Hi There

All Runes Readings requests to be posted here.

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Hi There

Post by Rosemary » Mon May 14, 2007 8:08 pm

Hi There

Just after a reading.  Not quite sure how these work but I will leave it up to you when you have the time.  Just a general reading.

Thanking you.


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Rising Sun
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Post by Rising Sun » Wed May 16, 2007 11:56 am

Rosemary wrote:Hi There

Just after a reading.  Not quite sure how these work but I will leave it up to you when you have the time.  Just a general reading.

Thanking you.

Hi I cast the runes in a sunrise spread so they can lead us to the most important areas for you right now :)

The first rune that came our was the rune of protection. This can show us that we have boundaries and that we need to keep a clear line between what is happening to us and what is happening to others. Perhaps sometimes these boundaries become clouded and merge and we end up taking emotions and feelings from others and forget to release them as our own. Using runes for protection can help here, drawing a rune on your hand or over a door can separate the two worls of what is us and what is not us. Once this is taken care of the runes change and show me a different picture, a much happier one, with abundance and joy and lots of growth. Almost as if the conquest of keeping yourself safe has helped you to see who you really are, you become happier and learn to open up more. You read more books and study and learn and although sometimes there is a prickly side to the learning curve, and you feel like you are in a maze there is a strong mentor  that guides you and that you can turn to, as the sunrise becomes fuller you find that you must stop. Make sudden changes. Start to say no to some things because your time is no longer your own and many people demand more and more of you and your head starts to whirl and before long you feel lost and trapped in a world that you thought you would like but have now started to resent. You love to help and sometimes that will make things very difficult to you as people see you as giving advice where it may not be wanted.

Time to take a look around and see what it is you really want and then start making progress towards that light at the end of the tunnel. Your protection is now needed more than ever and your standstill gives you time to relax and promote the good side of you, making others realise their words and feelings, you wait and then blossom and spring forth like a candle bursting into flame :)

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Hi There

Post by Rosemary » Sat May 19, 2007 1:56 am

Thanks very much for that.



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Post by MoonGoddess » Sat May 19, 2007 5:53 am

Hi Rosemary

As Rising Sun is unknown to me and has not introduced himself anywhere, I will do you a proper reading when I have time.  While I do not discount Rising Sun totally, I will do you another reading any way hey can't have enough readings.

I have posted a new sticky in this forum especially for prospective readers, as we do not wish to discourage readers but are a bit warey of them when they do things like this.

I have spoken to the sites admin about this and they have advised me what to do.

I appologise sincerely about this and will do you a reading once I don't feel so trampled...lol Actually think I will do it now while my little boy is asleep.
(Moderator, Rune Reader)
Last edited by MoonGoddess on Sun May 20, 2007 10:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Rune Reading for Rosemary Western Australian Time 1500

Post by MoonGoddess » Sat May 19, 2007 7:30 am

ImageFehu the rune of Cattle, movable wealth.  In the past you have had success or plenty through your own making.

ImageJera the rune of harvest, this indicates all the hard work if you have done so is coming to fruit right now and is ready to be harvested.  It could also mean legal issues which are happening right now ending either good or bad.  As this is surrounded by positive runes the harvest is upon you.

ImageThurisaz the rune of Thor, the god of lightening.  Sudden unexpected changes to come, the passive defensive protection of thorn will protect you during this time.

Image Uraz reversed this rune in the hinder position tells of failure to grab the bull by the horns or seize the moment because you have minicule worries.

Image Lagu in the help position tells you to trust your intuition.  A good memory and success in learning

Well that is it hope you liked it, as most reader we are in the dark so if you could post your feed back this would help not just me but others who wish to learn.  If you wish any further readings I have a hole pelether of layouts for you besides the three I have suggested in the Sticky about Readings.

(Runes Reader)

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