Bad knees

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Bad knees

Post by swetha » Wed Apr 11, 2012 12:53 pm

My right knee seems to be bad. cant take too much weight on it and limp. will squatting help? any suggestions for knee strengthening exercises?

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Post by RedMercury » Sat May 26, 2012 9:10 pm

Treat knee may be using a variety of ways. It all depends, of course, from the illness and its severity. Thus, for the treatment of diseases of the knee joint can be applied physiotherapy, massage therapy, drug therapy (with drugs), treatment methods of traditional medicine, treatment with various devices, specially made for this purpose. These adaptations include the knee brace, splint, etc. In the most severe cases may require surgical intervention.

In some cases, when conventional treatment is not possible or does not bring any results, possible replacement of the knee joint. During the operation, unusable part of the bone in the knee joint are replaced with metal or plastic. The knee is opened, unwanted growths are removed, is the weakening of the soft tissues and replacement of damaged parts with new (artificial). The knee joint may be replaced in whole or in part. If necessary, performed a complete renovation of the joint. If the damage of a single component, made a partial renovation. Most often, such an operation is performed under general anesthesia and lasts from 1:00 to 3:00 (depending on the number of replacement parts).

Treat knee joint is necessary and in other diseases such as arthrosis, arthritis, lipoartirit. However, as a rule, these diseases affect not only the knee joints, but joints in general. For example, osteoarthritis is the most common disease that affects the joints of man. Arthritis is an inflammatory disease of the joints difficult. Lipoartritom called chronic inflammation of adipose tissue in the wing-fold. Diseases that affect the joints, there are many, but the above are the most common.

In any case, before treating the knee joint, it is imperative to see a specialist (surgeon, orthopedist) to determine the cause of pain and diagnosis.

Treat knee may be resorting to the methods of traditional medicine.

This treatment can be combined with medication that was prescribed by your doctor. Treatment of folk remedies in such cases is absolutely harmless.

A). Decoction of bay leaf.

25 sheets of laurel to pour a glass of boiling water and boil for 5 minutes. Thereafter, the resulting broth is necessary to insist 3-5 hours. This brew is a powerful tool to derive from the human body accumulated salts. Apply it for 12 hours. Drink small sips the broth. Treatment continued for 3 days with daily drink should be prepared fresh. After a course of 7 days to take a break and then repeat.

Acceptance of broth can be carried out after prior purgation! If you do not fulfill this condition, then under the influence of bay leaf may occur allergy relief.

It is recommended that the procedure 1-2 times a year.

2). Recipe of the grains of rye.

Treat knee, you can use this recipe: 250 gr. rye grains pour 2 liters of water and boil. After cooling, strain the broth, add 500 gr. vodka, 1 kg of honey and three teaspoons of barberry root. Then everything is mixed and placed for 3 weeks in a dark place. Take 3 tablespoons before meals. A full course of three three-liter jars.

3). Recipe of the horseradish.

If you are going to treat the knee joint, try this method. 1 kg of minced horseradish added 4 liters of water and boil for five minutes. Then you need to give the broth to cool and add 500 gr. honey. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator. This treatment can be performed one time in six months. In parallel, the patient's diet should contain calcined cheese.

To get to 10% calcium chloride (available at pharmacies) 1.5 st. spoon add 0.5 liters of milk. The resulting mixture was heated to 50-60 degrees. After the milk settles, remove from heat and cool. Next, strain it through a sieve and leave overnight. On the morning of cheese can already be used without restrictions. This method in combination with exercises and medications very well help treat knee

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Post by symulhaque » Sun Feb 10, 2013 5:54 pm

You should practice a little exercise such as walking.

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