Has anyone here been able to "block" their ability to see spirits?

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i have been able to turn off the site

Post by 3eyesofwisdom » Tue Sep 16, 2008 4:37 pm

I have seen dead people for years. It has scared me, bothered me, and intrigued me. I am coming into even more abilities now. I have begun working with spirit guides, angels and my higher power. A lot of power is in what we believe in. I asked my higher power to stop my site until it is useful. At this time it is just disturbing. Ever since I asked I haven't seen them. If you believe in a higher power, whatever you may call it, ask for help and guidance. Also ask for protection. Archangel michael is wonderful for protection. There are also protective exercises you can do yourself. I am not sure what you have tried. If you don't believe in angels, then work with what you believe in. I need to go. If your interested I will write more later.

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Post by cedars » Thu Nov 20, 2008 11:07 pm

Bad Spirits:
Can you give some examples of 'bad' spirits are, please?
What is bad about them? What do they do that is bad? How badly do they affect their appearance/presence to you when they do?
I have been taught all spirit come in a place of purity and there is no 'badness' about them.

would like to hear some of your experiences of what 'bad' is.
Thank you.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:10 pm

*   *   *   *7 spheres of the Afterlife(as generally described)...

Level 1:  Animal level.  Animals are found in other levels to add to our pleasure and comfort.  But they do not have the same soul progression as humans so their home is within the first sphere.  

Level 2:  Dark unenlightened level devoid of natural comforts.  This is the place where undeveloped spirit go.  Those who chose negative, selfish, abusive lives and are not ready to release themselves from this vibration find darkened surroundings.  

Level 3:  It is most similar to the earth plane and is the place where those who have lived a decent life on earth gravitate.  Also, you will find that children are here regardless of how they lived, because they are not held accountable for their choices the same as adults.  This level is pleasant and those who live there can create homes and other comforts that suit their light.  What spirit inhabitants build corresponds to the condition of their soul at arrival and will change as they progress.

Level 4:  This sphere is closely related to the 3rd but is a bit more refined.  It is for those who have advanced spiritually while on earth and upon being in spirit realms.

Level 5, 6, 7:  These spheres are graduated toward higher spiritual attainments.  The higher spheres work on a higher vibration of energy.  We lose the associations we have with the earth plane and it physical comforts.  Within these spheres spirit becomes more like light and positive energy.  Earthly, physical aspects disappear, as they are no longer needed.

*   *   *   *

All spirit goes to the spirit realms. And there are several spheres to which the soul gravitates by its own personal lessons of spirituality.  That is what defines the soul's progress and attainment of light.

If a soul has given little to no thought to spirituality, they could and probably will remain in the animal level until the mind is opened to the possibilities and potential of spirit existence.  These are referred to as the 'stuck' spirit because they have no way of seeing the light of progressive spirit.

Some label these as evil - but for the most part they are just the ones closest to the earth plane and capable of manipulating earth plane energies because that is where their own personal attention remains.  Uneducated would be a better term for their condition of spirit.

"I have been taught all spirit come in a place of purity and there is no 'badness' about them."

I am sorry to say this is unrealistic to the nature of human beings.  We are not all created equal in our pursuits of happiness or life's experiences.  Being spirit has no purity attached to it.  Purity and spirituality are earned by our own personal efforts.

There are the good, the bad, the ugly just as in earth plane life.  The distinctions are more pronounced in spirit form and we must gravitate ONLY by our own own light.  No masks or other traits of human existence exist for spirit form.  Only our own efforts to spirituality are counted.

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Post by cedars » Fri Nov 21, 2008 7:38 pm

Thank you very, very much Spiritalk for a wonderful mini essay. Bless you.

Okay, when a medium says, "I trust what spirit is telling me and not you" to a member of the congregation, can we assume that the spirit he is in contact with is one that belongs to level, 5,6,7? What I have seen from mediums in spiritual chruches is that they trust spirit more than anyone else because they call them all sorts of saintly names..... Pure..... Clean... Loving...

Now that I am beginning to see there are 'bad' spirits.. hmmmmmmmm... the mind boggles.

When I do the pendulum, I have included in my 'programme' for the session to be "free from detrimental and negative energies." Also free from "lame and lazy spirits who have nothing better to do but interfere in my dowsing process/session."
So, there ARE spirits who can actually interfere and cause wrong information to be passed on?

I thought no matter what kind of life one lived on Earth, once they became spirit, they were purified...... hmmmmmm...... I guess that does not make sense, does it?

I loved your above explanation. Thank you, thank you very  much!!

Blessings to you.


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Post by spiritalk » Sat Nov 22, 2008 3:09 pm

cedars wrote:Thank you very, very much Spiritalk for a wonderful mini essay. Bless you.

Okay, when a medium says, "I trust what spirit is telling me and not you" to a member of the congregation, can we assume that the spirit he is in contact with is one that belongs to level, 5,6,7? What I have seen from mediums in spiritual chruches is that they trust spirit more than anyone else because they call them all sorts of saintly names..... Pure..... Clean... Loving...

J:  When a medium says things like that it is about their own ego - not spirit.  I will not judge another medium  - but you may have to wonder - what level does their spirit guide come from?  The law of attraction works succinctly to put the medium and their guide at the level both is capable of dealing with spirituality.

Now that I am beginning to see there are 'bad' spirits.. hmmmmmmmm... the mind boggles.

J:  The spirit realms are the continuity of life on the earth plane.  The good, the bad, the ugly all have a place.  But it doesn't have to be all together - it is more spread out in spirit realms - we are with our own kind - what we understand and practice in spirituality.

When I do the pendulum, I have included in my 'programme' for the session to be "free from detrimental and negative energies." Also free from "lame and lazy spirits who have nothing better to do but interfere in my dowsing process/session."
So, there ARE spirits who can actually interfere and cause wrong information to be passed on?

J:  The uneducated spirit (lazy is a good term - evil is not) are the ones who are still focused on the earth plane and have not moved into the light.  The reasons are varied and many but uneducated in spirituality is the key.  So, yes, there are spirits that can and do interfere in the good workings of mediumship.  It is for the medium to reach to the level they have best suited themselves to occupy with their spirit guide - law of attraction.

I thought no matter what kind of life one lived on Earth, once they became spirit, they were purified...... hmmmmmm...... I guess that does not make sense, does it?

J:  It is certainly not my belief.  We are who we are.  Why would an act of death change that?  There is a place for us all.  And the promise I live by is - eternal progress open to every human soul.  That means that none is stuck at any given place - they are all free to 'choose' to progress when ready to open to spirituality and more in the spirit realms.

I loved your above explanation. Thank you, thank you very  much!!

Blessings to you.

Read up on the seven principles of Spiritualism.  They contain a very progressive attitude to life now and always.

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Post by mystic67 » Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:30 pm

I think you can tune them out to some extent and maybe not seem them as much. I never have been someone that sees
them every where I go so I can't speak to that. But I see the occasional spirit here and there. I have never really asked that to stop and I never asked it to start either! I figure if they show up then I'll do my best to help them if I can. Or ask someone for
advice if I feel I can't help. But honestly the ones that have shown themselves to me, where very easy to get rid of!

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Post by mom2ericha » Sat Jan 17, 2009 4:01 pm

I don't know if I can block it or not, I think my fear has kept me from developing my skills, I will say that much. I am still fearful of this gift, but I have to admit I can't turn it off, sometimes I wish I could! The only time I get a little uncomfortable about it, lately, is if I sense something not quite "white", if it makes sense? Sometimes (not very often) I've had a sense of something not so nice, and then I stay clear. I guess spirits are like people, they come in good and bad, nice and not so nice. I haven't ever had an experience with a truly "evil" spirit, but at the house I grew up in, we had some areas of the house where I distinctly felt uncomfortable and possibly threatened. (The basement, the far back room. I felt instinctively like something violent had previously happened there and always sensed and even saw as a child, a black shadow back there. Even my brother who has no gifts (the men in our family don't seem to be sensitive like the women) he gets spooked down there. To this day he won't go down there without turning every light on in the basement and then leaving them on if it is dark out. He's a cop and carries a gun, yet he's scared! So...in answer to your question, I don't think I can turn mine on and off at will. Don't know about other people....

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:01 pm

Perhaps in learning more, the fears are diminished.  The more we know on any subject, the less the fears of the unknown.

In learning more, you will also learn to discriminate in who is invited in and who is dismissed.  Its like our home, we don't have to invite everyone in.

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Post by LittleSalt » Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:26 pm

it is my own beleif that as we awaken , the truth becomes more obvious..... and it is our choice to be awake, or go back to sleep. and this i beleive is the only way to tune it out. for we are spirit, and that is the truth. no gifts, no extra ordinary talents... just spirit.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:25 pm

Yes, LittleSalt it is spirit and we are spirit, even while encased in a physical/material body.  There in lies the concerns.  To contact the spirit within requires a quieting down of the material energies.

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Post by LittleSalt » Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:37 pm

indeed it is !

Hugs Littlesalt

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Post by Isoniahtar » Fri Jan 23, 2009 10:15 pm

I've been doing that for quite a while now. My problem is not that they might hurt me in some way, because I know they can't do that if I don't allow them, but it's that I'm like an emotional sponge: I take in their feelings and sometimes it's too much for me to handle. I have problems especially in places with a strong negative print. I don't see ghosts (any more at least, I'm not sure if I saw them or not when I was little), but I communicate (either through feelings, like I communicate with animals as well, or thourgh my Tarot cards - with which I always have conflicts - especially when my guardian angel is angry as well and I keep getting the same reading telling me I'm being stupid/ignorant/whiny/etc. and I should change. I sometimes have the feeling that spirits with a very bad sense of humour choose me to play their pranks on. I've read somewhere that if you feel unconditional love nothing can harm you. I am still trying to completely put that into practice, but i'm still quite afraid. The spirits around me know that I'm not ready to see them or to interact directly just yet. I still have some lessons to learn and people to meet, I can feel that.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jan 24, 2009 12:24 am

Working with spirit is the best way with our loving guides.  They are there to enhance our lives not to disrupt them.

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