Need a separate forum for Hinduism

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Jayashree Ravi
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Need a separate forum for Hinduism

Post by Jayashree Ravi » Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:48 pm

With 1 Billion people following Hinduism, MysticBoard would do well to serve this community by having a unique 'Hinduism' forum!

I am aware topics on Hinduism and India can be posted on spirituality section, but having a separate section for Hinduism would bring all relevant topics together, eliminating the need to search for Hindu topics amidst all others!

Some examples for Hindu fora include:,


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Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Sep 15, 2013 1:16 am


With great respect for yourself, as well as for Hinduism itself.

Only this site's owner Swetha can or has the right to make this decision, and the intention this year is I believe to reduce the total number of forums, rather than adding any more unless it is felt to be in everyone's and the site's best interests to add them.

While I believe that I understand your good reasons for asking for a separate Hinduism forum, I think that Mystic Board works so well because we have people of so many different religions or of no religion at all coming together on this online spiritual community to talk with and help each other, regardless of their religious beliefs.

If we had a Hinduism forum surely we should also have forums for all the other major religions as well. That is only fair.

I feel that this separation into religions would only cause further division among all the other members, and that Christians or Buddhists for example would be far less likely to interact with people of your religion, and would therefore lose the opportunity to better understand what Hinduism teaches and what it adds to our ideas about God (as each religion gives us a different and unique perspective about the true nature of God and reality).

This is just my personal opinion on the subject, and no offence or disrespect is intended towards anyone who disagrees with me about this.


EoT  Image

PS: An easier alternative to your separate forum idea might be to put the keyword "Hinduism" or "Hindu" into the site's customized search engine (which is called Mystic Search) on the home page.

The search box is just under the bottom right corner of the Mystic Scripts Library purple rectangle.


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Post by cedars » Sun Sep 15, 2013 12:53 pm

EOT said:  
If we had a Hinduism forum surely we should also have forums for all the other major religions as well. That is only fair.
I totally agree with the comments made by EOT.
This is a non-religious site and it caters for all faiths and denominations.  There is 'spiritualism' in every religion and once we add Hinduism to the forums, then there will be endless forums for all religions for their respective spiritual side to be added as well.

No offence is intended to your religion whatsoever.

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Post by swetha » Sun Sep 15, 2013 2:45 pm

Thanks for your suggestions. As discussed by our mods and readers, we are a non religious forum. At this point having a forum for Hinduism is not feasible but we will definitely look at other options to make search easier for people looking for topics on the above subject.

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Post by Jayashree Ravi » Sun Sep 15, 2013 10:56 pm

Thanks for your replies, everyone.


Thank you for considering my recommendation. As other users said, Mystic Board can also have a separate forum for each of the major religions.. it is just that there is lot of fun going on at other fora cited earlier, I thought it might be nice to have separate forum for Hinduism (and for each of other religions)... Kindly consider.



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Post by cedars » Mon Sep 16, 2013 1:15 pm

With respect...

Whilst it is the site owner's decision to add/reduce forums/topics and change the nature of this site, but I still disagree that giving this site any form of religious context will be the right thing to do. It will be like opening a can of worms which may, or in fact will, lead  to many complications.

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Sep 16, 2013 4:49 pm


I am a Hindu by birth, & follow Hinduism myself.

Mysticboard already has too many forums; reminds me of "too many cooks spoil the broth".
Also this is a non religious forum; & I feel it should remain this way.

The above is even though I love Hinduism...  :)


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United as human beings we will grow ever stronger and closer together

Post by eye_of_tiger » Tue Sep 17, 2013 1:10 am

Instead of having a dedicated and exclusive forum for Hindus, Buddhists, Christians, agnostics and atheists where all the members of that religion or belief system keep completely to themselves and never interact with people who do not have the identical beliefs, I think that we need a forum or forums where all people no matter what their beliefs can come together in an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect and support.

And learn about what each belief system has to offer to help cure human beings of their spiritual sickness and emptiness, and their self destructive desire to want to always separate into groups sharing one fixed set of beliefs, leading to further division, mistrust on a major scale and a fear of what a person following a different faith or belief system to themselves will do to try to destroy them.

But hang on. We already have forums for bringing people closer together and uniting people from all religions and belief systems in a safe, supportive atmosphere of mutual trust and respect for a different point of view from their own, with the intention to help all human beings to each learn and better understand and value each other, and recognise that God has many faces.

These much needed forums already exist, and they are called called Mystic Board!

United as human beings we will grow ever stronger and closer together to all other human beings living on this planet. Divided continually into different self contained groups of people who never interact with someone who is not exactly like them, and we will continue to grow weaker and further apart with each passing minute as a species inevitably heading towards extinction.

But there is no harm in us having a search engine to help us find people of the same religion or belief system as ourselves sometimes. People often feel more comfortable especially at first with people who are similar to them in their beliefs, but eventually we need to move beyond this if we are going to keep living together without being in constant mortal fear of each other.

Blessings in abundance to all of you,

EoT  Image

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