do you have a favorite myth/legend?

Discuss age old myths here. Are they facts or are they fiction?

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Prof. Akers
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Post by Prof. Akers » Sat Sep 12, 2009 10:13 am

sunmystic  interesting idea radioactive lakes.
Where I live is where part of the myth was set, the Isle of Glass is really the Isle of Man (about 11 miles out in sea from here).
When looked at from this part of Cumbria you can just make out the mountains on a good day but then they vanish due to weather conditions - very spooky!
Some days you are the cart and other days the horse; either way you still get shafted.

"I thought you'd be bigger," (read it how you will).

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Post by sunmystic » Sat Sep 12, 2009 5:39 pm

Prof. Akers wrote:sunmystic  interesting idea radioactive lakes.
Where I live is where part of the myth was set, the Isle of Glass is really the Isle of Man (about 11 miles out in sea from here).
When looked at from this part of Cumbria you can just make out the mountains on a good day but then they vanish due to weather conditions - very spooky!
Professor where you live is filled with legend and myth and stories of the old :) I am mostly Scot and some day I would like to visit northern Britain.

When you say very spooky it reminds me of the creatures that come out of the mist :)

They say that it use to be sunny and clear where you live and one could study the stars. Then the weather changed and no more stars :)



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Post by sunmystic » Sat Sep 12, 2009 6:16 pm

Professor here is a legend that you might find interesting :)

The Goose that Laid the Golden Egg and that artist that created ceramic eggs and covered them with gold and jewels so that folks would not break them open to remove the gold that was in the middle of the ceramic egg.

What is funny about that particular legend is that one can turn leadsulfied (galena) into gold using the ceramic egg method :) and it is actually quite simple. The Egyptians used the method alot and the math for it does change the concept of nuclear physics abit. I have done this and it does work, it is just that the lead changes to bismuth first and then the bismuth changes to gold. And because it is an endothermic reaction it "does" require a long cooking time.

Here is what one needs: a charcoal forge, ceramic clay, slaked lime or very clean powered limestone (I used slaked lime), and a small chunk of Galena (lead sulfied). It turns out that limestone (calcium carbonate) is the philosopher's stone so the lime is critical for this process to work.

Place the leadsulfied chunk inside a small ball of lime and water. Then place the lime ball in a ball of ceramic clay and shape the clay into an egg shape that is about the size of a large goose egg. Cook in forge for a long time, you can not over cook it and the longer the better. I did it in this my old wood stove one winter when I had nothing else to do. You need to keep the egg temperature in the golden white color heat range.

And until somebody else does this :) (Oh and admits that they did it under scientific conditions) the fact that I did it is not science. Ok?



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Post by sunmystic » Sat Sep 12, 2009 8:53 pm

So Professor how is this for exploring a legend/myth just for fun :) ?

A fellow found a really big bowl made out of some kind of metal. We can call this bowl a "cauldron". Anyway this fellow brought this cauldron home to his people and some how somebody figured out that one can cook things in it :) .

So to create a reality where everyone shares things equally and everyone has something to eat, all agreed to place everything that they found foraging into this cooking cauldon. And this cooking cauldron would never be empty. Things might get abit thin :) and more water than food, but it would never be empty.

Because of that fellow finding that cooking cauldron, we still today ask, "How is the soup of the day? or, "How is the "son of a gun stew :) today?"




PS: Professor, do have a legend that you like that we can all explore?

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Post by Prof. Akers » Mon Sep 14, 2009 12:53 pm

sunmystic - very interesting, one question are you sure it was lead sulphide, I'm pretty sure that can conatin silver, iron sulphide is fools gold.
As to my favourite myth - here's a story that illustrates the problems (or maybe not).
A man went round an art gallery and was fascinated by a picture of 3 naked black men sat on a bench, they were all black apart from the one in the middle who had a pink penis.
As he was stood there the curator came passed and asked him if he needed the picture interpriting, he nodded.
The curator launched into long analysis of how it represented the way the black man was emasculated by the white man etc.etc.
The man nodded, thanked the curator and looked anew at the picture.
A rather scruffy tramp walked up did he want to know the truth about the picture?
"How do you know", asked the man.
"Because I painted it," replied the scruffy individual.
"What it really about is 3 miners coming up at lunchtime and the man in the middle went home for lunch!"
Some days you are the cart and other days the horse; either way you still get shafted.

"I thought you'd be bigger," (read it how you will).

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Post by sunmystic » Tue Sep 15, 2009 6:33 pm

Prof. Akers wrote:sunmystic - very interesting, one question are you sure it was lead sulphide, I'm pretty sure that can conatin silver, iron sulphide is fools gold.
As to my favourite myth - here's a story that illustrates the problems (or maybe not).
A man went round an art gallery and was fascinated by a picture of 3 naked black men sat on a bench, they were all black apart from the one in the middle who had a pink penis.
As he was stood there the curator came passed and asked him if he needed the picture interpriting, he nodded.
The curator launched into long analysis of how it represented the way the black man was emasculated by the white man etc.etc.
The man nodded, thanked the curator and looked anew at the picture.
A rather scruffy tramp walked up did he want to know the truth about the picture?
"How do you know", asked the man.
"Because I painted it," replied the scruffy individual.
"What it really about is 3 miners coming up at lunchtime and the man in the middle went home for lunch!"
Professor, I loved your joke. I shared it with my wife and she loved it also :)

PbS And it won't work without the sulfur in it. As to what I did being real :) until science does it under a controlled environment (and admits they did it :) ) what I have posted should be taken with a grain of salt :) .

What is interesting though is that one can also do this with uranium mixed with Iodine and Oxygen. Only with Uranium the reaction is "exothermic". And can be used as a cheap energy source. The formula for it is in Revelation and is called the "beast"and nothing can compete with it. The only thing that the Bible leaves out is that the reaction has to be done in a limestone lined container :)

And one should take what I said about the "beast" with a grain of salt also :) but at the same time do not be supprised when it rears it's ugly head in the future :) and the world's economy or some part of it is based on cheap energy with the "beast" as the fuel. Of course the bible claims there is going to be earthquakes and radio active Iodine is going to be strewn all over the place :) but things will be fun for awhile.

Professor, just so that there is no confusion here :) there are alot of folks that consider me abit over the top for a cookie.


sunmystic :)

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Post by Prof. Akers » Wed Sep 23, 2009 1:08 pm

As always I bow before an expert.
Some days you are the cart and other days the horse; either way you still get shafted.

"I thought you'd be bigger," (read it how you will).

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Post by sunmystic » Wed Sep 23, 2009 5:02 pm

Prof. Akers wrote:As always I bow before an expert.
Thank you for the nice words Professor, and in truth you actually know more stuff than I do. I am sort of a specialist about some stuff and that is about all I know about. The rest is probably winging it :)

All major world governments know about the "beast" and have for some time now. It is just that the problems with it in a social social sense and in world ecconomy sense, are many :)

I talk about it every once in a while because I think that it is going to be one of the 2012 stuff that we are all going to have to deal with. Boy is science going to take a radical leap foward in alot of things :)

I wonder if there is such a thing as "future myth" :)

Thanks again professor,

and love,


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Post by MacLir » Sat Sep 26, 2009 11:33 am

Prof. Akers wrote:Couple of points struck me.
1) Maclr - you say you are a wiccan - then why are you bothered about the bible.
2) Are we all agreeing that the bible is just a series of jewish myths with an overlay of christians ones? - I'd vote for that.

    Sorry it took so long to answer. For Wiccans, their sacred text is The Book Of Shadow, & it can be found nowhere, because it is self-made by each Wiccan. So, not only Qabalists--as far as I know--who are plagiarists, Wiccans too. We take everything that useful, no matter where or what its source is. Today's Wicca is also a mix of many teachings, including Christian, Qabalah, Yoga, Theosophy, Rosicrucian, etc. I, myself, am deeply grateful to my late grandma who had taught me preliminary teachings of Wicca by introducing me to Disney's story.
    And to me, I treat all the sacred texts from every religion as the same, that is "Scientific Texts". There hidden the ultimate science, the true Law of The Supreme Mind. That's why sometimes I wonder, why those who said they are "The Keeper of God's Law" are not greater compared to scientists around the world, and many even do not even know about science at all. For me, if one knows God's Law, he/she must also know the law of physics, including how to manipulate it.
Not long ago I saw a movie, I forgot the title, it was taken from Marvel's. There was a conversation in there that interest me, approximately like this: "In ancient times it was called Alchemy, Magick, but today we call it Science."
    My deep regard for sunmystic, nice thoughts you have. The way you look at The Story of Creation almost like mine. For me--as for Qabalists too, The Story of Creation is the story--or the teaching--of how a thing--& every thing--comes into being, or in other word: materialization. There hidden the secret of Magick.
   I'm closing this post with another thought of mine, that is about Cain & Abel. It was told that both were offering sacrifice to God. Cain from his harvest & Abel from his livestock. But God only looked at Abel's and disregarding Cain's, which made him so mad and killed Abel. What then, made God disregarding Cain's offering? For me, it because God have given a curse so that man can only growing thorns & bushes. So that was what Cain gave as offering: thorns & bushes.

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Post by sunmystic » Sat Sep 26, 2009 4:58 pm

MacLir wrote:
Prof. Akers wrote:Couple of points struck me.
1) Maclr - you say you are a wiccan - then why are you bothered about the bible.
2) Are we all agreeing that the bible is just a series of jewish myths with an overlay of christians ones? - I'd vote for that.

    Sorry it took so long to answer. For Wiccans, their sacred text is The Book Of Shadow, & it can be found nowhere, because it is self-made by each Wiccan. So, not only Qabalists--as far as I know--who are plagiarists, Wiccans too. We take everything that useful, no matter where or what its source is. Today's Wicca is also a mix of many teachings, including Christian, Qabalah, Yoga, Theosophy, Rosicrucian, etc. I, myself, am deeply grateful to my late grandma who had taught me preliminary teachings of Wicca by introducing me to Disney's story.
    And to me, I treat all the sacred texts from every religion as the same, that is "Scientific Texts". There hidden the ultimate science, the true Law of The Supreme Mind. That's why sometimes I wonder, why those who said they are "The Keeper of God's Law" are not greater compared to scientists around the world, and many even do not even know about science at all. For me, if one knows God's Law, he/she must also know the law of physics, including how to manipulate it.
Not long ago I saw a movie, I forgot the title, it was taken from Marvel's. There was a conversation in there that interest me, approximately like this: "In ancient times it was called Alchemy, Magick, but today we call it Science."
    My deep regard for sunmystic, nice thoughts you have. The way you look at The Story of Creation almost like mine. For me--as for Qabalists too, The Story of Creation is the story--or the teaching--of how a thing--& every thing--comes into being, or in other word: materialization. There hidden the secret of Magick.
   I'm closing this post with another thought of mine, that is about Cain & Abel. It was told that both were offering sacrifice to God. Cain from his harvest & Abel from his livestock. But God only looked at Abel's and disregarding Cain's, which made him so mad and killed Abel. What then, made God disregarding Cain's offering? For me, it because God have given a curse so that man can only growing thorns & bushes. So that was what Cain gave as offering: thorns & bushes.
MacLir what you have posted is very informative and interesting. We all thank you for the information! And I agree about science and magic.

about Cain and Able :) The feeling I get is that there are somethings missing in the version that we have in the bible about Cain and Able and because of this nobody will probably ever truely know what really happened. The feeling that I get is that Cain sacrificed Able to God :) and God got really upset about it :) But please understand that that is not accepted scriptural interpretation :) . Sunmystic looks at the Professor and smiles :) !



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Post by Prof. Akers » Sun Sep 27, 2009 9:21 pm

It's one of those where the inquisited goes 'Hmm interesting concept', going to have to think about it.
On a different theme.
Every Thursday I have lunch with a pastor, we haven't been friends for too long - we just sort of drifted together.
He's one of those 'charimatic' preachers, believes the bible is the true word of god and every word is god's truth.
We know each other's views but every week he tries to convert me, pulling this quite and that quote and I quote buddha's teachings back at him (I'm not a buddhist) just to prove it was said earlier.
The curious thing is I walk out feeling as though I've had a supremely deep meditation - very strange,
Some days you are the cart and other days the horse; either way you still get shafted.

"I thought you'd be bigger," (read it how you will).

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Post by MacLir » Mon Sep 28, 2009 7:47 am

I have two stories that might be interesting. I got these many, many years ago when I began learning Qabalah & has brought me to what I am now. It goes about like this:
    A well-known Rabbi, when he got a problem, he would go to a certain forest, performed a certain ritual, then he would get the solution. His successor, in the next generation, he did know not already the forest, but the Rabbi still know the ritual. So, when he got a problem, he just performed it and got the solution. The next generation afterwards, the Rabbi didn't know neither the forest nor the ritual, but when he got a problem, he just tell the story of that first Rabbi,.... and you know what? The problem still solved.
    And here's the last. Before that, a little explanation: Just like in Christian the final destination is Paradise, for the Buddhists Nirvana, Moksha for Hindus, Valhalla for Nordic beliefs, etc, etc; for Qabalist, it is the marriage of Shekinah & Messiah. Now to the storiy. Two young Rabbi arrived in a town on their journey. Lived in that town is a well-known old Rabbi. It was nearly sunset[P.S: and for the Jews a day is begin at sunset] and tomorrow is Sabbath. So they went to the old Rabbi's house & spent the Sabbath with praying--using prayer book.
    There came an occasion when they were praying, there was a knock on the door. The old Rabbi opened the door, & it turned out a young man & woman standing in front of it. The two Rabbis kept on praying while the old Rabbi was talking to the strangers. After talking quite long, the old Rabbi came over and asked the two young Rabbis. "These couple are in difficult situation and far from their home. They want to get married & asked me to help them. But according to the rules, I must ask the consent of everyone in the room. Would you give your permission?
    The two Rabbis, knowing that there should be no working in Sabbath, including marriage, were lowering their heads and kept concentrating on their prayer. The old Rabbi asked once more but the twos bowed even lower and read their prayer louder. The old Rabbi went to the couple to explained, and with sad look, the couple left the house.
    After a while, the old Rabbi started to speak, "Do you know who they are?" "No, we don't", said the two Rabbis. Then the old Rabbi began to explained: "Those two are Messiah & Shekinah. The have waited very, very long time & finally have the chance to married. If only you gave your permission....."

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Post by sunmystic » Mon Sep 28, 2009 5:37 pm

Prof. Akers wrote:It's one of those where the inquisited goes 'Hmm interesting concept', going to have to think about it.
On a different theme.
Every Thursday I have lunch with a pastor, we haven't been friends for too long - we just sort of drifted together.
He's one of those 'charimatic' preachers, believes the bible is the true word of god and every word is god's truth.
We know each other's views but every week he tries to convert me, pulling this quite and that quote and I quote buddha's teachings back at him (I'm not a buddhist) just to prove it was said earlier.
The curious thing is I walk out feeling as though I've had a supremely deep meditation - very strange,
Professor, chrismatic people can have that effect one :) And if one does not believe that the Bible is the word of God (at least out loud) then one can not be a Christian minister. And all of the great one's were teaching the same thing at least at the upper levels of things. Jesus is quoted as saying that we should go to our closet and pray instead of the temple (which was Jewish at the time) and that the Holy Spirit would teach us. Which is actually a true mystic reality.

I started my yogi explorations because yogi gurus were saying that Jesus was teaching the same thing that they were teaching so one should study under them. After thirty years of exploring this stuff it turns out that they were wrong. But at the same time most Christians are not teaching what Jesus was teaching either.The great ones come along and set an example and leave wisdom to go with it and then other folks come along and change this example and wisdom into some else and sorting the whole thing out is a mess :) . Oh well :)

You and your friend having lunch once a week is probably going to be a productive experience for both of you :) It is funny how sometimes things work out that way.  

love you,


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Post by sunmystic » Mon Sep 28, 2009 5:55 pm

MacLir wrote:I have two stories that might be interesting. I got these many, many years ago when I began learning Qabalah & has brought me to what I am now. It goes about like this:
    A well-known Rabbi, when he got a problem, he would go to a certain forest, performed a certain ritual, then he would get the solution. His successor, in the next generation, he did know not already the forest, but the Rabbi still know the ritual. So, when he got a problem, he just performed it and got the solution. The next generation afterwards, the Rabbi didn't know neither the forest nor the ritual, but when he got a problem, he just tell the story of that first Rabbi,.... and you know what? The problem still solved.
    And here's the last. Before that, a little explanation: Just like in Christian the final destination is Paradise, for the Buddhists Nirvana, Moksha for Hindus, Valhalla for Nordic beliefs, etc, etc; for Qabalist, it is the marriage of Shekinah & Messiah. Now to the storiy. Two young Rabbi arrived in a town on their journey. Lived in that town is a well-known old Rabbi. It was nearly sunset[P.S: and for the Jews a day is begin at sunset] and tomorrow is Sabbath. So they went to the old Rabbi's house & spent the Sabbath with praying--using prayer book.
    There came an occasion when they were praying, there was a knock on the door. The old Rabbi opened the door, & it turned out a young man & woman standing in front of it. The two Rabbis kept on praying while the old Rabbi was talking to the strangers. After talking quite long, the old Rabbi came over and asked the two young Rabbis. "These couple are in difficult situation and far from their home. They want to get married & asked me to help them. But according to the rules, I must ask the consent of everyone in the room. Would you give your permission?
    The two Rabbis, knowing that there should be no working in Sabbath, including marriage, were lowering their heads and kept concentrating on their prayer. The old Rabbi asked once more but the twos bowed even lower and read their prayer louder. The old Rabbi went to the couple to explained, and with sad look, the couple left the house.
    After a while, the old Rabbi started to speak, "Do you know who they are?" "No, we don't", said the two Rabbis. Then the old Rabbi began to explained: "Those two are Messiah & Shekinah. The have waited very, very long time & finally have the chance to married. If only you gave your permission....."
MacLir, what you posted was cool! I loved it!

In the book of Thomas, one of the lost books of the bible, is a story about Jesus as a child. He was playing at the edge of a puddle and He was making small birds out of clay, durring the Sabath. Two elders/priests caught him doing it and went to Jesus's mother and brought her out to see what Jesus was doing on the Sabath. When Jesus's mother started to rebuke Jesus for working on the Sabath the clay birds became living birds and flew away. And Jesus asked where the proof was.



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Post by MacLir » Fri Oct 23, 2009 7:10 am

I'll give a little explanation for the two stories.
    For the first :
    Every story can reveal it's meaning by reading or thinking of it over & over again. I know because it always happened to me many times. An example is when I was using The Lord's Prayer for Mantra Yoga. After sometimes, something came across my mind that the words "give us our daily bread" doesn't mean food only, but also our happiness & trouble. Trouble? Yes, because without it we would never develop our consciousness and knowledge. Just as in Islam it is said that when Allah loves a community, He would give tribulations. If they suceeded to overcome it, they would receive a great reward, but if failed, Jahanam(Hell) is destined for them.
That's why when someone learn Mantra Yoga, the Guru Would give him a Mantra to be practiced without giving its meaning.
    Speaking of this, I remember a story from Swami Sivananda Radha. Although I never met her in person, for me she is also my Guru, because from her writings, I  began to have interest in Mantra Yoga, that has became my main spiritual practice.
    The story is titled "Kudu-Kudu".
    Once upon a time, there was a well-known Mantra Guru who could make many miracles & he has many pupils in his ashram. One day a traveler arrived & asked to be allowed to stay there for a night. The Guru was happened to taught him a Mantra at that short length of time. Time passed on, & the Guru was near the end of his earthly life. His pupils were all gathering beside his bed; but not as anyone thinks of, they did that because they were hoping that their Guru would reveal his secret of how to make miracles.
    At another place, that traveler heard the news of the Guru, & intended to went Visit him--for the last time. The problem was, the river was flooding, destroying the bridge that had been the only way to the village where his Guru lived. It seems there was no way out of this. But then he used the Mantra that was given by his Guru, & started to walk upon the water. That amazing story was spreading rapidly, and when he finally arrived & met his Guru, all the other pupils were angry & crying. They said, "Guru, we were always serving you, became your obedient pupils all the times, but why you gave not your highest secret to us and gave it to a stranger instead?"
    The Guru calmly said to the stranger, "Tell them what Mantra that I had taught you that enabled you to made such a miracle?" The stranger replied: "Kudu-Kudu". That statement made all the students remained still in disbelief. "That...." the Guru said, "That is the Mantra I taught him. I gave all my knowledge to you, but you were still hoping for something more, believed that there's still a secret that I kept hidden from you."
    Now back to our original path. A story alone is enough to find its hidden meanings, & this includes scriptural stories also. A well-known Yogi In my country, Anand Krishna prefer to use the word "sing" for this technique of interpreting. A song can reveal its meaning by itself just by we're singing it. The meaning might be different to each person, but still in the same scope. Try to separate the lyrics from it's song and you would find debate and disagreement. I agree with his advice that every religion, every spiritual school, should "sing" their scriptures rather instead of interpreting it.
    For the second story. Sabbath means the last day--Saturday for Jews or Sunday for us, but only in the stage of Persha. The important is its core meaning, its meaning in Sod. Sabbath means the moment when we don't need to wait, work, hope, etc for what we wish, because it's the "dream come true" moment. For me, its the main reason why Jesus seemed to fond in breaking The Law of Sabbath. The marriage of Moshiach(Messiah) & Shekinah holds the same meaning. It is the symbol when our ability can fulfill our needs.

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