Keywords for The Hanged Man

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Keywords for The Hanged Man

Post by Tarot » Wed May 31, 2006 10:52 am

Keywords for The Hanged Man

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Post by samantha234 » Tue Jul 04, 2006 4:11 pm

withdrawal from life
hiding within oneself

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Post by myeye » Mon Apr 27, 2009 12:28 pm

Your world turned upside down .

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Post by Astynome » Sun May 03, 2009 10:45 am

to me this is a complex card.  Keywords are "sacrifice", "suspend", but there is a twist, the card is about someone who has become jaded but has not lost all hope - they've seen enough of situations to give them an unattached disposition - because they realize that things don't always turn out as you would like, or if you seem to get what you want then you will probably pay a price somewhere.  There is an extension of this, a person might have the attitude "c'mon slay me"  - as in, I don't think you will surprise me but you can give it a go because, why not, yeah anything can happen.  So yes, kind of a bemused standing back in a way and watching events unfold - fully prepared that it might be an outcome that you may or may not like.

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Post by zeldaevolution » Fri Dec 16, 2011 6:55 pm

This is a time of trial; choosing between yes or no, to do or not to do...

The figure is like a joker... a real hanged man should be in pain because the blood goes to the head and makes it hard for people to think or act, and may also bring death, but on the card, the hanged man has an aura on his head, which makes you think if he really is hanged or not. He seems like a joker, his hands look tied but they may be not, why is the other foot tied, but the other one is not? The stretched foot may also be not tied and he really is just like standing there upside down, like magic.

I think The Hanged Man depicts some kind of playful nature, that is pretending to be in pain, seeing what people will do to the end, and will have its conclusion by dawn...
This card tells you to go and do what is on your mind.. never let the chance go, whatever may it be, because it will make the trip worthwhile. Strange unexpected things will happen, like when things may look like it's going to be bad but it actually is still good, if action is done.

Just remember to not overdo things, strike at the right time.

I don't think that this is a very negative card, but I think that there is good coming out after some kind of risky gamble.

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Post by cedars » Sat Dec 17, 2011 8:54 am

You said something good things about this card and....
that is pretending to be in pain, seeing what people will do to the end, and will have its conclusion by dawn...
Almost like playing the victim or sacrificing himself for something just to draw attention..

But at the same time, it is a time for withdrawal within oneself and just see the pro's and con's of things...

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Post by zeldaevolution » Sat Dec 17, 2011 2:03 pm

Yes, yes, I think you can understand what I mean... :D

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Post by Payewacker » Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:57 pm


Consider this;

As with the Hermit, many religions and myths describe a divine or semi-divine figure who chose to endure personal sacrifice in order to attain divine wisdom or even Godhood. In Norse myth, Odin, ruler of the Gods, hung for nine days and nights from the sacred tree, Yggdrasil, to attain the wisdom of the runes. In the case of the Hermit, seeking in solitude is the means to understanding your goal; in the Hanged man, the message is that personal sacrifice is required of you in order to attain it.

The point is that the choice must be yours, and the sacrifice must be a willing one, because the goal is worth it to you. Both sacrifices and goal may be on any one level. But whatever your goal is, there is the need to sacrifice your childish or selfish illusions to achieve your adult dreams. Just as God created humans in the divine image of the man or woman you choose to be. However, the only person you are entitled to sacrifice to attain your goals, is yourself.

Self-sacrifice, growth or wisdom, intuition. Devotion, surrender, renunciation.

Selfishness, self-interest. Petty sacrifices, lack of commitment.

The Hanged Man requires that you be willing to suffer some loss or surrender some pleasure in order to attain your goal. The greater the goal, the greater the sacrifice required to win it. If this card represents you are going to have to pay-and pay dearly- for whatever it is that you want. If you are willing to pay the price, you can attain your goal. Just remind yourself throughout this time that the choice is yours: pay the price, or sacrifice the goal.

Some interpretations or theories include that a figure "Four" is created by the legs of the Hanged Man. Look at 4, take the card and compare it to the four as Upright and Reversed. Does it by any means resemble a four, or is it your "mind" assigning a symbol to the number 4 . Does it really amtch, ok, what did I write now. You know it is supposed to be match. So, is it a Four?

Further let's have a look at it's numbers, and associate these quickly.

The Hanged Man is 30-Lammed in the Existential sphere. Being in the Existential you have two others to consider;

3-Empress--Archetypal and 300-The World--Cosmic.
Therefore we have;
Archytepal-3-The Empress-Gimmel-(Venus),
This planet is the force of Passion and sex, associated to Aphrodite, Ishtar, Inanna and Astarte. These Goddesses, or most of them are not only associated to love and sex, but some also to war and strife.
It is comparitive to the Force of Fire(passion), but related to Water and Earth.

Existential-30-The Hanged Man-Lammed-(Water),
Emotions, Instincts, the Unconcious, Intuition, Dreams, Visions and Spiritual knowledge.

Cosmic-300-The World-Sheen-(Saturn),
The slowest planet in our galaxy, nearest to the Abyss of outer space, being the furthest away from the ancient seven planets. We associate this planet to the Gods, Chronos, Maveth, and Hades. Because of these qualities it is associated to the element of Earth and Water.
Responsibility, Work Ethic, Strength through trial, Solved problems (while Mercury rules problems yet to be solved), Time, Discipline, Diligence, Self-control, Limitation, Patience, Stability, Maturity, Realism, Reliability, Trustworthiness, Patience, Courage, Steadfastness, Integrity, Destiny, and Fate.

Giving you all of this information is not to confuse you at all. It is advisable to take into account the fluent act of any card, it has a beginning and an end. By association you may also have insight on the influence a card has in any one spread, and how it may influence matters in future on different spheres of existence.

Only consider the possible influences on the lower and higher spheres of existence. You have no need to contemplate the other levels.

Blessed be.

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