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Re: Learn Vedic Astrology

Post by vivekvshetty » Tue Jun 05, 2007 5:12 pm

vkram wrote:An excellent introduction !

I must apologise that I could find the time to see it only today. But better late than never.

If any, the introduction is a sure pointer to the quality of the course that is going to unfold.

I am quite happy that I joined this course.  

May God give M/s Rahul and Vivek the longest and healthiest life so that they could serve society more and more !

Thank you vkram for the sweet words. We are awaiting your answers to the questions asked in the lesson, if you would be tempted make an attempt.


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Re: Learn Vedi Astrology

Post by vivekvshetty » Tue Jun 05, 2007 5:15 pm

vkram wrote:I find people pouring out questions on dasa etc. at the introductory level. I do not think it is time to ask questions on dasa and all when even the preliminaries of Astrology have not yet been explained and learnt by those who have joined the course.

It will be deviation actually.

Forgive me if I have hurt any one by this posting.  My intention was to impress on people to patiently wait and learn the course from M/s Rahul And Vivek.  They claim that they are also students. That only shows their modesty. They certainly are our gurus !!

Who is not a student? Even Maheswara had to sit before Lord Muruga like a student to know the meaning of Pranava.
Thanks vkram, the posts have been removed and he was not even a registered student (what to speak of Maheswara) for this course.

And would you please elaborate on the story of the son teaching a father the meaning of the absolute?
I think there is a deep Jyotish significance there.


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Re: Delphina's reply

Post by Delphina » Wed Jun 06, 2007 12:38 am

Oh my... I guess I should re-read some of my answers.  :)

vivekvshetty wrote:Hi! Delphina,
Great to have you on the course. I have learnt quiet a few things from you in the numerology forum. see below my reponse in green.
Delphina wrote:Q1: What is the goal or aim of your life?
My goal is to learn as much as possible and help others understand what I have learned...
Great! a bestseller in the making. I hope to get a complimentary copy of it.
It might be a while unless you want it in PDF part 1.. part 2...

Q2: What is your motivation for wanting to learn Astrology and in particular Jyotish?
Vedic (Jyotish) astrology has always interested me.
That is a good enough reason, but can you elaborate why it attracted your interest? (the least i would expect from a scribe is a one liner)
Oops, sorry. It's just.. not sure how to put it. Western astrology never really interested me, but eastern has. I'm not sure why. It seems like there is always something missing. Then I found the information of were Pythagorus received his training, or at least part of it. And where he was introduced to algebra.. and ...

Q3: What are your experience with Astrology and Astrologers?
I have no real experience with astrology... other then a very small understanding of western astrology. A bit more of Chinese astrology. I have spent most of my time (since I was 16 approx.) with numerology.
I know you will be happy to learn that there is Vedic numerology as well and we propose to deal with it in the course.
Now I am really intrigued. :)

Q4: What are the Vedas?
This is what I am completely green at and have had to look up. At least you don't have to un-train the wrong stuff that I have (haven't) learned. :)
See even my response is green  :smt003  and you are right unlearning something is much more difficult than learning something.
Thanks for your replies.

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Learn Vedic Astrology

Post by vkram » Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:37 am

I am attempting to answer the questions one by one.

Q1: What is the goal or aim of your life?

The goal and aim, I must say, keep on changing with the advancement of age. It was so in my case and I observed it to be so in a lot many cases.  

While studying , I wanted to be always on the top. I did come on top on few occasions but not always. In fact one of the reasons why I want to learn Astrology is to know what had always stood against  me throughout, despite my sincere and best efforts in everything, despite my being very good at learning and doing things, despite being a very helpful and ethical person and never wanting to charge for services to people ( excepting when necessary that too a barest minimum) and despite my being more than average in every field I had entered.  (Later some astrologers told me that my horoscope was the “Kalasarpa yoga” type.)

After finishing the studies , my goal was to look for a lucrative job and with the earnings, keep every one happy in the family and circle of friends.

While marriage was not a goal for me as such, it came of its own with my mother always wanting me to marry and “ settle”.  After marriage, the motive was to beget children though not in so many numbers as in the past.  Like others, I also wanted to restrict the number of children if I could really help it. After arrival of the children, the competitive world forced me to look for a very good school for my two children and I could find such good, affordable schools with the grace of God. And today my eldest daughter is married and well settled (in the mundane sense) and having two children again ! A daughter and a son like I got. Lovely children.

With the daughter settled, my goal took a different route! Settling the son !. By the grace of Almighty, we could make  him a top engineer which he always wanted to become. Now he, being placed  in a goog job the goal again has taken a detour.  I want him married properly and settled towards which we now strive.  

These are all I know, mundane-goals. But how different these could be otherwise?  I have however throughout attempted with great difficulty to balance between mundane needs and spiritualism.  And the struggle goes on, and on.  In fact, out of necessity, I had to tilt my preferences  towards mundane needs while I was more titled towards spiritualism during my younger days when the pressure of financial needs was not at all there.

Thus my experience had been one of varied goal-settings.   Spiritual masters always say that the man’s goal should be to remain detached from every perishable things ( including humans) and merge back with that ONE SUPREME from where he came. I think this is easier advised than done.  Devi Bhagvatam has said long,  long ago that in Kaliyuga materialism would take control of everything and it would reign supreme! Are we not witnessing the same today?

I shall seek forgiveness from M/s Vivek and Rishi  for this lengthy reply to question number 1 and hence I would post my replies to the other questions later.


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Post by Pittuchen » Wed Jun 06, 2007 9:54 am

Dear Vivek-ji and Rahul-ji,

I am traveling and could access the internet only today. Thanks for posing the self introspection questions. You are both right that first we must understand own desires to learn a subject such as Vedic Astrology or Jotish as this is not like a regular academic course that will enhance our career chances. So, let me attempt at answering these questions candidly.

Q1: What is the goal or aim of your life?
Hmmm.. the question caused me to think and reflect. When I was at a younger age, I would have straight away replied, "to have a good job," "to have a family, a house" and all the material things that goes with "success." Now, having crossed the half century mark - and some - I am not so sure and am kind of a bit confused as to what my real goal in life is or should be. I’ll have to reflect some more on this and maybe will post another answer later on during the course.

Q2: What is your motivation for wanting to learn Astrology and in particular Jyotish?
Answer to this question is combined with the one below.

Q3: What are your experience with Astrology and Astrologers?
I have consulted some astrologers in the past but not on a regular basis. Some astrologers just predicted or advised me on what to do or what may happen or come without giving any explanations. This sort of left me with the option of “believe it or not” or have blind fate in the astrologer. However, one astrologer did explain to me that I will have all my desires delayed due to my horoscope and on reflection, he was right. He also told me that long as my Father was alive, I would not be able to move ahead rapidly due to some clash of our horoscopes. I think that he was also correct as it was only after the passing away of my Father that my career could take off – but still with delays as he predicted.

In recent months, I have begun to take an interest in learning astrology and learning how the predictions above were made.

Q4: What are the Vedas?
The Vedas are a large corpus of texts originating in Ancient India. They are the oldest scriptural texts of Hinduism. Today, Vedic texts are revered by Hindus around the world. Their verses are recited at prayers, religious functions and other auspicious occasions.

According to Bhagavan Baba’s website, he defined the Vedas as such:
“The Vedas are the recordings of sages to whom the mantras were revealed. They proclaim the transcendental Truth, which is not changed by time or place. They indicate the means to prosperity and security for the denizens of the three worlds. Veda is derived from the root "Vid", which means, "to know". The Veda teaches how to achieve purity of heart, getting rid of impurities.

The Vedas have been declared to be infinite and hence beyond the comprehension of common people. In the beginning there was only one Veda. To study it considerable time and effort were needed. Vyasa divided it into different parts to enable people to study as well as practice the teachings of the Veda. Out of the countless number of hymns, Vyasa gathered some Rks and compiled them in the Rg Veda, collected some yajus to form the Yajur Veda and some Samans to make up the Sama Veda.

The Rg Veda is mainly devoted to hymns in praise of various deities. The Yajur Veda consists of mantras for worshipping the deities. The mantras of the Yajur Veda are used in the performance of yagas and yajnas and in doing acts of charity. Each Veda has three sections: Brahmanas, Aranyakas and Upanishads.

The Vedic mantras were utilized in yagas and yajnas (ritual sacrifices) for promoting the well being of society and the world. They were intended to secure timely rains so that the crops may be good and there may be prosperity all round. The mantras, which form part of the Karma Kanda (the path of rituals), were regarded as conducive to the promotion of general well being and happiness.

The great sages who listened to these mantras as revelations from the Divine found the key to them in eight basic letters. All the Vedic mantras with their musical rendering were remembered by reflecting on the eight letters: "A, Ka, Cha, Ta, Tha, Pa, Ya, Sa." The great seers fostered the Vedas by the use of these letters.

Each of the Vedas had several saakhas (branches) and upasaakhas (sub-branches). Out of the 20 branches and 21 sub-branches of the Rg Veda, only three have survived today. Likewise out of 96 branches of Yajur Veda only two have survived the ravages of time. Sama Veda, which had 1000 branches, retains today only three branches.

What is meant by Veda? One meaning is eruka (awareness). Another is thelivi (intelligence). A third meaning is viveka (discrimination). All those who wish to develop discrimination should be deeply interested in the Vedas.

The Vedas have emphasized that man will be truly human only when he lives up to human values and practices the good life. The Vedas have a universal outlook, embracing all that is noble and sacred. They have taught the principle of samatwa (equality) in respect of everything. They have proclaimed the concept of oneness. They taught men to face joy and sorrow with equal serenity.

The Vedas have been mainly concerned with the Pravritti Marga (the Path of Action). All the different branches of knowledge--physics, chemistry, botany, economics, music, etc.--are covered by the Vedas. These are concerned with the external world. Hence the Vedas have been considered dualistic. Only the Upanishads have taught the Nirvritti Marga (the Path of Knowledge) by going within oneself. This means that, of the four Purusharthas, the four main goals of man- Dharma, Artha, Kama and Moksha--the Vedas have been concerned with only the first three.

The Upanishads declared that the nature of the Supreme can be grasped only by the Path of Knowledge. That knowledge is found in Vedanta. The Upanishads come at the end of the Vedas. The essence of all the Vedas is to be found in them. While Veda is dualistic, Vedanta is Advaita (nondualistic). It is only when you understand the essence of the Vedas as expounded in the Upanishads and put into practice the message of the Vedanta, you will realize the true meaning of Advaita (Non-dualism)”

Sorry about the long post but I thought that it would be useful to share with readers and students what I found on the WWW.


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To vkram

Post by vivekvshetty » Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:44 pm

Great answer, and yes our goal keeps on changing throughout life.

Awaiting answers to the other question, which you post at leisure. Let us not hurry this. everyone may answer even when the course has progressed far ahead.
because we will be coming back to this lesson again and again.
There are still many things to be added to this.


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Hi! Pittuchen

Post by vivekvshetty » Wed Jun 06, 2007 5:56 pm

We were wondering where you were.
Great answer and thank you for the info on Vedas.
Yes Veda mean knowlegde. It is something that revealed itself to Rishis (pronounced as RE of Repair AND she as in she) as they were in profound state of Meditation. So it has no authorship as such and the Rishis are only the revealers and not the authors of the Vedas. The Rishis had to sacrifice a great deal to manifest the Vedas in the world.


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Vedic Astrology lesson 1 Answers

Post by wintersmoontide » Thu Jun 07, 2007 4:19 pm

Q1: What is the goal or aim of your life?
I would like to be able to find out more about my destiny this lifetime.  To discover what strengths and weaknesses I have and how to become a better person for my own growth and to use that to help others in the world that may be lost.

Q2: What is your motivation for wanting to learn Astrology and in particular Jyotish?
Unlike Western astrology, I feel a strong pull and interest in Vedic Astrology.  Feels more like me.

Q3: What are your experience with Astrology and Astrologers?
I have taken a Vedic Astrology class in the past at a local metaphysical store. I really enjoyed it and learned so much about astrology and myself.  I would like to pick it back up and see where I can go with it this time.

Q4: What are the Vedas?
Not sure on how I would describe them.  Vedas, Ancient Indian Scriptures is the best thing I can say about them.

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Post by nnt » Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:04 pm

Q1: What is the goal or aim of your life?
The ultimate goal of my life is to enlighten myself.But I want to suck every marrow out of life so before I reach that goal I have these goals: Scientist/Inventor, Business Tycoon , Actor/Producer, Adventurer and if my mother Country India needs me I will be the president or prime minister.The most important thing for me is how many lives I can change positively.

Q2: What is your motivation for wanting to learn Astrology and in particular Jyotish?
My mother believes in Astrology a lot, and many things she used to tell me in the childhood have become true.I myself believe in it.And I have a keen interest in the astrology.Just like every science it has its benefits and it gives us an opportunity to guide and help someone.Moreover it gives us foresight.

Q3: What are your experience with Astrology and Astrologers?
I have good experiences with astrologers though I am only 18 but my mother knows few very odd astrologers who are not so famous and they do not even take money for it but I found that they had some amazing wisdom and persona.

Q4: What are the Vedas?
Vedas are part of ancient Arya knowledge or Indian knowledge. It is said that you need not to know anything if you know the Vedas. They are the deep secrets of this universe and their wisdom is infinite.Brahma (if my memory serves me right) is the creator of Vedas. There are four Vedas: Atharvaveda, yajurveda, samveda, rugveda. Rugveda is related to Kriya-kand. Atarvaveda is the oldest.Vedas have been part of Indian traditions since the beginning .It will be right to said that actually indian traditions are based on vedas which itself has the secretive positive impact on our life.I have all four vedas with me as a scripture form with translation but it does not have explanation or significance of particular stutras and suktas.

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Re: Vedic Astrology lesson 1 Answers

Post by vivekvshetty » Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:26 pm

Hi! wintersmoontide,
My response in green
wintersmoontide wrote:Q1: What is the goal or aim of your life?
I would like to be able to find out more about my destiny this lifetime.  To discover what strengths and weaknesses I have and how to become a better person for my own growth and to use that to help others in the world that may be lost.
Aim to become just a tool in the hands of God, so that help flows from you towards those who are lost in the wilderness. Never for a moment let this thought come to you that you can help anyone. Just say a silent prayer to 'Him', that you be used as a channel.

Q2: What is your motivation for wanting to learn Astrology and in particular Jyotish?
Unlike Western astrology, I feel a strong pull and interest in Vedic Astrology.  Feels more like me.

Q3: What are your experience with Astrology and Astrologers?
I have taken a Vedic Astrology class in the past at a local metaphysical store. I really enjoyed it and learned so much about astrology and myself.  I would like to pick it back up and see where I can go with it this time.

Q4: What are the Vedas?
Not sure on how I would describe them.  Vedas, Ancient Indian Scriptures is the best thing I can say about them.
Good answers, keep up your participation.


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Post by vivekvshetty » Fri Jun 08, 2007 4:40 pm

Namaskaar nnt,
my reponse in green.
nnt wrote:Q1: What is the goal or aim of your life?
The ultimate goal of my life is to enlighten myself.But I want to suck every marrow out of life so before I reach that goal I have these goals: Scientist/Inventor, Business Tycoon , Actor/Producer, Adventurer and if my mother Country India needs me I will be the president or prime minister.The most important thing for me is how many lives I can change positively.

If an enlightened being cannot do all the things you have listed out then who will want enlightenment?
My defination of enlightenment is -to be lightened of all the excess baggage people carry around in the form of concepts and preconceived notions. An enlightened being is very light and hence ready for whatever life throws at him/her, each moment is faced newly and freshly with no notions carried over to the next moment, living life here and now, always.

Q2: What is your motivation for wanting to learn Astrology and in particular Jyotish?
My mother believes in Astrology a lot, and many things she used to tell me in the childhood have become true.I myself believe in it.And I have a keen interest in the astrology.Just like every science it has its benefits and it gives us an opportunity to guide and help someone.Moreover it gives us foresight.
yes! it does give foresight, but you have to develop insight also.
Q3: What are your experience with Astrology and Astrologers?
I have good experiences with astrologers though I am only 18 but my mother knows few very odd astrologers who are not so famous and they do not even take money for it but I found that they had some amazing wisdom and persona.

Q4: What are the Vedas?
Vedas are part of ancient Arya knowledge or Indian knowledge. It is said that you need not to know anything if you know the Vedas. They are the deep secrets of this universe and their wisdom is infinite.Brahma (if my memory serves me right) is the creator of Vedas. There are four Vedas: Atharvaveda, yajurveda, samveda, rugveda. Rugveda is related to Kriya-kand. Atarvaveda is the oldest.Vedas have been part of Indian traditions since the beginning .It will be right to said that actually indian traditions are based on vedas which itself has the secretive positive impact on our life.I have all four vedas with me as a scripture form with translation but it does not have explanation or significance of particular stutras and suktas.
to translate the Veda borders on the impossible, and this is not our veiwpoint but of Sri Aurobindo. Read Sri Aurobindo's books on Vedas, this will give you an understanding of Vedas.

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Post by RishiRahul » Sat Jun 09, 2007 8:15 am

My reply to the questtion - Q1: What is the goal or aim of your life?... would be:=

In the journey through life one will, naturally, as said earlier by students, find their goals changing through time.
But the main goal of life should be only one, and undettered. The journey to better spirituality should be the main goal. It should be kept in mind that is a very time consuming thing.

This journey to spirituality could sound vague to many, young and old.

What in simple words I mean is:

Going through  and experiencing  the different contrasting colours of life, and yet trying/striving to be in healthy touch with your soul. This could be attained by learning to maintain a sense of hamony between the desires of the heart and mind, which, sometimes will seem to work in opposite directions. Only through the learnings through life one is able to understand themselves better( the balance between the mind and heart).

The more you achieve it the more lighter you feel ( quote VivekShetty:An enlightened being is very light and hence ready for whatever life throws at him/her, each moment is faced newly and freshly with no notions carried over to the next moment, living life here and now, always.).


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Post by nnt » Mon Jun 11, 2007 7:58 am

Namskar Vivekji.

You are right.My subconciese mind knows that but sometimes the conciese one forgets that...thank you for reminding me. Slowly it is becoming my reality and I am moving close and close to the one ,the oneness.

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Vedanga: Limbs of the Veda.

Post by vivekvshetty » Sat Jun 23, 2007 6:24 pm

It is said that to study and understand Vedas you have to be proficeint in the Vedangas.
The Vedangas are:

this shows the importance of Jyotish.
The Jyotish part of Vedanga is different from the present form of predictive Jyotish but this predictive Jyotish is a natural growth and branch of the Vedanga Jyotish.
Vedanga Jyotish primarily deals with finding the correct times for doing the rituals and ceremonies enjoined in the Veda.

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Post by heather ellsworth » Fri Aug 03, 2007 4:05 pm

I am new here but I can answer what Vedas is in my own words as I have read so much....If sanskrit is the oldest language and vedas is the oldest known spiritual teaching in sanskrit then this is the greatest eternal truths that have been given to us by noble ones who came here to get us started with the truth.  It is interesting what we have done with this truth through history to where there are just small fragments that can be seen of it by the time we expand and establish ourselves in the United States.  Some of here in the U.S. hear about it and immediately know this is the truth we were originally given the instant we read or hear it is as though we remember it from deep within.

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