Lesson 5. The Grahas (Planets).

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Lesson 5. The Grahas (Planets).

Post by RishiRahul » Sat Jul 21, 2007 7:23 am


                             The descriptions of Planets

Sun/Ravi = Represents the ‘Atman’ (the source of true self-esteem), confidence, humility, universal soul, the divine Self, inherent in all.

Moon/Chandra = ‘Manas’ or the receptive mind, where the self lives with Ahamkara or ego.  The Moon, therefore indicates how we experience the world, or shows our mental attitude.

Mars/Mangal = One’s physical and mental strength. Physically, Mars is strong, competitive, it likes to challenge. It reflects willpower, arrogance and strength.

Mercury/Budha = Represents the speech-giver, is important with regard to all worldly affairs, mental communication required for negotiation and fulfillment.

Jupiter/Guru = Represents wisdom and happiness, optimism. It tries to see the good and not the bad, can experience the joy of a moment.

Venus/Shukra = Represents passions, the emotional heart, love, worldly pleasures. Also includes sharing experiences. Venus in a pure state gives the capacity to enjoy the worldly pleasures in a healthy, manner.

Saturn/Shani = Represents the misery and sorrows, which results from ignorance, or lessons required to be learnt from mistakes and sins carried forward from a previous existence. Saturn instigates one to behave in a manner that continues to cause misery due to psychological complexes. Selfish activities as a result of ignorance may have been made in the past or previous life. Its effects carried forward in later life or next life, when the native may face difficult circumstances developing a psychological complex of neediness, which may motivate the native to again behave selfishly, until the past ‘karma’ is suffered. Saturn, therefore delays successful fulfillment in the areas it influences.

The Planetary Cabinet

Sun/Ravi = The king, who is noble and aristocrat, and provides confidence required to make and execute decisions. The natural significator of ‘Father’.
Moon/Chandra = The queen, who is noble, and has social grace and care in abundance. The natural significator of ‘Mother’

Mars/Mangal = The army chief, with an objective to fulfill and uses his will and power to accomplish it. Fulfilling the objective is of utmost importance; He is not fond of niceties and laid back time consumers.  The strong willed Mars believes in punctuality, gets to the point easily, to move on to another work. Mars has a dictatorial attitude. It being he natural significator of courage.

Mercury/Budha = The crown prince. Mercury is always playful by nature, even while doing serious things, has the intellectual brain required for success in the material and also to discriminate between the right and wrong. Mercury likes marketing, business deals and takes pride in being correct. Mercury is the natural significator of Intelligence or ‘Buddhi’ and ‘maternal uncle.

Jupiter/Guru = The minister to the King, also the preceptor of the Devas or Gods. He is rich in knowledge and wisdom, full of spiritual and legal knowledge, being the guru, astrologer, teacher and counselor to those who require his counsel. He is also the chief judge in the king’s court, and is known for his fairness in order and law.

Venus/Shukra = The other minister to the king, also the preceptor of the Asura’s or demons. Venus is worldly wise and good at managing the affairs of the state, can comprehend the true value of a situation and act accordingly. He loves to enjoy pleasures and luxuries. According to Vedic mythology Venus is constantly reinvigorating the dead Asura’s in their fights with the Deva’s.  Here the capacity of Venus to continually reawaken the desire for pleasures and emphasizes his role of teaching one how to enjoy the world.

Saturn/Shani = The king’s servant. Also the worker and who does all the physical work to indicate self-worth. Saturn attracts discipline, detachment and perseverance that is ultimately beneficial, but through unwanted processes.

Ketu/Dragons tail =‘The headless’. Represents the reserve armies that maintain and protect the king’s country (the secured, controlled and established territories). The army being trained, disciplined with a ‘do or die’, as they are headless. Therefore Ketu represents those forces that are within the nation and at the boundary, and can be blindly trusted.

Rahu/Dragons tail = The aggressive front of the king’s army, represents the foreign, unexplored (wild and unpredictable unlike Ketu), undiscovered and unknown realms. It attracts desires to conquer new lands without the knowledge of consequences. The forces including spies that has to work outside the discovered realms to bring in information about the neighbors is signified Rahu; making Rahu is suspicious and very untrustworthy by nature.

Asura = means ‘opposite of Surya’ or those who encourage us to dwell in the darkness of ignorance.

Deva = is derived from ‘div’ or ‘diva’ meaning light, refers to the Sun and planets which are sources of true knowledge and enlightenment.

Gunas of Planets

Satvik planets = (1) Sun/Ravi, (2) Moon/Chandra, (3) Jupiter/Guru.  

Rajasik planets = (1) Venus, (2) Mercury.

Tamasik planets = (1) Mars, (2) Saturn, (3) Rahu, (4) Ketu.

Satva guna = The elevating qualities which generates wisdom to bring us in touch with our higher natures. It brings self-discipline, love towards neighbors, good qualities, calmness, bliss, love for greatness in people, gratitude, benevolence, truthfulness, strong moral sense, a reforming spirit, moral reason, self-respect, duty bound, faithful, reserved, patient, forgiving, modesty, simplicity, impartiality.

Raja guna = Martial by nature, passionate, goal oriented, the passionate, activating qualities which motivate us, to pursue desires and goals.
Fickleness, impulsive, demonstrative, partially truthful, lively, aware of immediate environment, The eventual outcome of Rajas is grief.

Tama guna = are the qualities that prevent us from realizing happiness(spiritual or material).
Attachment for the senses, hypocrisy, dependent, lack of self respect, inactivity, stupidity, dullness, unreasonable, callousness, negligent, procrastination, morose, deceptive, careless, obstinate, covetous, lust, untruthful,  Begging, intellectually bent with a lack of heart, treachery, habitual untruthfulness, lacking in self-confidence. Tama guna results in ignorance.

Satvik planets:-

Sun/Ravi=Represents the soul.

Moon/Chandra =Represents mental purity.

Jupiter/Guru=Represents wisdom, faith, spirituality, chastity,
              Forgiveness - the outcome of Satva.

Rajasik planets:-

Mercury/Budha= Worldly interests and the desire for information.

Venus/Shukra = Pleasure seeking.

Tamasik planets:-

Mars/Mangal= Represents accidents, enemies and fighting.

Saturn/Shani= Lazy, depressed and inert.

Rahu/Dragons head=Lack of proper forethought, compulsive attachment, attracts phobias and unrealistic perceptions.

Ketu/Dragons tail=Shy, hides, obstinate and tends to abstain from any action, but attracts spirituality, insights, liberation, wisdom.

Castes of Planets

Caste reveals the attitude to life and the primary occupation of mind. The caste is the lower level of Vaishya.

Brahmin =Jupiter, Venus.

Kshatriya= Sun, Mars.

Vaishya=Moon, Mercury.


Outcast=Rahu. Mixed caste= Ketu.

Jupiter, Sun and Moon have satya guna.
Jupiter being Satvik by nature, is occupied in religious lore, reading of literature on spirituality and related subjects that teach the values of a pure life with the promise of more elevated life after death.

The Sun being Satvik by nature and of Kshatriya class is occupied in the Governance of the nation, state and law making, which obviously is a mundane pursuit when compared to the higher ideals of Jupiter.

The Queen/Moon is not too worried about the law nor about life after death, but is focused on the mundane things like looking after the citizens’ welfare, treating them as her larger family. She is concerned with food, social practices and festivals that involve the general masses. This pursuit requires a lower level of intellectual ability and idealism than those of the previous two.
Hence, the Caste is a lower level vaisya.

Therefore the level of intelligence and ideals determine the vocation. This is the ‘Dhi Shakti’ or intelligence that we pray for in the Gayatri Mantra.

There are 4 types of ‘Dhi Shakti’:-

Buddhi =Intelligence. Ex: Brahmin.

Siddhi =Success in all actions and plans. Ex: Kshatriya.

Vriddhi = Increasing prosperity. Ex:Vaisya.

Suddhi =Purity. Ex: Sudra.

Brahmins = The duties of Brahmins are: Self discipline, control of the mind and senses, purity, forgiveness, honesty, wisdom, Self-realization, and faith. They should spring out of their own nature. Their primary goal is Moksha or spiritual liberation. They serve society through their wisdom and contemplation. Spiritually, Brahmins are those who know the ‘Brahman’, the absolute aspect of God. Their greatest enemy is pride; because they know so much and are capable of doing so much good, there is greater possibility of them becoming proud.

Kshatriyas = The duties of Kshatriyas are: Valor, radiance, resolute endurance, skillfulness, not fleeing from battle, generosity, and leadership are the natural duties of the Kshatriyas. Their primary goal is Dharma, a life of self-discipline, responsibility and right action. They serve society through the use of their will as administrators and protectors. Spiritually, Kshatriyas are sense-fighters. Particularly Mars, must learn to control impatience and anger. Their anger is the result of their powerful Rajasic nature that causes them to believe that they have something of great consequence to do.

Vaishyas =The duties of Vaishyas are tilling the soil, cattle breeding, and business. Their primary goal is Artha (gain including fulfillment of desires, yet exercising control of the desires). They serve society through the use of their mentality, skill, and trade. Spiritually they are preparing themselves for a more earnest spiritual effort through learning and cultivating wisdom. They should abstain from getting caught up in the world of pleasure, which they must some day leave, without also developing spiritually.

Sudras – The duties of Shudras are actions that are of service to others. Their primary goal is ‘Kama’, desire for and activity of the senses. They serve society through bodily labor. Spiritually, Sudras are body bound. The Sudras should be cautious not to waste their life in oversleeping or from living a vegetable existence, and not better themselves. The high degree of ‘Tamas’ makes it nearly impossible for self-improvement without assistance.

Service under a more Satvik master is considered a blessing, as it allows room for growth through the association of good company.
In ancient times those who had only ill to offer society were considered as outcastes; Rahu governs these.
Their participation in society was likely to lead to the disruption and weakening of the society. Rahu creates the compulsions that provoke one to forego any morals or care for others’ well being. Rahu also governs “black magic,” and dark psychic phenomenon that prevents one from fitting comfortable into society.

Ketu, rules the mixed caste, indicates the eccentric nature who does not fit into any proper society/group. They are looked upon as unfortunate and are avoided. One felt uncomfortable being with them as they have unpredictable behaviour, due to the lack of a proper caste structure. This feeling was vice versa as a ketu person also did not know where and how to fit in. They were often un successful during their lifetime.

Sex of the Planets

Male = Sun, Mars, Jupiter.
Are affected by what they do. They feel good by doing good.

Female = Moon, Venus.
Are affected by their feelings about what happens to them. When they feel good they do good.

Neuter = Mercury, Saturn.
Provides balance. Mercury provides through discrimination. Saturn provides through discipline and detachment.

Color of the Planets

Sun/Ravi = Copper Red.
Indicates action and initiative. The mix of red and gold color inclines towards achieving something noble through his efforts.

Moon/Chandra = White.
Pure, reflective, sensitive in nature, and loves things to be clean and spotless like the white moon.

Mars/Mangal =Blood Red.
Action and initiative, loves to exert. Inclined to spend energy just
for fun. Loves to see red, feel red and indulge in speed, danger and accidents.

Mercury/Budha =Grass Green.
Fresh, young, inexperienced, curious and quick to learn.

Jupiter/Guru = Golden.
Happy, joyful and optimistic. A“golden” personality.

Venus/Shukra =Variegated.
The natural actor, performer who animates, comforts, enlivens, cheers or do almost anything in order to express and receive love, adoration, fulfillment and pleasure.

The consciousness is darkened through ignorance.

Doshas of Planets

The constitutional humors useful in Ayurveda and medical astrology: = Has a big say about a planet’s character.

Pitta = Mercury, Sun, Mars.
Fiery constitution. Agressive, strength, willfulness, impulsive, forceful and passionate, rebellious by nature, doesn’t like to be told what to do. direct and goal oriented,  independent yet likes to work in alliance with others toward a common goal.

Kapha = Mercury, Moon, Jupiter, Venus.
Watery constitution. An emotional nature, loving, devotional, sentimental, romantic and loyal, leans toward contentment, traditional in behavior and belief.

Vata =Mercury, Moon. Venus, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu.
Windy constitution. Intelligent, mental activity, socially oriented, indecisive, easily disturbed, fearful, lacks endurance.

In practice Ketu often manifests as pitta, not vata.

Moon has more Kapha and less Vata the brighter she is. Brightest is when moon is opposite sun (poornima or full moon), Least bright is when they are conjunct with each other (new moon/amavasya).

Tastes of Planets


Moon/Chandra= salty.

Mars/Mangal= bitter.

Venus/Shukra= sour.


Mercury/Budha= mixed in taste.

Jupiter/Guru= sweet.

Sight of Panets

Indicates the mental outlook during its dasa or antardasa.
Also consider the sight of the influencing planets for modifications of outlook.

Sun and Mars= looks upwards.
Ambitious and always thinking of what great things they hope to do in the future.

Venus and Mercury= looks sideways.
Ambitious and always thinking of what great things they hope to do in the future. Venus is waiting to receive the next pleasure
or valued item. Mercury is waiting to receive information.

The Moon and Jupiter =looks evenly.
Always content in the present.
Moon feels good about herself. Jupiter is full of joy.

Saturn and Rahu= looks downwards.
Finds it difficult to manifest their ideals and desires.
Saturn is depressed and finds it a struggle to move forward. Rahu directs the mind into the subconscious; the eyes point down when the consciousness is focused in the subconscious. Dreaming, fantasizing, taking drugs, hallucinating.

Ketu, the tail demon’s tail, has no eyes. He can only attempt to look inward, making him introverted.

Residence of Planets

Sun/Ravi= Temples. (Places of worship where the Self is most revealed).

Moon/Chandra= Watery places. (ex: bathrooms, pools, laundries, oceans where refreshment and renewal take place).

Mars/Mangal= Fiery places. (kitchens, kilns, welding shops, chemistry labs).

Mercury/Budha = Play and sport grounds. (Places that stimulate amusement, interest, and curiosity).

Jupiter/Guru= Treasury.

Venus/Shukra = Bedroom. (Places of pleasure like hotels, restaurants, wineries).

Saturn/Shani = Filthy place. (Unkempt and disregarded places).

Rahu/Dragons head = Dark places. (Where there is no clarity of vision).

Ketu/Dragons tail = Corners of houses. (Where one is trying to hide and remain

Ages of Planets                                    Maturation age of Planets

Sun/Ravi= 50 years.---------------------------------------- 22 years.

Moon/Chandra= 70 years.------------------------------------- 24 years.

Mars/Mangal= Young child.--------------------------------- 28 years.

Venus/Shukra= 16 years.------------------------------------- 25 years.

Saturn/Shani=astringent.----------------------------------- 36 years.

Mercury/Budha= Youth. ----------------------------------- 32 years.

Jupiter/Guru= 30 years.----------------------------------- 16 years.

Saturn/Shani, Rahu, Ketu = 100 years.--------------36, 48 years.

The maturation age is the age when, the individual gains the         capacity to exercise the full range of the planet, according to the house the planet rules, the house the planet is in, and the planet’s natural indications will all manifest to some extent, which could  be auspicious or inauspicious. When the planet is afflicted there will be great challenges towards the native’s learning in using the full qualities of the planet. If the planet is well placed in the horoscope its year may give rise and success, and a full use of the qualities of the planet.
In the year the planet matures that any potential challenges or success will immerge.
So that the proper year is understood see the following example: The Sun matures at 22, the 22nd year is from age 21 to 22. The year following the maturation year is also important for moving forward with what was learned and gained as a result of the planet maturing. The maturation year of the lagna lord is an important one for self-development.

16 = capacity for moral judgment and philosophy matures.
Women giving birth at 16 have children has the least birth defects.

22 = a person matures as an independent individual.

24 = a person matures emotionally, to become more aware of their attitude and outlook on life.

25 =  ability to recognize what exactly will fulfill personal desires matures, especially with regard to romantic partners, as only at this time one has a clear idea of it for the first time.

28 = physical and internal strength matures. The best indication for this being the knowledge when to use one’s strength/fight.

32=capacity for discipline, rational thinking and focus matures. A clear understanding regarding personal path and duty develops and what must done to bring these to fruition.

48 = capacity to balance the powerful forces of Rahu and Ketu matures. These planets are always in exact opposition, creating a seesaw effect in one’s life, between the two houses where Rahu and Ketu are placed. Here one develops to capacity to balance the areas influenced by the nodes. As per some Rahu matures at 45 and Ketu at 43. The later dates are preferred.

Descriptions of Planets

Sun/Ravi= eyes are honey colored, square bodied, prominent appearance, little hair on his head, is pure, intelligent, and courageous. Square, steadfast body.

Moon/Chandra= Huge, round but thin body, auspicious looks, sweet speech, intuitive, discriminating, kind, fickle-minded. Discriminates through feelings rather than intellect. This is done by choosing what feels good.

Mars/Mangal= Youthful, thin waisted body, blood red eyes. Cruel, ill mannered, fickle-minded, courageous, liberal, and given to anger.
He is cruel enough to hurt and breaks things while going about his activities. He is cruel in a sadistic sense when other malefics influence him.

Venus/Shukra= Venus is charming, beautiful body, lovely eyes, and curly hair, joyful, amorous, poetic, fortunate and sensuous.

Saturn/Shani= Saturn has an emaciated and long body, coarse hair, prominent veins, big teeth, and yellow, depressed eyes.
He is indolent, lame, and hardhearted.
Saturn, due to his hardhearted nature, may be very cold in his behavior. He often is in denial himself and
may be so blocked that he does not have a clear idea of exactly how cold he may be.

Mercury/Budha= Mercury is endowed with an attractive appearance, balanced build, and is agreeable to all in dress and
speech. He is skillful, witty and fond of jokes.

Jupiter/Guru=Large bodied, tawny hair, large golden eyes, fond of virtues, of forgiving disposition, modest, intelligent and learned in all sastras.

Rahu/Dragons head =Smoky, horrible with a blue-mix body, skin diseases, irreligious, cunning, speaks falsehood. The smoke of Rahu makes it difficult to see clearly and manifests as confusion, imaginings etc.

Ketu/Dragons tail = Smoky, of fierce look, reddish eyes, lean, bruised body, brutal by nature, always inhaling smoke. The smoke of Ketu makes it difficult to see, hides things, and creates unexpected happenings. Has fierce and intense moods.

Benefics and MaleficsPlanets

Malefics: Saturn/Shani, Mars/Mangal, Sun/Ravi, waning Moon/chandra, Rahu/Dragons head, Ketu/Dragons tail.

Benefics: Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and waxing Moon, badly associated mercury.

Planets behave as natural benefics or malefics due to their intrinsic nature. Some planets by their very nature damage the areas they affect and are, therefore, termed as malefic. Other planets enhance the areas and they affect and are termed benefic.

Saturn/Shani is a malefic because he causes delays and separation from the areas he affects. He causes these difficulties as he indicates where we suffer the results of our poor karmas, and he will not allow us to reap the benefits of the areas he affects until the law of karma has been fulfilled. Saturn is the cross that each of us bears.

Mars/Mangal is a malefic because he tends to break things, cause accidents, and create quarrels with others.

Sun/Ravi is a malefic because he separates us from the areas he affects. It influences on the things sacrificed to obtain spiritual growth and a deeper individuality.

Rahu/Dargons head is a malefic as he causes delays and separation from the areas he affects. He causes delays because he indicates where we have little knowledge, and therefore have much to learn before things will work out.
He causes separation because he indicates where we act with a lack of forethought and may therefore get caught up in something not in our best long-term interest that we must leave sometime in the future. He also causes separation by creating longings that are not fulfilled even when the desired object is acquired, thereby creating the tendency to leave one thing for another.

Ketu/Dragons tail is a malefic as he hides and destroys the areas he affects, thereby, freeing us from attachments. It hides the areas he affects by causing feelings of doubt and creating discontentment that prevents an individual from putting forth the necessary effort. He destroys the areas he affects through self-destructive actions stemming from intense discontent and deeply unfulfilled feelings.

Jupiter/Guru is a benefic because he provides fortune, blessings, and abundance. He expands and provides more of the good aspects of whatever he affects. He points to where we have been virtuous, forgiving and kind, therefore have good karma to reap. Most importantly, Jupiter is the good merit that protects us from other
adverse influences.

Venus/Shukra is a benefic because she provides all comforts, pleasures and luxuries, social grace, giving refinement, and specially, teaches the diplomacy necessary for dealing with others.

Mercury/Budha is a benefic because he provides the capacity to understand the areas he affects in a clear, impartial manner; thus allowing balanced behavior and the ability to discriminate. It being a mutable planet, takes on the nature of the planets he associates with. Associated with a malefic, mercury becomes malefic in nature. This shows mercury to be of impartial nature who favors the views and desires of the malefic. Rahu/Ketu, being of shadow nature is not able to influence mercury enough to turn it into a malefic.  The nodes themselves tend to take on the nature of other planet it associates with.

Moon/Chandra=It is waxing moon while the new moon is turning into full moon as her light is increasing. It is waning moon when the full moon is turning into new moon as her light is decreasing. Thus the amount of light moon possesses determines moon’s beneficence. As her light increases, she gains greater beneficence. As her light decreases, she loses her beneficence. The waxing half-moon phase  occurs when the Moon is 90 degrees from the Sun; the degree increasing. The waning half-moon phase occurs when the Moon is 270 degrees away from the Sun, the Moon is a benefic. From 270 degrees to 90 degrees, the Moon is a malefic.
The Moon having no light of her own merely reflects the light of the Sun; the capacity of the Moon to nourish and provide growth is  through creative energy of the Sun. From new moon to the waxing half-moon, the Moon has a creative urge and desire but finds it difficult to focus enough energy to bring desire into reality, therefore, the areas affected her are frustrated. From waxing half-moon to waning half-moon, the Moon is full of nourishing, growth producing energy and therefore enhances the areas she affects. From waning half-moon to new moon, the Moon is losing her light and lack is felt in the areas she affects. Those things the malefic Moon influences do not fulfill one’s needs.
According to Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra, the Moon should have Ayanabala of 40 virupas to be considered strong. This makes moon an effective (benefic when it is 120 - 240 degrees from the Sun) when the Ayanabala is 40 virupas or more. At 20 virupas moon becomes an effective malefic.

The planets gain temporary status of a benefic or malefic depending upon which houses they rule in a horoscope, this often creating many confusing contradictions for the new learning astrologer.
It could be remembered that the natural quality of a planet affects any area it influences in the chart according to its natural benefic or malefic nature; the temporary nature indicating the motivation and goal of a planet.

Body tissues and Planets

Sun/Ravi=bones. (provides the personality with steadfastness, like bones do to the body).

Moon/Chandra= blood.  (Important for emotional renewal, keeping us mentally healthy and balanced).

Mars/Mangal= marrow.   (The energy that weakens as one ages).

Venus/Shukra= semen.  (generates life through desire, by providing worldly pleasure).


Mercury/Budha= skin.   (provides communication).

Jupiter/Guru= fat and brain.  (fat is necessary for the brain, which houses the spiritual centers requiring wisdom etc).

▲ Since by now you are expected to be conversant with the Indian synonym of the planets English names, the Indian names will not be repeated.

Planets and the five elements

Moon=governs water.        (water is felt in the heart of venus).

Mars=governs fire.            (applied energy).

Venus= governs water.      (as passionate emotions rules water).

Saturn= governs air.          (as detachment rules air).

Mercury=governs earth.    (as concrete rational mind).

Jupiter=governs ether.       (due to intuitive, faithful nature).

Trees and Planets

Sun= trees. (strength, firmness of character. strong trees like oaks).

Moon= milky trees. (milk is the life force of trees).

Mars= thorny/bitter trees.  (his sharp nature)

Venus= floral plants.    (beautiful, pleasant to sight, smell).

Saturn= useless trees.  (trying to maintain old, no longer useful).

Mercury= fruitless but useless trees.

Jupiter= fruitful trees. (the best fruits of work – has commercial value).

Rahu/Ketu= bushes.   (are not trees, and can grow where trees cannot, if cut can grow very soon, considered a nuisance, most poisons are from bushes).

Rahu/Ketu – the nodes – their  lessons

Signifies poisons = By the careful “pruning” of introspection and disciplined spiritual life can the evil effects of Rahu and Ketu be overcome. Teaches us spiritual discipline, like poison, by creating discontent, by fueling desire that is unappeased by worldly living, and by separating us form areas of attachment; serve as spiritual motivators, which is only possible if there are spiritual factors in the chart, or else act more like poisons.

People and Planets

Sun= father. (masculine, solar force of family, responsible for establishing the status        
                            and position of the family, provides individual with identity to go forth
                            with into the world).

Moon= mother. (the feminine, lunar force of the family, responsible for creating a
                                   comfortable, accepting environment. attracts healthy mental
                                   attitude, emotional expression).

Mars= siblings.  (Teaches to differentiate and make use of our strengths by joint

Venus= wife.    (indicator of romantic love).

Saturn=common man.    (struggles common to all of mankind – democrat).

Mercury= friends.   (things to share).

Jupiter= guru/teacher/husband. (teaching wisdom and proper moral, spiritual
                                                                      behavior). (fulfills the spiritual duty by
                                                                       having children).
Rahu = maternal grandmother/paternal grandmother.

Ketu = paternal grandfather/ remaining grandparents.

●The psychological indications that the native will be dealing with      during a dasa are relative to the person indicated by the planet

Vedas and Planets

Mars= Sama Veda.  (handbook of rituals, containing ceremonial rites for priests).

Venus= Yajur Veda.  (chants with proper melodic intonation).

Mercury= Atharva Veda. (Incantations, formulae to appease negative forces
                        and gain mundane favors, ayurvedic healing).

Jupiter=Rig Veda. (oldest spiritual text-consists hymns of various avatars of

Time Periods and Planets

Sun= An ayana.     (6 months = period taken by Sun to cover its northern course
                                        from the 1st. day of winter to the 1st).

Moon= A muhurtha.     (2 ghatis or 48 minutes).

Mars= A day.

Venus= A paksha.       (2 weeks= new moon to full moon).

Saturn= An year.

Mercury= A ritu.     (2 months =a season. Hindu year has 6 seasons).

Jupiter= A month.

Rahu= 8 months.

Ketu= 3 months.

Period of Life and Planets

Sun=23 – 41 years.    (The period of career focus, gaining status and respect).

Moon= 4 years.       (infancy – mother guiding ).

Mars= 42 – 56 years.   (period of disciplined activity, need for freedom).

Venus= 15 – 22 years.   (love and passion following puberty, also the primary
                                                     desire for marriage).

Saturn/Rahu/Ketu=69 – 108 years.  (period of fulfilling the karmas of
                                                                               degeneration/ eventual death.
                                                                                Detachment and liberation).

Mercury= 5 – 14 years.    (learning important, fundamental skill needed in life).

Jupiter= 57 – 68 years.     (period of wisdom and spirituality/wealth, happiness,

Seasons and Planets

Sun= The cause of seasons.    

Moon= Varsha.    ------------------ July 22- September 21.

Mars= Greeshma. ----------------- May 22- July 21.

Venus= Vasanta.  ----------------- March 22- May 21.

Saturn=Sisir.        ----------------- January 22-March 22.

Mercury= Sarat.   ------------------- September 22-November 21.

Jupiter= Hemanta. ------------------- November 22-January 21.

Dhatu, Moola, Jeeva and Planets

Dhatus (minerals-inanimate) = Rahu, Saturn, Mars, Moon.

Moolas (roots- plant kingdom) = Sun, Venus.

Jeevas (living beings- animals, humans)= Jupiter, Mercury, Ketu.

Senses and Planets

Sun=sight- specially right eye.

Moon= sight – especially right eye.

Mars= sight.

Venus= taste.


Mercury= smell.

Jupiter= hearing.

Rahu =touch – special influence on psychic sense.

Ketu = influences intuitive sense.

Substances and Planets

Sun= Copper.

Moon= Gems.

Mars= Gold.

Venus= Pearls.

Saturn= Iron.

Mercury= Alloys.

Jupiter= Silver. Gold when in own rasi.

Rahu= Lead.

Ketu= Turquoise.

Clothes and Planets

Sun= Rough, thick clothes.

Moon= New clothes.

Mars= Burnt clothes.

Venus= Strong clothes.


Mercury= Washed clothes.

Jupiter= Neither new nor old clothes.

Rahu = Multi colored clothes

Ketu= Rags.

Directions and Planets

Sun= East.

Moon= NorthWest.

Mars= South.

Venus= SouthEast.

Saturn= West.

Mercury= North.

Jupiter= NortEast.

Rahu= SouthWast.

Gemstone and Planets

Sun= Ruby.

Moon=Spotless Pearl.

Mars= Red Coral.

Venus= Diamond.

Saturn=Blue Sapphire.

Mercury= Emerald.

Jupiter= Yellow Sapphire.

Rahu= Gomedha or Hessonite garnet.

Ketu= Cat’s eye or ‘Lahsanya’.

Rasis and Planets


Moon= Cancer.

Mars= Aries, Scorpio.

Venus= Taurus and Libra.

Saturn=Capricorn and Aquarius.

Mercury= Gemini and Virgo.

Jupiter=Sagittarius and Pisces.

Exaltation and Debilitation of Planets
Every planet has an exaltation sign. Again there is a point of deep debilitation, where the planet becomes the finest, perfected and productive.  The sign opposite the exaltation sign is the debilitated sign. Similarly the point exactly opposite to the deep exaltation point is the deep debilitation point (180 degrees from the deep exaltation point).  A debilitated planet is very weak in its nature and has the least natural qualities. The organs ruled by a debilitated planet will be genetically weak and prone to disease. In some cases, a debilitated planet may be a producer of betterment and wealth.


Moon= Taurus.

Mars= Capricorn.



Mercury= Virgo.

Jupiter= Cancer.

People, very generally become similar to the nature of the strongest planet in the chart. A planet strongly influences the personality:

1. When it is in its own, moolatrikona, or exaltation sign.
2. When it is in the Lagna (first house).
3. When it joins the Lagna lord.
If there is be more than a planet in own, moolatrikona, or exaltation sign, and one of them is in an angle, then the one in an angle will indicate more dominant characteristics.


1. Using your own chart identify the sign each planet is in, state if the planet is in its own sign, exaltation, detriment or moolatrikona. List the sign and degree placements of each planet.

2. There are different characters of each planet is mentioned through out the lesson. Identify from your own chart, at least one character of each planet from your Rasi and Navamsa and write how does it influences you during its dasa or antardasa.

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PDF of the Lesson

Post by vivekvshetty » Mon Jul 23, 2007 4:40 pm

Since the lesson is quiet Comprehensive i am attaching a pdf file of the same for learner to access it ofline by downloading it and unrar it.
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Few Mythological stories.

Post by vivekvshetty » Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:27 pm

Few Mythological stories assosiated with the Grahas.

When the universe was bathed in darkness, Lord Brahma - the God of creation, split it off the center and the sound "AUM" reverberated. This incident resulted in the creation of the Sun. The Sun is thus known as being "self-created".

In Hindu mythology, worship of the Sun brings redemption. Lord Rama triumphed in his battle with Ravana - a ten headed demon king), by chanting the hymn for the Sun. This hymn was taught to Rama by the great Rishi Agastiya.

It is believed that the Lord Moon was born out of the divine chest of Lord Vishnu. Some say the Moon emerged from the "Holy Ocean Of Milk". Others claim that he was born to Saint Athri and his wife Anusuya.

Lord Moon married all the 27 daughters of Daksha, who are star constellations in the sky. But the Moon did not evenly share his love with all his wives, preferring to spend more time with Rohini. This upset the neglected wives and they complained to their father. Daksha appealed to the Moon many times, however the Moon refused to listen. Daksha therefore cursed the Moon that he would diminish in size and become diseased. Day by day the moon waned and due to his sickness, all living things developed consumption. The celestial beings interceded on the Moon's behalf, fearing that all life on Earth would succumb to this wasting disease. Daksha promised that if the Moon would behave and visit all his wives he would be free from this consumption for half the month - hence as the Moon wanders in his celestial orbit he waxes and wanes according to prescription.

Some say that after separating from goddess Parvati, Lord Shiva was performing penance. During this time a drop of sweat fell from his forehead eye to the ground and assumed the form of a child. Others say that Mars was born directly from Lord Shiva's semen. When Parvati and Lord Shiva were on their honeymoon they entered an embrace that lasted one hundred million years. Agni disturbed Lord Shiva's intense union and caused him to discharge his seminal fluid - the result of which was Mars.

While Lord Mars was deeply involved in meditation, a spiritual flame appeared on his body and elevated him to the status of a planet.

Jupiter's wife, Tara, was impregnated by the Moon during an affair. After resuming her relationship with her husband Jupiter, a son was born. Tara confirmed that the Moon was the real father. This was again confirmed by Lord Brahma, who made Mercury live close to the Sun. Mercury performed penance to Lord Shiva and was granted the boon of becoming a planet.

Jupiter is the son of Chitra Devi and Saint Angirasa - a favorite son of Lord Brahma.

Jupiter performed difficult penances for Lord Shiva for a period of 10,000 years. This pleased Lord Shiva so much that he declared him to be guru of the gods. Jupiter is therefore known as Lord of Worship and Guru.

Venus was the master and teacher of the demons. The demons harrassed the gods greatly and during one such war, Venus angered Lord Shiva while using his powers to revive demons that had perished. Shiva captured and swallowed Venus in order to turn the tides of the war. Venus wandered and meditated in Shiva's stomach for 1,000 years. When Shiva ejected Venus back into the world, Venus immediately paid obeisance to Shiva without delay. This so impressed Shiva that he granted Venus the status of planet.

The Sun married Sanchigai, the daughter of Dhusashta and gave birth to three sons. When Sanchigai went to visit her parents without the knowledge of her husband, she left behind her shadow Chaya Devi. Saturn is one of the three children born to the Sun and Chaya Devi. When Saturn was born it was said that his gaze fell on his father the Sun, and caused vitiligo. His gaze then fell upon the Sun's charioteer who fell and broke his thigh. Next his gaze fell on the seven horses that drive the Sun's chariot and they all went blind. It was only when Saturn's gaze left them that the Sun's skin cleared, his charioteer's femur healed, and his horses regained their eye sight.

When Lord Shiva's son Ganesha was born, his mother Parvati wanted to show the boy to Saturn. Saturn advised her not to, however she insisted and Saturn gazed upon the child with one eye. Instantly Ganesha's head was burnt to ashes. To prevent Parvati's anger from destroying the universe, Lord Vishnu, cut the head off a bull elephant he had found, and joined it successfully to Ganesha's body. This is why Lord Ganesha has the head of an elephant!

The story goes that one of the sons of the Sun named Yama (god of death), was angry with his step-mother Chaya Devi and in a fit of rage hit his step-brother Saturn on his legs. This crippled Saturn, who became lame. Thus Saturn confers a general slowness in all aspects of life. Disappointment, incompatibility, sorrows, imprisonment, stubbornness, servitude, and difficulties in life are associated with Saturn.

In order to be granted the status of planet, Saturn established a Linga (a form of Shiva) at Benares and performed penance for a very long period to time.

Raahu & Ketu:
Rahu was born to the Demon Viprasitthi and his wife Simmikai. Lord Vishnu took the form of a beautiful maiden and brought out the nectar of immortality by churning the Milky Ocean. Lord Vishnu wanted to offer this nectar to the Angels, however the demons wanted it as well. While the nectar was being offered to the angels, Rahu disguised himself and sitting between the Sun and Moon, managed to drink a drop of the nectar. After seeing this deception the Sun and Moon snitched to Vishnu. Vishnu immediately severed Rahu's head with his discus. Rahu's head survived because the nectar of immortality at that point had reached his neck. Rahu's body was later revived and became Ketu. They live on to torture the Sun and the Moon for betraying them by causing both lunar and solar eclipses.

There are many such Mythological episodes in Puraanas and other scriptures.
list them out and try to find the Jyotish significance in them.

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Post by RishiRahul » Sun Jul 29, 2007 5:08 pm

Wonderful significances!

To Students:-
These mythological stories,myth or true, gives the many answers regarding the natures of the planets.

Activate your imagination and give your thoughts regarding the nature of planets.


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Dig Bala - Directional strengths.

Post by vivekvshetty » Fri Aug 03, 2007 4:20 pm

Dig Bala - Directional strengths.

Each graha gets strengths in certain directions or Bhaavas of the Chart.
Surya and Mangal in the 10th Bhaava.
Chandra and Shukra in the 4th bhaava.
Budha and Guru in the !st bhaava.
Shani in the 7th bhaava.

You will observe that the Grahas get dig bala in the Kendras (quadrants) only.
The four kendras represents the four 'Dhi' Shaktis.
1st house is Buddhi (intellect)
4th house is Shuddhi (purity)
7th house is Vriddhi (increase)
10th house is Siddhi (accomplishment)

Grahas when placed in the Bhaavas where they gain Dig bala are said to be strong because they are in the Bhaava which is as per its Dharma.

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Post by Raman Deep Singh » Fri Aug 03, 2007 7:23 pm

Dear Vivek shetty ji,
Thank you for these amazing stories which quie well explain the main purpose of planets and their properties.
Just a question from my side.Saturn is also called Chief justice of the court of God. Can you explain this also?
Is there any story behind this also.

Thanking You

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Post by vivekvshetty » Sat Aug 04, 2007 7:05 pm

Raman Deep Singh wrote:Dear Vivek shetty ji,
Thank you for these amazing stories which quie well explain the main purpose of planets and their properties.
Just a question from my side.Saturn is also called Chief justice of the court of God. Can you explain this also?
Is there any story behind this also.

Thanking You
Namaskaar Raman,
Try to answer this question.
How do we learn in life?
Please try to answer this question.

Do you know the story of the great Raavana and Shani? it is described in the scriptures that Raavana had conquered all the Grahas and had made them sleep on the steps leading to his Throne. He stomped on them and ascended his throne everytime.
Do you know of the story of how Lord Shiva went into samadhi as soon as Shani stood in front of him. Shani had come to congratulate the lord on his wedding with Paaravati.
Beautiful stories with lots of things to learn.

Shani is the ruler of Mahaakaali Mahavidya amongst the Dasa Mahaavidyaas (ten forms of Paaravati) and signifies the Mahaakaaleshwar Jyotirlinga amongst the Twelve Jyotirlingas.
Do you know that Makar rules the crematorium and Kumbha is the Raashi signifying immortality?
Tula is the perfect balance (Account tally of the credit and debit side in the ledger of accounts) and shani gets Exalted (uccha).

To get to the root of everything we need Shravana (Listening), Manana (meditating on the knowledge gained by hearing from a teacher) and Nidhidyasana (digesting the knowlegde and making it a part of you.

just a few random thoughts.
more after you answered the first question in this post.

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Post by Raman Deep Singh » Sun Aug 05, 2007 7:51 am

Dear vivekshetty ji,
First of all thank you for replying...
I feel there r 3 ways of learning.....

1.Learn from your mistakes
2.Learn from other's mistakes
3.Dont learn from anyone and from anywhere :smt003

I personally believe in point 1 and 2 but more in 2.I believe that we always have certain type of ambience by god's grace coz we suppose to learn from them thus we atleast try to avoid mistakes already made by others or in other words take advantage from others expereince..

All these scriptures and stories from ancient times has this as one of the main purpose so that we can understand our lives main purpose and shud learn from them.Its easy to live for everyday and just for ourseleves but what is easy may not be right always..
All these stories have got something more to tell and there is something more to learn from them.they always try to teach us something directly or indirectly....
The one who wants to learn can learn from everything we see, do, observe  etc.. from ambience  from friends, from everything possible on this earth...But yet again sometimes in the time of dielemma in life we do need a right guru or teacher to guide us thru it coz we being ourselevs in trouble cant see and understand the whole situation easily.

Hope i have answered your question completely.

Thanking you

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Post by vivekvshetty » Sun Aug 05, 2007 3:36 pm

Namaskaar Raman,
My reply in green below.
Raman Deep Singh wrote:Dear vivekshetty ji,
First of all thank you for replying...
I feel there r 3 ways of learning.....

1.Learn from your mistakes
2.Learn from other's mistakes
3.Dont learn from anyone and from anywhere :smt003
Great answer and i feel it is the right answer.
The process of learning is what makes us grow mature and increases our knowledge. The path of Budha or the path of Shani. Budha learns from observing and Shani teaches the hard way - by experiencing the results of our actions first hand. Both are processes of learning, the first one is more easier (but people generally dont learn the easy way) the second one is the hard way when Shani tries to knock some sense into us. The Raashis ruled by these planets are the 3rd, 6th, 10th, 11th. These are the Upachaya bhaavas in the chart. These cause growth in a person making him/her mature.

I personally believe in point 1 and 2 but more in 2.I believe that we always have certain type of ambience by god's grace coz we suppose to learn from them thus we atleast try to avoid mistakes already made by others or in other words take advantage from others expereince..

All these scriptures and stories from ancient times has this as one of the main purpose so that we can understand our lives main purpose and shud learn from them.Its easy to live for everyday and just for ourseleves but what is easy may not be right always..
All these stories have got something more to tell and there is something more to learn from them.they always try to teach us something directly or indirectly....
Right, in all these stories Shani caused the person or Devaa or Mahadeeva himself to see his or her own true face and not the one he/she thought was true.
Mahaadeva went into samaadhi because he is pure 'Shivoham'.
Raavana got the idea that he was stangnating and there was no progress in his life and that the boon of immortality was hindering his spiritual progress. He went to Shiva pleading for death and look what happened afterwards.

The one who wants to learn can learn from everything we see, do, observe  etc.. from ambience  from friends, from everything possible on this earth...But yet again sometimes in the time of dielemma in life we do need a right guru or teacher to guide us thru it coz we being ourselevs in trouble cant see and understand the whole situation easily.
Even the Great Bhagwaan Dattatreya had 24 gurus.

Hope i have answered your question completely.

Thanking you

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Post by Raman Deep Singh » Tue Aug 07, 2007 8:37 pm

Dear Vivek ji,
One of the best thing about astrology is that everything , every small assumption means sumthing or has got sum lesson or meaning behind it(though it is possible we cant understand that coz of our limited understanding as human).Nothing seems to be just an assumption just becoz it has to be assumed. Everytime i sit down doing some research about astrology i learn sumthing new.Few days ago i learnt reason behind  jupiter , mars and saturn having those particular aspects which they have and today i learned about reason why Upachaya bhaavas r 3,6,10 and 11 and not any other :-).
thank you for this amazing information.
Please keep on doing this.
Hope i can get small fraction of knowledge from you and rishirahul ji.

Thanking you

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Post by sowjanya » Wed Aug 15, 2007 4:10 pm

Namastey Rahul ji,

here r the answers that i could write for the exercises in lesson 5 . i could not make out whether they r correct or not.

1. Using your own chart identify the sign each planet is in, state if the planet is in its own sign, exaltation, detriment or moolatrikona. List the sign and degree placements of each planet.

my dob is 22 may 1977 at afternoon 12.12 in prodattur (cuddapah) district in andhra pradesh , india.

mercury in mesha
sun and ju in vrishabha
mo in mithuna
sat in karka
ascending sign is simha
ra in kanya
ke, ve, ma in meena

no planet is in its own sign

venus is in its exlation sign meena

coming to the moolatrikona sign i could not understand
but after referring moolatrikona sign on internet  got some information and no sign in its moolatrikona

List the sign and degree placements of each planet , how to list i could not make out . from the online horoscope i got the chart and details
sun 07 tau 32
mo 23 gem 5
me 13 ari 49
ve 24 pis 33
ma 25 pis 19
ju 17 taur 4
sat 17 taur 53
ra 0 vir 9
ke 0 lib 9

as per ur mb free astrology rashi chart i got rahu in virgo
but as per another chart i got rahu in tula
why such a difference will it affect readings.

thanking u ,

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Retrograde motions of grahas

Post by prakrit03 » Thu Aug 16, 2007 1:48 pm

virgo and tula are adjacent signs check with data input . May be the time am or pm different. or the place is correct with proper latitude and longtitude.
I am posting first time on this forum and very informative and great information about grahas in this article. However, I want to know about the info on Vakri or Retrograde grahas. I have two grahas in retrograde Venus in 4th house in capricorn and shani in 9th in Gemini and Libra ascendent. Can anybody throw a light on this

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Post by RishiRahul » Fri Aug 17, 2007 8:43 am

sowjanya wrote:Namastey Rahul ji,

here r the answers that i could write for the exercises in lesson 5 . i could not make out whether they r correct or not.

1. Using your own chart identify the sign each planet is in, state if the planet is in its own sign, exaltation, detriment or moolatrikona. List the sign and degree placements of each planet.

my dob is 22 may 1977 at afternoon 12.12 in prodattur (cuddapah) district in andhra pradesh , india.

mercury in mesha
sun and ju in vrishabha
mo in mithuna
sat in karka
ascending sign is simha
ra in kanya
ke, ve, ma in meena

no planet is in its own sign

venus is in its exlation sign meena

coming to the moolatrikona sign i could not understand
but after referring moolatrikona sign on internet  got some information and no sign in its moolatrikona

List the sign and degree placements of each planet , how to list i could not make out . from the online horoscope i got the chart and details
sun 07 tau 32
mo 23 gem 5
me 13 ari 49
ve 24 pis 33
ma 25 pis 19
ju 17 taur 4
sat 17 taur 53
ra 0 vir 9
ke 0 lib 9

as per ur mb free astrology rashi chart i got rahu in virgo
but as per another chart i got rahu in tula
why such a difference will it affect readings.

thanking u ,

Hello Sowjanya, As I am leaving my city to day you will get your reply on the 19th. Please bear with me.

Thank you for showing interest.


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Re: Retrograde motions of grahas

Post by RishiRahul » Fri Aug 17, 2007 8:48 am

prakrit03 wrote:virgo and tula are adjacent signs check with data input . May be the time am or pm different. or the place is correct with proper latitude and longtitude.
I am posting first time on this forum and very informative and great information about grahas in this article. However, I want to know about the info on Vakri or Retrograde grahas. I have two grahas in retrograde Venus in 4th house in capricorn and shani in 9th in Gemini and Libra ascendent. Can anybody throw a light on this


We will come to retrogression later. This is a teaching forum and matters taught will be discussed for the present.

Individual cases may be discussed presently in the Vedic astrology reading forum. Technicals of this science may be discussed in the Vedic Astrology main forum.

Thank you for your patience,,
Last edited by RishiRahul on Sun Aug 19, 2007 8:19 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by RishiRahul » Fri Aug 17, 2007 9:48 am


You are requested to download this astrology software and chart  your horoscope again, while I return.

This software has been earlier recommended by us.

The link is below:



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