The Mark of Lucifer (Venus)

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The Mark of Lucifer (Venus)

Post by Jobujack » Wed Jul 07, 2010 2:21 pm

I have a 5 pointed star (pentacle/pentagram) in the palm of my right hand, it is a natural formation of the palm lines and as far back as I can remember it has been there so I'm now looking for others that also have this symbol. Now there is a difference according to palmistry as to what a star means according to what lines it is connected to which determines wether it is a star or pentagram.

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Post by Jobujack » Fri Jul 09, 2010 4:12 am

What iI have found through my internet journey to find out if a pentagram in ones palm means and I've discovered that no one really knows, of course there are personal opinions but nothing that can be proven with facts. So for this reason I have decided to piece together information on the pentagram, chiromancy (palmistry), astrology and religion with hope of being able to come to a final conclusion.


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Post by Aegeus » Fri Jul 09, 2010 6:32 am

Let me know what you come up with. I have a good friend with a pentagram on their palm.

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Post by Jobujack » Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:59 pm

I have spent much time looking both outside an in for an answer and I have found that the religions of the world are all variations of the same story, that were altered to suit the needs of those who seek to control the masses of people that don't know why we are here.

Christianity is most entertaining with its belief that in the begining after God created heaven and earth he then proceeded to create man then woman and named them Adam and Eve and from just those two people they managed to populate the entire world with all the different races (cacasian, negro, asian and so on).

I was raised in a Christian family but as I grew up I found too many loop holes in the Christian religion so I started to look into other religions however none of them could answer my questions as to why I have a pentagram in the palm of my hand. So I then started looking into the Pagan faith then the zodiac and astrology, I then started to find some answers though I still could not find why I have a pentagram in the palm of my hand so this led me to look into chiromancy and numerology.

After lots of compairing I was then able to find connections between religion, astrology and the zodiac and to my surprise I found that the most commen denominator was "the morning star" Venus or Lucifer (which means "light bearer") since Venus is the last star you can see with the naked eye before the sun rises. Also there is a celestial pattern that Venus makes with Earth with their superior and inferior conjunctions as they evolve around the Sun which happens to be a pentagram.

So this led me to the conclusion that the pentagram is the symbol which represents Venus though I still did not have the answer to why I have a pentagram in the palm of my hand, perhaps it is to write that which I just have.

Don't misunderstand me though, I'm not saying that I'm special or some sort of messiah, I'm just someone who wanted an answer to a question that no one could answer for me.

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Post by Jobujack » Sun Jul 11, 2010 9:14 pm

Let me know what you come up with. I have a good friend with a pentagram on their palm.

There is a difference between the Pentagram and a Star though they are similar in appearance they are different, the first post explains the difference.

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Post by Aegeus » Tue Jul 13, 2010 1:07 am

this is a pentagram ... agram2.gif

and this is a star

Thanks for your posts, I dont have time to read them now but will later.

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Post by Aegeus » Tue Jul 13, 2010 9:47 am

Thats not a very good quality picture of your hand, and the head line is not a part of that formation.

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Post by Aegeus » Tue Jul 13, 2010 10:23 am

Interesting the connection with venus. My friend who has a pentagram in her hand does express some Venusian energy. She loves recreation and leisure such as are associated with Venus. She is also quite affectionate, and into mystical things.

I like the pagan use of the pentagram relating to the 5 elements. It's said that is the symbol has perfect proportions then it has more power. Like drawing one with perfect proportions for invoking the elements.

It's also said that if the point is facing up, the top point represents the spirit overcoming the physical elements, but if the point is facing down such as the Freemasons use for the goats head, then it represents the spirit succumb to the physical elements.

I would like to see a better picture of your palm.

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Post by Jobujack » Wed Jul 14, 2010 2:44 am

Thats not a very good quality picture of your hand, and the head line is not a part of that formation.
I could mark the lines with ink or something so it would be easier to see, and yes upon closer inspection the head line isn't connected to it however it is still a pentagram just not the one on that lady shadow feather site.
Interesting the connection with venus. My friend who has a pentagram in her hand does express some Venusian energy. She loves recreation and leisure such as are associated with Venus. She is also quite affectionate, and into mystical things.

I thought so too. What is your friends zodiac sign, year she was born and what hand is her pentagram in her dominant or passive (dominant is the hand you write with)?

The pentagram was also used by early Christians as a symbol to represent the five wounds of Christ, it was also used by Hebrews to represent the five books of the pentateuch. There are also Christian churchs/temples that still have the pentagram on them. ... an-symbol/

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Post by Aegeus » Wed Jul 14, 2010 5:32 am

I can't remember which hand it was on. She is taurus on the cusp of gemini I think April 21, 1985, year of the ox.

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Post by Jobujack » Sat Jul 17, 2010 2:54 am

I can't remember which hand it was on. She is taurus on the cusp of gemini I think April 21, 1985, year of the ox.
Well thats cool that she is also a Taurus, if you get a chance Aegeus get a pic and link it.

Something i've run across in myjourneys is Star Childern, thought it might be relevant to this thread...

Perhaps chiromancy is how to identify Star Childern, but that would just be too easy now wouldn't it...  :smt016

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Post by Aegeus » Sat Jul 17, 2010 5:58 am

I'm familiar with the concept of star children or star seeds. Perhaps some markings can indicate a star child, but I imagine that not all star children would bear a particular marking, making the process of learning how to read such a thing palm trickier.

The one I know who has a pentagram on her hand behaves a lot like an elemental or fairy. Which could be connected with having a symbol which represents the 5 elements on her hand.

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Post by Jobujack » Fri Sep 03, 2010 4:08 am

Here is another link that suits this topic in a small way...

It's only impossible if that is what you choose to believe (remember the world used to be flat and Earth the center of the Universe), change is needed...

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Post by Rhutobello » Mon Sep 06, 2010 11:40 am


I have cleaned up your posts
To many little own discussion....links is in order to bring a subject that is discussed forward....not promoting of case or ideas withou own opinions.

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Post by Jobujack » Sun Oct 31, 2010 7:33 pm

This is a story I wrote called "Taurus the Dragon Witch King" fore now...

*This is a meant to be an Espionage Action Sci-Fi with short scenes of historic events*

Secretly throughout history there has been a rivalry between 12 ancient bloodlines (each on is attributed to a Zodiac sign) politically working with each other to control the world, until the rivalry became so fierce there was a war which divided them, now each Zodiac sign has it's equal opposite based upon the 4 elements (earth, wind, fire, water) with there being another element (spirit) which can only be harnessed when there is balance between the 12 Zodiac bloodlines. During the great bloodline war (The Crusades) Taurus's equal opposite Gemini used dark arts to summon an ancient spirit and trades his servitude for the power to defeat the Taurus bloodline. Once Taurus was defeated the war was over as the other bloodlines on the side of Taurus had to fall in line or suffer the same fate 3 joined and 2 were killed leaving Gemini in charge except for the spirit Gemini must now serve or die...

*Ancient Prophecies* Something about a twin headed snake and end of the world...

*The Secret of Taurus* This is only know by the other 11 Zodiac signs, there is a 13th bloodline the Dragon which is the original bloodline long thought to have been dead or are they...

*13th bloodline* Only known by Taurus and the other 2 signs killed ( Virgo and Capricorn ) that the 13th bloodline are a group of Pagan Witch's are the only owns who know how to awaken a reincarnated spirit.

*The Pagan Witch's* Have managed to keep secret and slowly infiltrate most of the major industries in modern society (ie. Entertainment, Banking, Government Agencies to name a few) preparing for the reincarnated spirit of Taurus to return, the hard part is finding him before Gemini does...

Near impossible for Taurus as he is all alone in his mission but give up never will Taurus do as his stuberness will not let him. Fortunatly for Taurus he is able to get an encoded message through to the Pagan Witch's before Gemini becomes aware of him. This allows Taurus the time he and the Pagan Witch's need to carry on with the mission which is waking the other sleeping Zodiac signs and restoring balance to the world. There isn't much Gemini can do to stop Taurus once he has full control over his powers, which is why Gemini is relentless in trying to stop him...

Never has there been a time when the witchs been so sure they have found their lone star, the one out on his own to prove to the world the he is the reincarnated spirit of Taurus (Lucifer). The one mentioned in ancient proficies dating back over 5000 years. Long the witchs have prepared for Taurus to return to the material world and hard at work Gemini and his minions the Illuminati have been to prevent his return (the mis-information war). What Gemini and the illuminati are unaware of is that Taurus has been working in secret with the pagan witch's since the day he was born...

The Pagan Witch's of the 13th bloodline are the only ones capable of taming the wild spirit of Taurus who is both powerful dangerous if the Pagan Witch's aren't able to do the ritual in time as he has the power to not only create but destroy all creation, fore secretly Taurus is King of the Zodiac and bow down to him the other signs of the Zodiac do when Taurus uses the power of the 13th sign (the Dragon) which is only used if absolutely necessary, though if used this sets forth into motion "Judgement Day", "Ragnarok" the "Rapture" or whatever you want to call it and can only be stopped by killing Taurus before he uses the power of the 13th sign (the Dragon). If you allow the Judgement to take place it is in the form of a test of over all human reaction to a manifestation of your worst fears becoming reality and the choices you would make...

The First thing for Taurus and the Pagan Witch's to do is the rite of passage ritual meant to enable Taurus the use of his powers, this will not be an easy task considering the Gemini and his minions the illuminati will stop at nothing to prevet this from occuring. Once the ritual is completed Taurus and the Pagan Witch's then proceed to search for the other 2 sleeping Zodiac spirits ( Capricorn and Virgo ), once found and awakened the Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn and the Pagan Witch's work together towards uniting the world to prevent the Gemini and illuminati who are controlled by (Satan) from achieving their goal which is World War III and the enslavement and suffering of all mankind who don't accept the messiah as their savior...

*The Messiah* Is none other than the spirit of "Satan" controlling a human and traveling the world preforming miracles gaining support for Gemini and the illuminati who are in control of the Vatican...

The most difficult part is awakening the other 2 signs of the Zodiac they could be anywhere throughout the world and reforming the alliance with the three Zodiacs that cohhose to live (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces), which means Taurus and Pagan Witch's must travel encountering danger along the way find and awaken them before Gemini and the illuminati find and kill Virgo and Capricorn. Only when Taurus finds Capricorn and Virgo and has the alliance of Pisces, Scorpio and Cancer can the ritual preformed by the Pagan Witch's and Zodiacs will Taurus be able use the power of the 13th sign (the dragon). Fortunately Taurus and the Pagan Witch's are able to find Capricorn and Virgo, reform the old alliances will they be able to preform the ritual. It's extremely difficult however Taurus, the Pagan Witch's and his allies are able to just in time prevent WWIII from starting and keeping the messiah from becoming emperor though in order to do so Taurus must use the power of the 13th sign (the Dragon) and start "Judgement Day"...

What would you do, kill him or...

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