Recently disturbing homework assignment

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Recently disturbing homework assignment

Post by Crow » Sat Oct 04, 2008 7:14 am

I will quote what the homework paper said. Please keep in mind she is only 10 years old. I am well aware that there is plenty of violence on television and in the movies. But I am one who will not let her watch. I explain when she is older she can watch to her heart's content!

I strongly believe in her being exposed to different cultures and gain knowledge of world history. She is taught to love all religions and people. We are no better than anyone else. Therefore she is not to judge. She even knows if she chooses to convert to Christianity like her father that I will love her no matter what. If this is the path she chooses. I will even take her to church. There were times she requested. But now she is showing interest in my beliefs. So carefully I have guided her in reguards to this.

Age appropriate subject matter!!! This I can not stress enough. She knows about her body now due to human health and development. But not actually how to do the act that creates life! I'm sure her peers are commenting on it, saying the words that still lack meaning. You know, braging rights. Taboo words they shouldn't say. Normal development.

But this I found VERY disturbing!

"In many ceremonies, the priests cut themselves to get blood to present to the gods. The Mayas had three methods of giving the human sacrifices. Often, the priests took the victim to the altar at the temple. Then the priests cut the heart out of the living victim and presented it to the god."
"In another method, the priests lied the victim to a wooden pole. Then they threw spears and arrows at the victim's chest in the area of the heart."
"In the third type of sacrifice, they threw the victim into a sacred well. The most famous of these wells is the Well of Sacrifice at Chichen Itza. If victims survived the fell and did not drown, the priests pulled them back out of the well. The Mayas believed the gods had shosen to spare these victims. The priests then asked the victims what messages they brought back from the gods. The victims recieved special treatment from then on since the Mayas believed they had spoken to the gods."

What caught my eye while reviewing her graded homework was reading the question. "Briefly describe one method of human sacrifice". I go WHAT??!!!

It wasn't that I am over sheltering, she is 10 going on 11! This is Jr High and High School subject matter. We learned about the Mayans too, but it was about their history. And again it was age appropriate. Not including the fact of Human Sacrifice until much older.

I asked my daughter what were the first states of the union? Nothing.
How many states were apart of the United States when it began? Nothing.
Do you know what the minute men were? No, mom.
What was the Boston Tea Party? She didn't know.
The simple questions reguarding our own history.

Have you leared of Roman, Greek, or Egyptian Culture yet? No, mom.
This is what they started us off in. American history, then other world history. And again we didn't learn of the Gladiators until older. Things were age appropriate. Even with the Aztec history, not the gorry details until older. We even learned of China, Russia, Australia, India, Ireland...on and on. So many countries and little tid bits of them. Capitals, what was the major export, major relgions, the name of their language, etc. Not so much in detail, as there were so many countries to cover in those years growing up.

I know some may say I am over reacting. But if they cannot grasp the simplest of history, why are we teaching them this? Was this really age appropriate subject matter? Perhaps I am old fashioned, but I believe learning the basics first. Building a good foundation then build from that. Not rushing things, until a mind is ready to comprehend. Rituals are very sacred to me. Something I do not take light hearted. Even though I do not practice anymore...there are reasons we take it slowly.

Yes it did happen. But will she understand?

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Post by mugglebornmom » Sun Nov 09, 2008 2:58 am

This is one of the many, many reasons why we started homeschooling our kids. I have two boys, ages 15 and 8. We've been homeschooling/unschooling for almost 2 years now. We've never been happier and they learn what they want, age appropriate, parent approved. Believe me, I'm not sheltering my kids from knowledge about anything, but I really don't agree with the way public and private schools are teaching our kids.

If you are unhappy with their curriculum, talk to the teacher, principle...whoever. They are basically working for and being paid by you, your input matters!

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Post by Crow » Sun Nov 09, 2008 4:40 am


Cute name. :smt003   Thanks for the advice.  It is wonderful that you can homeschool your children. I have thought of homeschooling mine. The problem is that my daughter is at that age where she surpasses me in math.  Since she recieves 1+ in Math and Science I have choosen to let her finish with the teachers.  Would love to send her to private school, but I cannot afford the tuition.  I even looked into a way to home school and hire a private tutor for math, but then I couldn't afford the tutor.

I have thought to raise cain with the public school reguarding this matter, but I worry that they would only take it out on her.  Would have to gather a group of parents instead of just me, strength in numbers. Address the board of education I think....since the teachers are only teaching the approved curriculum.

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Post by mugglebornmom » Mon Nov 10, 2008 4:00 pm

Homeschooling is easier than you think. I have two boys ages 8 and 15. The oldest one pretty much teaches himself with the right tools. There are a bunch of books/dvd's/etc. you can get from the library for free. It wouldn't hurt to research the idea a little more. There are also co-op groups available for homeschoolers who have come across the same problem you have. Try searching through some yahoo groups in your area on might be pleasantly surprised at what you find.

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Post by Crow » Tue Nov 11, 2008 2:13 pm


Thank you for the suggestion.  I was unaware that there were co-ops that might help in the area I am very bad at.  I knew about how they have little get togethers so the children can play and socialize.  And how the YMCA offered the gym for their gym credit.  This is something to look into, thank you for sharing.

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Post by Mandimedea » Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:49 am

I don't know if i would be effective at homeschooling, first I work at home while they are at school and second I am working on my patience.  I do believe that homework was inappropriate for the age, I don't think my son talked about that stuff at that age, it should be age appropriate.

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