Know your chakras, and learn more about chakra healing.

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Post by Aegeus » Sat Jun 26, 2010 10:32 am

Consider the the vital force present in semen. Pears do not have the same life giving quality.

Its also not a matter of taking on more vital foces, it's a matter of not draining of the vitality you already have.

Thats like saying if you have a leaky cup cant you just add a few more drops of water.  

I can't imagine how it would damage the sphincter. It's pretty benign stuff.

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Post by MacLir » Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:35 am

In ancient Chinese dynasties, the role high counselor was very important, as powerful as the emperor. The candidate must prove him/her-self worthy by emptying a glass of wine using the genital. It is to prove that person has mastered the secret of immortality, thus has reached the high level of spiritual development. But it is not recommended for anyone to try. While in the method that i described, the sexual energy is raised upward, in those test, the wine is being sucked with urethra into bladder. To suck the wine into the brain would be very dangerous.
    By the way, i also found a great site on Reiki, called Inti Reiki. The attunements are free. I have tried myself & it quite helpful to solve my Kundalini syndrome. The Reiki Meditation is very helpful for Kundalini problems; i suggest to do it often & as much as possible.
The address:

P.S : This Reiki perhaps not suitable for those who have Kundalini problem in Heart Chakra(chest area). Inti Reiki uses the Anhat(Heart) Chakra, so i think it's not wise to pour more energy to the already overloaded chakra.

Eyes of Zoser720
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clearing chakras

Post by Eyes of Zoser720 » Tue Jan 01, 2013 12:34 am

i have  experienced a method of fasting first of all from all meats and maintaining a vegan diet for thirty days and turning counter clockwise 99 times everyday for thirty days on the 100th turn and stand still meditating on the higher power placing you in total alignment  and watch and feel what happens peace and  abundant blessings

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