Please note readings given here will be done by tarot students of varying levels with the purpose of improving their skills and knowledge. These practice readings will draw feedback on the style, the card interpretations and overall content.

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Post by samantha234 » Thu Jul 27, 2006 11:11 pm

Hi Class,
:smt006  here is a new spread for you to try!  :)  Let me know what you think!

The 21 card spread
 This is a spread i use when more details are needed. It consists of 21 cards, laid out in three rows of seven. It is read  vertically from left to right. the middle card is the basis to the whole reading..
1st line is the past leading up to the present, 2nd line  is the present leading up to the future and the third of course is the future.They are read straight across and form a storyline.
Then you read the cards horizontally in threes. this gives you more details into the reading
once more, look over the cards for combinations that may reveal even more.
You must lay out all 21 cards to do this reading, it might be wise to use the software, it saves space. Yes, it does take longer to read but it is good practice and will present a more detailed picture than the three card or celtic cross. On a good day it only takes half an hour at the most, its writing it out that takes the time ! lol I wrote out an example for you using xiyangs reading so you can see how it gives more details and exactly how it is read! Try it when you get a chance! I think you'll like it!
p.s. see following post.

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xiyangs reading 21 card

Post by samantha234 » Thu Jul 27, 2006 11:18 pm

Dear Xiyang, here is the reading i promised!

ok, i see that your ex is closing himself off to problems, he doesn't want to hear about it. it has something to do with legal papers and financial matters, someone wants to help him out, but he is wise not to accept the help because they will only try to take something back in return, something valuable to him.  He has learned this from past experience so he is holding tight to what he has and being practical about it.
First line-2 of swords,3 of pentacles,6 of pentacles, 7 of swords,2 of wands, 4 of pentacles,7 of cups
I see he still has hope and faith in the stars even though he has refused this offer because he is still able to balance  financially. I see a woman, who is kind and generous around him, possibly psychic, who will help him through this rough time. She is the center of the whole question. I also see alot of people around him.There is a man who is the father to this woman, who is wise and strong and possesses alot of power. He is very secretive about his activities. Next to him is the brother of the woman, a very kind, emotional man who is generous to a fault who will help him out if he'd only ask.
2nd line:-The Star, 4 of cups,2 of pentacles, queen of cups, The emperor,The high Priestess,King of cups
I see a strong powerful and forceful man who offers your boyfriend alot of money, enough to make all his wishes come true, if he would do something for him. I see there are a lot of lies and betrayal associated with all of this and because of the conflict with the family , i see this relationship comes to an end.
3rd line: King of Swords,10 of pentacles, knight of coins,9 of cups,page of swords, the Lovers, Death.
But there is more, now we read the cards horizontally!

i see that your ex is keeping a man who is promising to fulfill his hopes and dreams far away from him.
1st line-2 of swords,  The Star, King of swords
I see that he makes an offer involving some form of a contract and alot of money but you ex isn't interested.
2nd line-3 of pentacles, 4 of cups, 10 of pentacles
I see that your ex is able to balance financially and help others when he recieves this offer and so does not need it.
3rd line-5 of pentacles, 2 of pentacles,knight of coins
I see that at the present time he thinks of this woman as a dream come true, one wjho can fulfill his hopes and wishes and is afraid someone will steal her away.
4th line-6 of swords, queen of cups, 9 of cups
I see that the father of this woman is offering to help him out with his future but he is full of lies and deciet.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5th line-two of wands, The emperor, page of swords
I see your ex is trying to hold on tight to this relationship but there are too many secrets and hidden things going on in the background.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6th line-4 of pentacles, the high priestess, the lovers
I see that despite his love for her and kindness he shows her that this relationship is based on dreams and illusions and will not survive.
But there's more! lol
two Kings= legal matters
lovers and death-demise of a relationship
5 major arcana= fate is not in his hands

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Post by Aeon » Fri Jul 28, 2006 5:51 am

Deciding between two factors


Card 3 cardn1 significator card two card 4 in a straignt line

below card two place card 6 and then 7 directly below it

below card 1 place card  8 and 9 directly below it

3 1 s 2 4

  8    6

  9     7

card 1 is the conerns of the first desicion
card 2 is the concersn of the second desicion
s (signifigator
3 what crosses descion 1
card 4 is what crosess desicion 2
card 8 is problems or good factors influenicing card 1
and card 9 is the final outocme if choosing desicion 1

the same goes for the cards 4, 6,7 only they concern desicion number  2

good luck if anyone tries it

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Post by nicnic » Sat Jul 29, 2006 8:36 am

Hi Samantha,
I have had a look at this spread and I can see how this would give you a more detailed reading. I feel at this time that I am not ready to do this one, its not because it looks difficult but I dont feel confident enough yet.
I have saved it and will study it further....I am not one to give up on anything :)  :)

Rhuetobello you give such detailed information when you do readings well done  :)  :)

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Post by nicnic » Sat Jul 29, 2006 9:33 am

Samantha, I really enjoying reading your spreads, I hope one day that I will be as good as you :)  :)

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Post by samantha234 » Sat Jul 29, 2006 5:37 pm

Hi Carol,  :smt006
 Thank you for the complement! I really needed one today! :)  You don't need to do this until you are ready, i just posted it in case anyone was getting bored and wanted to try something different! :)
 You will be able to do it sooner or later, and so will everyone else. Its not as difficult as it seems, just more involved! :)
 Actually, the life reading which i will post sometime in the future uses all 78 cards, that will be the graduation test! I am sure you will all pass! :)
Don't worry about a thing, you are doing a great job!


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Post by xiyang » Sun Jul 30, 2006 1:31 am

Dear Sam,

    I am so surprised when I see your post. Thank you so much for your attention and effort.

    I am trying to learn your reading, I draw a table with 21 cards, then I write down the points in the table for each card, so it makes a bit easy to get to read the whole story. I were thinking about it even on my break time during today's work. It is very HARD for me to read and understand it as whole picture. (not even try to explain the meaning to the others, coz my co-worker saw the table, and she asked me what is the meaning).
   I am able to name the meaning for seperate card, but not able to combine together, especially, a line of 7 cards which represents part of his happening through the time period. I feel fine as reading a line of cards horizantly, I will post my hironzantly reading under this thread.  Not the vertically reading at this moment,okay?

   Sam, is there any reversed card showing in the spread? all they are positive?
   this reading is much detailed than the my ariginal one, but they are not related, are they Sam? Let me go back a bit to the my 3 cards reading ( High Prietess, Queen of Pentacles, 10 wands), in actual fact, I guess to say the High prietess represents a pass relationship, and I could me the position, however I did not dare say at my first posted reading, coz I am not sure my reading is objective or not.

  Looking forward Sam and others comments. :)

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Post by xiyang » Sun Jul 30, 2006 2:38 am

Ok, guys, here is my hirizantly reading

1st line-2 of swords, The Star, King of swords
He is Aquarius (King of swords + The start) guy, intelligent, trustworthy people with quick solve problem ability. He is high control his emotion, try to balance internally, or he just past some tough things and he struggled with.  
2nd line-3 of pentacles, 4 of cups, 10 of pentacles
Something is offered to him, probably money issue, a rich and wealthy family is planning to do something with his help or effort, but he is not interested in going with it.
3rd line-5 of pentacles, 2 of pentacles, knight of coins
Although he has the problem, after he judging the offer from others, he decide not to accept it, he knows it is the coin in the fire, he must give out something in the return of accepting it, and he believe he is able to solve the problem himself.
4th line-6 of swords, queen of cups, 9 of cups
He is recovering from a period of tough time, and moving to the next step. He is delightful getting along with a woman and is satisfied with their sentiments.
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5th line-two of wands, The emperor, page of swords
Is he under press, so he is ready to fight with someone trying to steal something from him?
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6th line-4 of pentacles, the high priestess, the lovers
He tries to keep the relationship with the woman, and take back her, however, the woman already shows the shadow, she will withdrew from the relationship.
7th line-7 cups, King of Cups, the Death
His tryout is not successful, just is illusion. This relationship is approaching to the end, and he will overcome from it peacefully.

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Post by samantha234 » Sun Jul 30, 2006 8:30 pm

Excellent, xiyang!
:)    Reading the cards vertically is the same thing, just add the last card in! you don't need to do it until your ready, i know it is difficult, took me awhile to learn also.
In a couple of days i will do a relationship reading  and explain exactly how i did it, maybe it will become clearer! Have to catch up on other things first! Just a little behind due to frequent headaches, the heat, i think!

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Post by jyotimirpuri » Sat Dec 02, 2006 6:14 am

it is really very tough but interesting

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Post by dedec2000 » Mon Feb 05, 2007 7:26 pm

For some reason I'm not able to see


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21 card horizontal

Post by ellis » Mon Mar 05, 2007 4:32 pm

Hi Samantha,

I have used a similar spread although altogether different. Again there are 21 cards laid in 3 rows of 7. they read from top to bottom in columns of 3 as follows. Column 1 where the querent thinks they are; column 2 where they actually are; column 3 querents hopes and fears; column four the things they are expecting to happen; column 5 what they are not expecting; column 6 3 months into future and column 7 is 6 months into future.

I use this with a good deal of success but I will certainly try yours now.


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