Has anyone here been able to "block" their ability to see spirits?

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Has anyone here been able to "block" their ability to see spirits?

Post by shameaz » Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:36 am

Hi Everyone,

I've been wondering this for a long time.  From as far back as I can remember (as young as 3) I could see spirits.  I remember at that age having several (6-8) 'glowing white' older men standing encircling my bed just looking at me.  I also saw spirits during the day.  They never scared me...in fact, I guess I thought it was normal.  However, I had some very negative (scary, threatening physical contact) things that happened and after that, I became very fearful of them.  Since then, I no longer see them but can still "feel" them when they are around (or feel them sit on the side of my bed).  I can pick up if they are male, female, light, dark, etc.  I wish I didn't fear them, as I know this has kept me from seeing departed loved ones, but don't know how to not fear them.

I've also had rare instances of 'seeing' future events (usually negative or times of life change).  My problem is that when I feel/see it happening I try to focus and it goes away.  I'm also very empathic.

Do these 'abilities' equal being psychic?

My daughter (now 16) used to be able to see them when she was young, but now only hears them (except for sometimes seeing shadow people).  She has also always seen auras & is also empathic.

Thanks for any input!

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:40 pm

Knowledge is power!  The more you know, the less there is to fear.  You have to come to some sort of understanding and Knowledge re: spirit and guides.  Perhaps reading up on Mediumship Development and its many topics will help bring that knowledge and allow the fears to recede.

No one totally turns it off.  Ignoring it does not make it go away.  We can focus more on material pursuits and eliminate its input.  Ignoring it will eventually have the guides back off as you don't listen and attune.

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Thanks Spirtalk :)

Post by shameaz » Wed Jan 23, 2008 8:06 pm

I know you're right.  I guess my fear in developing is that the negative ones will appear as well.  (Like with everything, there is positive and negative.)  I know that one can (and should) protect themselves first, but I don't know if that will stop them from trying to interact with you.  (Can you tell I REALLY don't like the negatvie ones? LOL)

It hasn't totally gone away...I can still tell when they are around and get some details mentally of them.  I just don't physically see them anymore.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:55 pm

Knowledge will teach you some techniques to contact those who love and guide you with kindness, not negativity.  That is a part of the journey.  

When we have a talent, skill, ability it is for us to learn about it and then practice to hone its abilities.  (This is why I don't like to call psychic or mediumship a gift - gifts are given while talents can and should be addressed as learning and growing).

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Post by indigomyst » Sun Jun 08, 2008 12:16 am

you can shut yourself right down so that your not giving as much light off to the spirit world, then you wont attract as many.

but if you learn more about spirit and your skils then you are less afraid and see it for the beauty it is.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jun 08, 2008 1:51 pm

It never goes away - no matter how much we live our life in material vibration and denial of the spirit.  As it is a skill given to us, it is within us as a part of our being human.  We can deny it.  We can ignore it.  We can not get rid of it.  

Hence, the best action is knowledge - the more we know, the better we handle it.

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Post by digitalmystical » Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:16 am

I have always been able to to see and experience spirits.  There have been a few times when I seemed to lose the ability to see them but could still sense them and it corresponded with times that let fear cloud my mind.  When I let go of the fear and realized that if I only sent out positive energy that I would also only receive positive energy.  I would guess that if you could release yourself from all the fear from prior negative experiences, that you would be able to see spirits again.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jun 26, 2008 3:25 pm

As stated it never goes away.  But it also does not remain static.  The more you work with spirit, the More it can change - as in new spirit guides and new abilities opening.  

Fears take away from all our experiences.  Controlling your own fears is a measure of your own spirituality in the abilities.  If you trust God is with you, how can anyone be against you?

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Post by J&A_Hernandez_2007 » Wed Jul 30, 2008 5:48 pm

I have never been able to completely turn off my ability but I can control it in some ways. If a spirit comes to me and I don't really want to deal with them at the moment I ask them to come back at another time. And that usually works with me. If I sense that the spirit is a bad one, I tell it to leave and not come back and that too works for me as well. Everyone has their own method of dealing with it. With time, you will be able to handle the situation in our own way.
Last edited by J&A_Hernandez_2007 on Mon Aug 04, 2008 12:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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It Can Be "Taught" Out Of Us Too.

Post by JewelOfTheSouth » Sat Aug 02, 2008 7:03 am

This is what I mean. When we are young, we have no concept of boundries reguarding spirit and communication, and when we begin to say things, see things, and so on, many times, as was my case, your parents or others will tell you that your imagination is running away with you. It is a fact that anything we do 15-21 times becomes a habit, therefore..... when you hear it over and over again, you begin to shut down and attune more to the mundane and less to the spiritual realm. You begin to doubt what you hear and see. These are old tapes that many of us have to get past in order to re-attune to our angels, guides and so on. People train you in things they are not afraid of and also restrict you from things they ARE afraid of. For instance: If science cannot prove it, they say it doesn't exist...... however, we know it certainly does. Just because we were trained to ignore our talents, does not make them amy less real or viable. Religion in many families is a number one killer of our will to use our talents. Some religions simply do not allow for anyone to have talents such as these without saying we are possesed, etc.... I know I'm new here, but I hope this helps. Please try to re-align in love with those who love and guide you and you will find that you are exactly who you should be and not what you were trained to be.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Aug 02, 2008 3:14 pm

My mother passed to spirit at 85.  She spent her lifetime denying any psychic/sensitivities but it would manifest in the darndest ways.  She thought it to be negative and did not want to learn more.  Had she actually examined what she had it might have given her comfort.  What a waste of talent!

Yes, we can deny it (there is my proof of it) but it will remain and burst forth in many ways when we least expect it to happen.

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Post by AnaCaro » Mon Aug 04, 2008 6:47 pm

"I guess my fear in developing is that the negative ones will appear as well.  (Like with everything, there is positive and negative.)  I know that one can (and should) protect themselves first, but I don't know if that will stop them from trying to interact with you."


I feel very similar to you in your feelings of negative and positive energies. I have learned that my perception of what I experience with another entity and person is very important in determining the outcome of that experience. I too am empathic like you and I have realized that everything I feel is because it is inside of me regardless if it is a live person or passed on. My perception has changed so that i can live in harmony my ability to experience the spirit world in relation to my spiritul purpose. I know that any darkeness will harm me if I attach myself to it or allow my own negative feelings to dominate the experience. If you spend time feeling another person you may end up feeling their negative energy as well as positive meaning their sadness or anger and also their happiness and compassion. But in the process of feeling their sadness your feelings will resignate with your feelings by choice whether it is also sadness, fear... it is up to you to either block it, release it, ask for healing, transform it whatever your spiritual purpose is in that experience. But you have control on how you perceieve what you encounter and so your experience of it is then created. Your future and the unknown is revealed. Being empathic and psychic has taught me that my lessons will be centered on balancing my lower and higher aspetcs, my animal instincts and my higher self. So it is up to me to take the right steps when I encounter a spirit or person and to chose whether I want to focus on their pain, my own pain or to transform it by working with God...I know in my reality that we are all a part of God no matter what our lessons or feelings are.

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Post by looking_glass » Mon Aug 04, 2008 6:55 pm

spiritalk wrote:My mother passed to spirit at 85.  She spent her lifetime denying any psychic/sensitivities but it would manifest in the darndest ways.  She thought it to be negative and did not want to learn more.  Had she actually examined what she had it might have given her comfort.  What a waste of talent!

Yes, we can deny it (there is my proof of it) but it will remain and burst forth in many ways when we least expect it to happen.
Hi Spiritalk. Thanks for sharing. I had a question. Why would it be a waste of talent? Do you not believe that we all still contribute to this grand experiment even in the next life?

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:02 pm

Oh yes, I do!  Very much so!  It just seemed to me that if she had started earlier, communication and spirit realms would make a bit more sense to her on her transition.  We are here to learn and grow.  Denial keeps the lessons at bey til we are ready to address them - this side or the next.

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Post by looking_glass » Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:56 pm

Thanks for spiritalk.

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