I must change my name. Advice please.

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I must change my name. Advice please.

Post by Adrienne » Tue May 05, 2009 8:12 pm

I'm new, and I'm sorry for posting here first, but I'm really having a conundrum.

My name numbers and Birth path have always been incongruous, and recently (for the past few years) I have been thinking of changing it. The catalyst for this decision is that I can no longer stand having the name that I do - especially my fathers surname. Events over the past few years have made it almost agonizing to be tied to his family by a name. I feel that neither his nor my mothers family has anything to do with the person I need to be in order to be happy with myself.

My Life path number is 8 (a number I've never related well to)

My current Name has a

36/9 soul urge
41/5 personality
77/14/5 expression

Name option 1 has a

Soul Urge 26/8
personality 32/5
Expression 58/13/4

Name option 2 is:

Soul urge 33/6
Personality  38/11/2
Expression 71/8

name 3:
Soul Urge: 37/10/1
personality: 43/7
Expression: 80/8

The names I chose have special meaning to me. I'm asking for advice, because I don't ant to make this decision lightly. Please tell me your thoughts on name change numerology and your opinions on my proposed name changes.

Thank you.  :)

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Post by enumero123 » Tue May 05, 2009 11:00 pm

before changing any thing i advise you to look closely at what vibrational energy you came into the world with  .core numbers and other numbers that will not seem as clear /and stand out to you .shorten name can be a factor as well  .later in life you may decide to marriage for most this involves a change in vibrations as well .last name for example   .i dont believe we ever totally lose birth name vibrations even after a change has been made .    this unhappiness may not be a surname conflict on a numerologically level  there could be other factors as well denial of certain number vibrations can play a roll as well .

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Post by enumero123 » Fri May 08, 2009 5:22 pm

Adrieene, you have
ultimate freedom to do with your life as you like: To fulfill its potential completely, or to
make some smaller version of yourself. It all depends upon your effort and commitment.
You make the decisions to fulfill, to whatever extent, the potential life that exists within
you. That is your choice. In this sense, the possible you is implicit during the moment of
your birth.  
   The Life Path number gives us a broad outline of the opportunities, challenges, and
lessons we will encounter in this lifetime. Your Life path is the road you are traveling. It
reveals the opportunities and challenges you will face in life. Your Life Path number is the
single most important information available in your Personality Chart!

Your Life Path is 17/8

   Adrieene, you are gifted with natural leadership and the capacity to accumulate great
wealth. You have great talent for management in all areas of life, especially in business
and financial matters. You understand the material world; you intuitively know what
makes virtually any enterprise work. Your talent lies not with the bookkeeping or petty
management, but with the greater vision, its purpose, and long range goals.
   You are a visionary and a bit reckless. You possess the ability to inspire people to join
you in your quest, but often they are incapable of seeing what you see. Therefore, those
around you need your continual guidance, inspiration, and encouragement. You must
prod them into action and direct them along the lines of your vision.
   You attract financial success more than any other Life Path, but effort is required.
   Adrieene, your challenge in life is to achieve a high degree of detachment, to
understand that power and influence must be used for the benefit of mankind. Those
born with the Number 8 Life Path, who do not understand the real and relative value of
money are bound to suffer the consequences of greed; they run the risk of losing it all!
   You must learn to bounce back from failures and defeats. You have the character and
resilience of a true survivor. It is not uncommon for a person with your Life Path to
experience major reverses, including bankruptcies, financial failure, but you also have the
talent and the sheer guts to make more than one fortune, and build many successful
enterprises. More than most people, your failures in marriage can be extremely
expensive for you.
   Despite the difficulties that life presents, you will experience the satisfaction that
comes from material wealth and the power that comes with it.
   Business, finance, real estate, law, science (particularly history, archeology, and
physics), publishing, and the management of large institutions are among the vocational
fields that suit you best. You are naturally attracted to positions of influence and
leadership -- Politics, social work, and teaching are among the many other areas where
your abilities can shine.
   You are a good judge of character, which aids you well in attracting the right people to
   Most 8s like large families and sometimes tend to keep others dependent longer than
necessary. Although jovial in nature you are not demonstrative in showing your love and
   The desire for luxury and comfort is especially strong in you. Status is very important.
You must be careful to avoid living above your means.
   Adrieene, your Life Path treads that dangerous ground where power lies -- and can
corrupt. You may become too self important, arrogant, and domineering, thinking that
your way is the only way. This leads inevitably to isolation and conflict. The people you
run the risk of hurting most are those you love, your family and friends.
   Be careful of becoming stubborn, intolerant, overbearing, and impatient. These
characteristics may be born early in the life of an 8 Life Path, who often learn these
negative traits after suffering under a tyrannical parent or a family burdened by repressive
religious or intellectual dogmas.
   Those with the 8 Life Path usually possess a strong physique, which is a symptom of
their inherent strength and resiliency.

   Adrieene, you love change and excitement and need both to feel truly alive.  For you,
life is an adventure, to be lived to the fullest.  You don't want to be cheated from having
your share of experience.
   You are highly adaptable, which makes change a great deal easier for you than for
others.  You have an easy way with relationships and generally get along well with most
people you meet.
   You have a gift for communication and promoting yourself.  You possess talent in
verbal and writing skills, and would make an excellent writer, editor, or salesperson.
   You are quite affectionate and sensitive.  You work well with others as long as there
are not too many restrictions placed upon you.  You do not like to be cooped up in the
same place for long; you get restless and bored easily.
   You are versatile and talented and there are few things you can not do.  You have a
very sharp mind and a fine understanding of the body, which makes careers in medicine
or health both possible and rewarding.
   Adrieene, you are very creative and witty.  But you can shirk responsibility and let your
gift of gab get you through the tight spots.  There can be a tendency toward sensorial
indulgence, especially in food, alcohol, and sex.  You need to learn to focus your
considerable energies.  Discipline and order are necessities for you to be successful in

  Adrieene, you are gifted with an analytical mind and an enormous appetite for the
answers to life's hidden questions.  You have a strong interest in exploring scientific
matters, philosophy, and even mysticism.  You possess clarity and persistence in your
search for truth.  You can be a great researcher, educator, and philosopher.
   You are driven by a desire for knowledge and truth.  You must learn to discriminate
between illusion and reality, but you are well equipped for this task.  Your fine mind offers
you insight into the veiled mysteries of life.  You also possess a considerable amount of
perspective.  Somewhere inside you, you are aware of a peaceful place that you call
upon during difficult times.
   Adrieene, you need time to be by yourself.  Too much social interaction causes you
stress.  You need your privacy and a place that can be shut off from the hustle and bustle
of life.  You tend to keep your thoughts to yourself and are secretive.  Unless your 7
expression is balanced by extrovert characteristics (usually revealed by the numbers 1,
3, 5, and 8), your introversion may pull you deeply within yourself, even cutting you off
from others.
   You have a strong dislike of the superficial and mundane.  You are often surprised by
the lack of understanding or depth of knowledge of others, many of whom do not take the
search for knowledge as seriously as you do.  This can cause you to be critical of others,
and even cynical about life in general.

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Post by Charlesman » Sun Jun 21, 2009 1:46 pm

Heh, I have actually considered doing the same.

What I wanted was to have a '4' and a '6' letter added to my name - as these values are missing, whilst keeping my first name and my original values.

I think the values (and pinnacles, challenges, and cycles) one has in one's early life has a great impact on how you perceive the world and thus I believe there is time and effort required to adapt.

Furthermore, I really don't like the idea of someone changing from a 77 vibration to something else.  :)

If I were to name someone else, I would feel naturally inclined to give them a Soul Urge value that was the same as their Life Path value. With that being said, it seems you already have a pretty good idea about these things, and wont need a name to remind you of your purpose. Out of the values you suggested, I would personally choose option two without hesitating, if I had to. Option one simply has less power than option two, and option three is the same as well as being a bit over the edge in my opinion. Option two will also be the one requiring the most effort from you. (Not to mention your boyfriend/husband.)

I would still however make up a fourth option that also held a special meaning to me, that gave me whatever values my full name was missing, while keeping my original values - especially if I was a 77. :)



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Post by Ethan » Wed Aug 05, 2009 6:37 pm

I read that your not supposed to change you name unless you learn the life lessons you were born to learn in this world.

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Post by Eduic » Thu Dec 30, 2010 5:54 am

Adrienne, if this is your real first name and your total is 9-5-5, then you're a 2-5-7, 7-9-7 = 9-5-5. It is a very intelligent and high strung vibration, change is very strong within you as this name attracts new experiences. If you change your name don't choose the combinations you mentioned above. Choose a 6 name e.g. 6-9-6 or 3-3-6 as this will be provide you with balance in your life :)

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