Past Life Reading

Do u believe in rebirth or reincarnation? Do u believe in Past Life Experience? Discuss and Know more about it here

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Past Life Reading

Post by revangabriel » Mon Aug 11, 2014 12:16 am

Can I get a past life reading as to who I was in past lives?
Last edited by revangabriel on Sat Nov 15, 2014 6:57 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Oct 17, 2014 12:55 am

Hello Revangabriel,

Past life readings are neither given nor allowed on Mystic Board.

No readings of any type are given on this discussion only forum.

This does not mean that we do not believe that under the right conditions and for the right reasons (curiosity is not a good reason), past life readings cannot be useful.

It is our policy that since powerful negative emotions can so often be released as a result of hypnotically regressing a person to one or more of their past lives, that this should only be done offline by a qualified, professional therapist, who is trained to deal with these sometimes highly distressing emotional reactions in their patients.

Past life readings given on other websites or offline by therapists can often be very expensive, and are usually not covered by medical insurance plans.

Is there any reason other than curiosity, why you would want or need a past life reading to be given offline?

EoT :)

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Post by revangabriel » Sat Nov 15, 2014 6:42 am

Past life readings are neither given nor allowed on Mystic Board.

No readings of any type are given on this discussion only forum.
I saw someone a few months ago on this forum get a past life reading.
It is our policy that since powerful negative emotions can so often be released as a result of hypnotically regressing a person to one or more of their past lives, that this should only be done offline by a qualified, professional therapist, who is trained to deal with these sometimes highly distressing emotional reactions in their patients.
The first and only psychic Ive seen in person gave me a past life reading as part of their overall reading and It didnt require me to be hypnotised. And I thought he did a decent job.
Is there any reason other than curiosity, why you would want or need a past life reading to be given offline?
Not really, I was just curious  :)

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sat Nov 15, 2014 10:00 pm

Whoever it was who was giving past life readings on this forum has no authority to do so under our rules, and this is not a reading forum. Please report any future incidences of people doing this as being an inappropriate posting to the board moderators.

Although any person may claim to be giving a past life reading, the only recognised way of doing this is through hypnotic regression, and it is not something to be treated lightly and should never be attempted out of simple curiosity.

Regression techniques should only be used as a form of therapy to treat people whose lives are difficult or almost impossible due to phobias and other serious psychological behaviours which cannot be explained by anything which has happened in their current incarnation.

Good job doing what?

Free entertainment, or a temporary distraction from doing what is really important in your life to help yourself develop and grow as a spiritual being?

Has whatever came out of the reading since been confirmed b credible physical evidence that this supposed past life identity actually exised during a particular historical period?

How has this reading helped you to have a more positive, happier, healthier and more successful life; now?

These are the only accepted ways to measure the success or otherwise of past life readings.

Past life readings given only out of curiosity are much more likely to be the products of fantasy or wishful thinking.


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Post by revangabriel » Sun Nov 16, 2014 9:11 am

For the reading I got, he said stuff like, "so and so happened to you in your past life, which is why you have these certain type of traits today", and he was right about the certain traits I have.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Nov 16, 2014 10:03 pm

In a normal reading we pick up on your personality traits, without ever having to resort to to possible past lives in order to explain them.

Your having these traits in this current lifetime and them being picked up on by a reader cannot therefore be taken as evidence that you actually had that hypothetical past life experience.

That would have to be done through uncovering historical records of the person that you were supposed to be in that incarnation, with careful and systematic cross checking of significant events during that lifetime such a birth, marriage and death. Seeing if these line up with what you are seeing in your visions, or with what the past life reader is claiming to see with you.

Anything less than that could well be fantasy, and is for entertainment or distraction purposes only.

I am pleased that you were satisfied with your reading, and that it helped you to better understand who you are, but the important point here is that past life readings are not allowed on Mystic Board, and that any person offering one to you is breaking this rule.

I repeat that this forum was never meant for readings of any type.  

It is instead meant to be for discussions about the theory of  reincarnation and the concept of past lives in general. If you have been given what you believe is a past life reading on another website or offline, you can talk about the results of it here as well.


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Post by revangabriel » Sun Nov 23, 2014 7:02 am

Thats interesting, and kind of dissapointing at the same time.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Mon Nov 24, 2014 10:34 pm


This is only disappointing if you believe that past life readings are the only way to get a better understanding of why you behave the way that you do (or why you have certain personality traits). In most cases the reasons for your behaviour or why certain traits of yours are expressed more than others, can be found earlier in this current lifetime.

In your case however where you are doing this only out of curiosity, a true past life reading given offline would never be given, as these are reserved for people with severe psychological problems which prevent them from functioning, and which cannot be explained by any normal method which is only focused upon their present incarnation.

Yes the traits which you have now may well be associated with one or more of your past life experiences (clearly we are not completely blank slates when we are born), but the traits which you have in this particular lifetime are more likely to be associated with what lessons you have come here to learn NOW IN THE PRESENT MOMENT.

These lessons are in turn partially determined by lessons learned or not learned during your past lives.



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Post by revangabriel » Thu Nov 27, 2014 1:10 am

It doesn't really bother me where I got my personality traits from. I am who I am. I was just disappointed the he probably made up who I was in past lives.

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Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Nov 27, 2014 5:05 am

I was just disappointed the he probably made up who I was in past lives.
Almost certainly made up.

I can understand how disappointing this would be for you.

These fake past life readers can often sound so convincing, and there is rarely any way for you to check out the historical facts for yourself.

Which is what they are depending upon, with the intention to make themselves look like they are the most gifted psychic in the world.

One good thing about the experience is that you were given it for nothing, so at least you have not lost any of your hard earned money on it.

Another is that when you do eventually get the real thing offline (if you decide to do so), then the contrast between it and the imitation will be impressive to say the least.

I am disappointed for your sake. I do not like to see people exploited (even if the reading was requested merely out of curiosity).

It gives genuine readers a bad reputation, which they do not deserve.

EoT  :smt012

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