Does my chart indicate what kind of experiences I will have in life??

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Does my chart indicate what kind of experiences I will have in life??

Post by bewitchingbecca013 » Sun May 26, 2013 7:35 pm

Im just wondering if our natal charts determine what we go through in life. Recently im concerned about the fact that I have come across a couple people who I thought were friends, but were really fake and ended up using me in some way and also what's been happening to me lately is at random times it's like im going through some kind of transition, i've been feeling some kind of energy around me (its not bad) as if my intuition is being woken up and im feeling more, being more sensitive & aware of things lol  I just feel like im going through another crazy change and 2013 isn't done with me yet! I'm also taking a break from school, trying to work more and just do me basically, focus on myself, i got my first apartment by myself :D & im no longer worrying about career, the universe will guide me to something that serves me. im at a point where im given the oppurtunity to do a lot of soul searching and having time to myself, i love it! What in the world is going on in my chart? Thanks for the help :)[/img]
REBECCA NATAL CHART 013.gif (58.54 KiB) Viewed 3120 times

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