The best extatic state I've ever been

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The best extatic state I've ever been

Post by Alchemyst » Sat Dec 19, 2009 10:54 am

I had a very strange and pleasant experience the previous night which I can't explain, but I get the feeling it's somehow connected with the chakras. So, I was thinking you might know a possible explanation.

I have very little knowledge of how the chakras work, but last night I consciously started trying to transmute my sexual energy (the first chakra) to pure love. I managed to visualize the energy and it started burning inside me. Then the burning ball started to rise from the lower abdomen to the upper abdomen and stopped at the heart. God, it was so hot that I got the feeling my heart is on fire :) Anyway I just focused on pure love, unconditional and unreserved love. Then I felt like a volcano is starting to erupt in my heart and it erupted! It was so enormous that I felt trough my entire body, like tingling sensations in every cell of my body. I also felt loud vibrations in my ear and some rhythm, and also like a pressure going out from my ears. However, in general the experience was so inexplicable.

All I want to know (if you know of course) is was this experience good or bad, because once it repeated more than 5-6 times I didn't liked the next 5-6 times. They were just too much for me. I was afraid if my heart will explore or not, but I realized that actually my pulse was not more than normal during the ecstasy period.

I really don't know what just happened.


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Post by Rhutobello » Sat Dec 19, 2009 12:38 pm

Maybe you have given yourself the answer.

The first 5-6 times was very good....then it decreased.

It is so with everything in life, our first experience is many times what we remember...both on good and bad.....but we experience it, and has nothing to compare with.

If we make a good experience often enough, then it become a normal thing to do, and we have lots of earlier experiences to put it up against, and it is very hard to achieve the feeling we had the first time, because we in reality want more.

You will see this many places in your life....and one that display it good is TV.

When one type of accident happen for the first time, hours and days goes on with rewind and rewind of the thing.

After the first "accident" will the same accident produce less focus, and in the end just give a short comment.

This is also shown by the terrorist attac, and is one of the serious ting about 9/11, because in order to grab worlds attention, they need to make it bigger, or equal, less will not give the effect they want...that is one of the reason that we need to always keep our eyes open..........but now we have come far from sex Image

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Post by Alchemyst » Sun Dec 20, 2009 11:47 am

Yes, we have come far from sex, but indeed this experience of mine is not very connected to sex in the first place. I just wish I had my girlfriend next to me and share my emotions of pure-love and total vulnerability while being in this ecstatic state. But a few months ago it was connected to sex, indeed :)

The thing is that I've already experienced this kind of state which was slightly more intense when I had a sexual intercourse with her. So I basically didn't focused on my genitals, instead I was focused on the strongest emotions of love to her... and then it happened, but just one time, lasting about a minute! It was way more pleasant the time when I experienced this with my girlfriend, probably because I had a loving person next to me that I can express her my emotions, but the time when I experiences this alone I didn't had a person to express my emotions in that moment. Maybe that's the reason why I focused more on the unpleasant heart burning and the pressure coming out of my years instead of the emotions.

But mostly what I'm looking in terms of answer is was this good or bad? Should I continue practicing or terminate immediately? I read somewhere on the internet that semen retention can lead to building up the sexual energy and when that energy is builded enough an experienced yogist during meditation can transmute that energy from sexual to more enlightening one. Well I basically did that, but instead during meditation I experienced this during very deeply relaxed state, even half-dream state the first few times.

Also I've read that opening the chakras is a dangerous business, as it can lead to unpleasant feelings when you don't open one by one. So if this was the fourth chakra I opened and I guess I haven't opened the lower ones, maybe that way I had a bit unpleasant feeling.

Anyway from that experience to today I feel changes, a lot. I'm kinda more alive, more childish in the soul, I can feel more intensefully and in general I'm more happy and fulfilled. Was this from the ecstatic moments... I will never know!

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Post by PetraVanilla » Mon Dec 21, 2009 1:15 am

Sounds to me almost like Tantric self-Reiki. Anytime you are able to manipulate energy within someone's or your own body to a certain extent, something called an emotional release can happen... regardless of whether this experience started from the sacral/orange/sexual energy chakra or not. It sounds like that is what you experienced. When the volcano exploded as you put it, an emotional barrier was broken and energy freed. All chakras are connected and in a healthy relationship both your heart and sacral chakras should be balanced. I believe that your heart chakra had been under-stimulated and is now open and working great. You do not want to overstimulate because that will bring the chakra out of balance. That's why the 5 and 6th times weren't giving you the same effect and weren't feeling so good.

I hope that helped..


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Post by Alchemyst » Mon Dec 21, 2009 2:35 pm

Yes, your explanation helped me a lot Petra. It's very possible that that what I've experienced is an emotional release, buried long ago. I remember the day before I experienced this, a few memories in a fraction of a second passed trough my mind and when I realized them from a different perspective I realized how wrong I was for some moments in the past. Then I went to my bed and cried like a baby for probably an hour or so. Yeah I'm 25 year guy and I cried loud :) But interestingly, the more I cried the more I felt relief to my soul, as if I have repented for the acts I've done in the past that passed trough my mind and after that I felt like a new-born, totally clear. Then the next day the heart explosions happened. So this explains a lot about your explanation that it was an emotional burden released.

So, now since I feel a "level up", can someone introduce me how to keep balance not just to my heart chakra, but also to the rest six. If only my hearth chakra is opened now (and I believe it is, since I constantly feel warm in my chest area) how can I open, or do I need to open the remaining ones. I practice yoga for 4 months and I guess that might help too.

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Post by PetraVanilla » Mon Dec 21, 2009 11:28 pm

Alchemyst, I would suggest you learn about Reiki and Energy Work in general... One of the books I can recommend is "The Everything Reiki Book". But I must say I learned even more from friends I made in the process of being on social networking sites and Mysticboard (just use the search option on Reiki and Chakras etc)  and doing extensive Internet research. If you meet a Reiki master (u might even be able to find one in the phone book) ask for a Reiki session to further balance and open up chakras as necessary. It may be at a cost or suggested donation, but again, knowledgeable and experienced friends may be able to do the same at no cost...


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