Validation of a spirit in our home

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Validation of a spirit in our home

Post by tufteddeer » Mon Jun 09, 2014 7:54 am

I am new to this forum and stumbled upon you guys because I am needing some guidance, and maybe some help.  8 years ago, I started to see/hear and even sense a spirit in our home.  I have had things happen to me off and on in my life, but this was the first time ever that my story has an end with validation and it has left me just 'stuck' and I can explain....

8 years ago, I was pregnant with my second child and was experiencing paranormal activity.  I went to a friend of mine that I have know since I was 17 and is psychic.  She explained to me that yes, there is definitely a little girl in our home and she wasn't sure how she 'found' me, but she realized she was able to communicate with me.  She also believed that this 'little girl' will be related to one of my kid's friends.  This family I would end up meeting, have similar views on the after life and I would put it together that their 'little girl' was hanging out with us during March/April/May for 8 years (those tend to be the most active months every year).  After a few years of startles, things seemingly not where they were, it became second nature for my family to have this little girl here.

8 years forward this March/April/May....My son has a friend who has had some unimaginable things happen to him in his short 15 years of life that were pretty bad that he ended up getting kicked out of his home by his step mother who is an attorney for family law.....don't even get me going on her.....

Anyway, we took him in to finish up his freshman year with my son in May, but he was hanging out at our home a lot the few months heading up to May.  

Fast forward once more....he gets here, our activity in the house triples.  

She has been seen by my son now.  
She has been moving stuff around in my son's room which I let it go, he is 15 and doesn't put stuff away anyway.
His friend is now sleeping in our spare room and he has had his door open and shut at night.
My daughter who is 9 was in the shower and turned around and her toys were completely moved.
This info is all just within less than a week.  We have had much more happen in the last 8 years.

My son and I started to put stuff together and started to wonder and found out, yes his friend had a sister pass at birth, but she was a twin....conjoined to her sister who both passed.  I kept sensing a "j" name for her because it seemed attached to the spirit for me.  Turns out the mother's name is Jill.  

I talked to my friend who is psychic once again and let her in on the info and she confirmed that yes, I was on track and this was the right family.  

I shared everything w/my son's friend.  I love this kid.  He has similar views.  He also needed to know that his sisters are look out for him.

But here is the thing....I am really upset, even sad.  I have became comfortable with the little girls in the house.  My heart says the activity is going to die down some when he goes to live with his aunt and uncle in a week when school gets out.  I don't understand why I am feeling sad other than I will miss them in a weird way.

Today, we had every dish in our hutch shatter.  It has never given out or been an issue in the last 15 years that we have had it.  Everything broke in it, all my husband's grandmother's china.  Was it them or no?  I don't know.  I don't think it was to be honest, but not sure.

This experience is the first for me that has a completion to it.  Is it going to stop now?  Is it going to go away?  Was it even there to begin with or am I imagining it?  Has anyone else been through a similar situation on this road of learning if I have this ability or not?

Thank you so much for any help, and I am truly sorry that this is so long, lol

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jun 10, 2014 4:50 pm

Any spirit hanging around a home is 'stuck' in some form from the progress that is much needed into the spirit light.  It would benefit you and the spirit entities to move on.  Otherwise we are keeping them 'stuck' by our attention to them.  Do not let the spirit move on with your son.  Send it into the light.  Someone is definitely looking for the child in spirit and wonders why they don't come home to them.  It is because they get too much attention on earth instead of looking to their own loved ones in spirit.

There are rituals to handle this and they are best done by the person who knows the energies.  Someone can come in (and some even charge large sums of money to do so) but if the spirit uses the energy of the one already connected to the house, that is the cord to break.  

The ritual is simple:  All rituals begin and end with a prayer to God.  (We never send a prayer out to anyone other than God).  

Light up some sweetgrass, sage or a white candle and taking this whole thing seriously entone:  "I claim this space for me and my family.  You must move on into the light"  This can be done where you feel the cold spot or in every corner of your home.  After it is complete confirm in your mind it is done and then spread salt at the doorways and windows.

Remember we do not welcome spirit to abide in our homes, only our hearts.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:07 am

Hi Tufteddeer,

Could you please let us know in this discussion thread whether the above advice was found to be helpful, and especially whether you have made any significant progress in the direction of sending your unwelcome guest into the Light?

Thanking you in advance for your feedback,

EoT   :smt024

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