Does this sound like a "spell" has been put on my mom or am I just being paranoid?

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Does this sound like a "spell" has been put on my mom or am I just being paranoid?

Post by curious2010 » Fri Jan 07, 2011 2:25 am

I'm new to this board. I've never really thought much about spells and witchcraft until recently. It's starting to make more sense though than anything else I can think of.

My father passed away a  year and a half ago and one week after he died, this guy Jack called my mom and asked her to get some coffee with him. My father knew Jack for a few years because they both ate at the same restaurant, but my mom had never even met him. The first time my mom met with Jack for coffee he took a picture of her for no apparent reason and told her he wanted to marry her. She assumed he was joking since she had only known him for like 15 minutes.

For the past year and a half my mom has been seeing Jack, but even she admits she doesn't know why because she doesn't like him at all. She says all the time that he's extremely rude, cheap, boring and lots of other things. My mom is very attractive and educated and her friends are all shocked that she is still with this guy. She always jokes with them that it's like he's put a spell on her because she wants to just break it off with him, but for some reason she can't.

It was only a joke, but now I'm wondering if he really might have put some kind of a spell on her? Maybe that's why he needed the picture? I was hoping someone could recommend some resources where I could look into this some more and find out how to break spells.

Thanks for any advise.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jan 07, 2011 5:59 pm

She is grieving.  This 'relationship' is allowing her to get past the process.  She is smart enough to know she does not like him at all.  But she is not ready to relinquish the attention lavished upon her of having a 'friend'.  There is no spell - it is just some of her needs that have died with her spouse.

when she is ready to relinquish him and whatever hold he has, she will know.  And there is a metaphysical/psychic exercise that will help with the process.  Remember, she has to be willing to release the relationship.

Visualize a purple balloon and put this individual inside it.
Visualize a second purple balloon and put mom inside.
Connect the two balloons with a silver cord.
Visualize a pair of golden scissors cutting the cord and allowing the balloon to fly away.

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Post by Evard » Fri Jan 07, 2011 11:58 pm

Hi.  I'm being strange ..

Did he walk up as an unattractive man and "change a letter of his being to be amorous with want to her"

And then , did he "sorrowful as her mind .. cast a spell she would want company and companion Anew .t"

So did he "stay with her four months and begin the way she would delight and drink as her spell was new"

So did the magic seem prevalent .. as most hearing or hearsay was accurate (you) in certain terms "mad"

It was my thought .. and I don't like hexing at all .. though I am eccentric.  Thanks., enjoy typed thought.

Evard .  A Druidic person .. not into witchy spells .  Thanks for your thoughts if you respond kindly.  OK :)

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Post by p3ntacle » Sun Apr 03, 2011 10:10 pm

I'm really sorry about your father. Relationships are hard, my Uncle re-married after my Aunt passed away in a car accident when my little cousin was just a toddler, and he still struggles. It took time, but I believe that in time the suffering will be less present. I think the other's post about visualizing positive healing is a good idea.

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