triple eight

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triple eight

Post by loladali » Fri Oct 23, 2009 1:03 pm

Hi, I was born on 17 January 1970, this means 8 in the day and 8 in the total, and also I am capricorn also associated to 8. I read really terrible things telling me I will get periods of wealth and periods of famine. I just set up a business and worried I might drag everyone down with me as my destiny number points out to failure.
can anybody explains to me what a triple 8 really means and give me a sort of guidance.

thank you so much

L x

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Post by Sharjeel23 » Sun Oct 25, 2009 12:38 am

Your Inner Dreams Or Personality Number is: 8

This number is indicative of the various aspects and sides of our personality. Your personal side, professional side, business sense, spiritual side, your level of intelligence and your creative and artistic side are all exposed and understood by this number. This helps to make others understand you properly, so that it becomes easier for them to deal and interact with you. Your personality number is like a gateway to your true self and indicates how others perceive you.

People who belong to this personality number have a strong and dynamic personality. You like to exert your force on others and make them do things according to your wishes. You are fiercely ambitious and want recognition at all cost. You are also highly resourceful. You have many talents. People are generally attracted by your awe-inspiring personality. You have an inner bent towards business matters and you know how things work in the commercial world. You dream of success in the business or political world, of power and control of large material undertakings. You crave authority and recognition of executive skills. You have full confidence on your abilities and this makes you successful, strong and dynamic. People fall for your powerful personality and would like to learn your ways. People generally tend to follow you.

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Post by Sharjeel23 » Sun Oct 25, 2009 12:39 am

Your Realization Or Maturity Number is: 5

This number tells about a person's hidden dreams and desires. It tells you about the steps that you should take which would be beneficial in attaining the goals you have set for yourself. It gives you a sense of direction. It also tells you about how you can contribute back to the world with the knowledge that you have gained from life. The Maturity Number thus describes your underlying wishes, desires, and goals that you have set for your later years. It gives you a certain direction in life and what an individual may contribute back to the universe with their unique expressions, creations, and knowledge gained through the experiences of life.

You have realized your life's goals. Your dynamic nature will make you achieve those goals. Your communication skills will make you a favorite with people. Your creativity might get expressed in various fields. You need to concentrate on one thing at a time and not waste your time on too many projects. The influence of too many 5's will make you restless and you make you lose your concentration on work easily. Less 5's make you concentrate on your life's goals and challenges and adapt yourself to the various changes that life has to offer you.

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Post by npb » Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:20 am

888 = business minded or thinking about dream so much about material

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Post by enumero123 » Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:56 am

888 — A phase of your life is about to end, and this is a sign to give you forewarning to prepare. This number sequence may mean you are winding up an emotional career or relationship phase. It also means there is light at the end of the tunnel. In addition it means, The crops are ripe. Don’t wait to pick and enjoy them. In other words, don’t procrastinate in making your move or enjoying the fruits of your labor.

three 8s also adds up to 24/6  

24 It counsels and comforts others. It likes music, particularly rhythm. It represents domestic struggles and divorce.

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Post by enumero123 » Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:06 am

the 8 in your case can and should be looked at as a challenge  as can all numbers within your chart for all numbers 1-9 have both positive and negative energy i will try to expand on this at a later time

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Post by enumero123 » Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:18 am

the number 8

image: administrator/executer
desire :to govern to choose
pattern: mastery power

Postive expression :
discriminating ,knows choices ,administration.knows value,organizing people
accomplishment,balance judgment ,decision making ambition ,intelligence ,practicality ,self confidence
realism,handles finance allocates resources wisely properous,

Negative expression:

abuse of power ,controlling,over ambitious,materialistic,callious disregard for others dishonest
careless with money domineering

denial expression :  material unconcern ,denies power ,fears failure ,poor judgment ,no discrimination






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challenge of the number 8

Post by enumero123 » Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:30 pm

this is the challenge to individuals understanding of the values and purposes of money and power .as challenge holders may have observed authorities with hard driving ambitions who focused on the financial picture .high level power and competitive spirit were the only available means to gain freedom-or the opposite extreme may have been experienced ,in which case authorities may have had no interest in the accumulation of assets ,community influence, or competitiveness

either extreme gave the 8 youngsters a false sense of material values ,and fostered a plus or minus obsession about material possessions and financial security .as a result, these individual challenge holders usually become self made work -aholics or self destructive ,  non achieving squanderers .

there are many reasons for the number 8 challenge holders preoccupation with owner ship . in youth ,either too much or too little attention was paid to material judgments .organizational efficiency, and physical abilities .

during the number 8s youths ,parents may have provided them with gifts instead of playtime and affection .as adults ,challenged children do not have points of reference that are based on sentimental responses instead ,they show emotional concern by giving expensive gifts or practical gifts ,and all to often ,adults challenged by the number 8 judge others ' love by the material tokens of esteem they receive .

To a child deprived of esoteric values , mothers may have appeared to live for shopping and fathers may have seemed to live for work . parents may have been employed by extremely wealthy of influential employers, so when the child hears about or sees how the rich live ,they may say "thats for me or feel too intimidated or overwhelmed to become a contender in the business world .

the challenge may become an obsession compelling the holder to strain ,lose sight of the joys of companionship ,and become mercenary . he may use his accomplishments selfishly ,unconsciously allying emotional physical and spiritual satisfaction with a drive to control everything and everyone.

as teenagers ,challenge -holding individuals may excel at sports school work ,and part time .after school job .they may be considered to be super kids ,or in the opposite extreme ,these teenagers may be purposeless ,inconsistent , and uninvolved .

they may not be able to exercise good judgment  keep their affairs in order ,or assume responsibility for managing time ,money and practical obligations .for these challenge holders  there is either too much or too little concern for self control. they are usually either tornadoes or puffs of wind ,with temperaments that match either extreme.

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challenge of the number 8 continued

Post by enumero123 » Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:58 pm

adult challenge holders have little or no patience for less efficient or less ambitious people and are constantly concerned about appearances .after amassing money these people will use it for display .to make a good impression .in the other extreme status symbols ,fancy job titles and the reflection they see in the eyes of affluent or influential people matter little -- often too little to protect their own material security.

these challenge holders become easily caught up in the pursuit of money and image ,devoting full efforts to overcoming any obstacles they encounter .in their rise to the top ,they may for get tenderness be consistently inconsiderate to loved ones and assume that their mates will understand their behavior .

this challenge indicates a physical and material single mindedness .generally the youth who is not an achiever but has a materialistic background will recognize that money sips through his fingers .the result is that he may never have enough to satisfy his wants later in life .

the go getting tiger rarely relinquishes his expansive ambitions . once his habits are established it is difficult for the aggressive ,grand scale achiever to slow down until physical pressures do it for him .

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to balance the challenge of the eight

Post by enumero123 » Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:48 pm

the first step to balancing the challenge is to feel comfortable about saying i need material freedom .take a look at personal relationships.aim to organize your time to include a hobby ,a brisk walk ,or a quiet evening with your loved ones.make yourself read books that describe the lives of multimillionaires and find out if money really bought the everything.

avoid overindulgence and lapses of sentiment . lean on someone once in a while, keeping in mind that you are entitled to some small weakness .try turning down a business dinner to dine with your loved ones .

you will be surprised at the dividends you will accrue from time spent with the people who love you. be true to your mate, and remember that you really cannot buy eternal loyalty or good health . material things and materialistic people have a predictable life span , so if you take care of your assets and are considerate of loved ones , they will be there when you need them .

watch your temperamental outbursts. do not show your charm and understanding at the office only to take you frustrations out on the people at home .try not to be critical of or compete with your spouse or lover : you will wear out your welcome and his or her emotional stability .habits are hard to break ,however ,you should try to save your intolerance for impersonal competition .

remember that you meet the same people on the way down that you met on the way up . be kind and considerate, and respect each person for the job he or she does . it is not possible to accomplish anything in a world filled with chiefs. every chief needs loyal indians to do the detail work , so protect your tribe and keep them happy .

recognize yourself as an administrative, shrewd ,business like , industrious achiever who deserves peaceful security within and a piece of security without .

reference on more about the 8 as well as others numbers  refer to the following


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