relaxing ideas anyone?

Get quality information on the healing powers of essential oils, the properties of each scent, and their uses in the bath, massage, and more.

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relaxing ideas anyone?

Post by lotusdew » Tue Oct 14, 2008 6:51 pm

well i'm gonna be 21 on october 19

i still got no idea what to do, i know 21... bars... beer, big whoop.
its going to be my first birthday in 6 years that i been single.
i always celebrated with the person i was with and i am now just a lil clueless as what to do.

but one thing i am certain is that i want to have a whole day or at least a few hours to myself.
here is  the 411

i have to jobs and on top of that i go to school.
i am hardly home, hardly get sleep, and hardly get to pamper myself
once in a while i burn a incense or use my crystals.
and i mean once in a great while.

what i need most is a long hot bath
this is where i come to be more clueless,
what could i use to soak in the bath other then salts or bubbles?
can i use herbs?
what kind of candles or incense should i use?
what about crystals?
can someone make up the perfect pamper retreat for me?
i need anything that can store a good handful of energy bring some self love and love for me, cast away the stress and the negative and make me fill like a million bucks for my birthday.

i'll be looking forward to your guys responses.

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Post by ammo » Sat Jan 24, 2009 1:30 am

Oh goodness, a long hot soak with some jasmine in the water is extremely relaxing. I just put a pinch or two right into the water. It can be a bit of  a pain to clean up but well worth it IMO.

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Post by firetopaz » Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:23 am

Lavender leaves and chamomile tea, alright your 22...add a splash of brandy or a glass of wine.  Yes, white candles and a prayer as you light them for a new beginning and a happy year.  Let them burn all the way down once you have made your wish so it comes true.  Use little ones so you don't have to stay home waiting for them to burn out.  I am thinking a little ginger would be good for you too.  Your favorite music or a guided meditation to help you focus.

Take ten minutes before you start to go over your mistakes and failures, writing them down would be ideal, then burning the paper and mentally letting them go and forgiving yourself would be a good start.  You are only human and you learned a lot this year.  OMG!  look how hard you have been working to improve yourself.  It won't be long before you reap the rewards.  God has something great planned for you...don't settle for less by jumping the gun.

Happy Birthday!

God/Godess Bless!

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