AHA -- So this is where you ALL had been hiding...?

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AHA -- So this is where you ALL had been hiding...?

Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Nov 07, 2017 1:18 am

And hoping that you shall never be found again...?? HAHA! :smt026

Friends -- Such are the dreams of extinct species also known as fossils...?

DEAD DNA remains which later day saints (OOPS! Sorry!! Later Day Scientists...?) scratch, scratch, and scratch their pates and find that they have just gone bald with ALL that scratching and neither gotten any wiser, NOR did they really earn an extra dollar (Choose your Nation? ;-)

Fossils are full of INFORMATION, often jumbled and cross-linked and kind of remind me of old dog-eared yellowing books of YORE?

CHOC-FULL of information which though claimed ETERNAL, are pretty much stale now? Actually, were STALE even when I was chasing butterflies with a silly net which I made out of a discarded badminton-net with a cone made out of discarded mosquito net back in India where I grew? I lived right next to a big round patch which had many holes which were nests of cobras and they let us play cricket most summer but came out when monsoon came and filled their abodes...? I have many other snake stories and experiences and so on, but not snake-oil to sell friends! <LOL>

I would like to share something I wrote earlier today, elsewhere, but would like to share here too. I shall not post any URLs etc since the text is MINE and fully copy-righted!! I think it might be appreciated for its essence, even if the pudding has grains of sand...?

"Quite candidly, friends and well-wishers -- many of whom I met due to Jyotish over the past 40 or so internet years (late 70s to mid 80s and thence!) -- and I remember each one fondly of course, what is it about Jyotish/Astrology/Divination that draws so many to the light but mostly as moths, randomly thrashing about along our mostly blind journey and (or perhaps there should have been a 'but' here??) not reaching either our destiny, or really covering the distance...?

I wonder and I ponder and I think the answer rests when the Chara (restless) being within us rests (sthira) and ultimately resonates with the natural (naisargika)...?

All of the above without invoking Gods, Shaktis, Tantra, MagicK etc...? All POTENT PORTALS but as confusing as the difficult relationship between the Newtonian vs the Quantum.

Without EITHER of which two we would not be communicating, or able to use GPS or our mobile phones...? And much much more...?

It is amazing that ancient Rishis made pronouncements that sound almost like what Quantum Mechanics professes? Like Quantum Entanglement, or Singularity? And much much more...?

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