I dont know if I am a medium or not. Could I be?

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I dont know if I am a medium or not. Could I be?

Post by Confusedreamer » Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:36 am

I have had experiences that lead me to believe I may have some medium ability.

I have always had the ability to feel someone walk into the room. I can just sense or feel a change of energy. Its almost like when someone turns on the t.v. or computer screen and you can feel the energy coming from it. For example I was sitting with my back to the door way and I was talking to one of my sisters when I just felt someone at the door frame. I was about 6 feet from it. I said to my sister this is going to sound weird but I feel like someone is in the door way and there probably isn't. I turned just as I said this to see my mom standing in the door way. I do this all the time. And sometimes when I feel someone walk in I am completely alone. No one has, well know one I can physically see.

I have also spoken to things not there. (I don't want to come off sounding nuts.) A few years ago I was in my room upstairs messing with my radio when I heard my name being called down stairs. I figured I was imaging it because who hasn't thought they heard their name called but was wrong. I then heard it again. This time I answered back, "What." It yelled back, "Come here!" I said, "One moment." I first asked my sister who was upstairs with me if it was her and she told me it wasn't. I then went down stairs to find out no one was talking to me. I tried to push this incident to the back of my mind.

But about 6 months ago I heard my name called again. I figured it was my mom calling me. Sometimes when she sees the computer room light on she will call out to see who it is. I called back with no answer. So I went to go see what she needed. She was a sleep I just figured she called it out in a dream. I headed to the kitchen for a drink of water when I hear the same female voice talking softly as if she is telling a joke and then laughing. I walk to where I heard it but nothing was there. It was the same female voice for a few years before. And it always seems to come from the bottom of the stairs.

Then about a month ago I was at work using the vacuum when I heard what I thought was my grandma screaming my name loudly, like she needed help fast. I dropped the vacuum and went running for her. It was not her. She was in a totally different corridor from me. We had closed off doors between us. And I was alone in that part of the building.

It always seems to be a female voice playing with me. I have also seen things.

I was in the computer room and out of the corner of my eye I see what I thought was my dad walk into the frame of the door way and stop. I figured he was trying to scare me. So to get him back I figured I would pretend to not see him and when he tried to scare me I would not move. I waited about 10 minutes before I realized the figure was wearing a black trench coat. My dad doesn't owe one of them. I turned to look at it and it was gone. Then about 2 weeks later I saw it at work for a split second. I have not seen him in about 3 years.

Then about a year ago I woke out of a dead sleep and looked over at my book shelve to see a small boy about 3. He kinda like like an outline form of him. The longer I stared the stronger he started to form. I forced myself to go to bed because it scared me so bad. (A few weeks ago I was talking about this and my youngest sister started telling me about a boy she use to dream about. She describe him and he matched my boy to a T. She could of not known about my experience because my parents didn't want me to tell her  because they were afraid she would become scared.)

And also when we first moved into this house I would be on the verge of sleep when I would feel someone walk up to the side of my bed real fast stop and lean over really fast. Like someone leaning over and putting there nose to yours. It would shock me awake. This went on for a few months.

Now if you have kept on reading to this point I thank you. Here is my questions. Does this sound like a medium to you? Am I crazy? And if I do have some abilities how do I go about developing them? I am 23 and the activity didn't really start till I was about 18. I seem to be the family member who gets it the most in the house.

Any responses would be wonderful!


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Post by DragonKnight » Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:19 am

Reading over this tell me that you are empathic i have recieved your pm and i have a friend of mine that has passed on that i think will come visit you.

When you see a monarch butterfly you will know.

Right stright into it how to develop mediumship skills.

First of all you need the gift if you dont have it then this will be of no use to you.

One of the first barriers to over come is the belief that there is a past life for spirits big and small to become more aware of this you need to discard self fear fear of others and fears of alteriar motives. Take thisgs at face value.

You also need to learn more about other entities that are arround in the world and on the other side which i will refer to as astral.

There is a system in place in the spirit world [astral] it is all based on the astral entities size. You being with the living those spirits that are bound to the physical world. it begins with the earth she is the provider of all life on this planet with the help of the sun, as without light there is no life. The rocks that are on the road the crystals that grow deepwithin the earths crust are the humblest most simplistic of all creatures.

Then we move up to plants, they live and learn from and within their own enviroment, just ask a tree how go es thing over in egypt? "how would i know im right here right now" they have seen and lernt but they arent all knowing.

Then we have our animals and we get into social structure, ask a bird whos the leader? "the biggest of course"

Now as you see the common theme you come to astral entities, those that have lived and dies and now reside on the othere side.

There is a system here also You have to take into account the constants of good and evil haven and hell. When a person dies their spirit lives on and the soul passes over. When a spirit is incarnate it is ether a new spirit creating a new soul or an old spirit creating a new soul to add to its soul group.

A soul group is the sum of all souls that a spirit has had over its life time since it was created. Hence we get the notion of past lives.

To see a spirits soul group you spin a rolladex and you can count how many past lives that spirit has had.

Some spirits have lost past live or in another way of saying it back souls that are destined to goto hell at the end of day. To get a picture of this you visulise a wheel that you pin and you will see the quota of souls.

In the astal the are many entities that range from small to humongous. A small entitie would be one of an animal a large one would be one of a deva [immortal spirit] Within that structure you have good and evil demons and angels so to speak.

With demons they can confuse and disrupt life to the point of making it unberable. Now just to put that in contxt its like a astral being that has hitchhiked on a living spirit that shouts foul mesages at you while you think that the living is the source. That is why most astal connections have to be taken at face value, not saying that telepathic communication is impossible it is just that many people refuse to accect that the mind can actuall function in that sort of capicity.

With all thaqt behind us, how do we develope our gift

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Post by DragonKnight » Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:20 am

First of all would be to open you third eye.
Third eye
Step one
Reach a blank state of mind

step two
Visualise a wheel in front of your face that is dark blue [if you cant see this then picture an out line and steadly change the black to blue]

step three
see a closed white outline of an eye and then open it [what you will see through it is a black space with a vision of other open eyes arround your open eye]

seccond is to find your astal size here is a good meditation to help with that

Batting for the fence
This meditation allows for the spiritual capacity of the energy body to expand. This meditation is partucually usefull to see spiritual progress as it gives you a guage as to how far you have grown over time this can be done by any one.

Step one
When your mind has settled and you mind is focused open your third eye and look through it. After you have begun looking through it i want you to sense the bounds of the bubble of spiritual energy that you have created by being in the right space of mind.

Step two
Open you major chakras and watch your energy expand when you feel as if you have peak i want you to try and force the bubble of energy arround you to become bigger. Now think of the block you live on and think of a few diffrent points that you can try aim and expand your energy bubble past.

Step three
Over time you can acctually make a bubble large enough to cover the whole city, the country you live in and then the world, one would in theory be able to expand his energy arround the universe.

Thirdly would be to energise your primay centers
Primary chakra clearing
This is a basic meditation that clears all major chakras. This meditation can be done while walking or sitting just as long as you can concentrate long enough to complete it

Step one
Crate a sphere of light above you head filling it with one of the major chakra colours, it best to start with the bottom or the top.

Step two
When this ball is created have it descend into your body as it does it flushes the major chakra, fills your whole body with colour of that light and fills your aura with that colour.

Step three
While maintaining the previous color in you aura and body, repeat steps one and two untill all primary colour have been used and to finish off complet one more this but this time use a golen light.

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Understanding what you see

Post by DragonKnight » Tue Jan 15, 2008 1:24 am

To understand what you see its not like you really see the person standing there mostly you begin to see them as a shaddow figure thats standing there often you will fell the presence of the arstal being.

To get a better feel of the spirit you ask it to come closer in some cases the spirit will enter you when that happens you are full channeling the spirit.

With a little bit of guess work you can gether details about the spirit. that is mostly just asking it questions so that you can get a better idea of who and what the spirit is what it has done where it is what is is feelling and so on.

The most important thing to remember is that this is just like creating a relation shi[p with a peron in the physical life. They do have memories and the do talk with each other wether you are aware of it or not.

With that i think you have most of the tools that you need to become more aware of your gift.

Please post questions as ild love to help you out

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Post by Confusedreamer » Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:41 pm

I am confused on this:

[what you will see through it is a black space with a vision of other open eyes arround your open eye]

What am I suppose to be seeing?

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Post by Confusedreamer » Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:43 pm

I also have this problem of when I try to visualize I tend to see nothing but black. When I get so frustrated I start to dream and fall a sleep is when I start seeing. But by then I am one step from sleep.

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Post by Briony » Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:06 pm

I have had some experiences like this. I believe we are all mediumistic. It sounds like you've come across a gift that should be taken seriously. Don't force these issues, I find we are meant to understand things when we are ready. If you are mediumistic you will be able to fine tune your skills, some of us feel them before we see them. Some see hear and smell. Some are good at finding missing people. With me, It's their feelings they impress on me, I sometimes have to tell them to stop and set boundaries. Bless your room or home,better yet the bottom of the stairs an official cleansing is good for you and the spirit. Then ask the spirit to  convey to you it's intention or what it wants, in away that you can understand. I light a candle with a special scent for this purpose and tell them it is all right to converse but only when the candle is lit. I usually trust my gut feelings, only do what you are comfortable with,you could tell that spirit theres no need to shout, that your listening. I find most harmless beings will listen to your rules in your house human or otherwise. hope this helps  :smt006

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Post by DragonKnight » Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:11 pm

Its symbolic of you opening you third eye and begining to realise that you have the ability of seeing more than just dead spirits as such.

It a meditation that helps you to become more consistant with what you are seeing and also more connected to you higher self.

I think i may have jumped the gun a little ther but i think that with a basic colour therapy method would suit you great.

If you dont really like the idea of meditation you can just work at disipling you mind. There are several methods that can help achieve this, one is just have a session where you just begin thinking about all the stuff that is going on for you and letting the thoughts flood in. The key to that is to let them roll and dont think into what you are thinking about be it an emontion you are feeling or a series of thoughts about a past BF or something. Try to be really subjective.

Another metod is to sit in a reclining chair, close your, eyes and slowly slow your thoughts down to a crawl, almost to the point that they are no exsitant.

Ive taught energy work to a few friends of mine and i think there is a method here that can work for you which i an empathic method which strays away from conventional visualisation and allow you trying to feel the Actual energy instead of visualising.

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Post by DragonKnight » Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:53 pm

It kind of goes like this this is a good method for those that find it hard to visualise and it can really hasten your spiritual development, this is for energy sensitive and many others that feel that they can protray there awareness out side of their body. [ in due course you third eye will open.]

Energy creation and manipulation.

Energy creation.
Begin by feeling that you are holding a ball in you hand, try to be consciess of a samll weight or sensation there.
Feel the ball geting denser and denser, then just throw it.
Work on each time ceating a ball that is bigger and more dense than the last.

Enery Manipulation.
This required use of energy hand [moving your hand with out moving your hands]
Feel a new ball one that you feel is a ball of white light and then float that ball foreward about 2-3 ft infornt of you.
Mould the ball in to a shape any shape with you want with you hands, say a rabbit or some thing.
Fell the moulded energy become more dense as it fills with light highlighting all aspects of it.
Then blow it up, and try to feel the energy as it brushes past you, the shockwave.

Using this method to work the chakras is very effective as you are not just visyualising the energy you are actually using it to clense and fluch you body.

To begin this you need to become aware of the earth as in healing you want to draw on a large power source to supplement the energy used to heal and energy work [note this is a feeling exercise]

Earth chakra clense.
Fell the earth below you sense her presence.
Begin to draw up enrgey from her and create a ball of light below you feet.
As you begin to fell this ball develop into a strong enough focre draw it up wards with your spiritual hands.
As you bring it up let it pass into your root chakra felling the energy expanding and clearing that chakra as it passes into it.
[the sensation may be dramatic or it may just be a minor musscle twitch, but feel it none the less]
have the ball continue traveling up you body felling it open and clear each chakra as you go along.
When it reaches the top of you head move on to the next step

Primary chakra energy closer and clearer
[The function of this is to seal in the energy and close the chakras so that dark energy cannot remanifest into them.{excep if it is hard wired}]
Feel a firment of light above you head[this can apper to be the surface of water as you break through it from below.]
As it descends down over your head feel it sealing in the energy into your chakras and puching darker energys down.
Dont let it stall at each chakra just keep it pushing its way down fluching you out.
When it reaches the bottom of you [from head to toe] feel all you chakras closed
Relax take a few deep breaths and cherrie ho all done

This clenser is particually usefull as a warm down method after any spiritual outing [astral travel etc]

Now coming back to hard wired darkness, usually this is a recod of your current and past expirences that have had a negative influence on you life. Just for now try and work arround these as over time and with energy development these blockages will release them selves i just takes a little commit ment.

And back on the topic of mediumship there is something i feel compelled to say about astral relationships. First of all Find A Spirit Guide there are many meditaions out there that help you find that spirit out there that is just waiting to show you the way, help you understand the spirit world personal to you. These being are essentually people so whty should in turn treat them as such and base our telepathic conversations on that notion.

I started of with a dead friend of mine who i asked to come and help me when i was at a really low point im my life, now i can say that in the beginning that i treated him with the most intrest i just asked for his help and expected him to make all my dreams come true. It has taken me all most a year to build r relation ship to the pont that it is a now. Weve been through a lot now togther him watching me unfold in my life and i having fun bouncing spritual ideas of of him. Hes even taught me a few energy meditaions

Keep the posts coming im glad to help DK

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Post by DragonKnight » Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:58 pm

Briony wrote:I have had some experiences like this. I believe we are all mediumistic. It sounds like you've come across a gift that should be taken seriously. Don't force these issues, I find we are meant to understand things when we are ready. If you are mediumistic you will be able to fine tune your skills, some of us feel them before we see them. Some see hear and smell. Some are good at finding missing people. With me, It's their feelings they impress on me, I sometimes have to tell them to stop and set boundaries. Bless your room or home,better yet the bottom of the stairs an official cleansing is good for you and the spirit. Then ask the spirit to  convey to you it's intention or what it wants, in away that you can understand. I light a candle with a special scent for this purpose and tell them it is all right to converse but only when the candle is lit. I usually trust my gut feelings, only do what you are comfortable with,you could tell that spirit theres no need to shout, that your listening. I find most harmless beings will listen to your rules in your house human or otherwise. hope this helps  :smt006
Becoming a more adept medium is just a part of a persons spiritual development if you become more contemplative and less subjective you will find that all ares of you like incease as with learning stuff concerning spirit how thirsty are you?

But yes you are very correct with setting rules and barriers.

I just think that one can always come back to learn what they have forgotten

As it is said all truth becomes relative to/withing time and space

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:26 pm

All mediumship begins with personal responsibility to the work.  It does take work to enhance and train any of our talents.  Start with the tools of our own consciousness as this is for strength and empowerment of self.  This is important before allowing the talents of spirit to come forward to awareness.

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Post by DragonKnight » Wed Jan 23, 2008 10:59 pm

Well said

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help i think i am to

Post by lilmnfshrman » Tue Feb 05, 2008 2:57 am

i have something in my house i came see him and feel him around me. i have had a talk with him over a radio. and i think that im a Medium. can you help me

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Feb 05, 2008 4:12 pm

If you are open to spirit realms (talking with a spirit) then you need to Take Charge, learn more, before trying any contact.  A house clearing is in order when we have 'stuck' spirit.  Any spirit that can talk to you over a radio is an earth bound soul and may need help seeing and going into the light.

For rituals on this let me know.

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