Introducing Cedars

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Introducing Cedars

Post by suzisco » Mon Nov 17, 2008 8:36 pm

Mystic Board Reader Cedars

"Due to certain events in my life, I developed an interest towards psychic and esoteric phenomena and started having a few readings to gather an insight into my situation... as one does  

Later on, an interest into the tarot cards began to trigger my mind. Not knowing if I had any other skills, I thought I could at least 'learn' the tarot. I got my first tarot deck with which I started educating myself about the cards and I feel this learning process will be a never-ending one. I was then introduced to Reiki and I am now a Reiki Master/Teacher as well.

I was then invited to take part in psychic development circles, took some courses in mediumship and psychic development and there is more learning in store in my spiritual path...

I feel I am constantly learning both the tarot cards and developing my skills in the psychic/clairvoyance realms and enjoying every challenge.

When I give readings to friends and in forums, I combine Clairvoyance as well as my knowledge of the tarot cards, which usually confirm what I 'see' in my mind. So far they have not let me down and I am beginning to trust my intuition more and more. Sometimes it is not possible to connect with a specific querent or a question and when I cannot connect psychically or clairvoyantly, I refer to the cards; if I don’t get any messages from the cards either, I withdraw to either try at a later date or simply admit that I could not make a link.

I feel immensely grateful to God and my Higher Self whenever I can bring relief, empowerment and hope to my fellow human beings. I do get it wrong at times and I dare say I will get it wrong again. When I cannot connect with someone or a situation, I prefer not to go ahead with the reading, simply filling the time and space just for the sake of it.

When requesting a reading, please say a few words about your situation rather than, "I need a reading for the next six months" or "what does the future hold for me?" Whilst I do not encourage you to tell me your life story, but some idea of what situation you are in will emphasize the outcome of the cards to give you a better insight into your situation.

I give readings on the Mystic Board of my own free will and if at times I cannot respond straight away, it is because I am either busy, or unable to connect with the request.

I welcome constructive feedback and a little Thank you would go down nicely too.

Like any reading we can not guarantee they can be read within a certain time frame and it is up to the individual reader to assess when it is the right time to reply. We also do not guarantee that all requests and questions will be suitable or be filled.

Please also take a moment to read the Guidelines before requesting your reading.

Thanks for your understanding in this matter.
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