How do you see spirits?

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Mar 08, 2009 2:38 pm

Those subtle connections are what you are comfortable with and can try to understand.  I would say it was spirit coming to bring comfort in your need.  BTW that makes you a psychic/medium after all.  

When you make an attunement with your own spirit guide YOU design your preferences.  I do not wish to see spirit up front in my face, so they come more subtly to me as well.  I know when they are there, but I don't have to 'see' them in all their gory details.

I also 'see' spirit with a description in my mind.  In that way, I am describing who is there without actually seeing them as a full body image.

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Post by CuriousK » Sun Mar 08, 2009 10:32 pm

ok, sometimes, especially when i'm on my laptop and it's quiet and i'm just reading, i do feel like something touching me sometimes. It's not really a touch, it's more like a feeling as if an insect is crawling on me. Sometimes i feel a really cold feeling on parts of my body (face one time), it feels as if a ice pack was placed on me but it wasn't as freezing.

Sometimes i think i'm imagining it, but i'm becoming more aware of it ever since i've been reading about mediumship, etc.

Are these the feelings people get when spirits are trying to make connection ?

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Mar 09, 2009 6:36 pm

Yes, that is how it comes.  We use all our senses.  And we must remember the skin is our largest organ - they can touch us anywhere and the nerve endings under our skin will react.

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Sadly lacking in visuals to date, but....

Post by sabbath siren » Wed May 20, 2009 9:36 am

On my own, I haven't visually seen too much, although I wish I could.  Once, I was assisted by someone via a very intense neck and shoulder massage which , I guess (because I never saw him again to be able to ask about it) put me into a kind of trance, or hypnotized me.  I saw three figures in all. Of the first my memory is sketchiest- was a man in a white robe with a long white beard and hair.  I remember him speaking to me as though he knew me, but briefly and I don't recall what was said. The other two were people I knew separately who, sadly, each ended their own life.  I recall how they appeared to me quite well.  Best way to describe it is to imagine a colour photograph of a person made out of transparent coloured light- but not bright shining light, more of a soft glow.  I recall something disjointed about having to focus on their wholeness as well as their lips simultaneously to be able to 'hear' them speak to me.  

(It's beside the point of this post but, as a melancholy post script, I will add that one of them, Rebecca, kept saying to me, "don't waste your life, don't waste your life.")

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Post by spiritalk » Wed May 20, 2009 12:21 pm

Flow spirit flow.  Just be open to all sensations on your senses and the psychic awareness will open as well.

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Post by LisaMarie30 » Fri Jun 12, 2009 7:59 am

Primarily through dreams in my case. That's where I get the most detailed communication, visions, etc. Occasionally, it's like a daydream vision. It's more about sensing, and sometimes feeling a touch. On a few occasions, I've seen them too, but generally only in the few seconds upon waking from sleep. Once I fainted (dehydration) as a child, and saw one of my guides standing over me for a few seconds.

I've had much success with automatic writing in the past, but not on the computer (only on paper). And, for the past ten years, anytime I attempt to use a spirit board or automatic writing, something tells me to stop (literally writing out  "stop doing this", lol), and then proceeds to "scold" me until I do.

These days, I've having the best results with tarot cards.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Jun 12, 2009 5:00 pm

There are only 2 windows of time when the dreams we have are about psychic sensitivities.  These are when we enter alpha state of consciousness just as we are falling asleep and when we rise to alpha state just before waking.  The rest of the REM sleep dreams are about our own unresolved emotions from the conscious state.  Even people that come to us in dreams during this time can be symbolic.

With this in mind, what happens in dreams by chance, can happen in meditation by design.  The alpha state in meditation is the same as that on going to sleep, only more alert.

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Post by amalimrock » Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:17 am

I usually see them as a human figure, and I don't see any of the bloody details on them. I sometimes can perceive them with my eyes closed, or when they're open, like a holographic projection. I can also talk to them and hear them talk back. But I don't literally talk, I just imagine myself talking, something like telepathy, so that I won't look like a fool talking to blank space. I'm not sure whether this is considered normal or not. (Possible 4th dimension/etheric plane connection?)

This might be out of topic a little, but I only realized I have also percieved ghosts as a kid. Just in a sense where my brain doesn't consider them as ghosts, but just an imagination. Like one time in a car when I was little, from the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a dog, then when I turned my head and my eyes were looking at it straight on, I thought it ran away (in a car? to where? this is still a mystery) and this repeated about 2 or 3 times throughout the journey in the car.

Nowadays, I also perceive ghosts better with the sides of my eyes (I'd like to call them my fish eyes since they're located by the sides.) On some occasions, I send out a "radar" to detect the location of ghosts. This "radar" hasn't been able to determine the size of the space I'm in yet.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jun 13, 2009 9:55 pm

amalimrock wrote:I usually see them as a human figure, and I don't see any of the bloody details on them. I sometimes can perceive them with my eyes closed, or when they're open, like a holographic projection. I can also talk to them and hear them talk back. But I don't literally talk, I just imagine myself talking, something like telepathy, so that I won't look like a fool talking to blank space. I'm not sure whether this is considered normal or not. (Possible 4th dimension/etheric plane connection?)

J:  We are all such unique people, each will have a unique approach to spirit.  And talking in your head is how spirit hears us with a full conversation.  

This might be out of topic a little, but I only realized I have also percieved ghosts as a kid. Just in a sense where my brain doesn't consider them as ghosts, but just an imagination. Like one time in a car when I was little, from the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a dog, then when I turned my head and my eyes were looking at it straight on, I thought it ran away (in a car? to where? this is still a mystery) and this repeated about 2 or 3 times throughout the journey in the car.

J:  I have heard from other people that peripheral vision is the best - when look right on they don't seem to be there, but when we look at the side, we can see spirit.  I do not have this experience but it is well with those who do.  I tend to sense a shadow around someone, then the mind kicks in with description and message.

Nowadays, I also perceive ghosts better with the sides of my eyes (I'd like to call them my fish eyes since they're located by the sides.) On some occasions, I send out a "radar" to detect the location of ghosts. This "radar" hasn't been able to determine the size of the space I'm in yet.
When we squint from the side of our eyes, we are focusing a bit differently and that is how spirit presence can be 'seen', 'sensed' or otherwise made known to us.

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Re: How do you see spirits?

Post by yowan » Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:08 pm

mystic67 wrote:Fo those of you who have seen spirits, how do you see them. Do you see
them as solid figures or transparent. I have read and head so many differant things on this I'm just curious. When I see them they are as solid
as anyone else, not see through at all. Maybe they appear differantly to
differant people?? Just wondering what your experiences have been :)
Ha, I knew it! It's possible then!

I kept hearing from other psychic or just ordinary people that It's not possible to be able to see them in their full glory. Then inwardly, I threw them back with "You can't, But I'll be". Well, See? Just because they can't, everybody can't. Lolz ::smt003

Now that I know it's possible. My hope just grew. As one of my goals are to be able to communicate with spirits, more like how you do. You're so awesome! and so this place! :smt007

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jun 27, 2009 11:51 pm

For everyone it is a unique experience.  Enjoy the spirit connection in your own way.

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Post by amalimrock » Fri Jul 03, 2009 7:40 am

Had anyone noticed that when you call out to a deceased person, they can be there wherever you are? I have heard cases where people can contact spirits, but their haunting place a far away from where they are. So do ghosts actually have the freedom to "teleport" or something?

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Post by Aegeus » Fri Jul 03, 2009 8:06 am

It's denser energy which would be the more haunting energy and is even so of embodied souls, would be as said denser and harder to move, so more fixed to a location. But as we are all of light and have forgotten so through identification with denser physical energy we can as light move far and fast and communicate in this way also.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jul 04, 2009 3:34 pm

It works on the gross or finer energies.  The material energies keep us stuck to one place, the spirit is free to fly.  

i.e. when a medium attunes to spirit realms (we are also spirit in the body) the communication is open and flowing.  There is no sense of time or space - so we don't know where they are communicating from.

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Post by Autumn Rose » Sat Jun 19, 2010 12:45 am

Do you see spirits with your physical eyes in the same way you would look at an aura or other energy with your physical eyes? Sometimes I think I see what looks like a ball of light. When I see that, my eyes are in the same state that they are in when I look at people's auras.  Do you see spirits like this too?

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