Trying to figure it all out.

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here
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Trying to figure it all out.

Post by mnrjpf99 » Mon Mar 25, 2013 1:49 am

When I was about 6 years old, I was very sick with bronchitis then the measles. Needless to say I was stuck in bed for a while. One night I had a dream that I had died. In the dream I was in this large field with other people. I felt like I had been there before. There was an older man there, about in his 70's. I went to talk to this man because it was my turn to do so. I don't remember all that was said but basically he told me it was my time to "go". In a nut shell I debated it and he said that if I went on, things would be okay but if I stayed, the life ahead of me would be very unhappy. When I was debating with him, it was like I was older not a six year old.The average 6 year old would have no clue.
The next morning when I woke up, I actually felt better for some odd reason. A night or 2 later, I dream t about a girl that was around the age of 9 or so. She had blonde hair and blue eyes. I don't remember the details of the dream but I felt as if I knew her. I felt very close and comfortable with her. As crazy as it may sound, I feel like she has been with me ever since.
Sorry if this post is kind of long but these details may have relevance.
As the years past I had several dreams about a woman who was my mother from a different time. I have never forgotten what she looked like. Probably early 1900's. I had other siblings in the dreams. A few of the dreams, my mother called a name "Anna". I don't recall if she was referring to me or my sister. These dreams stopped when I was about 18ish or so.
About 15 years later, in 1998 I was doing dishes and my daughter was looking at a book from school. I happened to glance over to see what she was reading. When I saw the picture in the book, my blood ran cold. I started to shake. The woman in the picture was my mother from the dreams. The book was non fiction. I recognized the room she was in and other things. Later that night I looked through the book. As I was looking and reading, I had this sad home sick feeling. The thoughts that went through my head were and still are, "I want my life back".
I did come to find out that I have a lot in common with Anna the one who's name was called out in the dreams. I came to the conclusion that I had possibly reincarnated from Anna. Anna was also in the book.
About 2 years ago I was looking at videos about Anna's family online. I was watching a tribute video to her sister Marie. My mood was normal, had no depression issues of any kind. As I watched the video about a minute into it, I went from normal to the deepest darkest depression I have ever experienced in my entire life in a matter of seconds. I stopped the video and went into the kitchen. As I stood there I thought and said out loud "I can't do this anymore. I just can't do this. I want to go home. I want my life back". I felt my soul was separate from me. It was as if "she" was talking. After I finally "got my self together", I was scared to go to bed that night in fear she would "leave" me in my sleep and I would either die or wake up a soulless vegetable or something.
That whole thing made me wonder if I may have actually possibly been Marie instead of Anna because of the intensity of the feeling and I too have things in conman with her.
I know this whole thing is very strange but it's all true. If anyone has any helpful input that would be great. Thanks

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Post by BHunter » Thu Mar 28, 2013 9:28 am

Understand that you are Anna and Anna is you. There is no difference, you had that life and now you have a new one, as it is for everyone. If you want to find out more about your past life/lives you can either go to a median or you can meditate on it. It will take time and dedication but it will be rewarding if you can find your past selves through meditation, when you find out about them you will feel a sense of wholeness, with a median I doubt you will, but as I have never used one I wouldn't know for sure. Also, a lot of medians and psychics are total hacks so you might get a line of BS and a lighter pocket, I would go with introspection and meditation if I were you.

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Post by mnrjpf99 » Thu Mar 28, 2013 1:17 pm

Thank you for your input. I agree that a lot of psychic's are BS. I saw one once and when I left I had more questions than answers. When she was telling stuff. I felt like saying "Uhhhh are you talking to me?" Lol
I would like to find someone that is good and not a fake. I think a good past life regression would answer a lot of questions.

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