I don't seem like a "regular" virgo

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I don't seem like a "regular" virgo

Post by MBMurphy99 » Tue May 01, 2007 6:20 pm

I was born on September 9 and guess I am in the 2nd third of the Virgo spectrum.

I am nothing like other Virgos.  I am conseptual not literal, I am a slob and hate being organized, I love being the center of attention and love to start projects not finish them.

Does being born in this section of Virgo make any difference?

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Post by Reiniba-Chan » Sat May 12, 2007 11:50 pm

I'm not so sure. You might wanna check out your personal planets in you astro chart at astro.com

like my bf, a virgo, has his moon in Sagittarius. Sun in virgo and moon in sag make a square, meaning compromise..thing is though, with TYPE of moon, his no one would EVER label him a virgo EVER. You might as well call him a Sag, cause he sets his virgo traits aside and turns into a fly-boy, it amazes me.

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Post by enchantressofnumbers » Tue Jun 05, 2007 6:40 am

I'm skeptical about those interpretations of virgo.  I think virgos have very high standards, and non-virgos have interpreted that to mean that we care about silly things like how clean the cupboard is.  I don't actually know any virgo who is like that.  Virgos are perfectionists, yes, but in my opnion that means that when we look at the world, we are always seeking ways to improve it.  It doesn't mean we get our knickers in a twist if there are dust bunnies under the couch.   Your description of yourself could just as easily have been a description of me and I think that's actually typical of virgo.  We're so concerned with improving the world that we don't have time to think about dirty dishes!

I'm no astrology expert, so I could easily be very wrong, but that's what I think about it.

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Post by lizard49 » Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:54 pm

Me too. I tell myself that I have a photographic mind & can't be bothered to organize my physical surroundings! LOL.

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Agrees with Enchantress

Post by virgo91967 » Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:29 pm

Yeass, Enchatress I do find the drive to make all things better... And I suppose along with the typical male tendancies to want to "Fix" things...

No I am not the archtypical Virgo either (accursed sterotypes) I am not a 'neat freak' But if I am asked where such and such item or information is, I no PRECISELY which stack of crap I have it hidden it in.

I do,however, like playing the 'literal game" such as in actually 'flipping off' a  light when what is meant is "Could you please shut it off for me"

I suppose it is a trait in most unafflicted Virgoan charts that we just want to make all things 'better'

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Murphy, rember this

Post by virgo91967 » Sat Jun 30, 2007 4:40 pm

As with ANY of the 12 Sun/ Birth signs, It is the combination of ALL the planetary positions in ones chart that makes up the person... there is NO "TYPICAL" anyone...  I have often equated Virgoans to be much like the Vulcans on Startrek... Logical thinkers, typicaly reserved in emotions, accumilating vast stores of seemingly trivial nuggets of information... But like the Vulcans on Startrek, we are,each and one, Different from each other.

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Post by jaymierp » Mon Jul 02, 2007 12:40 pm

I am September 20 so I am on the cusp but I am very virgo-ish I am very critcal of my self and comptetive and must be orgainzed not overly clean but tidy and organized.  But my question is do you think that most virgos are a bit obsessive compulsive? I think that is my trouble but I wonder if its part of my birth sign as I am not to the point where I need medical treatment but even my doctor says I am OCD...lol  Anyone else like that?

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OCD Virgoians??

Post by virgo91967 » Mon Jul 02, 2007 7:39 pm

Well, Jay, One man's OCD is another's "Detail Oriented"

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Post by Svanprins » Tue Sep 04, 2007 3:39 pm

You need to know more facts about your ascendent. Myself I´m NOT some ordinary Virgo. Have more fire in my mind ( if you know what I mean:)) I have the moon in scorpio and this took all my personality.

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Re: Agrees with Enchantress

Post by Wolfie19 » Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:38 am

virgo91967 wrote:Yeass, Enchatress I do find the drive to make all things better... And I suppose along with the typical male tendancies to want to "Fix" things...

No I am not the archtypical Virgo either (accursed sterotypes) I am not a 'neat freak' But if I am asked where such and such item or information is, I no PRECISELY which stack of crap I have it hidden it in.

I do,however, like playing the 'literal game" such as in actually 'flipping off' a  light when what is meant is "Could you please shut it off for me"

I suppose it is a trait in most unafflicted Virgoan charts that we just want to make all things 'better'

I laughed when i read this post- laughed hard and outloud! :smt005 Because i have a Virgo Ascendant and this is so me!!! Sometimes my need to have everything just so drives me crazy- and so i distance myself from it- i give up in other words- and i have read that other Virgo's are this way sometimes too.

For i know exactly what pile my stuff is in too! And others do not understand this

I am grateful for a book i had once titled- Learn To Organize According to Your Personality

Everyone has there own way- and my way is very Artistic

Beautiful things are a must

The way i dress- my preferred style anyway is greatly affected by Virgo- and it is usually the part of me people meet first (like duh- being my ascendant and all) My intellect, the way i gather info and process it is very Virgo and... my heart- the way i love- with the doubts and the showing caring by critiquing is Pure Virgo

All three of my signs-sun, moon, ascendant are learning to get along- learning to appreciate each other- loving myself

I love my intellect very much and my penchance for Quality

Columbo is deemed classic Virgo- and i love him too- PI's are us

Peace, luv and lots of happiness  

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Post by Kahzmik » Tue Jan 20, 2009 5:26 pm

I am a Virgo too or more precisely a Leo/Virgo cusp born on 23 August...not sure why the avatar shows Leo

 As I understand it the key word for Virgo is I Analyze.  We analyze facts and concepts in life.  Analyzing leads to assimilation.  We are scientists, we constantly observe and test, form conclusions and learn and then add that knowledge to our world view.  We are the scientist that picks up the facts and puts them into the puzzle to form the bigger picture.  Some scientists only use facts, and quite a big picture can be formed from just the facts, but as we Virgos are also perfectionists [not neat freaks] we can't have holes in our worldview, and lets face it there is a lot that can't be measured or seen.  There is the abstract, the conceptual world as well.  Some concepts we experience are love, the divine, the occult, anything intangible.  They are obviously there, so we can and ought to find a way to include all concepts into our fact based world view.  We want the complete picture, therefore only what is blatantly incorrect or that which doesn't work should be excluded.

Because we are so perfectionistic we tend to have a more complete world view than other signs.  All that analyzing and assimilating is like the alchemical process of refining something down to its purest essence.  That is not to say we are always right [a hard thing for a Virgo to admit] there is always something more to learn or some adjustment to be made [a good scientist is always testing his theories], but it does make us really good teachers because we understand.  We don't 'know' like the Aquarius who seems to know without having experienced it all first [this label is not the best but think eccentric-no offense to Aquarians!!!], instead we have taken the time to make sense of it all after coming accross it first, and then fit all those pieces nicely into that jig saw puzzle.  

Scientific Method!

I hope this helps in your world view!

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Rising Sign

Post by Kyera » Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:16 am

Everyone has a Sun Sign and a Rising sign, as you may know, and each plays a part in you Chart and overall personality... including much much more, that we won't get into now. Your Sun sign is how you are seen and what you put out there, your Rising sign has more to do with how you feel on the inside, and may have difficulty expressing...in some cases.

Like myown, that is I am sun sign Virgo and Rising Libra, they fight constantly.. lol  

I hate things to be disorganized and yet I dislike doing the cleaning myself, unless.. I'm the one who made the mess, in which case I am very anal. I also work my bottom off and although I claim that I do it for the love of working the detail, which is true.. I believe EVERYTHING to be so UNFAIR when i do not get recognized! Why on earth would a Virgo be so worried about be acknowledged for the work they have done, most of us are happy just knowing that it was done right!

The mixture of our signs is what completes are chart, there is more than one aspect of your personality, not to mention upbringing, (evironmental) that makes us who we are, don't stress if you are not the perfect Virgo... (Like I am) okay that's a bit far. lol  A combo like Virgo-Libra is hard to deal with and personally I have to keep acknowledging my inconstincies to make sure that I am not contradidicting myself.. a common problem.. (I was also raised by a Libra) Talk about bickering!!!

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Oh agreed with Kyria!

Post by mysticvirgo » Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:27 pm

I used to think I was Vir/Lib until 3-4 days ago when I finally got my minute of birth data from dear old mom.  I missed Vir/Lib by 22 minutes.  So now I am read as Vir/Vir and STILL have the craving for recogition.  

So I read as a Virgo sun cusping Libra conjunct Virgo ASC cusping Libra.  

You wouldn't happen to be cuspy with Libra?  

 I googled "Sun conjunt Ascendant" , not because I haven't done my studies, but because this current Retrograde Mercury transit is really sucking my mind dry.  (why can't mysticboards have astrological shorthand emotes) Sun Conjunct Asc encourages a desire/drive for recognition,  The Virgo/Libra cuspyness seems to blend Virgo traits of detail, service and loyalty with Libran traits of justice, fairness and balance.  

 So we both work our backsides off, want recognition of it and then feel we are being treated unfairly. Especially if we find somone else who doesn't seem to be nearly as devoted to our job getting the backpats and attaboys.  

Hmm.. all that sounds better than I thought it would LOL

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Post by astrologer50 » Sat Feb 06, 2010 7:17 pm

enchantressofnumbers wrote:I'm skeptical about those interpretations of virgo.  I think virgos have very high standards, and non-virgos have interpreted that to mean that we care about silly things like how clean the cupboard is.  I don't actually know any virgo who is like that.  Virgos are perfectionists, yes, but in my opnion that means that when we look at the world, we are always seeking ways to improve it.  It doesn't mean we get our knickers in a twist if there are dust bunnies under the couch.   Your description of yourself could just as easily have been a description of me and I think that's actually typical of virgo.  We're so concerned with improving the world that we don't have time to think about dirty dishes!

I'm no astrology expert, so I could easily be very wrong, but that's what I think about it.
Generally speaking Virgo do have a thing about health, hygene and cleaniness bordering sometimes on OCD --- or they occasionally go the other way and become complete sluts

You need to understand there is far far more to astrology than just ‘sun signs’ firstly there are 10planets in the sky and 12houses and any one of these 10planets can be in any one of these 12 houses – so there’s 144 possible combinations there –

What is vitally important is your ‘time of birth’ and nearest town and then go to free website like astro.com to calculate your natal chart, you may have to reduce the image in Extended chart selection to 63% save to your hard drive, then upload here.

You need to post your chart in Western reading forum, you can get this free very easily from www.astro.com. You may have to reduce the image to 63% in Extended chart selection

Basic astrology
Now basically your sun sign is your 'core beliefs, values, ego' and Asc is your physical body, mode of expression and mask and persona that we all wear and hide behind, but definitely not what's going on underneath. What's going on underneath is your Sun sign. Moon sign, house placements and aspects describe your emotional and intuitive responses, also describes your view of your mother, as saturn describes your father by sign and house position.

So, think of a glass milk bottle the bottle is your Asc and your sun the milk, but the milk still has to 'come out' through the glass neck of the milk bottle....

Now aspects within a natal chart represent 'facets' of our personality, because we are all multifaceted beings. What these do is 'break down and compartmentalise' these facets into smaller bite size chunks. This does take quite a lot of self analysis and objectivity to 'see yourself' and why you do certain things and behave in certain ways. Actually it can be quite good therapy...

Remember back to your school days an opposition is 180', square 90', trine 120', and sextile 60' Now challenged aspects are conj (depending on the planets, cos some like each other and some really don't) squares and oppositions. Easy aspects are conj (if the planets get along) eg: Jupiter conj Moon, sextile and trine. Quincunx is inbetween (depending on the planets) causes health strains and unresolved or hard to balance planets/energies.

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Re: I don't seem like a "regular" virgo

Post by rigormortisgirl » Thu Apr 14, 2011 3:06 pm

MBMurphy99 wrote:I was born on September 9 and guess I am in the 2nd third of the Virgo spectrum.

I am nothing like other Virgos.  I am conseptual not literal, I am a slob and hate being organized, I love being the center of attention and love to start projects not finish them.

Does being born in this section of Virgo make any difference?
I am not sure what a spectrum is in astrology but I do know that the reason you don't seem like a Virgo IS because Virgo isn't the only sign in your chart. That is just your sun sign and every planet(even fixed stars and asteriods) have signs and these signs are in different houses and also can oppose, trine, square, or quincunx with other aspects in your natal chart. Astro.com, free natal chart.

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