Understanding jupiter and pluto in my chart

Learn about the influence on your life of the planetary positions, and their placement in the various astrological houses.
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Understanding jupiter and pluto in my chart

Post by dazedandconfused1 » Tue May 01, 2012 6:46 am

Could someone give me an informative detailed description of what jupiter in virgo second house means for me? or pluto in scorpio fourth house? Jupiter aspects all planets well and pluto does not aspect saturn and sun/venus positively. I feel the need to understand these influences more

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Post by Evard » Thu May 17, 2012 11:10 pm

Instead uh discussing your astrology house.s I wanted you to know .,
Jupiter keeps the astrolomy value of turbulent winds and is said to be
a power to begin the ways we know the time of gala will begin with @
the higher view of Jupiter shows a dimensional sense to show sheer~
forces at the Eastern astrolomy side of the planet give the appearens
of round planet and thick atmosphere though will be seen as strong#
storms known as the Great Storm or centered value uh the Red Spot
seen as the way recent physics of time and space show the Plutonen
planet setting became (said) disallowed from planet register as then
the irregular orbit with thoughts on the standard dimensional planet*
setting of all visible orbits at our system referred to as Neptune Row
will show all visible planet objects are standard circular orbit.al @#!!
and deduced will show the angled pattern with your house mondala!
Virgo! will be the thought on sub*trine irregular or orbital angle. :-D     Maybe the scientific mythic view will help again .

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Re: Understanding jupiter and pluto in my chart

Post by astrologer50 » Thu Aug 16, 2012 8:39 pm

dazedandconfused1 wrote:Could someone give me an informative detailed description of what jupiter in virgo second house means for me? or pluto in scorpio fourth house? Jupiter aspects all planets well and pluto does not aspect saturn and sun/venus positively. I feel the need to understand these influences more
Jupiter in virgo is not well placed 'in fall'
"Jupiter in Virgo
Jupiter in Virgo is luckiest when they are honest, helpful, practical, orderly and pay attention to all the details. They do well in service to others, nutrition, and health. Virgo Jupiter is a realist. They need to visualize results to feel motivated to go after them. They are not easily lured into scams. They don't like to take risks. While they need direction, goals and strong plans, they appreciate the results at the end.
Jupiter in Virgo likes a solid routine. It helps them feel productive and in harmony. They have high standards set for themselves. Disciplined and discriminating, Jupiter in Virgo can help others to refine their lives and live better. They have a sense of grace. They are known for lending a hand when it is needed. They are good at analyzing problems and puzzles.

Jupiter in Virgo is detail oriented, which can slow them down on large projects. They are cautious, practical and scientific. They may be rather cynical at times. This is definitely the person you want with you in an emergency, however. Virgo Jupiter prefers the simple life. Their values promote the basics of life, such as honesty and hard work. They make great progress sticking to their morals and values. The fastest way to lose their good fortune is to take on more than they can handle. Their perfectionist ways can hinder them as much as help them. They can become overwhelmed if they are not careful. On the negative side, they may also become petty, overly critical and irritable.
They are talented with literature, science and technical skills. These skills help expand Jupiter in Virgo’s world and bring them many opportunities. Their efficiency and focus can be difficult to get used to in some cases. They love to research and make excellent librarians. They appreciate education and want all they can get."

Jupiter in the 2nd House
You are fortunate when it comes to your moneymaking abilities. However, you can also be generous with yourself and others and money will often leave as quickly as it comes in.  2nd House Good business ability. Good fortune regarding money and property. Must be careful of over spending. Optimistic and confident about being able to earn your own living. You appreciate good quality goods. Guard against being over possessive.

http://tribes.tribe.net/astrologylovers ... 09a42cf5b2
Jupiter in signs and houses

Pluto in 2nd House - succeedent
Great potential for earning money --can earn a lot of money -- can use money for power. Driving ambition to acquire money and material resources. Perhaps by obtaining inside information. Your resources should be used unselfishly for the benefit of all.This placing usually denotes excellent business potential. Sometimes, however, this tendency can get out of control (depending on aspects of course), with the individual becoming obsessed with making money. A great deal of psychological satisfaction will be gained from collecting and owning possessions. Pluto's influence from this house often enhances the sensual expression, thereby making the individual a good lover. Very capable of working with other people's money. You will not compromise your values or beliefs

http://tribes.tribe.net/astrologylovers ... 4be4f27a2b
pluto in houses

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