Request from RishiRahul to Enumero123

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Request from RishiRahul to Enumero123

Post by RishiRahul » Sun Sep 12, 2010 11:27 am

Hi Enumero123,

I, on frequenting this Numerology reading Forum, of late, realise your wonderful powers in predicting and knowledge.

My birth detail is 16 June 1958. Which leads to Destine/Day number 7, and Life Path number 36/9.

My name number comes to 34/7.

If you please explain and make me understand their meaning, in your terms.



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Post by enumero123 » Mon Sep 13, 2010 2:52 pm

life path 9
You are the philanthropist, humanitarian, socially conscious, and are deeply concerned about the state of the world. You have great compassion and idealism. You are a utopian, and will spend your life trying to realize some aspect of your utopian dream, sacrificing money, time, and energy for a better world. It is in giving that you will find much satisfaction.

You have a broad outlook on life. You tend to see the big picture, rather than the minute details. You naturally attract people from all walks of life who can fit into your larger plans and take over the areas you find uninteresting. The person with a 9 Life Path is rarely prejudiced or accepts social biases of other people. Instead, they evaluate people on the basis of what they can do for the larger cause. They are the true egalitarian.

You are imaginative and creative, especially at harmoniously arranging the beauty already potential in the environment. These abilities can lead you into such fields as interior decorating, landscape art, and photography. But because of your strong social consciousness, you can be an effective politician, lawyer, judge, minister, teacher, healer, and environmentalist. Vocations that require self - sacrifice and have a clear social impact are common among 9s.

You are often disappointed by the realities of life: the shortcomings of others, or of yourself. Somehow, you don't want to accept the imperfections of the world, a feeling that drives you constantly to try to improve upon it. But rather than be satisfied with your efforts, and those of others, you relentlessly push on, striving for greater accomplishments. You are often unsatisfied with the results. In short, you lack the perspective that would otherwise make it possible for you to enjoy life more fully, and accept its natural limitations.

You have a controlled enthusiasm and the ability to finish what you start.

A key to your personality is the necessity of sacrifice. You have to learn to let go of material possessions and relationships, the inherent lesson being that holding on too tightly to anything causes pain.

Money comes to you through mysterious or unexpected ways: inheritance; the benevolence of someone who was inspired by your work; or a lucky investment.

Conversely, if you pursue money for its own sake, after giving up on your larger dreams, you're likely to find yourself empty-handed.

The most successful and satisfying road for a 9 is giving, sharing, and sacrificing for a larger goal without expecting anything in return. Your greatest chance at success is to tie your personal fortunes to an endeavor that makes the world a better place for others. Very often, this turns into a highly successful and lucrative enterprise, providing amply for you and your family. Your life rests on the axiom that the more you give, the bigger your reward.

You are romantic, but your love is more impersonal. You tend to be focused on your dreams.

When you are not in harmony with your true nature, you can fall to moodiness, or become aloof, and withdrawn. You can become timid, uncertain, and ungrateful, putting the blame for your troubles on others or the world. You have a gift for examining your life objectively, and at some distance. Be honest with yourself. By openly facing your shortcomings, as well as your strengths, you develop equilibrium. You are thus able to love and better understand yourself and all of life.
****depending on how one delineates your date of birth the double digit number outcome  varies  18/9,36/9, 45/9, i would not consider the 36/9 as a option for the fact that it is derived  from the fadic system  6+1+7+1+9+5+8  i see the date of birth as cycles/ individual numbers 6/16/1958 .reduction is the first step before adding  .6/7/5=18/9 or if we look at double digits than the following holds true 6/16/23=45/9 again this date of birth is based on cycles /challenges/pentacles .these numbers in addition to the 9 should be looked at closely ...  

birthday number 16/7  

Your over-powering orientation is toward the philosophical and spiritual aspects of life. You are driven to understand the unseen world. On some level, you feel like a foreigner on planet Earth. Your realm is the world of spirit. Your challenge is to find a way to ground that desire and understanding in practical terms so that it can be effectively shared with others.

You have a fine analytical mind that is capable of penetrating beneath the surface of the subject at hand. You also have the capacity for excellent concentration. You must use that mind to your greatest advantage. Investigate the subjects you love and gain the depth of knowledge in these fields. Specialize. Become an expert in a given area. This will give you a means of earning a living and personal power to share your wisdom.

The great pitfall you face is the choice of becoming aloof, mental, and critical. This will result in alienation and even bitterness. You can also easily lift off the ground, becoming impractical and dreamy. If you indulge too much in flight of fancy, you may drift from reality and give up the possibility of earning an adequate living.

You have excellent intuition and may even possess psychic ability. Trust your intuition and use it as a guide in life. But at all times, be practical in your application of your insights. Find concrete means of expressing yourself. Pick a field that suits you - science, metaphysics, philosophy, psychology, teaching, for example - and deepen yourself in its understanding. But beware of becoming overly dogmatic and shut off from the truths of others.

You prefer to work alone, rather than in a group. You can easily lose interest in your projects, however, and must work hard to finish what you start. You have to have faith and let opportunities come your way You may miss out if you reach and seek.

You are very sensitive and feel deeply, but you don't share your feelings easily, nor do you communicate them well. The realm of the heart troubles you for its shifting, nebulous qualities. You must work hard to understand this area of life.

You like to spend time alone to contemplate and meditate, but have to be careful not to withdraw too much. Long-term relationships are not easily established nor maintained.

present within your birthday number is a warning of karma

16/7" Difficult, especially during the early part of life. Great potential for spiritual growth and self-knowledge. This Karmic Debt numbers reflects "The Fallen Tower" in Tarot. Can be self-destructive.

The 16 Karmic Debt - wherever it shows up on the chart - means destruction of the old and birth of the new. The 16 is about the fall of the ego, and all that it has built for itself. It is a watershed, a cleansing. All that has been constructed, and all that serves to separate the person from the source of life is destroyed. Through the 16, reunion with the great spirit is accomplished.
This can be a painful process, because it usually comes after much ego inflation. This results in a struggle between the ego and the divine will. Life presents challenges to your grand plans, which can be resented and struggled against. It is a lost battle, and you will likely feel humbled in the face of the collapse that follows. This humility is the key to later success, however, because you will learn to follow the intimations of a higher reality. In the destruction of the old, a spiritual rebirth takes place with an entirely new awareness. This rebirth affects every area of your life. It is a life much the better for the fall.

Those with the 16 Karmic Debt must be careful of egotism. Very often, those with the 16 use their highly intuitive and refined intellect to look down upon others, and view the rest of the world as inferior. This causes acute alienation and loneliness. In addition, it invites retribution, for the egotist is humbled more harshly than any other.
When the 16 is in one of the core numbers, this process of destruction and rebirth is a continual cycle that actually serves to bring you into higher consciousness and closer union with the source of life.

The 16 Karmic Debt can be a path of progress and great spiritual growth if it is looked at properly. One develops great faith by placing one's life in the hands of God. Through such faith, gratitude and peace are firmly established.

in reference to your name i  use the Pythagorean method  in most readings so the outcome is somewhat different   expression number 6  hearts desire  comes out as a 22/4  persona comes out as a 38/11 and would consider the 2 as well  i also look at the full name at birth first middle and last  this is important when looking at transits, pass and future trends    numerology is very powerful, but can differ depending on who is doing the reading and by which method is used .one no better than the other  ...i will post more at a latter time

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Post by enumero123 » Mon Sep 13, 2010 3:23 pm

the main key here is not how one comes about finding the answers/ are the differences, within the different methods .but if the reader can convey a message which will open the eyes to questions being asked .spiritual insight awakening is the most important goal   i will post more as time allows

always here darren

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a closer look at june 16

Post by enumero123 » Mon Sep 13, 2010 5:54 pm

Quick and to earth you are revealed by your Gemini birthday to be a shrewd  independent  and strong individual .an interesting combination of sensitive high ideals mixed with a practical desire for money and luxury indicates that you may vacillate between two extremes .

On one hand you desire an expensive and stylish home and a high lifestyle ,and on the other hand ,you are willing to sacrifice fro your ideals. A solution to this may be to find a positive cause that also brings you financial rewards .

With the influence of Aquarius ,ruler of your decadent ,you are original and broad minded , and you need freedom  .mentally sharp and receptive to new ideals .you are able to make split -second decisions  
and may have an interest in social reform .with a progressive view of life ,you value knowledge ,and travel may be one of your favorite pastimes .

Extremely generous and kind at other times domineering or overbearing .may also need to avoid a tendency to be impatient or restless  . if opposed you obstinately adhere to your own principles from an innate rebelliousness rather than from real conviction .

Family and security become more important in your life after the age of 5 .when your progressed sun moves into cancer .this also high lights your personal emotional needs .this also highlights your personal emotional needs .this continues until the age of 35 , when your progressed sun enters leo .this will increase your confidence and strength and enable you to become more assertive and self expressive .when you reach the age of 65 your progressed sun moves into virgo and you start to develop a more analytical approach by being reflective .


your strong emotions usually motivate you to initiate many different involvements or pursuits. You sometimes throw caution to the winds, only to deal with the repercussions at a later date .with enthusiasm willpower and determination ,you have the power to make your ideals reality .for this reason it is important that you be sure of what you wish for .

The strength of your desire ,when directed into selfless love and helping others ,can be a remarkable power for good .when working with this outstanding force ,you avoid dominating others with your strong will and can solve any possible concerns about money ..

numerology .........
a number 16 birthday suggests that you are thoughtful sensitive  and friendly .although analytical ,you often judge life and people according to how you feel .with the number 16 you can  experience inner tensions when facing friction between a need for self expression and responsibility to others .you may need to learn how to balance between being overly confident or doubtful and insecure .the subinfluence  
of the number 6 month indicates that you need an secure home life and a congenial environment .pride and a need to be popular imply that you care about what others think or do .

Travel and opportunities to explore and expand will broaden your outlook .

Positive : higher education ,responsibilities to home and family ,integrity ,intuitive ,social cooperative ,insightful
negative : worry,never satisfied,irresponsible, self promoting ,opinionated , skeptical ,fussy ,irritable selfish ,unsympathetic

i will continue later

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:37 pm

Hi Enumero123,

Thank you wonderfully for this lovely report. It has been quite illuminating for me.

I was wondering about the difference between the life pat and destiny number.   For example a person with (life path 9 and destiny 7) as compared to a (life path 7 and destiny 9). How would their life be different?

Just tring to understand!!


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Post by enumero123 » Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:30 am

it is the postiton of the numbers that make the difference on how they affect you

the life path number is your single most important number ,while you should consider all your numbers your life path is key it shows your direction in life ,the main opportunities your talents and characteristics path has to do with the momentum, the direction, of your life.  The Life Path is a cycle that runs from birth to death.  The notion that the Life Path is a cycle is not universally accepted ...

your birthday number represents how you think and act when alone. it influences your life path but is not as important .it does not represent your direction or opportunities or show your main talents it reveals abilities and strengths you are comfortable with.

The day you were born bears great significance in understanding who you are and where your talents lie. The day of birth indicates some special talent you possess. It is a gift to you that will help you along your life’s path. Your day of birth is one of your five core cumbers, but perhaps the most finite in that it reveals a specific ability that you possess in a marked degree.

then we always have a persons name to consider ..this is the person walking the path
the main number coming from your name is your expression
Your Expression number reveals your physical and mental constitution, the orientation or goal of your life. Some numerologists refer to this number as the Destiny, because it represents a lifelong target at which you are aiming. You work at fulfilling this potential every day of your life. Thus, the Expression number reveals your inner goal, the person you aim to be.

The Expression number reveals the talents, abilities, and shortcomings that were with you when you entered your human body. Your name, and the numbers derived from it, reveal your development, as well as the talents and issues you will be working with during this life.

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Post by enumero123 » Tue Sep 21, 2010 12:57 am

a quick example is as follows  life path 7 the (individualist) verses life path 9 the( humanitarian)

7life path ( individualist)  with a 9 birthday ( compassionate dramatic and idealistic )

9life path humanitarian with a 7 birthday  (intuitive ,analytical solitary )

as more numbers are reviled, more can be added to complete the bigger picture of  person a and person b

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Post by enumero123 » Tue Sep 21, 2010 1:20 am

whats odd about all this and the reason your question is a good one , is that most of us will  identify  more with our{ birthday number} as will other people, and how they see us .when  these two numbers are at odds with each other it can cause some chaos.

at times you may resist following your life path and refuse its opportunities  .this is often the case if your birthday number is a different .when this can face problems until you get life back on track your friends may even recognize your birthday characteristics as more you   but this impression is untrue

&nbsp; the date of birth which is made up of three parts (month< day> year) &nbsp;come together to make one < your life path> cycles within cycles &nbsp;all must be taken into consideration &nbsp; all with the persons name

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Post by RishiRahul » Tue Sep 28, 2010 6:30 pm

Hi Enumero123,

Sorry for the long silence. &nbsp; My fault.

I was wondering if we could categorize the (1)birth/day number (2) Life path number (3) Name number
Separately with different/separate senses/meanings.

Only then we could have our perceptions clearer.

But, Thank You Wonderfully for appreciating my question!!


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Post by enumero123 » Wed Sep 29, 2010 2:19 pm

dont fully &nbsp;understand your question, the above post are very clear on the differences .meanings for each have been given . again the meaning of a number is always based on where in the chart it happens to be . &nbsp;example &nbsp;the same number in different locations &nbsp;

(1 life path) ....... you are a born leader. You insist on your right to make up your own mind; you demand freedom of thought and action. You have drive and determination. You don't let anything or anyone stand in your way once you are committed to your goal.

You assume the responsibility to be the protector and provider for those you love. You demand respect and attention and become irritated and even domineering when important things do not go your way.

You need to feel in command of important undertakings, and resist supportive roles. You seek the forefront and the limelight.

(1 birthday) &nbsp;You have a great ambition and a strong drive for success. You are highly independent and dislike the restrictions of having to work with others. You easily become frustrated with the routine. You are a pioneer, a gambler, and an initiator. You are very creative; you possess a keen and rapid mind. You have excellent business instincts and with the appropriate training can run large organizations and big businesses.

You use information for a specific purpose. Knowledge is a practical tool in your hands; you dislike information or knowledge for its own sake.

(1 expression) You are a natural leader, independent and individualistic. You are extremely ambitious, original, and courageous. You employ new and unproven methods. You are an explorer and an innovator. Openness to too many peripheral influences limits and frustrates you. You are self-reliant, confident, and energetic.

You possess executive abilities and are most successful at owning or independently managing a business. You need the freedom to make your own decisions, based on your own ideas. You can be an astute politician. You also possess the ability to influence the opinions of your milieu.

The number 1 symbolizes the front-runner, pioneer, warrior, risk-taker, and daredevil. Generals, top politicians, successful businessmen, self-made millionaires, religious leaders, inventors, activists, and avant-garde artists are often born with a 1 Expression.

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Post by enumero123 » Wed Sep 29, 2010 2:52 pm

Numerology is any of many systems, traditions or beliefs in a mystical or esoteric relationship between numbers and physical objects or living things.

Numerology and numerological divination by systems such as isopsephy were popular among early mathematicians, such as Pythagoras, but are no longer considered part of mathematics and are regarded as pseudomathematics by modern scientists.This is similar to the historical relationships between astrology and astronomy, and between alchemy and chemistry.

Today, numerology is often associated with the occult, alongside astrology and similar divinatory arts.[

The term can also be used for those who place excess faith in numerical patterns, even if those people don't practice traditional numerology

key: &nbsp;(faith) dont always have to understand &nbsp;,only believe &nbsp;......

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Post by enumero123 » Wed Sep 29, 2010 3:49 pm

in the above post i &nbsp;outlined &nbsp; the number1 &nbsp;in different senses &nbsp; &nbsp;yes a one is a one &nbsp;different from a two &nbsp; the more a number shows in a chart in different areas the strong that number will be felt . the over abundance of any vibrational energy can cause and show &nbsp;imbalance &nbsp; just as a spreading of different vibrations can cause one to be aloof &nbsp;not able to focus no keyhole energy &nbsp; i will post more when time allows &nbsp;as in my case lots of 5 energy hard to deal with at times .... which way do i go which way do i go

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Post by RishiRahul » Wed Sep 29, 2010 7:37 pm

enumero123 wrote:Numerology is any of many systems, traditions or beliefs in a mystical or esoteric relationship between numbers and physical objects or living things.

Numerology and numerological divination by systems such as isopsephy were popular among early mathematicians, such as Pythagoras, but are no longer considered part of mathematics and are regarded as pseudomathematics by modern scientists.This is similar to the historical relationships between astrology and astronomy, and between alchemy and chemistry.

Today, numerology is often associated with the occult, alongside astrology and similar divinatory arts.[

The term can also be used for those who place excess faith in numerical patterns, even if those people don't practice traditional numerology

key:  (faith) dont always have to understand  ,only believe  ......

Hi Enumero123,

Faith comes from the Faith in Believing. How does sceptics believe when they are not able to understand.

Please understand that in no way I mean any disrespect to You or Your Beliefs.

I am a sceptic, but very much believe in such divinatories when are able to find a proper Logic. And am looking forward to finding it; as also I Believe that there is a proper logic there.. just Searching...


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Post by RishiRahul » Wed Sep 29, 2010 7:44 pm

Hi Enumero123,

Just wondering that a person has:=

(1) a Soul, which is deep seated.

(2) others image of himself which is seen in material symbols.

(3)The person himself in life.

Just wondering which could you identify as the name number, the day/birthday number and the Life Path number?

Trying to Understand.


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Post by enumero123 » Thu Sep 30, 2010 3:32 pm

Again &nbsp;The Life Path, as is the case with all numbers derived from your(date of birth), has to do with the momentum, the direction, of your life. &nbsp;The Life Path is a cycle that runs from birth to death. &nbsp;or to some (life lesson number )lifepath &nbsp;this main number .is what you must learn &nbsp; these also include pentacles, challenge , period cycles monthly and yearly cycles

your name : full name at birth ,as well as shorten name , nick names these vibrations &nbsp;give insight into the deeper understanding of the person walking the path life

expression number or for some destiny &nbsp;/name number ( this is what you must do )your individual talents and characteristics are presented by each letter in your name and its corresponding number. Like a mosaic, these combine to form a totality, a picture that reveals the real you. Your name at birth can be seen as a blueprint of your potential. The key word here is potential.

soul number /hearts desire /soul urge :this what you already are ,The vowels reveal the tender you; your love, caring, and vulnerability.

your outer personality number /persona :this is how others see you

Consonants reveal your characteristics that, among other things, shield your more vulnerable parts. Your public personality, which is revealed by the consonants, is a fundamental aspect of who you are, but these characteristics tend to be those aspects that you willingly show the world.

we then can blend (name vibrations) with your (date of birth vibrations) and see into how this person will walk the path &nbsp;as is the case with the(MATURITY NUMBER),TRANSIT CYCLES,ESSENCE CYCLES. just to name a few .again these numbers come from both ones name and date of birth &nbsp;

you quoted ( I am a sceptic,) which is a strong trait coming from the 16/7 &nbsp;,numerology is very reveling &nbsp;,remember all things can be measured

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