With Stones Know What You're Wearing!

Know the right astral gems that can make your life progressive
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With Stones Know What You're Wearing!

Post by Celestial » Sun Jan 22, 2012 10:34 pm

Warm greetings to everyone!

I am an Intuitive/Psychic reader in the Psychic forum. When one is wearing gemstones or even those that are not quite of gemstone quality, it is important to note that by trying to save money by going to purchase cheap glass stones, imitations, or trinkets, it will actually not produce the same desired effect as if you were wearing the real gem for a specific purpose.

Glass, imitations, faux gems made out of anything else but the real thing, including crystals, do not carry the same vibration as the real thing. There are many who do not know or understand this. They go and buy a cheap gem expecting for it to work with its intended purpose only to be disappointed that they did not feel anything or that nothing, in essence, happened.

Well, of course it didn't! If it was not a real stone or gem it did not have any properties that are usually attributed to the stone or gem itself. Just because you go buy a purple stone and try to use it as an amethyst does not mean that it is one or will have anywhere near the same effect because it won't. Glass does not have the same conduit properties that real gemstones carry!

Another thing to remember is that there are books available that warn of wearing a certain gemstone for too long a time may not be the best thing to do. In particular, I have read that it is hard to wear Moldavite. Ruby is another one a book said should not be worn for long periods of time. Opal can be yet another one. So, when in doubt, always check it out first!

Before I conclude, I will send out ♥ and great wishes for a beautiful day to you!

Likes 2 Read
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Joined: Wed Aug 01, 2007 1:32 am

Post by Likes 2 Read » Wed Oct 24, 2012 9:39 pm

I agree. We always need to do our homework not only about what impact various gems will have, but on what certain trade names mean, so that we'll know exactly what we're spending our money on. For example, "Chalk Turquoise" is a trade name for Howlite that has been dyed to resemble Turquoise. We do have to investigate the fact that there are several such pseudonyms for imitation Turquoise, which can refer to either other stones that have been dyed, or substances that are altogether manmade. Once we have educated ourselves, we'll know if we REALLY want to make that purchase, or spend our money elsewhere.

Or take quartz. One wouldn't think that quartz, one of the most common minerals on earth, would have doppelgangers. But there are some things that are labeled as quartz that are actually manmade substances. Cherry quartz absolutely leaps to mind here. It is a striking red-and-clear substance, and while it's perfectly usable in color therapy, it is manmade glass. It is not a natural mineral, and therefore should not be used in crystal therapy.

The best thing we can do is to read up on any stone that we are interested in buying, if it has a name that's unfamiliar to us, or if it's a known name that's described by an unexpected qualifier ("Chalk Turquoise", "Cherry Quartz"). There is no substitute for doing our homework.

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