what do i do

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what do i do

Post by elicit » Thu Aug 16, 2012 10:34 am


i don't know were to start and when i do start i have many questions about the subject so im sorry if i get things backwards

ok first of i i was walking to the bus stop after another hospital appointment and it was peeing down when i noticed a little Yorkshire terrier tied to a drain pipe and he was soaking wet and shaking and scared now im a dog lover and i said the following to "r u poor thing wheres Ur master fancy leaving u here in the the rain" and the dog VANISHED in front of my eyes it WAS real i couldn't see through it it was solid

right second i was walking along a road it was a roasting day (have to say this im 6foot 5inches and about 17 stone its important to story) well i came up to a pelican crossing the and all of a sudden the temperature dropped and it was like been in a freezer and i was pulled backwards 5 paces and i pulled my fist back cos i thought some one was going to attack me my but when i turned round about 20 feet from were i was i saw a child against a wall crying i he was in a lot of pain, becasue the pains i was getting were in different parts of my body i said"its ok my friend honest u can go now and the child disappeared in fount of my eyes
and the temperature was normal again.the pain disappeared as well

now i thought im going mad  the men in white coats r coming i was getting very confused and getting worried at the same time

right third and last for the moment
                                               i walked for a about 10 minutes when i just stopped dead because on the other side of the road was a ford escort black sporty type damaged beyond repair with either the driver or the passenger laying on the bonnet their was a lot of blood and i just remember those sad eyes looking back at me it still make me cry just thinking about it all i said its "alright mate its over you can go" and the car and he just vanished

now i was with some one on all 3 times and she didn't see nowt but she was pulled back as well as me but she said i went in a a total trance
ive walked along that road a few times and i look for them but their never their

DID I DO THE right thing
what do i do next

any help would be greatfull then i could ask my next questions

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Aug 26, 2012 7:32 pm

It would appear that you were used in a 'rescue' of stuck spirit.  When Incidents happen suddenly, the soul is confused and can not move on into spirit.  Both animals and humans have the same experience of the spirit continuity.  Spirit brough them to you to just say "its ok to go on" and they could release their hold on the situation that took their earth life.  

It was so simple and effective, spirit may ask you to participate again.  Do not look for it or upset yourself.  Just allow!

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thank you and new question

Post by elicit » Sat Sep 01, 2012 2:43 pm

was away for health reasons sorry would have replayed sooner

thank you spiritalk
                          No matter how many books ive read about spooks it didn't prepare me for wot i saw or the pain of the spirits that i felt but i was glad to have helped them in my way
Ive even seen my own mother sitting in the sitting room of my house watching tv on my sofa (but she passed over 350 miles from were i live).

May i ask anther question wot is the length of time bewteen a spirit holding a human ship to when  it can only hold the orb shape

thank u for ur thoughts

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Post by BHunter » Thu Mar 28, 2013 8:48 am

Could be a demon. If so, the #1 defense against evil entities is the knowledge of their existence. Some will tell you to chant prayers to god, and that might be effective, but if you find your psyche under attack from a demon you must keep yourself calm and remember who you are. Demons thrive off of indecision, fear, and confusion of who you are. Next time this happens, walk towards the child, understand that spiritual entities, no matter how evil they may be, can never harm your physical form unless it gains hold on your body.

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