Are you scared of Reincarnating again?

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Are you scared of Reincarnating again?

Post by AriesJupiter » Fri Apr 09, 2010 2:22 pm

I don't know why, but the idea of being someone new again bothers me completely! I guess I just really like who I am in this lifetime (not in a conceited way- I just feel comfortable, like this is really who I REALLY am). Somehow in this lifetime, I absolutely love my family, upbringing, experiences, hometown, friends... It's just seemed like I've had tremendously good luck or blessings, even though I've also had tragedy and heartbreak (welfare, alcoholic/bipolar mother who died when I was 18, father with Parkinson's who is always too "weak or exhausted" to help me). It seems like ever since I was 12, or even earlier, my whole life possibly, I have been on my own in some way. But I think that is what I like about my life. I have a Sagittarius Moon and Aries Sun, so I have always been encouraged to be independent and my family is ABSOLUTELY loving and caring, and supportive, even though, like I say, they can't always "be there for me" much more than saying, "I love you and believe in you".
I just feel like I love my physical body as well, and I like my personality, my talants, my interests and my intellect. I just all around feel like I could stay this person forever. (It's like I'm afraid there's no way I could be this lucky again) Maybe in a past life I was really negative, or ungrateful, or had a lot of problems, and pitied myself? Took everything for granted and felt unlucky? Wondered "why me"? Or felt like a victim? That's how I feel...
The funny part is though, that I DO NOT want to reincarnate (in fear that I will be somebody that I do not like as much as I am now) but also, the idea of dying and then just having it BE OVER, like going to Heaven and spending eternity there, also seems kind of, well, I don't know. I don't want to say boring, but I just really LOVE life, and I'm afraid if I don't reincarnate again, maybe I will really miss living life again, and I will not be able to connect with my lovers and such.
Anyway, what are your thoughts on this? What do you think this means? Am I on my last life? I kind of feel like it, but who knows... I don't know anything about reincarnation and I've never had any regressions.

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Post by Zetascair20086 » Fri Apr 16, 2010 3:04 am

I'm not scared of reincarnating again but I also really don't want to. Although I love my family I really haven't liked my life this time around at all. I feel everything to be wrong and sometimes wake up feeling "this isn't me, none of this is real." I just plain feel no connection to the world I live in and am over eager to leave it. I'm not afraid of reincarnation but I hate the idea of returning here. I'd prefer to return to another world, the sooner, the better.

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Post by nighthawk » Thu Jul 01, 2010 2:04 am

Ariesjupiter-- you will always be who you are, whatever body you happen to be wearing. How you deal with new experiences will shape your lives, but that is all.
I am not afraid of reincarnating, after all-- I've done it before! lol
I hope my next life is easier than this one has been, but I also know I am one of the hardest headed people in the world. It may take me a whack upside the head with a brick to get something, whereas another person could learn from a soft-spoken suggestion. <shrug> My shear stubbornness has also kept me alive more than once where another might have given up and died. It has it's good and bad points.
We all walk the path we need to, in this life and others.

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Post by Aegeus » Thu Jul 01, 2010 5:01 am

Scarred, no. But I am a bit over it. I am tired of starting again building a body, developing skills, and talents. I would rather doa good job once and have it last.

Lots of writings speak of reincarnation as an opportunity for us to find the balance we are looking for. If we things dont go as we would like then we get another chance to start over. The trouble is souls have been at this so long leaving their situation to start again, that they have forgotten that when you find the balance you like you can keep it. That is if you are truly happy as you are, then you will not find a reason to die.

I know this because, I know in past lives I choose to end it. It's the surest escape when you are too far of course or too far gone to ever make it back.

Dolphins can choose to die, so can other animals, that means we can to. But we are not so empowered in this so we often get an excuse to help us, like an event or sickness.

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Post by Ramesses » Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:47 am

I've known many people who have retired and came back to work within the year. Maybe it is a bit like that; you don't like it while you are doing it but once you stop you miss it.

If there is an end to the world I would like to be there when it happens.

Eternity may sound comforting, but beauty can be found in transience. (Assuming you believe in such a thing as eternity.)

Just read the first paragraph of this.
You may find that interesting.

Also what would we do as spirits anyways? Forever is a long time.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jul 01, 2010 2:11 pm

As spirits you would continue to grow. &nbsp;Why do you need a physical body (overcoat) to learn lessons? &nbsp;The earth is not the only learning place. &nbsp;That is the whole downfall of the theory of reincarnation.

The spirit realms are vast and many things are available to learn. &nbsp;Look forward to the adventure! &nbsp;You just may find it is not necessary to follow this rebirth pattern after all.

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Post by Ramesses » Thu Jul 01, 2010 6:15 pm

"Why do you need a physical body (overcoat) to learn lessons?"

That is a good question. Our existence in a physical body seems to show that we do need to be in a physical body for some reason. Unless you accept that this life is just pointless.

"That is the whole downfall of the theory of reincarnation. "

I must have missed that part. What is the downfall? Just because earth is not the only learning place doesn't mean anything. High school isn't the downfall of middle school.

My point is that if this is a finite world, and we will later go to an eternity. Why not spend as much time here as you can?

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Post by Aegeus » Fri Jul 02, 2010 12:18 am

That's like saying the downfall of Harvard is that it is not the only university.

So the Terran human experience does not have a monopoly on learning. That neither adds to it nor detracts from it. It's like saying mangoes are not the only source of sugar or vitamin c. If I love mangoes I will it will eat them, even if there are other options.

By coming into the intensified illusion of physical reality we are able to learn at an accelerated rate.

Also there are things can be achieved via physical existence that can not be done other wise.

The body is an amazing thing, and many people are to distracted by the external world to discover much of it's magnificence.

Also most everyone has had traumatic experiences, and often when that happens wounded parts of our selves are left behind so we can go on surviving. To fully ascend we must journey into the darkness, or lower realms and recover lost wounded parts of selves to bring them up again for healing and integration.

We can leave to other realms but some point we will have to come back to recover the denser parts of our selves which we left behind.

Also we are light beings, and in a darker/physical experience the light comes to know it's self.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:19 pm

Progression is the secret. &nbsp;Of course you need middle school before High school to gain the progression. &nbsp;So why keep coming back to kindergarten (earth plane) when so much more is available? &nbsp;

Reincarnation is the repetition of the same old, same old, over and over again. &nbsp;There is no great change to the lessons learned or even progression - as there is no memory of what may have gone before.

You do not pass from middle school without the lessons in tow. &nbsp;High school then builds upon that knowledge.

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Post by Ramesses » Fri Jul 02, 2010 6:22 pm

I don't think lives are really similar enough to be called repetitions.

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Post by Aegeus » Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:48 pm

Earth is no kindergarten. Earth is an advanced university with a massive library. There are multitudes of things to learn here.

Beautiful point about progression though. If you leave kindergarten without learning how to share, then you will have problems all the rest of the way. It's important to stay at one level until you learn all you need to for the next level. If you leave to soon, or without having done/learned what you need to you will either have to come back or will have much trouble at the higher levels.

Cool link about wabi sabi. Interesting idea. I agree with and practice the value of signs of age. Such as my t-shirt which has tree resin stains from wood harvesting I did, and also has a stretched neck from 3 different 3 year olds climbing on me.

But I disagree with it on the grounds that this is a view of reality as it is separate/blocked from the light realms. As we move through the photon belt and are blasted with light energy from the great central sun the barriers between the dense physical and the light spiritual are dissolved, our spiritual dna is activated, and light energy engulfs the physical into a shimmering state which is free from decay.

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Post by Ramesses » Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:23 am

"As we move through the photon belt and are blasted with light energy from the great central sun the barriers between the dense physical and the light spiritual are dissolved, our spiritual dna is activated, and light energy engulfs the physical into a shimmering state which is free from decay."

You really lost me there. I have no idea what you are talking about there. Wabi sabi only applies to the physical world anyways.

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Post by Aegeus » Sat Jul 03, 2010 5:09 am

So when the physical merges with the non physical then wabi-sabi no longer applies to the physical.

I could give you some links for some longer descriptions if you like.

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Post by Ramesses » Sat Jul 03, 2010 5:24 am

Well, I don't know what these refer to: "the photon belt, the great central sun , our spiritual dna, a shimmering state"

"So when the physical merges with the non physical then wabi-sabi no longer applies to the physical. "

Are you saying that the spiritual parts of physical materials are unchanged? I may be misunderstanding you.

Back to the original topic, I don't think there should be any fear for living in this world. If the next life is infinite then we risk nothing by staying in this world. Usually we have to hurry because we have to worry about time. If time doesn't matter then it should not make any difference. I would stay in kindergarten if I knew it was finite and I would have infinite time for other grades. I would enjoy it while I could. Especially since once you leave for good you cannot come back. If there is no reincarnation then wouldn't suicide be a shortcut? I am not saying it is, but wouldn't that kind of break the whole system?

" There is no great change to the lessons learned or even progression - as there is no memory of what may have gone before. "

We do not remember them all now, but that is not to say we cannot remember them when we are no longer relying on a physical memory. If every life gave the same lessons then people would have the same understanding. If people had the same understanding then there would be no conflict. So I think this shows how we can benefit from many lives. Each life will give a completely different lesson.

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Post by Aegeus » Sat Jul 03, 2010 7:09 am

I'm saying that the decay and deterioration which physical reality is subject to is a product of a lack of light energy. When light energy merges with the physical it is connected with source and thus can renew it's self.

" There is no great change to the lessons learned or even progression - as there is no memory of what may have gone before. "

This statement demonstrates lack of consciousness of the effects the past has on present reality.

For instance in a past life I made a mess of my personnel life and love relationships by having too many relationships, and affairs. At some point I decided it was not good and justified the relations I did have by no instigating relationships but accepting ones that came. Today I am still effected by this decision to not start relationships. This was something that effected me on a deep emotional level, and thus the programs created around it are deep emotional programs which are hard to change.

Now why do I not have clear memories of this. Well I think that would compromise my peace of mind, and that is more important. I've come to be grounded enough to find this much out.

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