The Herbal Encyclopedia

Get quality information on the healing powers of essential oils, the properties of each scent, and their uses in the bath, massage, and more.

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The Herbal Encyclopedia

Post by starmaster » Wed Mar 12, 2008 8:00 pm

Glossary and Definitions
A guide to those difficult, confusing, and hard to understand terms and jargon
Analgesic relieves pain
Anthelmintic helps kill and get rid of parasites in the body
Antibacterial destroys or stops the growth of bacteria
Antibiotic destroys or stops the growth of microorganisms in the body
Antifungal destroys or stops the growth of fungi, such as athlete's foot
Anti-inflammatory reduces or counteracts inflammations
Antioxidant inhibits or prevents oxidation
Antispasmodic relieves voluntary and involuntary muscle spasms
Antitussive prevents or eliminates coughing
Antiviral inhibits or eliminates a virus
Aphrodisiac creates or enhances sexual arousal
Aromatherapy relies on the aroma of healing plants to stimulate healing, relaxation, mood alteration, and overall well-being
Astringent firms organs and tissues as well as reduces excretions
Bolus an herbal suppository inserted in the vagina or rectum
Calmative soothing action on the body's systems
Carcinogenic causes cancer
Cardiac about or relating to the heart
Carminative relieves intestinal gas and accompanying annoyances
Catarrh inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose and breathing passages, sometimes chronically
Cystitis inflammation and irritation of the urinary bladder
Decoction an extract made by putting the parts of a healing plant into water and bringing it to a boil, then cooled and strained for medicinal use
Demulcent protects and soothes internal mucous membranes
Dermatitis inflammation or irritation of the skin
Detoxicant eliminates toxins
Diuretic eliminates excess fluids and aids the kidneys and bladder
Essential oil plant oils, usually highly scented, extracted from healing plants for healing applications
Expectorant aids discharge of phlegm and mucous from the lungs and throat
Extract withdrawing the desired constituents from a plant through physical and/or chemical means
Fast to abstain from all or most foods for a specific period
Fomentation a hot compress made by soaking a cloth in a decoction or infusion, then applying externally
Hepatic having to do with the liver
Herbalism the practice of identifying and using plants that have medicinal qualities
Homeopathy a system of medicine that stresses the administration of minute doses that would produce symptoms of the disease in healthy persons; it is based on the system belief that "like cures like"
Hypertensive raises the blood pressure, or deals with high blood pressure
Hypotensive lowers the blood pressure, or deals with low blood pressure
Hypnotic relaxant and sedative that induces sleep
Infusion medicinal made by pouring boiling water over an herb, or adding an herb to boiling water, similar to a tea
Jaundice yellowing of the skin caused by bile pigments in the tissues
Laxative aids in promoting bowel movements
Liniment a liquid or thin paste used externally as a pain reliever or counterirritant
Naturopathy medical treatment based on using natural plants and agents as well as natural healing methods to cause a cure or prevention
Nervine strengthens and normalizes the nervous system
Ointment a solid form of medication applied to the skin
Opthalmic soothes and heals the eyes
Photosensitive a heightened sensitivity to light or direct sun
Poultice a plaster applied externally, usually hot
Salve the same as an ointment
Sclerosis hardening of tissue due to inflammation
Sedative calms by lowering the activity of an organ or body part
Stimulant increases internal body heat, strengthens metabolism and body circulation
Tea a dried herb steeped in hot water for drinking
Tincture a medication derived from the medicinal agents in herbs being dissolved into alcohol
Tonic stimulates the overall body systems
Toxins poisons
Ulcer a slow-healing wound, either internal or external
Vaginitis irritation, inflammation, or infection of the vagina

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Post by bluefairy » Thu Mar 13, 2008 4:04 pm


Nice Info.

But I think that's not Herbal Encyclopedia. Herbal Encyclopedia would contain the name of the plants/ flowers which use as a natural medicine. If you google "Herbal Encyclopedia" then you would come to a name like allspice, alfalfa, aloe vera, etc.

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