Requesting a reading, when you are feeling depressed

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Requesting a reading, when you are feeling depressed

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Dec 12, 2018 12:05 am


By the time that many people request a reading (any type of reading), they are already feeling depressed and desperate to find a solution to their problem(s).

All of our readers on Mystic Board (myself included) have the right NOT to give you a reading, if we feel that a reading could potentially do you more harm than good.

When a person is depressed they will often misunderstand and misinterpret any message coming out of their reading, in a way which can easily make their depression significantly worse than it was before.

Which is exactly why a reader may choose NOT to respond to a depressed person's reading request.

The extreme example of this of course is when the person wanting a reading is seriously thinking about taking his or her own life.

No ethical and responsible reader would ever consider giving a reading to a person who is thinking about and planning his or her demise.
SPECIAL NOTE: is a very good link for those of our members who are in need of help, and who are feeling suicidal and require help now.
Readings and advice given on Mystic Board are NEVER to be used to replace qualified and professional advice and treatment from a doctor, psychologist or properly trained counselor.

Your depression will often need to be professionally treated, BEFORE you will be in the right frame of mind, to be able to fully understand and constructively use the sometimes difficult to accept truths and principles contained within your reading

Note that I am not saying here that you do not have valid reasons for feeling the way that you do, or that you should ignore your feelings, and hope that they will magically disappear by themselves.

Depression is a very common part of the human experience.

So common, that depression is frequently referred to as "the common cold of the mind"

Professionally untreated depression (either with or without suicidal tendencies) is also one of the most common reasons why a reader may decide NOT to accept your request.

Thank you for your attention.


Brian :smt048

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