Cedar Please: love life analysis needed

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Cedar Please: love life analysis needed

Post by ayesha1991 » Mon Nov 16, 2015 6:42 am

Dear, my name is ayesha and dob is 15th april, 1991. i am currently in a relation with a guy whose dob is 23rd march, 1987. He is in army and its been a long time since we met. things are not going very god between us because we talk very less. I really wish to marry him but he says he has some issues at back home. if you could please advise i will be grateful .

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Post by cedars » Tue Nov 17, 2015 5:55 pm

Hello Ayesha,

I will be happy to look into this, but before that I would like to ask you...What is it that you wish to know?
If your question is in any way related to what he is thinking or considering about the two of you, I would not be able to do that as the site rules do not allow me to look into someone else's thoughts.

I don't usually follow pre-set spreads; I usually form the question(s) myself and then pick the cards.

Whatever your question is, please think about it from your OWN perspective only and not trying to read his mind.

I await to hear from you.

p.s. if you have any issues forming your OWN question, I will do my best to give you a reading taking YOU as the central figure in this relationship.

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Post by ayesha1991 » Wed Nov 18, 2015 6:45 am

Thanks dear,
Then i would ask you to give me a general reading about my love life..what can i do to make things better with him as i love him a lot and wish to marry him only. I am ready to wait for him so that he can solve his problems.

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Post by cedars » Wed Nov 18, 2015 6:01 pm

Dear Ayesha,

I made two attempts with your reading: the first one the cards did not ‘speak’ to me… the second one I was not feeling well. Hope this third time lucky :)

I had already formed my own question before seeing your message in response to mine which I had posted yesterday. With respect, I will stick to my question as I feel to “make things better with him” is not a one-way street. We don’t know what he is going through and what his thoughts are. To “make things better” is not only your responsibility; it takes two for things to get better.

Therefore, I hope you will not mind me sticking to my own question which goes as follows:

In her current relationship situation, what advice there is from the Universe for Ayesha to bring peace and tranquillity to herself and for her highest good?

I am using the Rider Waite deck.

Six of Pentacles:
We see here a benefactor holding a scale in one hand and giving money away with the other to one of the two men kneeling in front of him. This is one of the complex tarot cards in the Rider Waite whereby one can see different meanings into it. Are you the benefactor who perhaps has been giving too much of his energies away? Or, perhaps giving and listening to one side of a situation? Or, Are you perhaps the one who is receiving the coins all the time and not giving in return? Or, perhaps the one who is not getting any at all?
As you can see, if any of the above scenarios were distorted, there would be a situation of imbalance and unfairness. This may not necessarily be related to your love life; it may be related to your life in general where giving and receiving is concerned, where on one hand you may be giving too much and not receiving anything or much back from the other or other parties. Why would you always be the giver and not receive anything back? Is life only about giving? Even love is a two-way street where if one of the parties involved does not reciprocate, then there will be a gap in the very essence of the dualism or the togetherness in a relationship.
Why would you be the one who is continually giving and not receiving any in return? There is an imbalance here which should be addressed and who can address that situation? You and only you.
Don’t let people take advantage of your good and generous nature – even if it is someone you love.

Two of Wands:
Here we see a man who is standing on top of a building, holding a globe (representing the world) in one hand and a wand with the other. The second wand is firmly fixed to the wall on his side. He is looking ahead to the horizon and realises that the world can be his oyster only if he makes the choice, the right choice. If you want to make the choice of waiting for him until he sorts his problems, then there is no one can guaranty that the outcome will be to your heart’s desire, but that is a choice you have to make. Or just look ahead into the world where there are so many other opportunities.

Three of Pentacles.

We are back to the Pentacles. Incidentally, Pentacles, the element of Earth, refer to our material world, our finances, our worldly needs and possessions.
In the Three of Pentacles, we see plans are being made by an apprentice to prove his point to his superiors, investors or even undertaking exams (or an interview). Could this be as a result of the choice you make with the Two of Wands? Could this be that you give yourself a break from these emotions and concentrate your efforts on other things in your life such work and finances?
I would go back to the Six of Pentacles where we have a situation of giving and receiving – not necessarily in the love and relationship area – but equally applicable to work and finance. Then we get to the Two of Wands where we have to make a choice – possibly to set the right balance talked about in the Six of Pentacles – and as a result put your energies and efforts into something else – the Three of Pentacles?

Nine of Pentacles.

Here we see a woman walking in her garden, wearing a gown, with a bird in one hand and appreciating her successes and investments with the other. She is a successful woman; she is a disciplinarian and she is taking some time to enjoy the fruits of her financial success and enjoying some of the luxuries of life that Pentacles – money - can bring. She has made a success of her life in the areas of finance self-sufficiency.  Was this perhaps she made the right choices and got to this stage?

Whilst your request and my question were geared towards your love and relationship situation, the cards did not reveal much relevant to that. We can re-interpret the cards and try and see the love and relationship aspect into them, but, frankly speaking, I see more of a different situation that the Universe wishes you to concentrate on for the time being.  

I feel the cards are trying to tell you that you cannot make your man see sense and you cannot influence his thought patterns, no matter how much you love him. Whatever he is going through, mentally and emotionally, he has to find his own answers and you cannot change them for him, especially that he is away from you (in the army) and his thoughts and emotions may have different priorities or issues.

There are opportunities for you in other areas of your life where you could put your energies as well as emotions to bring about results which you may have been putting aside.

Best wishes.

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Post by ayesha1991 » Thu Nov 19, 2015 6:00 am

thanks dear for taking time out to write to me.

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Post by cedars » Thu Nov 19, 2015 3:37 pm

You are welcome Ayesha.

I very much sense that you were disappointed with the reading, as it did not give you the answer(s) you were seeking.
I can't help what cards come out and I will have to accept and carry on with my reading whatever cards are dealt for the reading.

Please take some  time out and consider the reading, leaving your emotions about this guy aside.

And, also, please consider the following: you cannot make things better with him without knowing what he is going through and what his thoughts and feelings are about the two of you. I appreciate your pain as he is far away from you and there is no contact.  You will be torturing yourself in vain if you invest all your energies on that. Try and invest your energies on other matters in your life for the time being until things are clearer for both of you.

I wish that you will be able to find some inner peace.

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Post by ayesha1991 » Fri Nov 20, 2015 4:38 am

thank you so much dear. i hope i will gt through it soon :)

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