Psychics Cannot Predict the Future: Here’s Why

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Psychics Cannot Predict the Future: Here’s Why

Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jun 15, 2016 2:08 am

Please read the following article, as it says in different words what I have been saying for a long time on the forums.

"Psychics Cannot Predict the Future: Here’s Why" by Belinda Davidson ... heres-why/

Would anyone like to comment about this?

Thanks everyone,

Brian  Image
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Post by cedars » Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:29 am

Where is the article? :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Wed Jun 15, 2016 11:01 pm

If you do a Google search for an article with that title (copy and paste), it should be the first entry.

It is located on the author's own website.

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Post by Talia » Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:10 pm

I think  if we are going to discuss Belinda's views it is useful or perhaps necessary to have the bits we are discussing pasted here? Or at least the link so we are all reading the same thing?

I already knew about this lady and her thoughts and they were very interesting to me as I have experienced similar things, as I am sure many psychics have.

Belinda's idea is that if a reader tells the seeker what there future is then the seeker will take that on board think about it and those thoughts will then create that future, making choices along the way all leading to the same future that was predicted or dictated by the reader.

She explains how she can see many different futures when she reads, as I am sure many of us do.
The mind is a very powerful thing, when we think about things we can attract those very things drawn to the energy we are emanating. It's that 'sods' law'  or Murphy's Law' whatever can go wrong will. lol.

I am sure we all know that our readings can have a very strong and powerful effect on the seeker, just by giving a reading they can change their course.

So really the heading  'Psychics Cannot Predict the Future: Here’s Why' is completely wrong and just designed to attract attention. Perhaps it should read 'Psychics Should not Predict the Future: Here’s Why!"

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Post by cedars » Thu Jun 16, 2016 12:33 pm

I think  if we are going to discuss Belinda's views it is useful or perhaps necessary to have the bits we are discussing pasted here? Or at least the link so we are all reading the same thing?
Totally agree with Talia and that was the very point I was making. I thought the article and/or the link to the article was omitted by mistake. I would have expected that the said article would have actually been quoted  in the thread (and I do not see any copyright infringements by doing so) to facilitate an immediate response by the members who wish to participate in this thread. Whilst a good topic for discussion, I did not expect to go on to Google to search for the said article and then come back and make my comments.
So really the heading  'Psychics Cannot Predict the Future: Here’s Why' is completely wrong and just designed to attract attention. Perhaps it should read 'Psychics Should not Predict the Future: Here’s Why!"

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My vision of a new type of Mystic Board, where there are only members helping other members

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jun 17, 2016 1:30 am

In the title 'Psychics Cannot Predict the Future" I feel that the word "the" should be underlined or in bold print, in order to emphasise that there is not only one possible future to predict (the future). Some readers do appear to have an uncanny ability to be able to reliably predict the most likely future outcome of any given set of circumstances, so saying that no psychic can predict a future would be wrong. I agree with Talia that Belinda chose the title carefully with the intention to attract people to read her article in more detail and think more for themselves, but I do not believe that her intention was to deceive or trick people into reading it then saying the complete opposite of what the title is saying, as increasingly happens these days in the media.

With reference to including links and direct quotes in my postings I seem to once again be in the situation of whatever I do I cannot win. After having been repeatedly accused of hypocrisy and unfairness about there being a different rule for administrators and moderators when compared to the rules applied to the general membership concerning the posting of external links, I decided to trial the alternative route of asking the individual to use an internet search engine and giving them the title and author's name to guide them straight to where it is.

And honestly I feel that not having the actual link there is probably a good thing, as it makes you actually have to do something yourself, if you are interested in pursuing that particular topic in more detail. If you are not interested enough to want to read it, it is not an issue. Too many links and especially quotes can encourage a form of laziness where you are only willing to do something if it has already been done for you, and it has been proven many times that having to make a conscious effort to do something in order to get the information is more likely to impress that information upon your mind, once you have read it. And the web search encourages greater interactivity and a feeling of us working closer together as equals and as member to member, instead of always as administrator to member and member to administrator.

But if the majority of you are unhappy about the need to have to use an internet search engine to be able to learn something new, or if you believe that since administrators and moderators are allowed to post external links then they should do it and in future not expect a member to have to take any responsibility for doing something themselves to learn more, then I will of course with some feelings of sadness and disappointment revert to the original two tiered rule, and expect to hear nothing more about unfairness or hypocrisy.

But I do feel that this would be a huge backward step and go against the new user friendly mutually respectful atmosphere which I am attempting to build on MB of us all getting to know each other better as fallible human beings (another reason for revealing my first name) and being friends and equals, instead of the old outworn idea of we as the teachers and you as our students. And the mistaken belief that psychics have special powers and knowledge which nobody else does, or that they do not have their own problems and confusion about where life is taking them.

Respectfully waiting for your input about the external link rule, as well as any other ideas you may have to help Swetha and myself build a new much improved version of this site, which we can all feel proud and equally part of.

Thanks everyone,

Brian  :smt109

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Re: My vision of a new type of Mystic Board, where there are only members helping other members

Post by Talia » Fri Jun 17, 2016 10:08 am

eye_of_tiger wrote:In the title 'Psychics Cannot Predict the Future" I feel that the word "the" should be underlined or in bold print, in order to emphasise that there is not only one possible future to predict (the future). Some readers do appear to have an uncanny ability to be able to reliably predict the most likely future outcome of any given set of circumstances, so saying that no psychic can predict a future would be wrong.
So do you think that a psychic can predict the future because the reading makes it more probable and that future is created/achieved/sought  out by the seeker?

I do, but only if the future is the one the seeker wants, if not then they will buck and change and usually fight like crazy to divert their path and change it?

p.s. Not wanting to further detract from a really interesting discussion about future.. about the link stuff, I am not ignoring it but I have no idea what has gone on before or that there is or was a two tier system? Usually people either link an article or copy and paste it giving credit?

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Jun 17, 2016 11:42 pm


It is not the reading itself which can make a particular future more probable, but rather it is the sitter's self limiting belief that they cannot change what the reading seems to be predicting must happen.

One extreme position is that 100% of our future is predestined and set in stone (fatalism). Which means that our sense that we have a free will to help create a better future is only an illusion or cruel trick, played upon us by a heartless  Universe. If there is no free will and the future cannot be changed, then why waste your time and energies attempting to avoid the inevitable outcome of all this?

The other extreme position or polar opposite is that none of our future is predetermined (other perhaps than our bodies will eventually stop working), and that we have complete control over all factors which could decide what our future will be. Basically whatever we create through our thoughts and actions in the present moment, then that is exactly what we will get or deserve to get in the future. This is definitely in my opinion an illusion.

I strongly suspect that the truth lies somewhere in between these two extreme positions.

There is a constant interaction between what we want to happen to us in the future, and all the other external factors including everyone else around us, which or who may have very different ideas about what future will be in our best interests (many of these external factors over which we have zero control).

What we think that we want may not always be in our best interests, so while we should continue to do anything reasonable and practical we care able to create a healthier, happier and more successful future for ourselves, we can never hope nor should we expect to get anything like 100% of our own way in ultimately deciding what happens to us further down the road.


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