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marie clay
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Post by marie clay » Sun Jul 22, 2007 1:25 pm

I am a lot more stressed due to family issues. This normally makes me more aware of 'spirits' as we call them. But Ive been sensing a person and its freaking me out. Its a woman with a blue/black face. And she always has her mouth open. Its horrid. I get a stronger sense of her in the living room and when Im on my computer I can sense her behind me. I sometimes see spirits but those are not frightening as this woman. Also I know my place is haunted anyway and I can normally sense a different woman near our front door in the hallway. This different woman doesnt bother me as she moves around and is often in the bathroom watching me have a sneaky ciggie or she talks to my daughter in bedroom {i can hear her through the baby monitor}. I just dont know why the 'evil' woman keeps bothering me. I always sense dread around her. Ive never sensed her before until a couple of weeks ago. Also my daughter is unsettled at night in the living room.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jul 28, 2007 4:36 pm

I believe you got a lot of answers on this one on the psychics board.  It really is about claiming our own space when we address the 'stuck' spirit around us.  

The more you know about your own abilities, the more it makes sense.  Have you read the lessons?  It is about understanding self, then going into exercises (meditations) that help us use the talents we have in psychic abilities.

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Post by Southern_Sky » Thu Aug 09, 2007 2:58 pm

Marie clay
I am new to visions or what ever you call this apparitions, however I am very sensitive about presences around me. Recently, I saw a spirit in my house and it's scare the crap out of me, not his present but his eyes. His eyes were like cat's eyes in the dark. For being the first spirit I ever see so real, it was real creepy. I prayed and beg God for his white light of protection and beg God to make him go away. Now that I have a better understanding of what took place, I wish I have more experiences so I could loose my fear and help these spirits out.

I believe that the spirit in your house needs help. Instead of feel fear, try to ask this woman in which way you can help her. She use your child since children are more simple minds then grown ups, their minds are clear from stress, bills, job etc. Take a deep breath ask God for protection and then ask this woman, talk to her, trust me she is listening. Find out about her, she is trying to get your attention for a reason. In the other hand, I have a strong impression that she died of strangulation or sufocate and not necesarely inside your house. Try to find out the story of your house or the lot where your house it's at. Make a note of the times that she show up, what rooms she is most seen at, days, how she dress and what she does. Study her for at least 5 days. Then do your questioning towards her. Talk to her like you talk to alive people. Remember this, spirits used to be people like us therefore there is no reason to treat them diferently. You have the right to set your boundaries and claim your house, use it. Hope this helps :)

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Aug 13, 2007 2:36 pm

It is not very wise to open yourself to communication with an uncomfortable spirit.  But there are ways to take charge.  That is what claiming and owning your own space is all about.  Do the rituals that send them to the light.  In that way you can clean up your own environment.  If the ones you consider OK go too, this is also good.  NO spirit entities should remain 'stuck' to the earth.  And we do not have to open to them to do what is necessary.

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re: help

Post by thunderponi » Thu Aug 23, 2007 5:41 pm

I have had similar experiences. My sense is the spirit with the black and blue face was beaten to death. She is angry but not evil, still her presence is oppressive. She is upset that she didn't have help in her life to prevent that and so she has come to you for help. She can and will pass on but she seeks your help. My suggestion is to not use your own energy as that is very draining. Put the protective light of heaven around you and your house so intensely that it permeates every pour and cell it touches. Ask God to only allow those of the holiest and highest of heaven to dwell within your home and state that all others are not welcome. Lower energies will have to leave, stuck spirits included. Then visualize the light of heaven around this spirit and ask the angels to help her find her way home. They will help her immediately find her way to heaven, which is what she needs.

Just a suggestion based on what my teacher has taught me.

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spirit question (I think..)

Post by xsilver_moonx » Wed Oct 17, 2007 10:57 pm

I know this will sound crazy but i have had this 'spirit' i guess in my head for months now.At first i thought it was just my imagination or random thoughts.But eventually he started taking on his own personality and commenting on things i did.I thought i was just experiencing delusion from stress but then weird things started happening.Our Tv started changing channels when no one was near it or touching the remote.Window shades went up by themselves and our doorbell rang at random times.(we checked, the doorbell is not broken and no one was ringing it). Then he started telling me things before they happened and I started having dreams that predicted things.Even weirder is that I started draining batteries.I went through five packs of brand new duracel batteries one day.Even now he ( i refer to him as he because he refuses to give me a name.He says its for 'my own good') is helping me write this.I have no idea whats going on.Since he came into my head.I've seen shadow people,  and these weird small beings, i'm not exactly sure what they are and other things.

Can somebody please give me advice?

I don't want him to leave, i just want to understand.
He has told me he is not an angel but not a demon either.Every time I ask him his name he says I already know it.

Can anyone help me?

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Post by sidewalk_bends » Wed Oct 17, 2007 11:09 pm

Riddle me this. If a demon was a demon, would he let you know or would he deceive? Deception does not have to be given in lies. It can be given in half truths. Even if he was not a demon, why would a spirit want to live it's life through you, unless he did not want to leave this life? His life is his life and your life is your life unless you invite him into it.

Command him in the name of the One true God of love and light that he leave you be unless he is sent by God. Your choice.

take it easy.

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Post by VixieDoll » Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:29 am

Ok, look, demons will deceive but not all are bad as not all are good. If he is living through you that means he's picked you as a familiar. Demons aren't that of satan, nor that of god. They are the betrayers of both. I don't think he wants to hurt you, but I think you should insist on the name. Has anyone close to you died? Like a childhood friend? Point is, banishing him will do no good. Once you're a familiar it will be hard to deal without your leech. <--sorry if this offends---

Think of him as your guide. He'll probably do his best to protect you, but like all. . . for a fee. A daily dose of your essence is all he needs. Be careful though, he might/will perhaps get greedier and take more than is needed. In order to gain control in this relationship you have to learn his name(which is why most don't give out their names). Its like an access code.

Look at it this way you both provide from each other. To one another its like you both are drugs. If he went away it would feel like being addicted to heroine and suddenly been cut off. Same with him. . . if you cut yourself off to him, then he would have to search fast for another or suffer an agonizing death (which he had probably gone through multiple times before. If that is so you might have known him in a past life and your scent is similar, making him think you're one and the same. Hmm. . . need to think about that too. . .).

um. . . well. . .yeah. . . no more I can say for I really can't say anymore.
Last edited by VixieDoll on Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Help

Post by VixieDoll » Sat Nov 17, 2007 3:32 am

marie clay wrote:I am a lot more stressed due to family issues. This normally makes me more aware of 'spirits' as we call them. But Ive been sensing a person and its freaking me out. Its a woman with a blue/black face. And she always has her mouth open. Its horrid. I get a stronger sense of her in the living room and when Im on my computer I can sense her behind me. I sometimes see spirits but those are not frightening as this woman. Also I know my place is haunted anyway and I can normally sense a different woman near our front door in the hallway. This different woman doesnt bother me as she moves around and is often in the bathroom watching me have a sneaky ciggie or she talks to my daughter in bedroom {i can hear her through the baby monitor}. I just dont know why the 'evil' woman keeps bothering me. I always sense dread around her. Ive never sensed her before until a couple of weeks ago. Also my daughter is unsettled at night in the living room.
Um. . . be careful with sending them into the light kind of spells. Even though a person stuck to the earth is not a good thing, if you do it wrong (even by accident) it could make her angrier. My familiar had a problem like this, but his little brother seem to get along with this spirit. Granted my familiar treats his little brother like crap ("because that's what my siblings did to me, now its his turn!") so naturally the person and the brother had hatred and unresolved issues in common.
Soon the man was tormenting my familiar and I couldn't let that happen. My familiar tends to be susceptible to spirits following him. This one wasn't good. . . not only anger, but a rapist. The little brother told us. We also found out that the little brother was making deals with said man. It was upsetting, but the light spell went terribly wrong because my familiar was not giving his all to save his brother. IT got mad. . . very mad. . .
As days went by he gradually got bored with the brother and didn't bother us. Now something more terrible is terrorizing my familiar and his sister.

Talking won't really help, for they are not that rational about being dead, or just really don't care about the living. This woman, I think, isn't trying to harm you. . . keyword is "trying". I think her mouth is open for a reason. Like eating you have to open your mouth. In order for them to become stronger they need live essence. Some just act normal and sit close to you. . . some are so weak they need their mouth open.
All the same, just put up a barrier or a protection charm to ensure your essence is in one place.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:47 pm

VixieDoll wrote:Ok, look, demons will deceive but not all are bad as not all are good. If he is living through you that means he's picked you as a familiar. Demons aren't that of satan, nor that of god. They are the betrayers of both. I don't think he wants to hurt you, but I think you should insist on the name. Has anyone close to you died? Like a childhood friend? Point is, banishing him will do no good. Once you're a familiar it will be hard to deal without your leech. <--sorry if this offends---

Think of him as your guide. He'll probably do his best to protect you, but like all. . . for a fee. A daily dose of your essence is all he needs. Be careful though, he might/will perhaps get greedier and take more than is needed. In order to gain control in this relationship you have to learn his name(which is why most don't give out their names). Its like an access code.

J: &nbsp;NEVER welcome anyone into your consciousness that you are not sure is there for your own best good. &nbsp;There are the uneducated and unhealthy in spirit, just as in life. &nbsp;WHY would you open your door to a thief, when it is possible to keep it locked against that behaviour? &nbsp;The same applies here - why open your the door to your own consciousness to the ones not there for your own best good? &nbsp;

There are many techniques to reach our own special partnership spirit guide (there for our own best good) because it is all energy work and each of us resonates differently. &nbsp;Finding the right spirit guide is done with a symbol to welcome their input. &nbsp;Welcoming anyone else is just plain folly!

Look at it this way you both provide from each other. To one another its like you both are drugs. If he went away it would feel like being addicted to heroine and suddenly been cut off. Same with him. . . if you cut yourself off to him, then he would have to search fast for another or suffer an agonizing death (which he had probably gone through multiple times before. If that is so you might have known him in a past life and your scent is similar, making him think you're one and the same. Hmm. . . need to think about that too. . .).

um. . . well. . .yeah. . . no more I can say for I really can't say anymore.
There are way too many do-it-yourself types willing to lead the unsuspecting down a path of the good, the bad, the ugly without any real knowledge that all are not of the light. &nbsp;As a medium you want to only address those of the light.

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