Daily horoscopes for 16th January, 2009

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Daily horoscopes for 16th January, 2009

Post by AstrologyBot » Wed Jan 14, 2009 6:30 pm


There are a few new people on the scene who would be a great addition to your social life, so why not put something together so everyone can get to know each other better? It's a great time for a party, and chances are very good that new connections will be solidified. People you know all share certain charms and characteristics, which makes adding new folks into the mix pretty easy -- and a whole lot of fun. There could even be a romantic interest brewing, so give it a push.


This could be a very unpredictable day for you, where you'll get to take three steps forward -- but then be forced to take two steps backward. The only sure forward-moving thing will be the sweet romance that is slowly building in your life! It's giving you all the encouragement you need to keep thinking positive throughout the day. Whenever you get stressed, you can just think of that certain someone -- and a smile will spread all over your face.


The universe is sending you some high energy today, and it's just what you have been needed to get started on a project at home! Maybe you want to repaint the kitchen, fix a broken window, or just clean out a closet -- whatever you've been putting off will suddenly seem like the best way to spend your day! This change in outlook will surprise a few people, but secretly they will admire your industrious turn. In fact, they might even offer to help you out!


As you embark upon a new relationship or project, it's only natural that a failed relationship or project from the past should enter your mind. But before you start focusing on all the similarities, look at the contrasts! You can't start letting the past cast a shadow over your present -- you need to stay open and positive right now. It can be hard to do push your fears aside, but you can if you push hard enough and often enough. Whenever stinkin' thinkin' pops into your mind, push it out!


Some of the people around you have a bad attitude about what has been going on, while you have a much brighter outlook. Don't try to change their mind, though. If they can't see the bright side of things, then you certainly won't be able to help them! You need to surround yourself with people who already have an optimistic attitude about things, not a bunch of naysayers who always love to criticize but never have any bright ideas of their own. Negative energy is not fun, so get away from it.


You will be the recipient of a beautiful gift today, although it won't be a material good. Someone will give you the gift of understanding something new. You are developing a deep and meaningful appreciation for the subtle connections between people -- when two strangers can look each other in the eye and immediately understand each other. An innocent conversation meant to kill time will plant an idea in your head that you will be tossing around for days.


Today you are craving substance over style. So if you are trying to start a new relationship, seek out a person to whom you really feel an intellectual connection, not just someone you like flirting with. A physical attraction is important, but you are ready to engage with someone's mind and find out what really makes them tick! If you are already in a relationship, take things to the next level with them. They're ready for more substance too.


Everyone is on the same page as you today, and basically anything you suggest, no matter how outlandish or odd it might seem, will be adopted and accepted. You're in an ideal position to be a leader today, so steer your coworkers or friends toward the right option! While your decisions may be hard to make, try not to let anyone see the struggles you have to go through. They have complete confidence in you, so why start putting any doubt in their heads?


There won't be too much liveliness or excitement around your group today, so you can't expect to get a lot done unless you can wake everybody up! Get everyone to step out of their usual routine and start thinking outside the box by showing them how you do it -- lead by example and show them how much fun it can be to dissect new challenges and brainstorm new ways of reaching goals. Once you get people talking, getting them moving will be easy. You are a born leader.


You're going to have some transportation issues today -- getting to where you need to be when you need to be there will become one of your biggest challenges. Either your car or someone else's car will be suddenly out of play and you could be forced to change your plans and become reliant on others. It's a good thing that you are so flexible, because you are going to have to be ready to pivot and change directions at any given moment. But it will be more fun than frustrating.


You can give your social life the biggest boost by being more adventurous. Connect with someone you normally would not socialize with. Ask your boss to join you for lunch, or find out if your neighbor wants to join you for a cup of coffee. Getting more familiar with unfamiliar people is a great way to stay in tune with what is going on around you. Plus, it's a great way to lay the groundwork for a bigger and smarter social network. And that's good for your career!


The best way for you to get the inspiration you are seeking in your work life, love life, or your personal growth is to observe someone who is already living the life you think that you want to live. Ask them questions and take some very detailed notes! Learning more about how they do what they do will give you a useful blueprint to follow. It's time to pick a path to take in life, not just go along in the same direction that everyone else is going.


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