The impact of solar flares on the human mood and psyche

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The impact of solar flares on the human mood and psyche

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Sep 17, 2014 4:03 am

Many of you may have already heard about the huge solar storms currently happening on our sun's surface, sending massive solar flares and solar radiation in our direction.

The following article examines the more well known and documented impact of these solar flares on the human mood and psyche.

"The impact of solar flares on the human mood and psyche"

By Jacqueline Marshall, Communities Digital News ... che-25963/

I was especially interested in how these solar flares could possibly influence a person's psychic abilities, particularly among the more sensitive individuals.

Is anyone else interested in discussing this topic?

EoT  :smt004

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:10 pm

Dear EoT,

Please read the following as my thoughts and musings, more than scientific evidence, although some of the following do rely on scientific findings:

I view the brain as a computer (hardware)
Mind is kind of like the Operating System
Within the possibilities of the hardware and operating system, operate many software such as our biases, our conditioning, our intellectual and emotional faculties, our memory, etc.
The hardware is not necessarily rigid and though composed of neurons in different configurations, do possess flexibility, usually known as neuronal plasticity. Depending on the extent of damage (strokes, injuries, etc) repair to some extent does happen although in earlier days of neuroscience, the gospel was telling us otherwise!

The basis of functioning is therefore electrical and where there is electricity, magnetism too co-exists.

With billions of neurons firing at the same time and at other times, in different packets (areas), a fairly complex matrix of possibilities is possible and does seem to be the case. One obvious though somewhat crude measure is the EEG, electrical activity of the brain. It is really a 'resultant' signal depending on complex interplay of individual neuronal activities or of areas which have excitatory and inhibitory nature. Inhibitory activity, overall, seems to be the rule within the neuronal jungle (jumble?) and what the surface electrods that record EEG are essentially giving us the indication of polarity of the resultant activity being recorded by a given electrode. Impulses moving towards the electrode get recorded as a rise (spike), while those moving away from the electrode get recorded as a fall (trough). Essentially, the electrical recording of the heart (EKG) too follows this latter principle (polarity).

Though the individual electrical impulses generated by the brain are miniscule, these are rather cleverly organized (by Mother Nature?) with a fair degree of redundancy and room for error built in, kind of like the checksum error detection in computers and on which telecommunication depends. Brain is way more complex of course than even the powerful computers which run the internet or our beloved, diverse and highly sophisticated Mystic Board underpinnings!

Just as the powerful geomagnetically-endowed storms have been known to disrupt satellite communications and power grids (all essentially electrical circuits), it is quite conceivable that the diverse multitude of brains too could get influenced and in some cases affected by solar surges! What is surprising is that a lot more disruption of the relatively frail electrical circuits that our brains are, do not occur! Regularly and more predictably than are observed!

However, in most individuals, psychic perceptions are mysterious (to science) and rather subtle phenomena. There have been cases such as of Peter Hurkos who suddenly became psychic following a trauma to the brain, or even in the case of Cayce and several minor cases after severe trauma, illness, shock became psychic or revealed psychic abilities.

So, definitely some rather interesting correlations can be drawn, although as observational (empirical) explorers warn us, correlations must not be automatically taken as evidence of causation! One interesting example would be an interesting correlation I once read in a statistics book which showed a synchrony between the NYSE price trends and the spawning trends of whales at the same time! Correlated rather closely but hardly to be considered as causally-related!

Please note that I am neither implying that the electro-magnetic basis is sufficient to explain the electrical storms and brain function or malfunction, given that we have only scratched the surface of the endless complexity of possibilities that the brain-mind combo hides within its mysterious (and at least at this time, mystical) vault of possibilities and secrets safely hidden in the bosom of Glorious Mother Nature! That is the MA (mother), I often refer to in profound awe!!

Love, Light,


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:38 pm

At this early stage in our discussion I would prefer to allow the members to read this instead of this turning into a closed conversation between the two of us, which seems to leave out anyone who does not themselves have access to the material and depth of knowledge which you have presented here..

If there are no takers within a reasonable period of time, I intend to make a summary of the major points as I see them, with the intention to make it easier for as many people to participate in this discussion as we can possibly get.

There should be more than enough  in the article as well as in your valuable contribution to keep a lively discussion going, so please accept my thanks for providing us with the seeds from which hopefully this discussion will grow over time.

Kind regards,


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:54 pm

Fair and reasonable enough, my dear friend and almost "time-brother" as astrologers call those who are born close in one dimension, and yet miles apart, geographically-speaking!

My intention was simply to add to your thread what little I know, which is infinitismal compared to what neuroscientists know! Hopefully, I qualified my thoughts and musing with enough caveats so as not to mislead anyone but rather to poke a modicum of curiosity in them. Curiosity, without which, no knowing ever takes home!



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