members of the Bilderberg Group in order to learn every piece of the puzzle that hold together their plans regarding world domination, the New World Order, and every scheme imaginable.  Also, I hate to sound redundant, but I want to ensure that you folks all practice this method.  Anyone that even thinks that this information is repetitive could also be subject to mind control.  Please, pay specific attention to your eyes while reading this.

You can connect to someone in a psychic way without actually knowing them.  This actually happened to me with the D.E.A. agents that I've described.  If the face is an unfamiliar face then it actually means that its someone that knows the exact shape and picture of your face but you don't know their faces.  Keep in mind that this is particularly how schizophrenia and mind control work, and this is why schizophrenia, psychic powers, and mind control are often found all in the same category.  In essence, they are all actually the exact same thing.

These guys have a radiation weapon that they have been using.  They still aren't quite sure as to whether or not it actually affects me, but, I've figured out that they are using it.  Specifically the one that champions its use is Mitt Romney.  Just remember, citizens of God's green earth, I am the one that wrote this for a reason.  I wanted to change the world, and I wanted people to stop killing people for no reason.  There is so much on this planet that just causes so much anguish for so many people that I don't even really truly understand how the freemasons can sleep at night knowing all of this, I really don't.  Even as I write this they are thinking that I am just trying to invoke sympathy but guess what?  I'd say that it is safe to say that there are more of us than there are of them.  There are certainly more people that want to increase their quality of life; I can also guarantee that when all these people find out what these hateful bastards are up to, it's not going to be good.  All the warfare that they attempted to use on me, just remember, If anything were to happen to me this entire set of writings would be taken much more seriously than it actually was.

Anyway, the radiation weapon is just a way to concentrate radiation to an exact geographic location.  It's their only hope anymore because the mind games don't work anymore.  So, I'm going to write as much about this radiation weapon as I can because I want to cause their untimely demise as quickly as possible.  This mission is truly no longer about life and death for me anymore because fighting these guys, being in a battle with these guys, means that I have to fight to the death.  They have already made up their minds that they are never going to stop using the radiation weapon so that truly means that I am going to write as much as I can about these individuals, specifically who they are, and so on and so forth.  Just remember, If I die by any radiation-related death or if I die of brain cancer, this is to be taken seriously.  Normal people do not predict their deaths and furthermore they certainly do not predict the exact method that they are going to be killed.  This means specifically that If I get any radiation-related problems for my brain or If I die by radiation then these guys are responsible.  The funny thing is that they are relentless; they are still trying to somehow convince me that everyone SHOULD die, and that it won't include me, and that I should make a deal with them.  Is this some kind of a joke?  

I am vengeful.  This is who I am and it will never, ever, ever change.  Anything that these bastards do is not only documented in this essay, it's filed away in my vast brain and it is to be remembered and used as further justification for my attrition towards them.  I do not just walk up to people and pick fights, but I definitely finish 'em.  I am a good person, trying to help, trying to do the right thing.  What do you think people are going to say when they find out what my role was, and what their role was?  Who's side do you think they are going to take?  Just remember, these guys control the money in this world and they've set up a system that keeps us down.  They also are using mind control to carry out every single task that they wish; this is why they are in power, it's because, they are all-knowing to a degree.  They know what you're going to do before you do it and on top of that they wield great influence over every world leader because they are able to access their brains very easily.  They can just renegotiate their thought processes in order to get them to comply.  I am glad that I am writing this because it ensures that this will never ever happen to anyone else.  Practice these attacks I've described by constantly flashing the image of Mitt Romney's exact face in your brain.  If millions of people do this, it will send him a message.  We need to do these seizure style attacks and use them on every single member of the Bilderberg Group, and every single person I've described in this entire set of writing.  Whether you believe this material or not, it wouldn't hurt to flash images of Mitt Romney in your brain.  Just try to connect with him.  If everyone does it, trust me, it won't feel good for him.  It's exactly what the guy deserves.

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Post by Aegeus » Tue Jul 06, 2010 12:31 am

thought plus emotion = creation

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More on disorders

Post by kadaimara75 » Tue Jul 06, 2010 2:41 am

Everything that I've said about epilepsy, schizophrenia, and low-income neighborhoods is very true.  Just remember, these freemasons enjoy keeping people down.  What's their motivation?  Pure hate.  Why?  It boggles my mind.  This is the only real mind game that exists, trying to figure out the positive aspects of their agenda.  This is possibly the only thing that even makes me worry in the least, is, are these freemasons ever going to save themselves?  Are they just going to dance with evil and wonder what people will do?  Or will they repent and realize that they are certainly not in their right minds.  Who knows, who cares.  From what I see, this is still a battle, and it will rage on until I fall over and physically die.  At that point, you will decide for yourself, how could a young 24 year old predict his own death.  Could it have been at the hands of the government, or is it just some crazy person?  Either way the evil is very apparent within Mitt Romney, Al Gore, Barack Obama, and their cohorts.  Even so that almost all of the women within this group are also just as relentless.  The only woman who actually doesn't belong within this group is Michelle Obama.  She just got mixed up with a bad group and regrets it.  But Jill Biden, Tipper Gore, Sarah Palin, Hilary Clinton, Condoleezza Rice, and many many others are all people that are complicit in the demise of our good people.  Loved ones, babies, pets, anything you can imagine these evil power-hungry maniacs want to just hold us down and suck the life out of us.  How will you respond?  Will you practice these methods I've outlined?  

Back to the topic of schizophrenia and epilepsy.  In impoverished areas where there aren't enough resources to go around, these two conditions thrive.  Just remember, once we all catch on, we know who's gonna get the seizures.  We know who's gonna be losing their mind, and it's certainly not us.  It'll be more like people that are in charge such as Mitt Romney.  You see, freemasons don't understand that once everyone catches on to their crap, all we'll really have to do to cause their untimely demise is just focus hard on their faces at an exact time.  A crowd of a few thousand will surely do; if it doesn't work, we'll up the ante.  These are the unbelievers and they deserve sneak mental attacks.  The funny thing is, we can't even be charged with anything for doing this, because all we're really doing in essence is using our brains.  We will invoke seizures against those who choose to oppress us.  They like to overwhelm unsuspecting minds and keep the populous in an economic, mental, and social chokehold.  They keep us down; you see, think of it as pizzas.  They keep the extremely large piece of pizza for themselves to the point where they aren't even able to use that many resources.  They just want power and they want to hand out resources as they choose, but, it's wrong.  Everyone should feel good and have three meals and have a nice place to sleep and be disease-free.  Nobody on this earth should be held down.  It's all they want to do though.  You see, they have the entire world set up so that as time marches on, they are the ones that are in charge of the resources.  Therefore, they are in charge of us.  The military is the enforcement strongarm of this entire plan, and they carry out every single step vehemently and switfly because it's all they know.  These folks that are in office have no choice but to fight because they are the ones that are the descendants of the original freemasons; therefore they have no other option but to defend the title.  Just remember, I have sympathy for some of them because of their ambivalence in this entire situation but others are just hateful.  These are the ones that will stand out and, well, once we all become psychic I'm sure we will come to a consensus as to how to deal with the unbelievers.  The reason that it is so simple for them to carry out their plans is because nobody knows about these special psychic powers that everyone has the ability to posess.  They are able to use these powers as leverage because they have been taught exactly how to do them for generations.  The freemasons have held power since the dawn of time specifically because they wield these powers; they are able to exist as puppeteers in this world of humans simply because people aren't informed of the possibilities that exist within our minds.

Continuing on to describe more attacks, the more I endure the more I write.  This is my way of life and my only response to the idiotic actions of these greedy, powerful, hateful, inhuman pricks that somehow coexist in our vast cornucopia of living things.  The reason that their demise is imminent is not only because they are upholding tradition but because their intentions are in the wrong place.  Think about what's going to happen when I literally air drop these books in front of schizophrenia and epilepsy treatment centers.  The parents and loved ones of epileptics and schizophrenics are going to say, "They.. did that to my baby?  They did that to my child?  But why?  I only have one life to live, I only have one chance to procreate and create children, and this is what they did?  But why?"  That's going to be the main question.  Why.  Why on earth did these bastards have to do this to good people?  And see, justice will always, always prevail.  People are certainly not going to take this lightly, that their livelihoods are simply in place to exist as peons for just a few that happen to wield this power.  Tradition will certainly fall victim to humanity because these freemasons' hearts are going to remain in the wrong place.  They will continue to attempt to breed hate, and as a result, they are to be dealt with accordingly.  I don't even need to really say much in detail about what's going to happen to these folks but I know that my fellow humans will do the right thing.  I know that you guys aren't going to allow a few people to alter and suppress your collective consciousness that was always meant to exist.  I know that you guys will fight back, too.

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mind control

Post by kadaimara75 » Tue Jul 06, 2010 7:52 am

Please pay specific attention to a directional movement of your eyes that is accompanied with a thought while reading ANY OF MY WRITING.  I know that I keep saying this but mind control has even found its way into this passage.  It's possible that while you're reading this, you'll get a rapid eye movement, and say something like, 'this guy is full of shit.'   Now if that happens you need to think outside the box and understand that it's possible that you yourself are being mind controlled to believe that this information is not true.  Hey, I know, it seems quite farfetched, but if you had those powers and a certain evil agenda, what would you do?  Wouldn't you want to prevent people from actually knowing this information?  Just make sure you keep your values in check, which may be very difficult to do so. Also remember, you would normally believe this stuff if it wasn't for a different voice in your head that is telling you not to believe it.  Once you have found your way outside the realm of mind control you need to start practicing some of these techniques.  I know that this information can positively have a great effect on humanity.  I urge anyone and everyone to please, translate this writing in as many languages as possible, and urge your peers to practice these methods so that we can actually find out what is going on and who is trying to progressively diminish the quality of our lives.  Once you all find out exactly what the game plan is, and who's behind it, I'm sure that you'll be livid.  You'll also fight the force that is doing this.

Another method that these freemasons have been attempting to use is the silencer method.  They try to get as many of them to connect to one mind and keep a clear connection, all while staying completely silent without saying one word.  The reason that this attack actually works unlike the others is because instead of a voice in your head, its more like emotions that are staying within your brain that aren't saying anything.  It's someone that's there, but, they aren't actually there, if you know what I mean.  Also keep in mind that it's not just one person but rather many, many people if they are attacking you.  Remember, I am writing this because they are attacking me for divulging this information.  However, I am withstanding the attacks because I happen to love myself, and as a result, there is no stopping me.  Not one of these individuals who are fighting me loves themselves, and I already know it for a fact.  I am selfless; willing to lose credibility with peers, friends, family, professors, even family in India.  Willing to ride around on my bicycle and proclaim the possibility of my death.  I even spent time in a mental hospital.  I am even explicitly stating that they may use radiation to cause my death.  Why?  Well, think about it.  There's a reason for all of this happening, and, soon enough you will all realize that this written passage was inevitable.  Someone had to compensate for their undoing because they weren't supposed to remain in power.  Once again, all of this information is very difficult to grasp and probably sounds extremely dramatic.  As I've been saying, take it with a grain of salt, and please remember to love yourself along this journey that we call life.  Also pay attention to any voice in your head that is telling you that this is NOT true.  It certainly is.  I can't stress enough, pay very close attention to rapid eye movements that are accompanied with specific thoughts, because if any of these state that this information is not true, it is quite possibly government mind control.  Force yourself to believe this, and practice the methods.

Fireworks were a great way for these freemasons to attack me.  They can simulate the 'scared' feeling by invoking the perception of that very feeling in your body by focusing on your face and simultaneously creating a scare.  Well, these guys also had a decibel counter where any sudden change in sound would be automatically accompanied by one of these scare perceptions.  This can cause the intended target of these attacks to actually believe that he or she is being scared by things that wouldn't normally scare me.  For example, these guys were using this invoked scare on me any time that I'd hear a siren, any loud noies, and especially Fourth of July fireworks.  Again, good tactic, but after I while I became immune to not only this attack but many others as well.

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My Experience

Post by Crow » Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:25 am

Before I went into my psychosis I had  thought the government was going to have the economy crash.  I thought the world was coming to an end as I know it.  Very bad place  I do not wish to visit.

By the way I had people come up when I was pregnant with my son wanting to know what I was to name him. Then later on the same man was there when I got fired for having a crying fit.  He didn't order any food, just was there watching.  They approached me to see if my ex husband wanted to join a group.  Asking me instead of him.  They even wanted me to put my eldest in a tween group for young girls.  Who were these people?  I don't know but they made me absolutely paranoid!  

I don't fear them anymore. I realized last year I was just a pea on in this life I live.  No one special to be monitored or followed.  This was just my paranoia feeding my racing thoughts.  

I'm not defending or attacking these groups.  I really don't know how to feel toward them.   Was just moved to write you.

Safe Journey

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Jul 06, 2010 8:43 am

I am sorry to tell that I haven't read the whole thread...but just like Crow I felt an urge to give a view.

Our Brain is Our strongest tool, and it can bring us to the highest peek or deepest ground.

If we strongly feel we are an expert in any field, then our mind tell us so, even if we are wrong all the time, it is just other who make mistakes, gives wrong info and so on.

If we strongly feel we are IMPORTANT, and are hunted by other, then our mind create this reality, and automatic fit every incident into our liking.

I am not sure why anyone would hunt down a 24 years old person with such eagerness.

Have you started to ask yourself "WHY" are they doing this to me?

Why have they reason to bother me...WHAT do I know that are dangerous for them....WHAT do I know that other don't know?

Put the answer down an a paper, speak the answer onto tape, and send it to many newspapers, and there is no need to hunt you anymore...because the unknown is then known.

BUT, again our Brain can make us fools, so be sure it is facts you put down, and not only your own imaginations, created by a tiny thought in the past and multiplied by own imagination and time....

I am not denying that secret organization have secrets.....I am not denying that we don't know everything....I am just asking...."Why do you believe you are so important for them?"

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Post by kadaimara75 » Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:17 am

Because this is unprecedented!!!  Too detailed, and I'm not a politician, and for many many other reasons they can't kill me.  Or shut me up.

Just remember, Philadelphia is the epicenter for all of this information existing.  If anything, and I mean ANYTHING whatsoever is to happen to the Philadelphia area within the next few months or even up to a year, it is related to all of this information.  Many of you are not sure as to whether or not you should take this information seriously, however there is a great deal of information regarding the NWO/freemason group's abilities to cause earthquakes.  You can further research this online if you aren't sure by searching about it in Google.  Just remember, specifically if Philadelphia suffers an earthquake, or any other form of disaster involving widespread sickness or death, it is directly related to this information that I am posting.  These guys want to protect this information and the majority of people who are involved in this episode are from Philadelphia or live in this area.  You must spread this information beyond the city of Philadelphia and inform people from every part of the world that this message is to be taken seriously regardless of what your mind may be telling you.  If this city suffers a disaster it will greatly silence the information that is written here, and it also may cause my untimely death.  I feel as though I am a target at this point for explaining all of this to so many people, and posting it on many many forums.  This is my way of protecting myself, by proudly proclaiming, if I ever die, please take this message seriously as my dying wish.  Young, healthy, normal people do not often predict their deaths.  If my death is to occur, my message must be scrutinized, especially if it is by radiation poisoning or brain cancer or in any other way at a young age.

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:25 am

Maybe if you go talking to someone it might help you...what about a discuss such things might give other angels to see thing....or to get good impulses how to proceed.

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i still

Post by kadaimara75 » Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:43 am

would like to update my writings in this forum if possible :)  Seeing one this week.

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Post by Aegeus » Tue Jul 06, 2010 9:47 am

If you want your information to get to more people then you must consider making it more succinct.

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Update July 7 2010

Post by kadaimara75 » Wed Jul 07, 2010 8:18 pm

So fake smugness is a way for these guys to actually attempt to make you believe that they are smug, because, they want you to believe that they have something up their sleeves.  All you really have to do to figure out whether or not they are lying is call them on it.  Put them on the spot, and, if the feeling that you feel at that time is not fully uniform then they are lying.  If there is just an ounce of uncertainty, like, 1% uncertainty, then it translates to 100% uncertainty.  Not everyone can keep their feelings uniform who is attacking you; it's almost as if the more people they use, the greater their disadvantage.  The reality is that nothing could truly be up their sleeves because anything that they do will only give more light each and every detail of my writing.  If they mess with my city, if they mess with me, this information is going to be taken far more seriously than it already is.  And believe me, people are starting to take it seriously as it is because all of these methods WORK!  Many are starting to realize that this is a concise, detailed, informative guide that allows for people to understand the topic of mind control in ways that have never been described.  These are secrets and exposing them to the world is groundbreaking and unprecedented.  This is how they control us which means that this is writing that needs to be distributed to every single person that cares about their well-being.  If you care about your families, pets, your futures, and your lives, then this is something that will save you.  
Everyone who knows mind control is actually involved with world domination and does not have good intentions for us.  I cannot stress it enough, people like Ben Bernanke and Donald Rumsfeld are complicit in plans that allow them and their team to gradually decrease the quality of our lives all while amassing a fortune.  They are gaining power at the expense of our happiness and therefore must be stopped at all costs.  The best way to do this is to focus on their exact faces and try to use THEM as practice methods.  Just repeatedly flash the accurate image of their faces in your brain.

I must also say yet again that if my death is to occur, my message must be scrutinized, especially if it is by radiation poisoning, brain cancer, or really possibly any form of cancer, any accident, or anything at all.  I can't stress enough that at a young age if someone is predicting their own death, and writing all of this stuff, it is to be taken seriously.  The government can make my death look like an accident in many, many, many different way.  Even a death that seems natural can be staged.  If my death is at a young age then it is because they want to silence me.  My death is to be scrutinized because being able to spread this word is the biggest threat that the Freemasons have ever faced.

Mind control works in any and every which way possible.  By this I mean that if you are a target, you may find yourself in situations where your family and friends are being targeted by mind control.  A renegotiation of one's thought process is very very subtle.  This means that if someone is tuned into your mind, they can stay silent and then wait for certain moments in order to renegotiate.  They don't want to make it too obvious because a 'voice in your head' is quite apparent.  They don't want to spook people into believing that someone is there, so, they have to be very subtle.  In lower income areas they are less subtle, hence the reason that schizophrenia is so widespread.  People don't just 'hear voices' in their head.  There is a reason for that, one that you may or may not all know.  It's just another way for those in power to use these mind control techniques to their advantage.  You see, the higher income groups and lower income groups in this country are quite separate.  This works in the freemasons' favor because they are able to inflict these schizophrenic and epileptic attacks in a higher proportion for just the lower socioeconomic groups.  This strategy allows for poorer people to appear more crazy and less credible and therefore they extract far less sympathy from the rest of the population. Middle-Income and High-Income groups are desensitized to all of this oppression and as a result are inherently racist.  They may not act racist but it's because at this point it is politically incorrect to do so; the way they feel however is quite different.  Blacks certainly are oppressed in our world due to the workings of the freemasons.  I must also say that in 2010 Whites are passive-aggressive about their racist convictions, but nonetheless they are racist.

The Federal Reserve is yet another cog in the gears of hatred these freemasons wield.  All this system does is simply allow for those in control to amass yet an even greater amount of power.  As time marches on they slowly and slowly gain a tigher chokehold on the people of our world.  Why?  Who will ever truly know their motivation.  Somehow this menacing machine that continues to exist is just a game of divide and conquer for these members of the Bilderberg Group.  They are not concerned with the values that many of us hold near and dear such as common decency, love, and respect for one another.  Instead they take pride in crushing and destroying families.  The ones that we love?  That is not their concern.. People that I know are feeling this 'recession', but it's not a real recession.  It's a story for them to gain more power.  They still have yet to explain to me their motivation; it will remain an enigma and is surely to keep me forever in the dark.  They have not broken my spirit, not once, they have only made me stronger.  For the past two and a half weeks I have slowly but surely managed to turn this small problem into a gaping crater.  Soon it will be apparent who is right or wrong.  Whether they kill me or not, this information is going to be common knowledge for every intelligent being on this planet.

The reason that Black people are low-income people is because of the plans of the freemasons and it continues even to this day.  This is what makes Roland Martin, Barack Obama, Eric Holder, Colin Powell, Jay Z, and so despicable.  It's because they are Black people that are absolutely content with the progressive demise of their own people.  They are the ones who are going to get the least sympathy when this information becomes more available.  These awful monsters are not only participating in the terrifying realities that these freemasons have forged as their wicked way of life, they have also played a role in destroying their own black people.  They are people that will stand to defend their group at the expense of the well-being and livelihood of their own race.  Well I have to say that the world will certainly not be forgiving like myself.

Black freemasons are probably the bravest freemasons of all to be able to sit pretty through this firestorm that they've consciously and willingly procured.  Just remember that when people choose to exact their vengeance, nobody will feel bad for them.

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More info

Post by kadaimara75 » Thu Jul 08, 2010 12:52 am

Remember, any story that is related to my death is bogus.  My death is just a way for these freemasons to continue doing what they are doing. My entrance into this psychic world was unplanned, unprecedented, and a one-of-a-kind situation.  This is the first person who has infiltrated them to this degree and still managed to stay afloat since I am not involved with politics, went from normal to insane, damaged relationships with every single person that's in my life, and predicted my death several times.  Remember, I am writing this for a reason.  Young people do not often predict their deaths and predict the fall of their city or region.  I am doing exactly this.  Also, the ones that predict their deaths or their regions being devastated are usually wrong.  If my predictions are correct, then there is something serious going on.  You all need to pay careful attention to media reports of what is going to be happening in the Philadelphia region.  If any type of devastation occurs in this very region, this information is to be scrutinized because it has the potential to save each and every one of you from imminent danger.  I can't stress enough that if all of us living beings are not on the same page we are facing a struggle.  Please, also pay attention to any instances of you becoming skeptical while reading this.  If it is accompanied by a rapid eye movement it is more likely mind control than anything.  People in the freemasons have read and inserted thoughts into every single word of this passage.  If you do not believe this to be true then read this and see how you feel.  See if there is anyone or any force that is attempting to convince you that this information may not be true.  Like a quick voice maybe saying ,"This guy's full of shit.."  or "Yeah Right".  something like that.  I know, seems silly, but you have to understand that you would normally believe and practice all of this if you were not being mind controlled to think otherwise.  You have to think outside the box with respect to this passage.

Find the "Yeah Right" 's within this passage.  They certainly exist.  If they aren't those exact words they are similar!!!
Last edited by kadaimara75 on Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:17 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Joined: Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:12 pm

Post by Jobujack » Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:07 am

Yawn...long story  :smt024

Listen up grasshopper, relax, take a deep breath, of course the government does mind control, thats what television, music, newspapers and magazines are for they don't need to do the cool stuff or know how, though they are quite talented at illusion.

You should apologize to your parents though you don't have to mean it, just make it sound sincere. It's ok to tell people what they want to hear as long as your not doing it for a negative reason. Reason for this is to ease your parents concerns and your friends. Another thing is it doesn't look good riding up to random groups of people and telling your story.

This is a pick of the pentagram that I have in my palm lines, I highlighted the intersecting lines with a dot of blue ink... ... 215500.jpg

Tell me what you see kadaimara75...

 :smt014  :smt018  :smt013

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Location: Philadelphia, PA


Post by kadaimara75 » Thu Jul 08, 2010 3:15 am

These may be long, but they are Chronicles.  And by that I mean that I am chronologically stating these moments in my life for each and every one of you to read along.  Yawn, long story, is just another phrase that may inadvertently refute this evidence.  Say that it's all true.. would YOU want to be the potential hairball which clogged this clear path of information?

Regardless of your comment I think you are a person with great potential.  I must also state that I am ready any and all criticism.  I truly know that I am here for a reason.

If you want a deeper reading, as odd as it may seem, Send me a photo of your exact face.  I will not only tell you exactly how you feel, I will give you wonderful advice, free of charge.  As this information states, a photo image of one's face is the connection that each and every one of us needs in order to BE psychic beings.  Let me prove to you that I am truly psychic by telling you how you're feeling.  Are you up for the challenge?  

One Love,



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