What psychic gift are you strongest in?

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What psychic gift are you strongest in?

Post by MysticalParadox » Tue Apr 19, 2016 4:46 am


I'm wondering, How do you know what psychic gift you have.

Questions are...

1. What is your psychic gift and how did you learn this?

2. How did you come to the conclusion that it's the particular gift you should nurture and grow.

3. How do you know your Angels and or Spirit guides are real and not your imagination because you want them to be there?

4. How do you strengthen your abilities.

I'd love to ask more but I wont overwhelm you  :) Maybe I will ask more later now don't feel like the right time.



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Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Apr 19, 2016 10:56 am

Hi to you MP, :smt006

I am moving your posting into the main psychic forum, as that is where it belongs.
1. What is your psychic gift and how did you learn this?
As a spirit temporarily using a physical body like everyone else here I believe that I possess the full range of psychic abilities. However my main or strongest psychic ability is without any doubt clairaudience (psychic hearing) probably followed equal second by both clairvoyance (psychic seeing) and clairsentience (psychic feeling). I am also very aware of my spiritual abilities as an energy healer. I learned all this both by being told that this was so by more experienced psychics and mediums, as well as by observing the main ways in which I have received psychic information up until now.
2. How did you come to the conclusion that it's the particular gift you should nurture and grow.
Since these are my strongest gifts, I reasoned that these would probably be easier to further develop to the point that I could use them effectively with the positive intention to help people like yourself develop your own strongest psychic gifts. Because my available energy for doing my spiritual work is limited for various personal and medical reasons, I thought that developing my stronger abilities would be the path of least resistance. But that does not mean that I could not if I wanted to develop some of my less strong abilities as well. For example it is currently becoming increasingly evident that I am moving in the direction of developing my latent abilities as a medium, which have been recognized by others for years, but which I have not put any real effort into developing until a series of recent psychic dreams and waking experiences has convinced me that I am meant to do this at the age of 63.
3. How do you know your Angels and or Spirit guides are real and not your imagination because you want them to be there?
I have never been aware of angels, although this does not mean that I have completely ruled out the possibility that they exist. With regards to spirit guides, again my experience of them so far is limited to healing guides who appear to me as native American medicine men. I can "hear" and "feel" energies around me who I believe are my spirit guides with their own separate personalities from my own, but we have not yet met or do not yet know each other on a first name basis. At least consciously. The question of what is real or not real is difficult to answer, because our guides and possibly angels as well as departed loved ones exist upon a different spiritual plane or level of reality or dimension from our own. At our level of reality we are real and they are not. At their level of reality we are not real and are their ghosts. You can never establish whether something is real or not using senses which are not attuned to or designed to be used at that particular level of reality. Therefore I believe that it is impossible to use our physical senses to establish beyond any reasonable doubt whether our guides and angels (?) are real, because at this physical level they are not real.  All that I can say is that if everything I have experienced both alone and in psychic development circles is the simply the product of my own imagination or are only the results of me wishing them to be there, then I have the most powerfully vivid imagination and have missed my calling as the world's best story teller. Psychic information comes to us through the same channel or pathway as things which we imagine, which does make sorting out the genuine but relatively weak psychic signals from the much louder background noise of our imaginations very challenging, to say the least.
4. How do you strengthen your abilities.

Obviously this is only one small part of the whole answer to your question, but without it all of  your natural talent or inborn or accumulated knowledge about your ability are likely to get you nowhere fast. Practicing using your abilities with others gives you the feedback which you will need to sort out the genuine psychic information from your imaginations or fantasies or wishes. This process is called DISCERNMENT. Without discernment, sensitivity to that information will be worse than useless. Your gift could then turn into something which feels like a curse
Maybe I will ask more later now don't feel like the right time.
GOOD IDEA! :smt002  :smt002

Completely and satisfactorily answering question four alone for you will require months or years of effort and patience from the both of us, and could easily take over this forum.  Psychic development must never be rushed if it is going to be done safely and efficiently.

Some religions view developing psychic abilities as a distraction from knowing God, whereas I believe that if you were not meant to learn more about and develop your psychic gifts then you would not have been guided to come to MB in the first place. You didn't think for a moment that visiting Mystic Board for the first time was a matter of luck or a fortunate coincidence? Did you?  

EoT  :smt018  :smt005

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Post by MysticalParadox » Thu Apr 21, 2016 5:51 am

Thank You for replying in such detail to my questions :)

There IS so much to learn and it certainly is best taken in small doses :) For me the knowledge I receive here is not acted on immediately, It gets stored for future use when Im more knowledgeable about the subjects but it DOES help me so much in understanding and help clear the confusion I feel on a regular basis about my feeling and things I experience on a almost daily basis.

This seems to be helping me to stop my energies getting totally depleted...I still have a problem everyday with feeling so mentally exhausted but Im getting there very slowly :)

I would very much appreciate others to answer these questions relating to them too as it would really help (we are all uniquely different and perceive and utelise things differently) and for this reason the more that would kindly take the time to answer will have my gratitude :)



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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Apr 22, 2016 12:17 am

This seems to be helping me to stop my energies getting totally depleted...I still have a problem everyday with feeling so mentally exhausted but Im getting there very slowly  

Dear MP,

There is significant progress being made here, as too rapid an energy depletion is an unnecessary extra source of stress, which you can well do without. Slowly and safely is always the best strategy to deal with the large amounts of information which you will need to process along the way, and integrate into your daily existence.

I would also like to hear some input about this from the other members, but based upon past experience and because of the very few of our members who are regularly visiting MB, the desired responses are often hard to get.

Also there appears to be a mistaken attitude among many of the members (both those who are new and not so new) that either their opinions and ideas would not be valued when compared to my own, or that I would be in some way offended or upset if anyone gave an answer after I had.

I wish to assure people that the complete opposite of both of these misunderstandings is true.

I have tried leaving postings unanswered for a reasonable amount of time to give people the opportunity to answer first, but then I get upsetting messages from the members concerned, asking me why I am not immediately responding to their postings, as I previously did. Don't I care anymore?

It increasingly seems to me that whether I answer their questions straight away or alternately leave them for somebody else to answer, that I cannot satisfy anyone. Once I offer an opinion, this seems to be a signal for everyone else to move onto another posting, as this one is seen as having been taken care of.

Sometimes I wonder if there is a right way to do this moderator's job.   :smt009

EoT :smt102

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Re: What psychic gift are you strongest in?

Post by Talia » Fri Apr 22, 2016 10:54 am

MysticalParadox wrote:Hi,
Hi Myst
:smt006 As promised, I have read and reread and still find my answers don't fit your questions but I will have a go lol :)

You title asked "What psychic gift are you strongest in?"  I am not sure, how does one measure the strongest, or separate them into 'gifts'?

With hindsight it is obvious, but of course at the time I was just a kid growing up. I was accused of cheating or being nosy, spying, because I knew things that others didn't.
I didn't have names for what I could do and as I got older I became very good at covering things up, what I saw or heard, what I knew. People don't tend to like psychics or clairvoyants much, they are wary and watchful and distrustful, and usually just want a reading or advice lol.
Tarot cards became very important to me, they were something others could see and understand that the information I was giving came from the pictures not from me. I would definitely investigate tarot if I was you.
But I think you are either asking more about what your gifts are and which you might try and develop?

Do you believe in spirit?

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Post by Talia » Fri Apr 22, 2016 11:01 am

MysticalParadox wrote:I still have a problem everyday with feeling so mentally exhausted but Im getting there very slowly :)
What is exhausting you in particular?  How do you practice? Do you ground yourself? Obviously learning new things and exercising mental abilities can be challenging but not exhausting, are you trying too hard perhaps?

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Re: What psychic gift are you strongest in?

Post by stephybabes92 » Fri Apr 22, 2016 11:24 pm

Talia wrote:
MysticalParadox wrote:Hi,

You title asked "What psychic gift are you strongest in?"  I am not sure, how does one measure the strongest, or separate them into 'gifts'?

With hindsight it is obvious, but of course at the time I was just a kid growing up. I was accused of cheating or being nosy, spying, because I knew things that others didn't.
I didn't have names for what I could do and as I got older I became very good at covering things up, what I saw or heard, what I knew.
Hi Talia,

Has having access to this psychic ability benefited your life as much as people would assume it does? (the general population tend to assume that a true psychic must have a much easier life than most, is it true?)


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Re: What psychic gift are you strongest in?

Post by Talia » Sun Apr 24, 2016 3:35 pm

stephybabes92 wrote:
Talia wrote:
MysticalParadox wrote:Hi,

You title asked "What psychic gift are you strongest in?"  I am not sure, how does one measure the strongest, or separate them into 'gifts'?

With hindsight it is obvious, but of course at the time I was just a kid growing up. I was accused of cheating or being nosy, spying, because I knew things that others didn't.
I didn't have names for what I could do and as I got older I became very good at covering things up, what I saw or heard, what I knew.
Hi Talia,

Has having access to this psychic ability benefited your life as much as people would assume it does? (the general population tend to assume that a true psychic must have a much easier life than most, is it true?)

Hi Stephy,

Do people really think that what a huge generalisation? The general population surely doesn't even think about psychics or have any experience of them, perhaps apart from a frivolous thought that they must win the lottery every week if they were truly psychic lol?

Has it benefited my life or made is easier? No.  Not really, it can be a right pain, but the healing tendencies that I have definitely are useful and I like to think I have helped lots of people and animals along the way :)

Of course online life and in the forum it is a bit different, everyone can be open a little more, but offline, at home in real life I think that the more experienced the person the more they tend to close off and control and keep quiet, not proclaiming what they do they just do it and live next to others in peace silently.

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Re: What psychic gift are you strongest in?

Post by Talia » Sun Apr 24, 2016 4:24 pm

MysticalParadox wrote:Hi,

I'm wondering, How do you know what psychic gift you have.

Questions are...

1. What is your psychic gift and how did you learn this?

2. How did you come to the conclusion that it's the particular gift you should nurture and grow.

3. How do you know your Angels and or Spirit guides are real and not your imagination because you want them to be there?

4. How do you strengthen your abilities.

I'd love to ask more but I wont overwhelm you  :) Maybe I will ask more later now don't feel like the right time.


So which 'gift' do you want the most? Which intrigues you and which perhaps, scares you?

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Post by MysticalParadox » Mon Apr 25, 2016 6:04 am

Hi Talia,

Thanks for joining in the topic :).

My almost constant mental tiredness is kinda what brought me here to get opinions from others. Me and Eye of tiger have spoke of this in quite detail on another thread but I don't mind trying to explain it here (something new might arise this time).

I am with all certainty a strong empath, Eye of tiger also made me aware of such a thing called HSP (Highly Sensitive Person) which also matches me perfectly. I also go in the Indigo people category.

Anyhow, I hit a rough patch in life (we all have our tests of strength in life), Me and my fiance were made homeless 15 days before Christmas 2002 (give or take a year) We lived in a tent for over a year on a farm where I helped 24hrs a day with the sheep delivering lambs and dealing with complications, also caring for other animals there. This constant work allowed us to stay in their field in our tent.

Luckily the farm also was a small campsite in the summer. As I had experience running our own with my family I managed most of that as well as the animals.

We met some wonderful people. One couple were so kind to let us use their little 1966 caravan as long as we needed :)

So I got a dream job in the village...A pet shop that deals in everything. We also rescued wildlife <3 This was heaven for me and I was always the first to notice what is wrong with the animal. But there was a big danger there for me...the owner and boss was a narcissist and I never knew of this personality type back then (never imagined someone could be so cruel and manipulative to others) so for 6 years I tried to please him and keep him happy. Every morning was terrifying not knowing what he would say or yell at me about (seemed like he spent nights thinking how he could hurt someone on the core level) :(

It was the only job I had and I wouldn't leave the animals. He never took seriously if they are ill or in pain and if I didnt put myself in his firing line and demand a vet animals died in my lap :(

He also manipulated the whole village...We were told to leave the camp site and all our friends tuned on us and loathed us :( We wera always happy and helpful to everyone but he had said some horrible things and they believed him.

So now living in a Renault Clio for 8 months and sharing a tin of food between us every evening. Still working around 12hrs a day with one day off a week to get our laundry done at a laundromat.

This was when I went to a doctor. He said I was suffering a severe burn out and need to change my situation. I was prescribed antidepressants.

So forward a bit. A customer who was an angel of a soul would take us out for a Chinese every weekend and we helped her out whenever we could. She had work for my fiance (who at this time was at the pet shop too) he would work to get us away from this all. I was glad my fiance could leave this pet shop as the owner often tried to turn us on each other. He was free :)

So a while later I was given a flight ticket to Finland (I lived there before and my family were waiting for me to come). I could only take 1 bag so I took warm clothes only (It was January and -32C) in Finland.. all my childhood memories and pictures were left to rot and be chewed away by the rats in a farm barn. But I learned possessions now mean very little to me looking at the big picture in life.

My poor fiance was stuck there for about 4 months till he could follow. It was agony worrying and missing him 24/7.

Now 2010 and we are all together in Finland, we were crammed in mum and dads 1 bedroom apartment until we got our own council flat. Work is very scarce here but i do 4hrs a day 4 days a week for 9€ a day. But unfortunately I think my boss is also a narcissist, I feel the same tension when she is around and she gives the feeling that no matter how hard you work its not good enough.

I quit my antidepressants 2 years ago and mentally feel positive and not depressed also I lost a lot of weight the meds had put on me.

My social worker is forcing me on a break in autumn as she is concerned because on top of that I deal with all paperwork and appointments and daily chores for me and my fiance. Also help my mum daily and try to get my dad out of a state of depression and self pity because he has been fighting cancer for over a year but it is looking good but he always thinks the worse and snaps at me and my mum the moment we try to help or comfort him.

My mum is also a strong empath and has been strongly affected my dads illness too and it has made her complaisant and negative about everything.

Also my fiance is still suffering mentally from his past and is in pain everyday with physical ailments.

Oh my...this has been an hour since I stared!! I better let you take this in first so sorry about the length but some things wont make sense without details :)

I was looking at tarot decks about a week ago and felt nothing toward them but i saw one deck and.. BAM!. My hear skipped a beat. I really gotta have these cards but so upset when I realised my only option is to get them on ebay and it would cost about 25€ :( to me thats a lot of money, Im just managing to stay off the breadline at the moment...maybe fate will somehow get them to me if im meant to have them. They are the Energy Oracle cards by Sandra Anne Taylor :)

Thank You for your patience,

Love & Light


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Post by MysticalParadox » Mon Apr 25, 2016 6:32 am

Btw there is a video on youtube if you want to read this man...lookfor Hassocks Pet Centre or Steve and Miss Snooks

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